Grandfather of Oklahoma teen killed by homeowner in burglary says AR15 made for ‘unfair’ fight

No one says that we ban guns. No law can be passed that we take the home defense weapons from your house. That was already backed up by the Supreme Court. Where do you get this nonsense from?

CBS news: Illinois town votes to ban assault weapons, fine violators up to $1,000 per day

That is one specific class of gun. And the Supreme Court already ruled that this was legal. It's driving the NRA nutz. Since none of those weapons can ever be classified as home defense, they can be banned on a local level. That is, unless you have a FFL license and the proper storage permitting you to have them. Then they really aren't banned, now, are they. Use the law to your own benefit instead of crying in your tequila.

What the left is doing is trying to push gun confiscation as much as they can until challenged all the way up to the Supreme Court. If not for our Constitution and real American judges protecting it, the left would ban all guns in a heartbeat.

So they are pushing hard now before Kennedy decides to spend the rest of his days fishing and Ginsburg takes a dirt nap. After that, freedom to own most any firearm and accessories will be written in stone if Trump is the person to pick the replacements.

Now tell us all, what are assault weapons? After all, if I shot somebody with my bb gun, I assaulted them......right? A knife is an assault weapon. Just ask the people in London who are experiencing a higher murder rate than those in NYC; mostly knife attacks.

Try using something you have very little of. Try using a little common sense. The Supreme Court already ruled that home defense weapons cannot be taken. And they have ruled by not ruling that an AR is NOT a home defense weapon. You want that to change, get different Supreme Court Judges. But with the rulings made by the most Conservative Supreme Court ever on this subject as it is, don't look for it to change.
Neither is a knife

I have a real nasty Thai Cerimonial Sword hanging on the wall. It's perfectly legal. Now, let me step out onto the street and find out just how fast I am going to be looking down a nice 9mm cop's gun. What's in your home is normally your business. And yes, it could be used for home defense against a knife quite well. But I would rather use the 45acp.
I disagree. ARs are great home defense weapons because they are easy to use, customizable, and low recoil. A 12-year-old girl could use one with little effort.

An AR is especially ideal for home defense if it is set up like a pistol or SBR with a barrel shorter than 11 inches, chambered in pistol caliber or .300 Blackout. That is an excellent home defense weapon. It combines the CQC elements of a handgun coupled with the aiming accuracy of a shouldered rifle.

Just looked that one up. It's not suggested for home defense either. Like the 223/556 it has too great a penetration through walls. Your shots will not be isolated to the building you are in unless you are in a cement walled building. Even setup like a pistol with an 11 in barrel it's still going to have over a 2000 fps muzzle velocity. I may work well for some Special Forces but not for home defense. Best to look at the 9mm through 45acp semi autos. Or a decent shotgun.

How many people have been killed by an errant bullet, fired in self-defense, by a victim in their home, at a criminal?

More than you think.
UC Davis study finds stray-bullet shootings frequently harm women and children

Please educate yourself.

Comprehension problems I see.

Common sense problems I see.

Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.
It shows that the bulk of the weapons are stolen from the Gun Shops, Pawn Shops and unattended Vehicles. Very few are stolen from the homes. And almost all of these end up in the criminals hands. You probably asked where the inner city gangs get their guns? Well, here it is. The guns that are stolen in Atlanta or Dallas might end up in Chicago.

Okay, maybe I just went a little too fast for you, so I'll break it down: from my link:

According to data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), during the four-year period from 2012 to 2015, nearly half a billion dollars worth of guns were stolen from individuals nationwide, amounting to an estimated 1.2 million guns.

Now, keep that number in mind: 1.2 million.

Twenty-two thousand guns were stolen from gun stores during this same period.

Compare this number with the one above. What do you see? Well if you put some thought into it, 1.2 million is a larger number than 22,000. In fact 22,000 is a fraction of 1.2 million.

Conclusion: your assertion is completely false. Most illegal guns do not come from gun shops or pawn shops. They are stolen from individuals.

I gave a cite that supported my information. You haven't. Therefore, you are just running off at the mouth. Now, how about some cites from the FBI. I gave it from the ATF.
Just looked that one up. It's not suggested for home defense either. Like the 223/556 it has too great a penetration through walls. Your shots will not be isolated to the building you are in unless you are in a cement walled building. Even setup like a pistol with an 11 in barrel it's still going to have over a 2000 fps muzzle velocity. I may work well for some Special Forces but not for home defense. Best to look at the 9mm through 45acp semi autos. Or a decent shotgun.

How many people have been killed by an errant bullet, fired in self-defense, by a victim in their home, at a criminal?

More than you think.
UC Davis study finds stray-bullet shootings frequently harm women and children

Please educate yourself.

Comprehension problems I see.

Common sense problems I see.

Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.
How many people have been killed by an errant bullet, fired in self-defense, by a victim in their home, at a criminal?

