Grand Solar Minimum.... And Cooling....

What you don't have is actual observed, measured evidence to support your beliefs.
What you don't have is a basic understanding of physics to support your idiotic beliefs. The science involved in thermodynamics and radiation physics has been established and describe the behavior atomic levels precisely. This was done through much actual observed, measured evidence.

Now that is some cooling!

For all your hysterical handwaving, this is what the warming looks like since 1900 in terms of actual temperature...Which part of this looks alarming to you?

The part where your data show the globe's temperature going up over 0.75C despite massage therapist Bob Tisdale's use of a whoopee graph to try to make it disappear. You should be embarrassed as fuck putting up a graph like that. A third grader can see what you're doing. But it's good to see you agree with the mainstream on what global temps have done.

PS: your data are from

“…it is the change in temperature compared to what we’ve been used to that matters.” – Part 1

and were captioned:

But, Bob, I can hardly see the long-term and short-term variations in the global mean surface temperature anomaly data.

Bingo! That’s precisely the reason I went to all the trouble to prepare and present these comparisons.
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The part where your data show the globe's temperature going up over 0.75C despite massage therapist Bob Tisdale's use of a whoopee graph to try to make it disappear. You should be embarrassed as fuck putting up a graph like that. A third grader can see what you're doing. But it's good to see you agree with the mainstream on what global temps have done.

You act like that is something to be alarmed standard temperature reconstructions, and studies from every corner of the globe tell us that it is just business as usual..and barely even that...greater changes have happened in less time just in the past 10,000 years..never mind the entirety of earth's history..
greater changes have happened in less time just in the past 10,000 years.

Prove it

Two gold standard temperature from the from the antarctic....both showing very similar temperature spikes, both increasing and decreasing.

For decades now, climate science has been telling us that the polar regions are the "canary in the coal mine" and what happens in the polar regions are just precursors to global conditions. Have they been lying to us about that also?

And do feel free to offer up a rational, scientifically valid reason why you might see similar temperature increases and decreases that are greater than anything we have seen, and happening faster than we have seen in both of the polar regions but not happening in the space between the poles.

And since you clearly have trouble with graphs, I suppose I should point out that the blue one begins on the left about 10,000 years ago while the pretty red one begins on the left at the present.


Isolated locations dickhead. Show us the whole fucking world changing as fast as the whole fucking world is changing now.
Isolated locations dickhead. Show us the whole fucking world changing as fast as the whole fucking world is changing now.

So climate science lied about the polar regions being the canary in the coal mine?

Isolated locations dickhead. Show us the whole fucking world changing as fast as the whole fucking world is changing now.

Two locations on opposite sides of the earth skidmark...I am still waiting for a rational, scientifically valid explanation for how those same spikes and dips in temperature might have occurred at roughly the same time at the poles, but the rest of the earth was left many times are you going to dodge that glaring flaw in your reasoning? I can ask as many times as necessary till you finally just tuck tail and run....may as well go and do it now.
The part where your data show the globe's temperature going up over 0.75C despite massage therapist Bob Tisdale's use of a whoopee graph to try to make it disappear. You should be embarrassed as fuck putting up a graph like that. A third grader can see what you're doing. But it's good to see you agree with the mainstream on what global temps have done.

You act like that is something to be alarmed standard temperature reconstructions, and studies from every corner of the globe tell us that it is just business as usual..and barely even that...greater changes have happened in less time just in the past 10,000 years..never mind the entirety of earth's history..

The Tisdale graph we were discussing was global. We both know there is no value in single location data. When you claimed that greater changes had happened in less time, the implication that EVERYONE here assumed was that you were talking global data. So where the fuck is it?
The part where your data show the globe's temperature going up over 0.75C despite massage therapist Bob Tisdale's use of a whoopee graph to try to make it disappear. You should be embarrassed as fuck putting up a graph like that. A third grader can see what you're doing. But it's good to see you agree with the mainstream on what global temps have done.

You act like that is something to be alarmed standard temperature reconstructions, and studies from every corner of the globe tell us that it is just business as usual..and barely even that...greater changes have happened in less time just in the past 10,000 years..never mind the entirety of earth's history..

The Tisdale graph we were discussing was global. We both know there is no value in single location data. When you claimed that greater changes had happened in less time, the implication that EVERYONE here assumed was that you were talking global data. So where the fuck is it?

Dodging on this thread also skidmark? Is that what you have been reduced to these days...nothing more than a mouthpiece for whoever gave you your opinion?

I asked you a question...answer it.. Are you afraid?....or just to f'ing stupid.
Deniers that bring up "global warming" > "climate change" mark themselves as folks that haven't been in the conversation for several years.
Deniers that bring up "global warming" > "climate change" mark themselves as folks that haven't been in the conversation for several years.

Answer the question skidmark...or are you just afraid to acknowledge that I have handed you your ass yet again...
What you think might be my ass that you might hand me back is actually the result of my shitting on you. And you can just keep it. I challenged you to produce the GLOBAL data showing a greater increase than current rates and you tried to bullshit us all with data from single locations. You fail. You fail at everything. I'm guessing that's required for you to maintain your trollship.
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Deniers that bring up "global warming" > "climate change" mark themselves as folks that haven't been in the conversation for several years.
Copernicus was a denier.
The religious zealots jailed them in the 1300-1800 time span. Heretics is what they were called for not bowing to the religious dogma of the day.. And today the Catholic Church is again using their religious power to dupe the masses.. Why do we allow this crap to happen over and over again?
Deniers that bring up "global warming" > "climate change" mark themselves as folks that haven't been in the conversation for several years.
Copernicus was a denier.
The religious zealots jailed them in the 1300-1800 time span. Heretics is what they were called for not bowing to the religious dogma of the day.. And today the Catholic Church is again using their religious power to dupe the masses.. Why do we allow this crap to happen over and over again?
For the most part people aren't bright. I hate to say that but it's much easier to accept "expert" opinion than to do the tough thinking yourself.
What you think might be my ass that you might hand me back is actually the result of my shitting on you. And you can just keep it. I challenged you to produce the GLOBAL data showing a greater increase than current rates and you tried to bullshit us all with data from single locations. You fail. You fail at everything. I'm guessing that's required for you to maintain your trollship.

So you aren't going to give me a rational, scientifically valid reason that the two poles might show temperature increases faster, and of a greater magnitude than anything we have seen but the globe between the poles did not experience the same sorts of change.

Not to worry skid mark..I didn't expect you too...that would call your beliefs into just accept that it was magic...similar changes at the poles, but the rest of the earth remained calm...

How do you look at your self in the mirror?

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