Govt says walmart must pay for EBT shoppers that exceeded limit

Interesting, I think the Government should pay for all the lost merchandise. It was a glitch in THEIR program that caused this.

Wrong - It was Walmart's decision to ok transactions that were not authorized by the debit account. Tax payers are not at fault & should not have to pay a dime for this failure. This issue is between Walmart & the shoppers who they let take their merchandise.

JPMorganChase issued the EBT cards & subbed it's network out to Xerox. Walmart was issuing shoppers credit, because they were not authorized to charge the EBT account. Walmart has to eat any credit defaulted on by it's customers.

If they refused, what would the chances be that it would have started a riot? If you don't know me, I think on both sides of the coin.

No doubt. But, it kind of looks like there was already a riot.
so a riot starts....but what if it didnt...and once they begin to can arrest and press charges....i think walmart was more than a willing accomplish in all of this
Interesting, I think the Government should pay for all the lost merchandise. It was a glitch in THEIR program that caused this.

Wrong - It was Walmart's decision to ok transactions that were not authorized by the debit account. Tax payers are not at fault & should not have to pay a dime for this failure. This issue is between Walmart & the shoppers who they let take their merchandise.

JPMorganChase issued the EBT cards & subbed it's network out to Xerox. Walmart was issuing shoppers credit, because they were not authorized to charge the EBT account. Walmart has to eat any credit defaulted on by it's customers.

If they refused, what would the chances be that it would have started a riot? If you don't know me, I think on both sides of the coin.

That's what the police were called in for & that's why they have insurance. Walmart just wanted to boost sales, could have limited EBT purchase to $75 per EBT card per day. Hell I have a $112,146 balance in my checking/debit card account, yet gas stations limit debt purchases to $75.

It is interesting how Walmart locates it's stores just over the city line to get out of paying taxes, but expect the police to keep the peace for them.
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face it walmart will just their e and o insurance to cover all of will pay then the general population
kiss is right...i thought the limit on my atm withdrawals was what i had in my account....turns out there is a limit
Bullshit. The people should pay for it. Their cards should show a negative balance until their added allotments push them back into the black. And they should be penalized somehow for committing what they full well knew was fraud.

Hell yes, they should get the negative balance. That's obvious but i'm sure it won't happen.
Bullshit. The people should pay for it. Their cards should show a negative balance until their added allotments push them back into the black. And they should be penalized somehow for committing what they full well knew was fraud.

So if I used my credit card that didn't authorize, they accepted it, I'd be responsible? Think this one through before posting.

Very poor analogy since credit card users still have to pay for their merchandise eventually. EBT shoppers don't have to pay and now to make it worse, when they go over the limit, they get to keep the stuff they in effect stole.!!!
Bullshit. The people should pay for it. Their cards should show a negative balance until their added allotments push them back into the black. And they should be penalized somehow for committing what they full well knew was fraud.

Hell yes, they should get the negative balance. That's obvious but i'm sure it won't happen.

That will not occur. It will be a cold day in hell before a 'poor' person is held accountable for anything.
but how fucking stupid are people.....are they so stupid they dont realize this is all traceable? its like when the bank gives you too much money...they will figure it out and track you down...


But will that happen in this case? I doubt it. These crooks are black and the govt has one rule for whites and a much easier one for blacks.
There is no way Walmart didn't know this was happening. You get someone with a trolley load of groceries that total hundreds of dollars, and they give you their EBT card, you know they are dodgy.

Walmart should have refused to sell them anything until the problem was fixed.

They would have had a riot to contend with. Damage to the store and injury to customers would have ensued. The lawsuits for injuries, real and faked, would have cost Walmart millions.
Wrong - It was Walmart's decision to ok transactions that were not authorized by the debit account. Tax payers are not at fault & should not have to pay a dime for this failure. This issue is between Walmart & the shoppers who they let take their merchandise.

JPMorganChase issued the EBT cards & subbed it's network out to Xerox. Walmart was issuing shoppers credit, because they were not authorized to charge the EBT account. Walmart has to eat any credit defaulted on by it's customers.

If they refused, what would the chances be that it would have started a riot? If you don't know me, I think on both sides of the coin.

