Governor Palin: Caribou Have To 'Take One For The Team' So We Can Expand Oil Pipelines (So True!)

In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked


That must be where she gets pounded by black basketball players
So that's where the black basketball players have been pounding you! Informative!
Oh I see what you did there. You took my post and replaced Palin with me. How original. :rolleyes:

I guess I should be thankful that you didnt post another meme.

You aren't worth posting a meme, JustEatDick! But if you were, it would be the one with your head up your ass!
In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked


That must be where she gets pounded by black basketball players

Either you see through Steve_McGarrett's act and are calling him on his thinly veiled racism and bigotry toward Jews and minorities, or you really believe that black basketball players are animals. I don't know whether to click agree or put you on ignore.
I'll leave that for you to decide.
In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked


That must be where she gets pounded by black basketball players
So that's where the black basketball players have been pounding you! Informative!
Oh I see what you did there. You took my post and replaced Palin with me. How original. :rolleyes:

I guess I should be thankful that you didnt post another meme.

You aren't worth posting a meme, JustEatDick! But if you were, it would be the one with your head up your ass!
Oooo, good one, VaginaLatte :thup:
In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked


That must be where she gets pounded by black basketball players
So that's where the black basketball players have been pounding you! Informative!
Oh I see what you did there. You took my post and replaced Palin with me. How original. :rolleyes:

I guess I should be thankful that you didnt post another meme.

You aren't worth posting a meme, JustEatDick! But if you were, it would be the one with your head up your ass!
Oooo, good one, VaginaLatte :thup:

They always are with you, a large, slow moving target!

That must be where she gets pounded by black basketball players
So that's where the black basketball players have been pounding you! Informative!
Oh I see what you did there. You took my post and replaced Palin with me. How original. :rolleyes:

I guess I should be thankful that you didnt post another meme.

You aren't worth posting a meme, JustEatDick! But if you were, it would be the one with your head up your ass!
Oooo, good one, VaginaLatte :thup:

They always are with you, a large, slow moving target!
You need to learn how to read sarcasm
So that's where the black basketball players have been pounding you! Informative!
Oh I see what you did there. You took my post and replaced Palin with me. How original. :rolleyes:

I guess I should be thankful that you didnt post another meme.

You aren't worth posting a meme, JustEatDick! But if you were, it would be the one with your head up your ass!
Oooo, good one, VaginaLatte :thup:

They always are with you, a large, slow moving target!
You need to learn how to read sarcasm

You aren't nuanced enough to use it! Call a 5th grader for lessons!
In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked


That must be where she gets pounded by black basketball players

Either you see through Steve_McGarrett's act and are calling him on his thinly veiled racism and bigotry toward Jews and minorities, or you really believe that black basketball players are animals. I don't know whether to click agree or put you on ignore.
I'll leave that for you to decide.


The caribou herds have increased as they have their calves by the pipelines which provide warmth, allowing more to survive - and the pipelines, because of the warmth, cause more greenery/food to grow all along it.

I think those might be moose, lol, but I'll happily stand corrected if you can prove otherwise.
What Palin doesn't get is that with oil prices this low, any major expansion of drilling in the US can't happen.
It only took Daisy Mae Mooseburger 6 years and 5 colleges to get a 4-year degree in sports journalism. She was on the 6-5-4 plan.

Palin Attended 5 Colleges In 6 Years
So. I've known many people who attended that many colleges and took years to graduate due to the fact they wanted to experience different parts of the country and its culture. Its extremely common. And to correct you, Palin got her bachelors in Communications with a emphasis in Journalism

Okay, I stand corrected about her degree. So, she got a degree in Communications? Damn, just imagine what her communication skills must have been like before she started. I wonder if she can diagram any of her own sentences?
What is your degree?

Native American basket weaving?
We'd do better putting money into fusion research.

ITER - the way to new energy
They HAVE been "putting money into fussion research" for over 50 years.
With nuclear fusion, you need around 100 million defrees F to get a sustainable reaction.
They are no where even close to breaking even (Getting as much energy out as you have to put in to it).
They may NEVER get fusion to be energy-efficient enough the even use to generate energy for public consumption.
Many countries are working on fusion, Including the USA. we don't need to throw MORE taxpayer money at it.
More money=waste and fraud.
That seems to be all the proof you Leftwats have always had, being called stupid is proof of being stupid. You vermin have never been able to cite a single reason that she's stupid, but that doesn't stop you from screaming it at the top of your lungs. So the only one I see here being stupid is you.
Its true that she sounds stupid because of her accent and the way she forms her sentences.

Huh? Her accent is American and her sentences give the appearance of impeccable education.

Still no proof, Leftists?
Her accent is Alaskan bordering on Canadian which sounds really stupid. And it seems as though she got most of her National political education done after McCain selected her as his VP whether than before and it sounds as if she simply parrots other right wingers words without completely understanding what it is she's saying.

You want to lose another election continue confusing any differing opinions of your own as left wing. Continue being closed minded and hard assed.
You actually think Palin lost that election? Your irrational hatred for the woman is blinding you.
I think the Rhino, McCain, lost that election and I have no hatred for Sarah Palin.
Palin was a poor choice; anybody should have known enough to check out her kid.

That said, that idiotic "Campaign Suspension" so that McCain could rush to DC and "save the American economy" is the one thing that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Bad as Obama is, we got off easy.

McCain would have rolled over to the Dem Congress, and in a spirit of "bipartisanship", McCain kowtowing to his masters Pelosi and Reid would have fundamentally transformed America into a bigger mess than even the one we have today.
We have everything that works, oil, gas, coal and nuclear, anything else is politics and greed.
We have over 200 years of coal in the USA, not including the hundreds of years of oil and all thge untapprd natural gas in the USA.
Nuclear is renewable resource, they are called fast-breader-reactors that create more fuel than the consume.
They HAVE been "putting money into fusion research" for over 50 years. With nuclear fusion, you need around 100 million degrees F to get a sustainable reaction. They are no where even close to breaking even (Getting as much energy out as you have to put in to it). They may NEVER get fusion to be energy-efficient enough the even use to generate energy for public consumption. Many countries are working on fusion, Including the USA. we don't need to throw MORE taxpayer money at it. More money=waste and fraud.
There were many attempts at flying for many more than 50 years before it succeeded. They're getting closer and closer and once they do it will easily deliver more energy than has to be put in.

Fusion power - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We have everything that works, oil, gas, coal and nuclear, anything else is politics and greed.
We have over 200 years of coal in the USA, not including the hundreds of years of oil and all the untapped natural gas in the USA. Nuclear is renewable resource, they are called fast-breeder-reactors that create more fuel than the consume.
Sure we have plenty, but there are all sorts of pollution concerns that you don't get with fusion power.

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