Grandfather of Oklahoma teen killed by homeowner in burglary says AR15 made for ‘unfair’ fight

I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.

What are the odds the Grandfather is a loyal Democrat jerkoff? They really do think that way. They're very messed up folks. :cuckoo:
he homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

That's kind of the point.
Yep, that's the point of owning a firearm.
In any confrontation with an intruder within one's own home, the possibility of the resident being murdered exists. Any and all weapons used to eliminate that possibility are fair and justified. I will shoot to kill any intruder, be he/she armed or not; young or old.

Good advice: Do not invade my home.
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.

These holes are from 15 yards away. I can do much better at 15 feet.

Not a single leftist loon has the balls to spout their bullshit talking points in this thread. Not one of them. Too funny
Not a single leftist loon has the balls to spout their bullshit talking points in this thread. Not one of them. Too funny
Come on, Gramps! You know that leftists don't have balls of any size. They are all pussies!
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”
Ya, I wish they had not died. The guy that shot them. likely wishes it did not happen. You break in to a home this is threat to life and property .You have risked your life on such a venture . I have no problem with the out come. One can not expect a fair fight when choosing to attack some one. Just od not attack and you have no worry of a fair fight.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation, nor have I used a gun before. My instinct tells me on the surface, I probably not cut out for wasting a human life without fair warning. Call me stupid, but unless I see a gun, I'm not going to go Rambo on another human being. I am also a victim of robbery, more than once, never faced a gun but have faced a knife and multiple attackers. That's life in a tough neighborhood.

If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.
It is not one sided cold blodded murder to shoot intruders. You have not waisted thier lives they have. They made a choice to have no regard for your life or thier own, they should face the natural consequences.
Not a single leftist loon has the balls to spout their bullshit talking points in this thread. Not one of them. Too funny

I noticed that as well. Usually they get involved in all gun topics. But then again, if you're an anti-gun leftist, how can you defend the words of this grandfather?
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.


Here is something crazy that you might find funny, or just shake your head as I do. I don't know the exact details of the law, but, if someone breaks into my home and my powerful German Shepard mix (which I own), attacks the intruder, I can be sued! Nice place Ontario is eh?

BUT, if have a sign on my door that says "Beware of Dog", or, "I have a dog in here that can chew your ass off" or whatever, I am ok, as they were aware of the danger.

There have been cases of people being sued for shooting a man who broke into their home ,WITH A GUN, because the owner didn't have his gun properly stored (this was many years ago)! In Ontario law, you have to have your gun stored in a drawer, locked, and the bullets stored and locked in a separate drawer. If not, you could be in trouble even while defending the life of you and your family.

Welcome to socialism. By the time you find your keys, open the first drawer, never mind the second drawer; you and your family are already being attacked
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That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

Patriot claims I am a Gun Grabber. Yet, Grandpa used his weapon exactly the way it should have been used. While it's tragic that those teens died, Gramps had no idea on their intentions. But clearly, their intentions weren't good. They broke in, invaded his home and he defended his home. It's cut and dried. He didn't pursue them, shoot them in their backs, taunt them. He just used the AR-15 in it's most deadly mode and quickly killed all three. There is no doubt about it that the law was satisfied and it was done morally and ethically.

Just a point here. He also could have done it with many other weapons, not just the AR-15. A Shotgun would have been a smarter choice.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

Patriot claims I am a Gun Grabber. Yet, Grandpa used his weapon exactly the way it should have been used. While it's tragic that those teens died, Gramps had no idea on their intentions. But clearly, their intentions weren't good. They broke in, invaded his home and he defended his home. It's cut and dried. He didn't pursue them, shoot them in their backs, taunt them. He just used the AR-15 in it's most deadly mode and quickly killed all three. There is no doubt about it that the law was satisfied and it was done morally and ethically.

Just a point here. He also could have done it with many other weapons, not just the AR-15. A Shotgun would have been a smarter choice.
The AR-15 has only one mode.

As for the thugs, there's nothing tragic about them being dead. Good riddance to a couple of Democrats.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

Patriot claims I am a Gun Grabber. Yet, Grandpa used his weapon exactly the way it should have been used. While it's tragic that those teens died, Gramps had no idea on their intentions. But clearly, their intentions weren't good. They broke in, invaded his home and he defended his home. It's cut and dried. He didn't pursue them, shoot them in their backs, taunt them. He just used the AR-15 in it's most deadly mode and quickly killed all three. There is no doubt about it that the law was satisfied and it was done morally and ethically.