More than you think.
UC Davis study finds stray-bullet shootings frequently harm women and children

Please educate yourself.

Comprehension problems I see.

Common sense problems I see.

Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.
I gave a cite that supported my information. You haven't. Therefore, you are just running off at the mouth. Now, how about some cites from the FBI. I gave it from the ATF.

I did give you the site, and it did contain the exact same information you gave me. Go back and try reading it for crying out loud. But since you won't, here is something else from my link:


Now, once again, compare this list with the one you provided and tell me which is larger. This is grade school stuff for crying out loud.
Yes, bad people are bad. So throw out your guns and the bad folks will go away.

Good to know.

Or you can stop putting weapons where criminals can get at them to steal them like in Gun Shops and Pawn Shops displayed so openly unattended, in unattended vehicles, out in the open in unoccupied homes and such. This is where the criminals get their weapons from. I don't know of a single person that has ever had a weapon stolen that has kept it in a gun vault even a small one. Yah, I know, you don't keep your home defense 9mm in a gun vault but the wholesale thefts aren't done from those as you and your buddies claim. The Wholesale thefts are done where there is large numbers of guns like Gun Shops and Pawn Shops. If you have a large number of guns, you should have the bulk of them in in Gun Vault,not a wooden and glass gun cabinet.

Specially them 750 round per minute AR-15s

You just made my point with your snarky comment. The Mother of the Theater Shooter learned the hard say (she didn't learn a thing when her son murdered her) not to have an AR just laying around. A Gun Vault is just too big to carry out by less than 4 people. And it's a bear to open on site. The buddies I have that have those weapons all own gun vaults. It was brought into place by dollies and 3 big strong young guys.

I don’t care. Get it.

If the guns in the vault, and a murderer wants to murder (it’s what they do) he would simply overpower her, hold a knife to her throat until she opened the vault. He’s a killer, the only one who wouldn’t know that is typically the victim, until their dead, then........

They don’t.

Since most home gun thefts are done when the home is unoccupied, you can carry that knife in and attack the gun vault to your hearts desire. The only thing you are going to do is give the cops time enough to get there and bust your knife carrying ass. And you are going to try and fend the cops off with a very dull knife from gnawing on the gun vault.

Is skipping rocks your vocation?

You brought up a specific incident dude!

That is one specific class of gun. And the Supreme Court already ruled that this was legal. It's driving the NRA nutz. Since none of those weapons can ever be classified as home defense, they can be banned on a local level. That is, unless you have a FFL license and the proper storage permitting you to have them. Then they really aren't banned, now, are they. Use the law to your own benefit instead of crying in your tequila.

What the left is doing is trying to push gun confiscation as much as they can until challenged all the way up to the Supreme Court. If not for our Constitution and real American judges protecting it, the left would ban all guns in a heartbeat.

So they are pushing hard now before Kennedy decides to spend the rest of his days fishing and Ginsburg takes a dirt nap. After that, freedom to own most any firearm and accessories will be written in stone if Trump is the person to pick the replacements.

Now tell us all, what are assault weapons? After all, if I shot somebody with my bb gun, I assaulted them......right? A knife is an assault weapon. Just ask the people in London who are experiencing a higher murder rate than those in NYC; mostly knife attacks.

Try using something you have very little of. Try using a little common sense. The Supreme Court already ruled that home defense weapons cannot be taken. And they have ruled by not ruling that an AR is NOT a home defense weapon. You want that to change, get different Supreme Court Judges. But with the rulings made by the most Conservative Supreme Court ever on this subject as it is, don't look for it to change.
Neither is a knife

I have a real nasty Thai Cerimonial Sword hanging on the wall. It's perfectly legal. Now, let me step out onto the street and find out just how fast I am going to be looking down a nice 9mm cop's gun. What's in your home is normally your business. And yes, it could be used for home defense against a knife quite well. But I would rather use the 45acp.
That is you. Just you

Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.

It answer it. You just don't like the answer. So you discount the whole thing. I don't have enough copies of coloring books or crayons to explain it to you.
Now, you damned Francos, get back on message. Are "They" out to ban and seize your firearms? Simple question. And what laws are in place that would allow it. And why should I fear it would happen to me.

Is the 2nd amendment being ignored?

Those are the things your bunch keeps harping about and you get your asses handed to you every time. So you keep trying to change the subject just so you can try and win something, anything.
That is one specific class of gun. And the Supreme Court already ruled that this was legal. It's driving the NRA nutz. Since none of those weapons can ever be classified as home defense, they can be banned on a local level. That is, unless you have a FFL license and the proper storage permitting you to have them. Then they really aren't banned, now, are they. Use the law to your own benefit instead of crying in your tequila.

