Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.

Fuck off and CALExit......

LOL, without California, the United States would become the world's third largest GDP, more than China, less than the EU.
Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition 2016 Edition

That has nothing at all to do with GDP and its effect on the rest of the country.
They are a drag on the rest of the country... fact

That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own
Fuck off and CALExit......

LOL, without California, the United States would become the world's third largest GDP, more than China, less than the EU.
Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition 2016 Edition

That has nothing at all to do with GDP and its effect on the rest of the country.
They are a drag on the rest of the country... fact

That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
LOL, without California, the United States would become the world's third largest GDP, more than China, less than the EU.
Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition 2016 Edition

That has nothing at all to do with GDP and its effect on the rest of the country.
They are a drag on the rest of the country... fact

That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
It's not because he didn't win it. It's because they are broke because of their own idiotic policies, like having sanctuary cities. They thumb their noses at federal laws and stated that they'll continue even if they are denied federal aid because of it. Now they are finding that their liberal policies are unsustainable, which is always the case, and they expect the rest of the country to bail them out. If they want aid, they need to obey laws. Not difficult.

California has been in trouble for a long time. They waste their budget on their crazy ideas and then the tax payers get IOUs instead of actual refunds. They don't have money for pensions. They've chased tax payers out of the state and their financial trouble is their own doing. If we bail them out, they'll just continue to increase spending on illegal aliens and other stupid shit.

Time for them to learn about having a budget.

It's one thing when states needed help with the Obamacare law because they didn't all want it. Even then, they were on their own when the federal dollars ran out. Why should California be treated special when they haven't even tried to fix their problem?
Even with all of our problems, California pays more in taxes than it receives.

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.

And yet they can't manage their finances.

No you're spreading manure. California is in debt no one will argue about that but we pay our bills and always will. We aren't looking for a free ride from anyone.
Should we ask the right wing, which US States are poorest, and if they are in the South (still looking for their lost clues and their lost Cause)?

Being poor is subjective. I would rather make $12.00 an hour here in Ohio than make $18.00 in New York city. I guarantee you that you'll have a much better lifestyle here at $12.00 an hour.

Unless you have a low IQ. Why in the world you will live in NY if you are only making $18? Normally they commute. You are not a smart person Ray.
I'm so old I remember him saying Trump was not my President and he would fight Trump on everything.
Of course any 3 day old infant is that old too.

The left kept saying how the California economy is so great. Then let them deal with it on their own.

We should cut off the $360+ billions we donate to federal taxes every year then will see what happens to America's economy.
I'm so old I remember him saying Trump was not my President and he would fight Trump on everything.
Of course any 3 day old infant is that old too.

The left kept saying how the California economy is so great. Then let them deal with it on their own.

We should cut off the $360+ billions we donate to federal taxes every year then will see what happens to America's economy.
The State of California does not pay a dime to DC, dufus.
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.
I think the problem is you don't know what unemployment insurance is about. Employers get to choose their insurance company to provide coverage. They can also choose state coverage as well. Either way, it has to be paid into just like house, car, or even renters insurance. The more claims made, the higher the premium is for everybody else. It's one of the reasons employers fight unemployment claims when there is a dispute between employer and employee. The more people collecting unemployment under the employer, the higher his rates go.

Unemployment is not a social program or social safety net other than the mandate that all employers must carry it. Your state can create laws that insurance carriers must accept claims for self-unemployment, but again, the rates will go through the roof since millions of people would opt that to working. Even with the restrictions currently in place, there are people who find a job and work just long enough to collect unemployment and find a way to get fired. Employers are keen to this and don't offer jobs to these scammers.

So petition your state to make self-unemployment a law. We in other states can sure use the industry that will leave your state for ours.
Yes, unemployment compensation is a social safety net. Otherwise, we would have private forms of unemployment insurance available on the market, today.

That is what could happen, with equal protection of the law; more jobs in that sector creating private plans that complement that social safety net.

You really have a reading comprehension problem, don't you? I just explained that yes, unemployment coverage is available through both private companies and public. It is not a social program, it's an insurance.

