Governor Palin: Caribou Have To 'Take One For The Team' So We Can Expand Oil Pipelines (So True!)


The caribou herds have increased as they have their calves by the pipelines which provide warmth, allowing more to survive - and the pipelines, because of the warmth, cause more greenery/food to grow all along it.

I think those might be moose, lol, but I'll happily stand corrected if you can prove otherwise.

Moose, deer, elk, all live their and use the pipeline for the same purpose, but thanks for pointing out that MUCH MORE than Caribou use it to make their lives a little better.
It seems there's just a lot of irrational hatred for Sarah Palin that defies explanation, even by idiot conservatives. Nothing they say about her is true, but they hate her anyway.

Maybe they hate her God too.
They HAVE been "putting money into fusion research" for over 50 years. With nuclear fusion, you need around 100 million degrees F to get a sustainable reaction. They are no where even close to breaking even (Getting as much energy out as you have to put in to it). They may NEVER get fusion to be energy-efficient enough the even use to generate energy for public consumption. Many countries are working on fusion, Including the USA. we don't need to throw MORE taxpayer money at it. More money=waste and fraud.
There were many attempts at flying for many more than 50 years before it succeeded. They're getting closer and closer and once they do it will easily deliver more energy than has to be put in.

Fusion power - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You wont see fusion-generated electric power for another 50 to 100-200 years, IF ever.
What type of energy would YOU propose that we use for the massive amounts of power the USA needs to function?
Our power plants are getting older and older and the population is getting more and more.
IF something isn't done to increase our power supply, we will have less and less power for the country... A LOT LESS.
Do you know how many years it takes to build a power-plant, starting from "deciding that you want a power-plant, and where to build it"?
We have everything that works, oil, gas, coal and nuclear, anything else is politics and greed.
We have over 200 years of coal in the USA, not including the hundreds of years of oil and all the untapped natural gas in the USA. Nuclear is renewable resource, they are called fast-breeder-reactors that create more fuel than the consume.
Sure we have plenty, but there are all sorts of pollution concerns that you don't get with fusion power.
We may NEVER have nucleare-fusion.
They haven't even "broke even" with fusion, when do you think fusion would be able to produce MORE ENERGY that it USES?
All these "people" with their tits in a wringer, whining about how Global Warming or Global something-or-other is going to destroy the entire planet! Whining whilst cowering in their basements furiously blogging away on their power-hungry computers when they should be out naked in the streets shouting their concerns.

Their fearful sweat hangs heavy on the morning air! Like the fragrance of a sewage lagoon on a hot humid day.
Its true that she sounds stupid because of her accent and the way she forms her sentences.

Huh? Her accent is American and her sentences give the appearance of impeccable education.

Still no proof, Leftists?
Her accent is Alaskan bordering on Canadian which sounds really stupid. And it seems as though she got most of her National political education done after McCain selected her as his VP whether than before and it sounds as if she simply parrots other right wingers words without completely understanding what it is she's saying.

You want to lose another election continue confusing any differing opinions of your own as left wing. Continue being closed minded and hard assed.
You actually think Palin lost that election? Your irrational hatred for the woman is blinding you.
I think the Rhino, McCain, lost that election and I have no hatred for Sarah Palin.
Palin was a poor choice; anybody should have known enough to check out her kid.

That said, that idiotic "Campaign Suspension" so that McCain could rush to DC and "save the American economy" is the one thing that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Bad as Obama is, we got off easy.

McCain would have rolled over to the Dem Congress, and in a spirit of "bipartisanship", McCain kowtowing to his masters Pelosi and Reid would have fundamentally transformed America into a bigger mess than even the one we have today.
If McCain won then Hillary would be a shoe in in 2016.
If McCain won then Hillary would be a shoe in in 2016.

In 2016?

Who can be sure that, in her damaged brain she doesn't believe she IS a "shoe" already?

It wouldn't surprise me. They inject Botox which is a nerve toxin, and we know that drugs we put into our body never fully disappear. It wouldn't surprise me if Pelosi, Hildabeast, and many other Leftist women have Botox on the brain.
If McCain won then Hillary would be a shoe in in 2016.

In 2016?

Who can be sure that, in her damaged brain she doesn't believe she IS a "shoe" already?

It wouldn't surprise me. They inject Botox which is a nerve toxin, and we know that drugs we put into our body never fully disappear. It wouldn't surprise me if Pelosi, Hildabeast, and many other Leftist women have Botox on the brain.