What the left is doing is trying to push gun confiscation as much as they can until challenged all the way up to the Supreme Court. If not for our Constitution and real American judges protecting it, the left would ban all guns in a heartbeat.

So they are pushing hard now before Kennedy decides to spend the rest of his days fishing and Ginsburg takes a dirt nap. After that, freedom to own most any firearm and accessories will be written in stone if Trump is the person to pick the replacements.

Now tell us all, what are assault weapons? After all, if I shot somebody with my bb gun, I assaulted them......right? A knife is an assault weapon. Just ask the people in London who are experiencing a higher murder rate than those in NYC; mostly knife attacks.

Try using something you have very little of. Try using a little common sense. The Supreme Court already ruled that home defense weapons cannot be taken. And they have ruled by not ruling that an AR is NOT a home defense weapon. You want that to change, get different Supreme Court Judges. But with the rulings made by the most Conservative Supreme Court ever on this subject as it is, don't look for it to change.
Neither is a knife

I have a real nasty Thai Cerimonial Sword hanging on the wall. It's perfectly legal. Now, let me step out onto the street and find out just how fast I am going to be looking down a nice 9mm cop's gun. What's in your home is normally your business. And yes, it could be used for home defense against a knife quite well. But I would rather use the 45acp.
That is you. Just you

I just hate the cleanup from the sword afterwards. The gun is bad enough.
What the left is doing is trying to push gun confiscation as much as they can until challenged all the way up to the Supreme Court. If not for our Constitution and real American judges protecting it, the left would ban all guns in a heartbeat.

So they are pushing hard now before Kennedy decides to spend the rest of his days fishing and Ginsburg takes a dirt nap. After that, freedom to own most any firearm and accessories will be written in stone if Trump is the person to pick the replacements.

Now tell us all, what are assault weapons? After all, if I shot somebody with my bb gun, I assaulted them......right? A knife is an assault weapon. Just ask the people in London who are experiencing a higher murder rate than those in NYC; mostly knife attacks.

Try using something you have very little of. Try using a little common sense. The Supreme Court already ruled that home defense weapons cannot be taken. And they have ruled by not ruling that an AR is NOT a home defense weapon. You want that to change, get different Supreme Court Judges. But with the rulings made by the most Conservative Supreme Court ever on this subject as it is, don't look for it to change.
Neither is a knife

I have a real nasty Thai Cerimonial Sword hanging on the wall. It's perfectly legal. Now, let me step out onto the street and find out just how fast I am going to be looking down a nice 9mm cop's gun. What's in your home is normally your business. And yes, it could be used for home defense against a knife quite well. But I would rather use the 45acp.
That is you. Just you

I just hate the cleanup from the sword afterwards. The gun is bad enough.
maybe the dead guy should have thunk it forward for more than a high moment in his life eh?
Comprehension problems I see.

Common sense problems I see.

Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.

It answer it. You just don't like the answer. So you discount the whole thing. I don't have enough copies of coloring books or crayons to explain it to you.

Judging by your reply, you don't know how to use crayons or coloring books.

Now I scanned the article yesterday, but came home today and read it twice. NOWHERE IN THIS ARTICLE DOES IT ADDRESS STRAY BULLETS FROM A PERSON DEFENDING THEMSELVES IN THEIR HOME. Got it now? It talks about gang violence with teenagers, hunting stray bullets, but not on instance did they highlight a stray bullet coming from a home of a person protecting themselves.
Common sense problems I see.

Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.

It answer it. You just don't like the answer. So you discount the whole thing. I don't have enough copies of coloring books or crayons to explain it to you.

Judging by your reply, you don't know how to use crayons or coloring books.

Now I scanned the article yesterday, but came home today and read it twice. NOWHERE IN THIS ARTICLE DOES IT ADDRESS STRAY BULLETS FROM A PERSON DEFENDING THEMSELVES IN THEIR HOME. Got it now? It talks about gang violence with teenagers, hunting stray bullets, but not on instance did they highlight a stray bullet coming from a home of a person protecting themselves.

A stray bullet is a stray bullet regardless where it comes from.

What's the matter, you don't like to lose? Think if this, We are coming for your Guns. Hide them. Go buy more. My Colt Stock should go up. Hide under your bed. Buy more tin foil and make hats. And I think I am going to buy stock in some kind of video front door surveillance as well so you might as well invest in that as well. Better get 3 in case one stops working or gets stolen. Just remember, it pays to be paranoid when we really are out to get you.
Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.

It answer it. You just don't like the answer. So you discount the whole thing. I don't have enough copies of coloring books or crayons to explain it to you.

Judging by your reply, you don't know how to use crayons or coloring books.

Now I scanned the article yesterday, but came home today and read it twice. NOWHERE IN THIS ARTICLE DOES IT ADDRESS STRAY BULLETS FROM A PERSON DEFENDING THEMSELVES IN THEIR HOME. Got it now? It talks about gang violence with teenagers, hunting stray bullets, but not on instance did they highlight a stray bullet coming from a home of a person protecting themselves.

