GQ names Colin Kaepernick "Citizen Of The Year"

So given the facts as to why the players are kneeling, you choose to ignore that fact and choose a reality where you are offended by a fairy tale.
As a combat vet and former Police Officer it's irrelevant what people think bout me when I'm doing my job, I have a professional standard of behavior and that is what mattered.

No one owes me anything for the choices I made and the athletes owe you nothing while legally exercising their Constitutional Rights.

Nope, I don't care what you think...being white is not an excuse for being ignorant.
So who said anything to your self righteous ass? You are so ignorant you don't even understand what the first amendment says and yet you have the balls to self-righteously lecture me.

Of course you don't care what anyone else thinks you're definitely a liberal. It's their way of the highway, BTW that is the definition of a bigot.

Now get educated: The first amendment does not give you the right to say anything you want at any time. It merely protects you from the government stopping your protest against the government. Slander someone and you could find out real fast if it is a right or not.

How many players kneeled in protest or hid like women in the tunnel weeks prior to Trump saying what he said? Virtually NONE. And many said they NEVER would. Yet they did after Trump, so what does that tell you they were really protesting? And if you want to wrongly say that the players have some made up right to protest then doesn't Trump have the same made up right?

So no, the protest has nothing to do with social injustice, it has to do with spoiled millionaires not liking being told what they should do. And you support that. And as long as you live in your box not giving a crap about anyone else's opinion that does not meet your standard, you will be a bigot.
Like I said before, you choose to believe a fairy tale to justify your racism and restrict the Rights of
No...I don't care how racists jusitfy their false positions...
Again your ignorance is very pronounced. Playing the race card has to be the lamest, childish, ignorant, and idiotic thing a person can do. It is always what those who are ignorant of facts do.

You don't understand the first amendment.
You don't understand why the millionaires are really protesting.
I am starting to believe there isn't much you really do know except how to run your mouth.
A lot of useless words from you because Black people exercising their Rights offends you...who woulda

I fully support the right of Kaepernick to kneel in solidarity with the racist BLM terrorist organization and I also support the right of his employer to fire him for it.
You do understand that it can't be both his right and a right of the employer to fire him. It sure seems like the 1st amendment is a hard one to understand.
JJ Watt raised $37 Million for Hurricane Harvey victims, yet cop-hater Colin Kaepernick is named Citizen of the Year by GQ? What BS.

Last week two men took down a gunman, putting their lives at risk. This ass took a knee and he’s “an American hero.”

Well, "they" gave Barack Hussein Obama a Nobel peace prize because he gave a speech apologizing for America to a bunch of dictators and terrorist breeders.
He got the Nobel prize long before he apologized for American arrogance. Aren`t you glad we don`t have to put up with that Christian crap anymore?
He apologized to oppressive countries that were dictatorships and had dismal human rights records, and left the world in the mess we see today, that Trump is now trying to clean up.

Nobel panel saw Obama peace prize as ‘mistake,’ new book claims

The former director of Norway's Nobel Institute revealed this week that he regrets the committee’s decision to give the 2009 Nobel Peace award to President Obama.

Geil Lundestad, director at the institute for 25 years, said in his just-published memoir that he and the committee had unanimously decided to grant the award to Mr. Obama just after his election in 2009 more in hopes of aiding the American president to achieve his goals on nuclear disarmament, rather than in recognition of what Mr. Obama had already accomplished.

Looking back over Mr. Obama’s presidency, Mr. Lundestad said, granting him the award did not fulfill the committee’s expectations.

“[We] thought it would strengthen Obama and it didn’t have this effect,” he told the Associated Press in an interview.

The award so early in his term appeared to take the Obama White House by surprise, and Mr. Lundestad said U.S. officials privately asked if a Nobel Prize-winner had ever skipped the awards ceremony.

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