Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.
how the fk do you know how NAZI works? How dare you even mention their name in reference to the US or anyone, people sacrificed and died to fight them and you give them credence by using them as a model. shame on your sorry ass. You have no knowledge of anything that occurred nor what survivors suffer through. You stomp on their suffering and the graves of those who were tortured by them. You name one person in this country who's done that first off.

Dude you keep babbling your stupid opinion....... I'm just giving you an example how stupid you are. Since when a president will withhold funding that we already paid? Since when a president will withhold funding to any disaster?
one that must have compliance to exist. D'oh
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.

Does California have the right to neglect its responsibility to their citizens?

Did California have the responsibility to keep Christine Rousselle safe?

Explain. what neglecting the responsibilities to citizens?
"Art of the Deal"
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.

That's dumb. Really? Why don't you compare us to any of of the states from................ economy, unemployment, federal taxes, crimes, drugiest ............ to best place to visit.
Republicans win without KKKalifornia. Let them reap what they have sown.

So you don't have nothing to compare. You are dismissed.
yep owning the upper hand. the advantage. the want from your opponent. Funny cali put themselves up as an opponent rather than working with him oximoron much?

Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.

That's dumb. Really? Why don't you compare us to any of of the states from................ economy, unemployment, federal taxes, crimes, drugiest ............ to best place to visit.
Republicans win without KKKalifornia. Let them reap what they have sown.

So you don't have nothing to compare. You are dismissed.
why, you wanted nothing to do with the rest of the country. fk off.
Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.
LOL, if you don't understand how California's economic engine affects the rest of the country you are a fool.
California can spend $68B on a train to nowhere and $25B a year giving illegals freebies, it can afford to fix a concrete spillway that failed because of neglect from Sacramento

That's dumb #2. Since when you build a train that goes to no where?
Dumb #3. The Oroville has nothing to do with the neglect. It is has something to do nature just like those tornadoes that hit Oklahoma every year.
Yes, why have Democrats decided to spend billions on a train to nowhere?
And do tell us what happened when it was brought to everyone's attention that the dam could fail.

You are a dishonest human being.

So you have a link when it was brought to everyone's attention?
So because San Francisco declares itself a sanctuary city, the American citizens of Oroville must suffer the consequences? Because a municipality does one thing counter to the regime, every other municipality gets shafted due to political pique?

That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.

Does California have the right to neglect its responsibility to their citizens?

Did California have the responsibility to keep Christine Rousselle safe?

Explain. what neglecting the responsibilities to citizens?

Keeping them safe, by sending illegal immigrants back across the border.

Isn't that part of the job?

Keeping their citizens safe?
Only the sleaziest could justify denying emergency help as pay back for any other political differences.

This is about Trump living up to his responsibilities to the American people. It's not about political tit for tat.
oh now it's not tit for tat. I'm tired of you libs thinking you are owed something. the tit for tat has been going on since Jan 20th. But what the fk you don't give two shits right? Now you don't want pay back and going to make that statement? fk off.

This is not about what we owe or they owe........ it's about what is fair and rights.

Just like where the hell you live. When you ask for disaster relief from the president? You expect a help will come. That is how it works. Stupid.
Only the sleaziest could justify denying emergency help as pay back for any other political differences.

This is about Trump living up to his responsibilities to the American people. It's not about political tit for tat.
oh now it's not tit for tat. I'm tired of you libs thinking you are owed something. the tit for tat has been going on since Jan 20th. But what the fk you don't give two shits right? Now you don't want pay back and going to make that statement? fk off.

This is not about what we owe or they owe........ it's about what is fair and rights.

Just like where the hell you live. When you ask for disaster relief from the president? You expect a help will come. That is how it works. Stupid.
oh now it's about what is fair and right? ahhhhhh so only when you think so does it matter. Start playing American games and maybe we'll reinclude your sorry asses.
Food? the breadbasket for the nation? Energy? the third largest producer? Water? A desalination system and the Pacific ocean? You're the ones with problems.
Crazy Cali is a nanny state and can not be self sufficient...