A stray bullet is a stray bullet regardless where it comes from.

What's the matter, you don't like to lose? Think if this, We are coming for your Guns. Hide them. Go buy more. My Colt Stock should go up. Hide under your bed. Buy more tin foil and make hats. And I think I am going to buy stock in some kind of video front door surveillance as well so you might as well invest in that as well. Better get 3 in case one stops working or gets stolen. Just remember, it pays to be paranoid when we really are out to get you.

I challenge you to produce a single story of someone being killled by a stray bullet fired by a homeowner defending himself or his family.
The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.

It answer it. You just don't like the answer. So you discount the whole thing. I don't have enough copies of coloring books or crayons to explain it to you.

Judging by your reply, you don't know how to use crayons or coloring books.

Now I scanned the article yesterday, but came home today and read it twice. NOWHERE IN THIS ARTICLE DOES IT ADDRESS STRAY BULLETS FROM A PERSON DEFENDING THEMSELVES IN THEIR HOME. Got it now? It talks about gang violence with teenagers, hunting stray bullets, but not on instance did they highlight a stray bullet coming from a home of a person protecting themselves.

A stray bullet is a stray bullet regardless where it comes from.

What's the matter, you don't like to lose? Think if this, We are coming for your Guns. Hide them. Go buy more. My Colt Stock should go up. Hide under your bed. Buy more tin foil and make hats. And I think I am going to buy stock in some kind of video front door surveillance as well so you might as well invest in that as well. Better get 3 in case one stops working or gets stolen. Just remember, it pays to be paranoid when we really are out to get you.

I challenge you to produce a single story of someone being killled by a stray bullet fired by a homeowner defending himself or his family.

Hope ya got a pillow, it's goin to be a long wait
Is the 2nd amendment being ignored?
Well, considering the fact that the 2nd Amendment prohibits Congress from legislating or regulating arms and reserves that power to the States, making all federal gun laws unconstitutional, I would say YES!!! The 2nd is being ignored like a motherfucker.
Markle asked a question, and instead of answering, you post some garbage about stray bullets. So one more time:

How many people shot or killed an outsider while in the process of defending themselves in their home with a firearm? I asked the very same question and you never addressed my question either.

The answer was there. You just don't like it so you don't accept it. Too bad. I don't have time to play with you and I certainly don't have enough coloring books and crayons to explain it to you.

Of course, that must be the reason for not answering the question. And no, your link did not address that point. Maybe if you read your links before posting them, you would know that well ahead of time.

It answer it. You just don't like the answer. So you discount the whole thing. I don't have enough copies of coloring books or crayons to explain it to you.

Judging by your reply, you don't know how to use crayons or coloring books.

Now I scanned the article yesterday, but came home today and read it twice. NOWHERE IN THIS ARTICLE DOES IT ADDRESS STRAY BULLETS FROM A PERSON DEFENDING THEMSELVES IN THEIR HOME. Got it now? It talks about gang violence with teenagers, hunting stray bullets, but not on instance did they highlight a stray bullet coming from a home of a person protecting themselves.

A stray bullet is a stray bullet regardless where it comes from.

What's the matter, you don't like to lose? Think if this, We are coming for your Guns. Hide them. Go buy more. My Colt Stock should go up. Hide under your bed. Buy more tin foil and make hats. And I think I am going to buy stock in some kind of video front door surveillance as well so you might as well invest in that as well. Better get 3 in case one stops working or gets stolen. Just remember, it pays to be paranoid when we really are out to get you.

And better gun control will stop criminals from committing crimes?

You realize, it's already a criminal act that's being committed? Right.
A stray bullet is a stray bullet regardless where it comes from.

What's the matter, you don't like to lose?

I didn't lose--you did, but in typical liberal style, you don't possess the courage to admit as much. You don't have the guts to admit you were wrong, don't have the guts to admit you never read what you posted, and don't have the guts to be honest and say you never seen this piece before until you Googled it to try and make a point you never had in the first place.
A stray bullet is a stray bullet regardless where it comes from.

What's the matter, you don't like to lose?

I didn't lose--you did, but in typical liberal style, you don't possess the courage to admit as much. You don't have the guts to admit you were wrong, don't have the guts to admit you never read what you posted, and don't have the guts to be honest and say you never seen this piece before until you Googled it to try and make a point you never had in the first place.

You are correct. We are coming for your guns. All of them. But we won't look under your bed. So you can go out and buy more guns. But give it a few days. I need to go buy more gun stock. But not Remington. Colt, S&W, Ruger and others yes. And I should buy plenty of Reynolds Stock for the tons of Aluminum Foil you will need to make those hats. I just as well make a nice profit on your paranoia.

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