Govt says walmart must pay for EBT shoppers that exceeded limit

This is Walmarts fault. When a card is swiped it gets approval or denial. The card holders balance is visible to the cashier. If the card terminal is down there is a phone number to call. That may have caused problems for Walmart, but they agreed to follow simple guidlines when they entered into the system. If they didn't have the extra manpower to switch to the phone system they should have announced to customers that the system was down and the cards could not be used. They could have put up signs at the entrance. If there was trouble with customers they could have called in the Police. They could have closed the store. They had plenty of options. No way this is the responsibility of the government and tax payers. Let Walmart go after the culprits for fraud if they want to. Why should government lawyers have to spend time on this. Walmart didn't follow the guidelines and rules. If they can't follow the rules they shouldn't be trusted with the responsibility of selling products under the system.

Walmart did a good and kind thing when it decided to allow people to use their temporarily defunct cards. My guess is they were afraid they would be looted if they don't. They pretty much were anyway.

And it's the leftist premise that Walmart is to blame for the criminal theft.

There's something wrong with you people. Suffice it to say, you're pieces of shit.

I don't hold out much hope for America, or the world.

Walmart did a good and kind thing when it decided to allow people to use their temporarily defunct cards. My guess is they were afraid they would be looted if they don't. They pretty much were anyway.

And it's the leftist premise that Walmart is to blame for the criminal theft.

There's something wrong with you people. Suffice it to say, you're pieces of shit.

I don't hold out much hope for America, or the world.

If a contractor provides a credit card to an employee with a $500 limit to be used for materials or tools that may be needed in an emergency or so the employee doesn't have to come back to the office for petty cash, and he buys a $3,500 mower or truck load of power tools, He is not going to pay the bill. He is going to call the credit card company and dispute the bill, and the credit card company isn't going to pay the bill. If Home Depot or Lowes defense and excuse is that the credit card terminal was not working, they are not going to get paid. They will be stuck with the bill. They broke the contract with the credit card company. Without an approval code they are not allowed to make the sale. It's their loss and if they want the money they can go after they guy who did the crime.

Walmart did a good and kind thing when it decided to allow people to use their temporarily defunct cards. My guess is they were afraid they would be looted if they don't. They pretty much were anyway.

And it's the leftist premise that Walmart is to blame for the criminal theft.

There's something wrong with you people. Suffice it to say, you're pieces of shit.

I don't hold out much hope for America, or the world.

They didn't do it to be kind. They did it to make money. At the end of the day they can write it off as a loss. That doesn't excuse what the thieves stealing merchandise did though. They should be subject to some type of punishment or penalty.
Yes...fraud convictions, and monetary judgements against them.

However in the day to day of foodstamp program administration, the fraud investigators go after the felons AFTER they commit the fraud. So the government pays it out...and then they have their own division to investigate and prosecute, those who warrant it.

It is a departure from standard operating procedure to expect the store to cover the fraud. The government told them to accept the cards; it was a glitch on the snap program that resulted in the overpayments....and they have the ability to address and recoup those losses. It isn't the job of Walmart to do that.
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Yes...fraud convictions, and monetary judgements against them.

However in the day to day of foodstamp program administration, the fraud investigators go after the felons AFTER they commit the fraud. So the government pays it out...and then they have their own division to investigate and prosecute, those who warrant it.

It is a departure from standard operating procedure to expect the store to cover the fraud. The government told them to accept the cards; it was a glitch on the snap program that resulted in the overpayments....and they have the ability to address and recoup those losses. It isn't the job of Walmart to do that.

OK, fair enough, but I dispute the claim that the government told them to accept the cards. The government told them to accept the cards only if they were cleared and given an acceptance code via the terminal or a phone call. Without that code, the sale should not have been made. Did Walmart call the government and tell them they had a glitch and the terminals were not working? Did somebody from the government tell them to go ahead and accept the cards anyhow? If that happened someone from the government needs to be looking for a new job.
The SNAP system is directed by the feds. The vendor of ebt cards had a glitch, resulting in over-issuance of foodstamps.

Now the feds are saying they don't have to pay on the overissuances? Sorry, they are obligated to pay. It is ultimately their system..they issue the cards, they pay the grocers...if there's a problem they are obligated to pay the stores...then pursue criminal charges against the fraudulent practices of the ebt holders, and pursue reimbursement from the ebt card vendors, if the fault lies with a system glitch.
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None of our laws apply to non-whites. For them every day is christmas and whitey must pay for it.

link plz :cool:

There is no link to the piles of horse shit that passes for these nasty racist assholes.

Whether right or wrong from a legal pov, its nice to see WalMart on the hook.

BUT, what might have meant dinner for people who have nothing, it really does mean nothing to WalMart.
The SNAP system is directed by the feds. The vendor of ebt cards had a glitch, resulting in over-issuance of foodstamps.

Now the feds are saying they don't have to pay on the overissuances? Sorry, they are obligated to pay. It is ultimately their system..they issue the cards, they pay the grocers...if there's a problem they are obligated to pay the stores...then pursue criminal charges against the fraudulent practices of the ebt holders, and pursue reimbursement from the ebt card vendors, if the fault lies with a system glitch.

You have convinced me. If the cashier got an approval due to the glitch, you are correct.
you rw's just get lower and lower.

You applaud hungry children and your heroes are Putin and WalMart.

Sick and sad and useless. Sub-human. That's what the rw has become.
you rw's just get lower and lower.