It's the same as Workman's Compensation. Yes, it is a mandate for businesses, but not a social program. Workman's Compensation is an insurance. Like all insurance, employers have the option to choose which coverage they desire; private or state. No matter who provides the coverage, it's still insurance.
No, it isn't. It is almost treated like an insurance problem; but, that would be illegal to our own laws as implemented if it were.

What law prohibits insurance????

See, this is the problem: you have no idea WTF you're even talking about. It's called UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. It's called WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. If you don't understand the difference between government provided social programs and insurance, it's not a surprise you rant the way you do.
Dear, our police action on drugs, is also called a drug war. Don't believe everything you are told.

If it were a true commercial venture, private insurance companies would have been, "sued into submission" a long time ago for being illegal to a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

People hesitate with a class action due to perceived, sovereign immunity of Government.

No they wouldn't have no more than you can claim fire damage in your home when you didn't have a fire. Unemployment insurance covers you when you become unemployed through no fault of your own, not when you decide you wish to quit working and collect. Nothing illegal about it.

Sent from my iPhone using
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.

LIAR or IGNORANT FOOL ^^^; but I digress.

Farming drained the San Joaquin River, for a real history see this link:

Major Stretch Of San Joaquin River To Flow Year-Round In Effort To Restore Salmon

BTW, CA's water situation has been remedied, and then some by the monsoon which began in November and has dropped copious amounts of rain; those who watch the MSM News know this, and they know of the flooding and spillway collapse of the Oroville Damn; RW hacks have a different reality by watching the Alternative News, listening to the Alternative news on AM Radio or a speech by Kellyanne Conway.
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.

California killed farming? California supplies all the food for one fourth of the nation. The solution to any water shortage is building desalination plants and with the Pacific Ocean as a resource I don't think we have anything to worry about.

That has nothing at all to do with GDP and its effect on the rest of the country.
They are a drag on the rest of the country... fact

That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Crazy Cali is a nanny state and can not be self sufficient...
Last edited:
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.

California killed farming? California supplies all the food for one fourth of the nation. The solution to any water shortage is building desalination plants and with the Pacific Ocean as a resource I don't think we have anything to worry about.
2015 Crop Year Report
In 2015 California's farms and ranches received approximately $47 billion for their output. This represents a decrease of nearly 17 percent compared to 2014.
Weatherman- educating the left since 1978
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.

LIAR or IGNORANT FOOL ^^^; but I digress.

Farming drained the San Joaquin River, for a real history see this link:

Major Stretch Of San Joaquin River To Flow Year-Round In Effort To Restore Salmon

BTW, CA's water situation has been remedied, and then some by the monsoon which began in November and has dropped copious amounts of rain; those who watch the MSM News know this, and they know of the flooding and spillway collapse of the Oroville Damn; RW hacks have a different reality by watching the Alternative News, listening to the Alternative news on AM Radio or a speech by Kellyanne Conway.
Dufus Maximus.
The soon to be empty Oroville dam (not spelled damn, dufus) will cause water shortages from one end of the State to the other this summer.
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.

LIAR or IGNORANT FOOL ^^^; but I digress.

Farming drained the San Joaquin River, for a real history see this link:

Major Stretch Of San Joaquin River To Flow Year-Round In Effort To Restore Salmon

BTW, CA's water situation has been remedied, and then some by the monsoon which began in November and has dropped copious amounts of rain; those who watch the MSM News know this, and they know of the flooding and spillway collapse of the Oroville Damn; RW hacks have a different reality by watching the Alternative News, listening to the Alternative news on AM Radio or a speech by Kellyanne Conway.
Dufus Maximus.
The soon to be empty Oroville dam (not spelled damn, dufus) will cause water shortages from one end of the State to the other this summer.

Duh, Oroville is being repaired, the threat level has dropped to near zero.
That has nothing at all to do with GDP and its effect on the rest of the country.
They are a drag on the rest of the country... fact

That should be saved as the most stupid opinion of the week.
Didn't you fascists CALExit yet.....

It probably won't pass and even if it did you probably wouldn't let us, although Canada has invited us to join along with Oregon and Washington, we would be known as Cascadia.
Eastern Oregon/Washington are like different states than western Oregon/Washington...

So what? that's what trains are for, move em out, get em outta here.

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