Not only the women. Have you taken a good look at Biden, Lurch Kerry? their skin has been pulled so tight they are almost scary looking. It give me the creeps

Democrats have nothing but a bunch of old vogues in their party that they need to get facelifts to try and appear young. that's how sad that party has become. but theyre going to milk us taxpayers until they have to carry them out of Government on a gurney
But, WE DON'T HAVE NUCLEAR FUSION!!! We may NEVER have nucleare-fusion. They haven't even "broke even" with fusion, when do you think fusion would be able to produce MORE ENERGY that it USES?
That's why we need more research. To bring closer the estimated 40-50 years before a working power plant would be available. I'm sorry, but the positives are too great to succumb to your negativity.
Let me get this straight.....

An idiot says an idiotic thing, and Steve eats it up with a spoon.

All's normal here folks!

The caribou herds have increased as they have their calves by the pipelines which provide warmth, allowing more to survive - and the pipelines, because of the warmth, cause more greenery/food to grow all along it.

I think those might be moose, lol, but I'll happily stand corrected if you can prove otherwise.

Moose, deer, elk, all live their and use the pipeline for the same purpose, but thanks for pointing out that MUCH MORE than Caribou use it to make their lives a little better.

So you're trying to prove Palin wrong? She's admitting she believes it harms caribou.
But, WE DON'T HAVE NUCLEAR FUSION!!! We may NEVER have nucleare-fusion. They haven't even "broke even" with fusion, when do you think fusion would be able to produce MORE ENERGY that it USES?
That's why we need more research. To bring closer the estimated 40-50 years before a working power plant would be available. I'm sorry, but the positives are too great to succumb to your negativity.

Translation: Because it may never happen, we need to spend more money on it so that never can come sooner.
So I guess the Keystone Pipeline will return millions of bison, and the Indians,

to the Great Plains!

Translation: Because it may never happen, we need to spend more money on it so that never can come sooner.
We need to spend more money because the upside is so great and there are no obstacles that can't be overcome.
the upside is so great

You think it would be great. The fact is we can't know what the "upside" would be. We don't know how much net energy is even possible to produce. And we can't yet know the full extent of the potential negative consequences.

and there are no obstacles that can't be overcome.

That is an outrageous assumption. Indeed, there are many obstacles, and so far we have been unable to overcome them. Just because you want something to be possible does not mean that it can be possible.
the upside is so great
You think it would be great. The fact is we can't know what the "upside" would be. We don't know how much net energy is even possible to produce. And we can't yet know the full extent of the potential negative consequences.
and there are no obstacles that can't be overcome.
That is an outrageous assumption. Indeed, there are many obstacles, and so far we have been unable to overcome them. Just because you want something to be possible does not mean that it can be possible.
The upside would be a nearly unlimited source of energy without pollutants or CO2 being emitted. The obstacles ARE being overcome and fusion power becomes closer to reality daily. You obviously haven't reviewed the website cited earlier. ITER - the way to new energy
The upside would be a nearly unlimited source of energy

Pure bullshit. Fusion occurs now, but no energy is produced. Because it does not yield enough to pay for the energy that goes into making it happen. IF fusion ever becomes a way to generate net energy, you have no idea how much net it will yield. So shut down the fantasy and get with reality.

without pollutants or CO2 being emitted.

Completely made up idea in your head. Not only are you ignoring the potential nuclear pollution, you have no idea what the net effect on CO2 emissions might be. I bet you think electric cars don't emit any CO2, amiright?

The obstacles ARE being overcome and fusion power becomes closer to reality daily. You obviously haven't reviewed the website cited earlier. ITER - the way to new energy

Yeah, it's like a cure for AIDS. We're getting closer every day. I'm sure that the people collecting government money to develop fusion technology are very assertive when they say that they are getting closer every day. I'm sure they sound very sincere when they say they need more money. After all, if they were to say that it's never going to work, they'd all be out of jobs tomorrow when the money stops flowing.

The caribou herds have increased as they have their calves by the pipelines which provide warmth, allowing more to survive - and the pipelines, because of the warmth, cause more greenery/food to grow all along it.

I think those might be moose, lol, but I'll happily stand corrected if you can prove otherwise.

Moose, deer, elk, all live their and use the pipeline for the same purpose, but thanks for pointing out that MUCH MORE than Caribou use it to make their lives a little better.

So you're trying to prove Palin wrong? She's admitting she believes it harms caribou.

She does? Show me where, and if so, I'll say she wrong, if you can't show it to me, I'll call you a liar! Fair enough?

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