You applaud hungry children and your heroes are Putin and WalMart.

Sick and sad and useless. Sub-human. That's what the rw has become.

Filling up a cart with chips, coke, and candy that you do not have the money to pay for will do nothing to stop hunger. The people who perpetrated this fraud get enough money each month to feed their hungry children good healthy food. It is not necessary for them to go on a feral rampage the way they did. Wanting money spent wisely is not sick and sub human. Going feral and carting off things you are not entitled to have, however, is sick and sub human.
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you rw's just get lower and lower.

You applaud hungry children and your heroes are Putin and WalMart.

Sick and sad and useless. Sub-human. That's what the rw has become.

Filling up a cart with chips, coke, and candy that you do not have the money to pay for will do nothing to stop hunger. The people who perpetrated this fraud get enough money each month to feed their hungry children. It is not necessary for them to go on a feral rampage the way they did. Wanting money spent wisely is not sick and sub human. Going feral and carting off things you are not entitled to have, however, is sick and sub human.

No, they don't get enough money to do anything except barely scrape by. And, you do not know what they are buying.

This is not about wise spending. Its about haters wanting to harm the elderly, disabled vet, children.

If this is so distressing to the haters, why don't you open a bank account and ask for donations that can be handed over to poor Wal Mart to make up for the piddly amount of money they "lost".
you rw's just get lower and lower.

You applaud hungry children and your heroes are Putin and WalMart.

Sick and sad and useless. Sub-human. That's what the rw has become.

Filling up a cart with chips, coke, and candy that you do not have the money to pay for will do nothing to stop hunger. The people who perpetrated this fraud get enough money each month to feed their hungry children. It is not necessary for them to go on a feral rampage the way they did. Wanting money spent wisely is not sick and sub human. Going feral and carting off things you are not entitled to have, however, is sick and sub human.

No, they don't get enough money to do anything except barely scrape by. And, you do not know what they are buying.

This is not about wise spending. Its about haters wanting to harm the elderly, disabled vet, children.

If this is so distressing to the haters, why don't you open a bank account and ask for donations that can be handed over to poor Wal Mart to make up for the piddly amount of money they "lost".

I've done the math, Luddley. And I buy food too, so I know what it costs. And I've raised two children and I fed them good wholesome food. Not processed convenience junk. But if you want more you can use this:

To get your SNAP benefit amount, multiply your net monthly income by 0.3 (30 percent). Round up this amount to the nearest dollar.

Take this amount and subtract it from the maximum benefit level for a household of your size. The result is the amount of your monthly benefits. 106 C.M.R. §§ 364.600, 364.980. See "Maximum SNAP Allotments," Appendix B: Income and Benefits Standards, Chart 1.

Example: Carl and his family in Question 57 have $500 in net income after allowable deductions. To determine the family’s SNAP benefits, take 30% of the “net income” (30% of $500) and subtract it from the maximum benefit, as follows:

$500 Net Income for Carl's family
x .30 (Multiply by 30%)
$150 Countable Income
$526 Maximum SNAP for 3 persons
- 150 Countable income (round up)
$376 Monthly SNAP benefits for Carl's family

60. How much will I get in SNAP benefits each month? | Mass Legal Services

If you can't feed 3 people on $400 a month you are seriously wasting your money on junk.

I know what they were buying because there were pictures of the carts.


There, now stop calling me, what was it, "sub human." I worked and provided for my own children. Sometimes I worked 3 jobs. Neither you nor anyone else ever paid one dime for their support or their education. And I retired in the 30% tax bracket. So, I get to have an opinion of this kind of abuse.
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Most of these criminal shoppers were non-white and that's why the govt won't do anything to them. None of our laws apply to non-whites. For them every day is christmas and whitey must pay for it.

Then why are blacks over represented in Prisons on a percentage basis? They're around 37% of prisoners.
We might not know what these people were buying, but chances are, if you can walk out with whatever you wanted, you are going to load your cart with junk, like chips and coke. An easy way to determine what was taken is to check what was left on the shelves - I bet all the coke and chips were gone!
The articles I read said they were loading up with the priciest items...meat.
The articles I read said they were loading up with the priciest items...meat.

Figures. Instead of buying what they would normally purchase, loading up on everything you couldn't afford just because no one can stop you is just low.
If they refused, what would the chances be that it would have started a riot? If you don't know me, I think on both sides of the coin.

That's what the police were called in for & that's why they have insurance. Walmart just wanted to boost sales, could have limited EBT purchase to $75 per EBT card per day. Hell I have a $112,146 balance in my checking/debit card account, yet gas stations limit debt purchases to $75.

It is interesting how Walmart locates it's stores just over the city line to get out of paying taxes, but expect the police to keep the peace for them.

Don't they have a County police department where you live? Where I live the County tax bill is a helluva lot more than the city taxes.

I always hear city & county police responding on the police scanner. These big chains get get out of paying tax with TIFF but use all resources 2,000 times more than a typical small business or home. One McDonald's restaurant calls the police almost 2,000 times a year but they don't pay property tax. On top of that all their employees are on government assistance because they don't get paid enough to live on & they work hard fast paced job in such a hostile environment that they call police more than 5 times a day.

I am sick of my taxes subsidizing big chains to put others out of business. They should hire their own private security & fire & support & educate their own workers if they don't want to pay taxes. It is socialism for government to use taxes to support big business lobbyist picking winners & losers.
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