Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

Split the the state?

No, Eminent Domain, the favorite tool of your tool.
Spilt the country up by county?

Like blueberries in a sea of red... :lmao:

Fortunately, very few people actually make up the red.
Possession is 9/10 of the law...
People in urban areas should have no control of rural areas...
I don't doubt that was a position the governor took to begin with. wow, funny how things change eh?

"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.
LOL, if you don't understand how California's economic engine affects the rest of the country you are a fool.
yeah, I guess you lost us.
Tit for tat deal.

Federal aid for ending sanctuary status for illegals
Ridiculous! Emergency funding through FEMA or highway funding should be withheld because of a fit of political pique? What kind of free world do you imagine here?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?
it's called negotiating. when is the left going to learn how?
Here's some negotiating for you. I pay federal taxes. My town is in trouble. Help us as mandated or we will withhold all revenues due to the federal government and invest that capital in local bonds to insure us against further political pressure from the next huckster buffoon in the White House.
Obastard refused aid from a hurricane and refused aid to Texas from wild fire damage. Wasn't that his decision?
Ridiculous! Emergency funding through FEMA or highway funding should be withheld because of a fit of political pique? What kind of free world do you imagine here?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?
it's called negotiating. when is the left going to learn how?
Here's some negotiating for you. I pay federal taxes. My town is in trouble. Help us as mandated or we will withhold all revenues due to the federal government and invest that capital in local bonds to insure us against further political pressure from the next huckster buffoon in the White House.
Obastard refused aid from a hurricane and refused aid to Texas from wild fire damage. Wasn't that his decision?
he was allowed to keep their money. ask CC.
Ridiculous! Emergency funding through FEMA or highway funding should be withheld because of a fit of political pique? What kind of free world do you imagine here?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?
it's called negotiating. when is the left going to learn how?
Here's some negotiating for you. I pay federal taxes. My town is in trouble. Help us as mandated or we will withhold all revenues due to the federal government and invest that capital in local bonds to insure us against further political pressure from the next huckster buffoon in the White House.
Obastard refused aid from a hurricane and refused aid to Texas from wild fire damage. Wasn't that his decision?
Which hurricane where and when?
You really have a reading comprehension problem, don't you? I just explained that yes, unemployment coverage is available through both private companies and public. It is not a social program, it's an insurance.

It's the same as Workman's Compensation. Yes, it is a mandate for businesses, but not a social program. Workman's Compensation is an insurance. Like all insurance, employers have the option to choose which coverage they desire; private or state. No matter who provides the coverage, it's still insurance.
No, it isn't. It is almost treated like an insurance problem; but, that would be illegal to our own laws as implemented if it were.

What law prohibits insurance????

See, this is the problem: you have no idea WTF you're even talking about. It's called UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. It's called WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. If you don't understand the difference between government provided social programs and insurance, it's not a surprise you rant the way you do.
Dear, our police action on drugs, is also called a drug war. Don't believe everything you are told.

If it were a true commercial venture, private insurance companies would have been, "sued into submission" a long time ago for being illegal to a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

People hesitate with a class action due to perceived, sovereign immunity of Government.

No they wouldn't have no more than you can claim fire damage in your home when you didn't have a fire. Unemployment insurance covers you when you become unemployed through no fault of your own, not when you decide you wish to quit working and collect. Nothing illegal about it.

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Just appealing to ignorance of the law? Employment is at the will of either party. It really is that simple.

Yes it is, but insurance isn't.
I'm so old I remember him saying Trump was not my President and he would fight Trump on everything.
Of course any 3 day old infant is that old too.

The left kept saying how the California economy is so great. Then let them deal with it on their own.

We should cut off the $360+ billions we donate to federal taxes every year then will see what happens to America's economy.
The State of California does not pay a dime to DC, dufus.

Really? So where does our federal taxes go?
I'm so old I remember him saying Trump was not my President and he would fight Trump on everything.
Of course any 3 day old infant is that old too.

The left kept saying how the California economy is so great. Then let them deal with it on their own.

We should cut off the $360+ billions we donate to federal taxes every year then will see what happens to America's economy.
The State of California does not pay a dime to DC, dufus.

