Govt says walmart must pay for EBT shoppers that exceeded limit

If Walmart would have tried to stop them, those blacks would have burned Walmart down


"meh baaabie iz gonna goes hungry" Maybe your stupid ass shouldn't have had children that you couldn't afford to feed. This isn't 1913 it's 2013,get birthcontrol and get a fucking job you lazy ass welfare queens.

I'm not going to call this woman any names, but I will say she does not look disabled and she looks like she could handle a manual job. I would look into just why this woman isn't working and using some sort of day care. She could work two jobs and live with relatives. A person must do what a person must do.

Others in that video looked equally as healthy worthy of working whether it be mowing lawns or cleaning buildings. Some could cut down on their caloric intake as well.
I am certain the gvt will pay for their overages if they qualified as food stamp groceries, and I am pretty certain that these people that overspent, will be sent LESS the following payment in EBT funds...the gvt will get their money back and these people will have less food funds in the next month.....if they WAYYYYY overspent, then I think these people should be penalized and taken off the program where an authorized guardian can buy the food for the children in the perps family or something like that....

Holy shit....When will you get it through your head that government pays for nothing?
The taxpayers are stuck with the bill.

I'm not going to call this woman any names, but I will say she does not look disabled and she looks like she could handle a manual job. I would look into just why this woman isn't working and using some sort of day care. She could work two jobs and live with relatives. A person must do what a person must do.

Others in that video looked equally as healthy worthy of working whether it be mowing lawns or cleaning buildings. Some could cut down on their caloric intake as well.

Even blacks aren't stupid enough to get a job that pays 35K a year when they can get that much thru welfare .

Welfare needs to be greatly reduced. Medicaid needs to end period and SNAP should only give a household $100 a month no matter how many kids there are.
Oh, by the way...foodstamp recipients are going to experience a reduction in their benefits. Your welfare president is hard at work, making sure that everybody is dependent upon governement...then making sure they die off/starve off in droves.

They will try to get Walmart to eat the overpayments. If that doesn't work, they will process all those overpayments against the families that got them, and you'll see a lot of families in those states starving...the way overpayments are paid back is a deduction from their foodstamp allotment each month.

So if you ordinarily get $200 in foodstamps, and the government is reducing by $30 anyway...and then you have an overpayment, your new fs allotment is going to be about $130 or so.

Welcome to our brave new world. Starving kids is next. They're already starving them in the schools. Pretty soon they'll be starving in the ghettos as well. At first it will be lauded as "success" of the Obamamama get fit program..but that's just a cover so that nobody really notices the first year, and will just think "Oh the program is WORKING". Yes, it will work. Starving people always works to reduce the population, in weight AND in number.

Hello rickets...can't wait to see the return of polio, scurvy and vitamin deficiency blindness, as well as influenza pandemics caused by the fact that kids can't get in to see the doctor & get their immunizations! Woo hoo!
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Can anyone say fraud?

These individuals committed fraud on more than one level. They attempted to steal from walmart as well as the ebt system. Which means they attempted to commit a federal offense.

They have no conscience and should at the very least be kicked from the ebt program.
The people who went over their limit essentially robbed Walmart, and should be ashamed of themselves. Find out who they are and send them the bill.

Send them a bill? Please :lol:
Easy enough to find out, who they are

But will the government hold them responsible? Doubtful

It will be the republicans fault, and the teaparty was in on it
They may be.

In which case all those kids will start starving ahead of schedule. Win/win for the Obama admin!
The people who went over their limit essentially robbed Walmart, and should be ashamed of themselves. Find out who they are and send them the bill.

Yes, but (and that's a big butt) whoever made this call for Wal-Mart made a savvy move IMO. Their return business will more than make up for any losses that day.

I'd just hate to be the shlub that has to re-shelve the hundreds of pounds of product that these idiots left sitting in carts.

What a sad commentary on the people who claim they need help with food
They've been born and bred to need help with food.

But the kids are the ones who are going to be hurt first. They're dependent upon the system, and have no choice.
They've been born and bred to need help with food.

But the kids are the ones who are going to be hurt first. They're dependent upon the system, and have no choice.

Sad but true.

Children learn what they live.
Let me get this right.

The government is pissed off that people with EBT cards exceeded their spending limit?

Seriously? Upset that anyone would exceed their spending limit?


I'm sure the easy government solution to this would be to simply raise THEIR credit limit. Why even address the spending issue at all, simply because they don't know how to manage their own budget?
Idea for Walmart:

Send them bills.

Then forgive those bills.

Report the forgiveness to The IRS which will then count it as income, possibly disqualifying them from receiving further welfare benefits.

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