Governor Palin: Caribou Have To 'Take One For The Team' So We Can Expand Oil Pipelines (So True!)

Huh? Her accent is American and her sentences give the appearance of impeccable education.

Still no proof, Leftists?
Her accent is Alaskan bordering on Canadian which sounds really stupid. And it seems as though she got most of her National political education done after McCain selected her as his VP whether than before and it sounds as if she simply parrots other right wingers words without completely understanding what it is she's saying.

You want to lose another election continue confusing any differing opinions of your own as left wing. Continue being closed minded and hard assed.
You actually think Palin lost that election? Your irrational hatred for the woman is blinding you.
I think the Rhino, McCain, lost that election and I have no hatred for Sarah Palin.
Palin was a poor choice; anybody should have known enough to check out her kid.

That said, that idiotic "Campaign Suspension" so that McCain could rush to DC and "save the American economy" is the one thing that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Bad as Obama is, we got off easy.

McCain would have rolled over to the Dem Congress, and in a spirit of "bipartisanship", McCain kowtowing to his masters Pelosi and Reid would have fundamentally transformed America into a bigger mess than even the one we have today.
If McCain won then Hillary would be a shoe in in 2016.
You mean 2012.
What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."
I voted for Bob Bar in that election, Libertarian candidate.
Way to throw your vote away. I approve.

Voting for the person you truly want to lead this country is never throwing it away. The two party system in which both parties act the same is a wasted vote.

A whole lot of liberals threw their vote away in 2000 voting for Nader in Florida,

and gave Bush the election. I wonder how many of them feel that was worth it.
I voted for Bob Bar in that election, Libertarian candidate.
Way to throw your vote away. I approve.

Voting for the person you truly want to lead this country is never throwing it away. The two party system in which both parties act the same is a wasted vote.

A whole lot of liberals threw their vote away in 2000 voting for Nader in Florida,

and gave Bush the election. I wonder how many of them feel that was worth it.
Hopefully all of them.
I voted for Bob Bar in that election, Libertarian candidate.
Way to throw your vote away. I approve.

Voting for the person you truly want to lead this country is never throwing it away. The two party system in which both parties act the same is a wasted vote.

A whole lot of liberals threw their vote away in 2000 voting for Nader in Florida,

and gave Bush the election. I wonder how many of them feel that was worth it.

You've yet to understand how utterly useless it is to say somebody threw their vote away when they can just as easily say you did by voting for Republicrats. No vote that's made with true conscience is ever wasted, and maybe it's time we broke up the 2 party system.
What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

Yes you can tell, she has no ability to put a clear thought down in sentence form.

What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

Yes you can tell, she has no ability to put a clear thought down in sentence form.


And without a prompter, he's an asshat, just like the rest of you!
What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

Yes you can tell, she has no ability to put a clear thought down in sentence form.


And without a prompter, he's an asshat, just like the rest of you!

When someone hands you your ass , this is your typical reaction.
Keep up your insanity!

What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

Yes you can tell, she has no ability to put a clear thought down in sentence form.


And without a prompter, he's an asshat, just like the rest of you!
Someone's comedic work compared to real life and reality!!
Ummm!! Let's see what is real and what is fantasy!
Nice try with the childish reply.

What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

Yes you can tell, she has no ability to put a clear thought down in sentence form.


And without a prompter, he's an asshat, just like the rest of you!

And Palin speaks the common sense truth.

Tell us about her fetish for black guys.

Tell us one example of Sarah Palin being stupid.
Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes - Top 10 Stupid Palin Quotes

Thw Most Ridiculous Sarah Palin Quotes Ever

Let Sarah Speak The 20 Best Quotes from Sarah Palin - John Hawkins - Page full

Sarah Palin Quotes- BrainyQuote

I have to admit, two of my favorites were not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is and not knowing the names of any magazines or newspapers.
When someone hands you your ass , this is your typical reaction.
Keep up your insanity!

What is exceedingly ironic is the right get all upset and curse at those on the left when they bring something out about palin and tell them why they are afraid of her. Yet they bring up her name all the time, what in the hell do they expect. Yet , it seems they bring up her name after she makes some real foolish remark. Like she did this past republican meeting in Iowa.
"Things must change for our government. Look at it. It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo. Another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, ‘Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride.’ That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent. So strengthen it. Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election."


And she did it WITHOUT a teleprompter!!!!

Yes you can tell, she has no ability to put a clear thought down in sentence form.


And without a prompter, he's an asshat, just like the rest of you!

#4 seems to cover you perfectly!

And Palin speaks the common sense truth.

Tell us about her fetish for black guys.

Tell us one example of Sarah Palin being stupid.
Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes - Top 10 Stupid Palin Quotes

Thw Most Ridiculous Sarah Palin Quotes Ever

Let Sarah Speak The 20 Best Quotes from Sarah Palin - John Hawkins - Page full

Sarah Palin Quotes- BrainyQuote

I have to admit, two of my favorites were not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is and not knowing the names of any magazines or newspapers.

Why read them when you can watch the incompetent asshat say them himself?
And Palin speaks the common sense truth.

Tell us about her fetish for black guys.

Tell us one example of Sarah Palin being stupid.
Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes - Top 10 Stupid Palin Quotes

Thw Most Ridiculous Sarah Palin Quotes Ever

Let Sarah Speak The 20 Best Quotes from Sarah Palin - John Hawkins - Page full

Sarah Palin Quotes- BrainyQuote

I have to admit, two of my favorites were not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is and not knowing the names of any magazines or newspapers.

Reeks of desperation.

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