Really? So where does our federal taxes go?
Learn to read, dufus.
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Crazy Cali is a nanny state and can not be self sufficient...

The 6th largest economy of the world ......... best in the nation. You call us crazy? Can you name a state that can sustain by itself?
You are one crazy dude.
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Crazy Cali is a nanny state and can not be self sufficient...

The 6th largest economy of the world ......... best in the nation. You call us crazy? Can you name a state that can sustain by itself?
You are one crazy dude.
Texas has a gold reserve and creates more energy than it uses. Fully self sustaining.
Next question.
I'm so old I remember him saying Trump was not my President and he would fight Trump on everything.
Of course any 3 day old infant is that old too.

The left kept saying how the California economy is so great. Then let them deal with it on their own.

We should cut off the $360+ billions we donate to federal taxes every year then will see what happens to America's economy.
The State of California does not pay a dime to DC, dufus.

Really? So where does our federal taxes go?
that's a damn fine question there jack. Where do they go?
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Calif killed farming for the sake of a 3" fish that is not on the endangered list, it imports both electricity and water because it has not built an infrastructure to be self sustaining. In fact, with the shutdown of 2 major power plants the last few years is totally dependent upon other States. And the loss of the Colorado river to Arizona and building trains to nowhere instead of desalination plants has Calif begging for water.

LIAR or IGNORANT FOOL ^^^; but I digress.

Farming drained the San Joaquin River, for a real history see this link:

Major Stretch Of San Joaquin River To Flow Year-Round In Effort To Restore Salmon

BTW, CA's water situation has been remedied, and then some by the monsoon which began in November and has dropped copious amounts of rain; those who watch the MSM News know this, and they know of the flooding and spillway collapse of the Oroville Damn; RW hacks have a different reality by watching the Alternative News, listening to the Alternative news on AM Radio or a speech by Kellyanne Conway.
Dufus Maximus.
The soon to be empty Oroville dam (not spelled damn, dufus) will cause water shortages from one end of the State to the other this summer.

It's overflowing and leaking because of too much water. Why would it be empty?
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Crazy Cali is a nanny state and can not be self sufficient...

The 6th largest economy of the world ......... best in the nation. You call us crazy? Can you name a state that can sustain by itself?
You are one crazy dude.
why do they believe they can?
Crazy Cali depends on other states for water, energy and food... they could never stand on their own

Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Crazy Cali is a nanny state and can not be self sufficient...

The 6th largest economy of the world ......... best in the nation. You call us crazy? Can you name a state that can sustain by itself?
You are one crazy dude.
Texas has a gold reserve and creates more energy than it uses. Fully self sustaining.
Next question.
doesn't California use Texas energy? haven't they always been a little short on energy?

I know they've been short on other things too. LOL
Tit for tat deal.

Federal aid for ending sanctuary status for illegals
Ridiculous! Emergency funding through FEMA or highway funding should be withheld because of a fit of political pique? What kind of free world do you imagine here?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.
Ridiculous! Emergency funding through FEMA or highway funding should be withheld because of a fit of political pique? What kind of free world do you imagine here?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.
how the fk do you know how NAZI works? How dare you even mention their name in reference to the US or anyone, people sacrificed and died to fight them and you give them credence by using them as a model. shame on your sorry ass. You have no knowledge of anything that occurred nor what survivors suffer through. You stomp on their suffering and the graves of those who were tortured by them. You name one person in this country who's done that first off.
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Ridiculous! Emergency funding through FEMA or highway funding should be withheld because of a fit of political pique? What kind of free world do you imagine here?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.

Does California have the right to neglect its responsibility to their citizens?

Did California have the responsibility to keep Christine Rousselle safe?
DUH, did you forget the almost $12 billion spent on Katrina? Your numbers are skewed to the state with the biggest emergency in a time period whether that be Loma Prieta, Sandy, or WTC.

Not my numbers, Dufus Boi. Are you going to claim those ratios change over the next decade and a half, and become even higher for some Obama Preferred States' under his 8 years? Hahahahaha .....

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