Just a point here. He also could have done it with many other weapons, not just the AR-15. A Shotgun would have been a smarter choice.
The AR-15 has only one mode.

As for the thugs, there's nothing tragic about them being dead. Good riddance to a couple of Democrats.

Oh, I see. Even if they were Republicans before, they miraculously transformed into Democrats seconds before they were killed, right? They weren't Republicans or Democrats. They were Criminals. Get off the Right and the Left Bs thing.
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.


Here is something crazy that you might find funny, or just shake your head as I do. I don't know the exact details of the law, but, if someone breaks into my home and my powerful German Shepard mix (which I own), attacks the intruder, I can be sued! Nice place Ontario is eh?

BUT, if have a sign on my door that says "Beware of Dog", or, "I have a dog in here that can chew your ass off" or whatever, I am ok, as they were aware of the danger.

There have been cases of people being sued for shooting a man who broke into their home ,WITH A GUN, because the owner didn't have his gun properly stored (this was many years ago)! In Ontario law, you have to have your gun stored in a drawer, locked, and the bullets stored and locked in a separate drawer. If not, you could be in trouble even while defending the life of you and your family.

Welcome to socialism. By the time you find your keys, open the first drawer, never mind the second drawer; you and your family are already being attacked

Forget the Dog, beware of the Owner.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

Patriot claims I am a Gun Grabber. Yet, Grandpa used his weapon exactly the way it should have been used. While it's tragic that those teens died, Gramps had no idea on their intentions. But clearly, their intentions weren't good. They broke in, invaded his home and he defended his home. It's cut and dried. He didn't pursue them, shoot them in their backs, taunt them. He just used the AR-15 in it's most deadly mode and quickly killed all three. There is no doubt about it that the law was satisfied and it was done morally and ethically.

Just a point here. He also could have done it with many other weapons, not just the AR-15. A Shotgun would have been a smarter choice.
The AR-15 has only one mode.

As for the thugs, there's nothing tragic about them being dead. Good riddance to a couple of Democrats.

Oh, I see. Even if they were Republicans before, they miraculously transformed into Democrats seconds before they were killed, right? They weren't Republicans or Democrats. They were Criminals. Get off the Right and the Left Bs thing.

Hmmmm, no. Criminals vote Democrat. It's a documented fact.
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.


Here is something crazy that you might find funny, or just shake your head as I do. I don't know the exact details of the law, but, if someone breaks into my home and my powerful German Shepard mix (which I own), attacks the intruder, I can be sued! Nice place Ontario is eh?

BUT, if have a sign on my door that says "Beware of Dog", or, "I have a dog in here that can chew your ass off" or whatever, I am ok, as they were aware of the danger.

There have been cases of people being sued for shooting a man who broke into their home ,WITH A GUN, because the owner didn't have his gun properly stored (this was many years ago)! In Ontario law, you have to have your gun stored in a drawer, locked, and the bullets stored and locked in a separate drawer. If not, you could be in trouble even while defending the life of you and your family.

Welcome to socialism. By the time you find your keys, open the first drawer, never mind the second drawer; you and your family are already being attacked
Canada has pretty much always been an absolute embarrassment for the west.

Even when Europe was sane.
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.

These holes are from 15 yards away. I can do much better at 15 feet.

That looks pretty terrible. Are you trying to get your gangster on and holding the gun sideways while you shoot?
No. That was from 15 yards (45 feet).

I use both hands and a tight, steady grip.

At 15 feet, I can hit either of the red zones with regularity.
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.

These holes are from 15 yards away. I can do much better at 15 feet.

That looks pretty terrible. Are you trying to get your gangster on and holding the gun sideways while you shoot?
No. That was from 15 yards (45 feet).

I use both hands and a tight, steady grip.

At 15 feet, I can hit either of the red zones with regularity.
I play Call of Duty and headshot everyone from across the map.

Get on my level!
I used to keep an old silhouette target with a well ventilated 9 and X ring hung on my back door facing out, inside the screen door. The message was clear.

These holes are from 15 yards away. I can do much better at 15 feet.

That looks pretty terrible. Are you trying to get your gangster on and holding the gun sideways while you shoot?
No. That was from 15 yards (45 feet).

I use both hands and a tight, steady grip.

At 15 feet, I can hit either of the red zones with regularity.
I play Call of Duty and headshot everyone from across the map.

Get on my level!
That's a silly electronic game....likely programed to make near misses fatal. Shooting real bullets at real targets is practice for something that might actually a real life or death situation.

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