The 6th largest economy of the world ......... best in the nation. You call us crazy? Can you name a state that can sustain by itself?
You are one crazy dude.
Texas has a gold reserve and creates more energy than it uses. Fully self sustaining.
Next question.
doesn't California use Texas energy? haven't they always been a little short on energy?

I know they've been short on other things too. LOL

How can we use Texas energy?
I have no idea, I didn't set it up. you never heard about it? go look it up on the internet or can't you do that either? man you all are lazy fks.
States cannot refuse to enforce federal laws. Trump can activate the national guard and force all of the states and cities to enforce the LAW. That includes all immigration laws since they have decided they have a say in them. As for the disaster relief, Trump will probably do like his predecessor and take his time to decide if it is needed for his attackers. You slap the man everytime he acts so he will probabaly wait and decide what you piles of dogshit can use against him if he signs it. I can hear the damn lies and all the talking points NOW "Trump spends billions and increases the deficit by (whatever IS SPENT IN CALIFORNICATE) SO WE NEED TO REMOVE HIM". SCREW YOU PILES OF WORTHLES DOGSHIT IS WHAT I WOULD SAY. Let them get some money from soros and shitbitch. HAHAHA you are loosing more each day, and soon you will see the REAL shit hit your beloved scum. The Flynn thing will really put the spotlight on you shit of the earth idols. Stay tuned to the DNCs death.
Messing with California is not a winner. Trump loses credibility across the board by every state that has to deal with him. The whole posture is ridiculous and beneath an adult who happens to be president.
Trump does not need California. I hope Republicans make California an example for what happens being such morons who fail to take care of the safety of it's people.

That's dumb. Really? Why don't you compare us to any of of the states from................ economy, unemployment, federal taxes, crimes, drugiest ............ to best place to visit.
Republicans win without KKKalifornia. Let them reap what they have sown.

So you don't have nothing to compare. You are dismissed.
why, you wanted nothing to do with the rest of the country. fk off.

Pay attention dude. Your friend said.... Trump does not need California. That's probably one of the top 10 dumbest I ever heard.

And WHY should I fuck off when you and your buddies keep babbling all these lies and falsehood about California?

Why do you hate your fellow Americans? Where the hell do you live anyway?
My god, scumbag bought off GOP and their brainwashed hater dupes are now functional bottom feeders. NOTHING is below their hyper partisan hate and brainwashed misinformation.

BTW, this, the bridge in Minn., Flint, the pipes most places,our crap infrastructure in general, etc etc etc, are what you get after 30 years of Reaganist pander to the rich tax rates, dupes. Great job!
Oh so states have no responsibility in managing and maintaining their infrastructure, the feds responsibility? So what actually do the residents of the state assume responsibility for? Where do their hard earned taxes go, to feeding the pensions plans that were doomed from the start?
Hey Franco, Reagan left the White House almost 30 years ago, nice try. Please don't stop, love the pathetic spin and blame game.
That's the way Trumpty Dumpty thinks so that's the way he pays back his revenge.
it's called having the upper hand. It's what all of the mayors in the sanctuary cities think they have. D'oh cali just got burned. what goes around, comes around. don't you fking libs know anything?

That is how NAZI work but America doesn't work that way Dude.
I pay my federal tax and I expect help when I need help just like you paid your car insurance Dude.
Just because we don't agree with that buffoon in the White House that doesn't mean he is allowed to neglect his responsibility to the state of California which part of the USA.
But I do dare him to cut off off those funding and say no then will see how this country will turn up.

Does California have the right to neglect its responsibility to their citizens?

Did California have the responsibility to keep Christine Rousselle safe?

Explain. what neglecting the responsibilities to citizens?

1. Keeping them safe, by sending illegal immigrants back across the border.

Isn't that part of the job?

2. Keeping their citizens safe?

1. Why? That is the federal job.

2. Talking about safe. We have the highest number of illegals and we have the highest population (2016 39+ millions) in America. And yet we are *NUMBER 17* when it comes to crimes compared to other states.
Just a suggestion......... What if we divide the population California then compared them your states?

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