That's what the police were called in for & that's why they have insurance. Walmart just wanted to boost sales, could have limited EBT purchase to $75 per EBT card per day. Hell I have a $112,146 balance in my checking/debit card account, yet gas stations limit debt purchases to $75.

It is interesting how Walmart locates it's stores just over the city line to get out of paying taxes, but expect the police to keep the peace for them.

Don't they have a County police department where you live? Where I live the County tax bill is a helluva lot more than the city taxes.

My citi card allows me to go over the limit by $500 each month. But I have to pay the overage back in total when the bill is due. Apples : Oranges.

Of course, but EBT cards are NOT credit cards. You don't pay anything ever with an EBT card even when it's used legitimately.
walmart was a willing partner in this in

but how fucking stupid are people.....are they so stupid they dont realize this is all traceable? its like when the bank gives you too much money...they will figure it out and track you down...

unfortunately not much can be done in the way of refusing them the ebt cards...cause then you will be punishing a lot of kids...stupid people fast as they can..makes one rethink the old concept of orphanages...doesnt it?

walmart can afford to take the hit and should...simple as that....that would stop the taxpayer from taking the hit....

It is traceable, but it will be Wal Mart that will have to pursue it with their copies of the receipts. Unless the EBT system has a system of flags built into it, which I doubt that it does, then the cost to the government of the time and effort for finding the perps will be far greater than just paying the bills.
This reminds me of Clinton suing Microsoft as a favor to Steve Jobs for keeping his assembly plant in Little Rock. Of course Apple soon left for China, requiring workers there to sign oathes they would not commit suicide on the job. Gates soon realized he needed lobbyists in Congress to keep this from happening again so he hired an army of them. WalMart won't lose a dime from this caper because they're covered politcally. All that's required is to see what Jamal and Jaysus got in EBT grub and deduct it from their next month or two months' allowance.
Wrong - It was Walmart's decision to ok transactions that were not authorized by the debit account. Tax payers are not at fault & should not have to pay a dime for this failure. This issue is between Walmart & the shoppers who they let take their merchandise.

JPMorganChase issued the EBT cards & subbed it's network out to Xerox. Walmart was issuing shoppers credit, because they were not authorized to charge the EBT account. Walmart has to eat any credit defaulted on by it's customers.

If they refused, what would the chances be that it would have started a riot? If you don't know me, I think on both sides of the coin.

No doubt. But, it kind of looks like there was already a riot.

That's true too. That could have gotten dangerous. Seriously.

My citi card allows me to go over the limit by $500 each month. But I have to pay the overage back in total when the bill is due. Apples : Oranges.

Of course, but EBT cards are NOT credit cards. You don't pay anything ever with an EBT card even when it's used legitimately.

I am aware of that. My point is that someone has to be accountable for their overages on those cards. And we all know it will be the taxpayers and/or the paying Wal Mart customers.
Interesting, I think the Government should pay for all the lost merchandise. It was a glitch in THEIR program that caused this.

Wrong - It was Walmart's decision to ok transactions that were not authorized by the debit account. Tax payers are not at fault & should not have to pay a dime for this failure. This issue is between Walmart & the shoppers who they let take their merchandise.

JPMorganChase issued the EBT cards & subbed it's network out to Xerox. Walmart was issuing shoppers credit, because they were not authorized to charge the EBT account. Walmart has to eat any credit defaulted on by it's customers.

If they refused, what would the chances be that it would have started a riot? If not a riot, what about the chances that this would make them out as a chain that doesn't care about "the poor"? If you don't know me, I think on both sides of the coin. Frankly yes, they can be accused of not exercising better judgement, but then again, what would happen to me if I refused an unruly mob at my store because of some glitch in a government run entitlement system?

Now, what say you to this? Even if the Police had been called, it wouldn't have been enough. Situations like that are tinderboxes waiting to be lit.
The govt should make it very clear that these over-the-limit purchases will be paid for by reduced future EBT allotments. That will even things out here and make it clear that people who take advantage of this breakdown in the system will not benefit from doing so.

But they won't do it. These thieves were black and obozo will say let them keep this stuff and let their EBT allotments continue as normal!!!
If Walmart would have tried to stop them, those blacks would have burned Walmart down

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