Grandfather of Oklahoma teen killed by homeowner in burglary says AR15 made for ‘unfair’ fight

That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation, nor have I used a gun before. My instinct tells me on the surface, I probably not cut out for wasting a human life without fair warning. Call me stupid, but unless I see a gun, I'm not going to go Rambo on another human being. I am also a victim of robbery, more than once, never faced a gun but have faced a knife and multiple attackers. That's life in a tough neighborhood.

If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.
You're equating two totally different scenarios.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know if this grandfather was the father of the female parent or the male parent, but either way he doesn't blame his son or daughter--just the victim.

I would guess this guy wants a law for it to be illegal to kill an intruder in your home. Wouldn't all criminals in that state celebrate such a law? Just the message we want to send to our younger people.

These boys’ families are going to suffer with this the rest of their lives, we have to live with this the rest of our lives,” he said. “You can’t change history, but you can damn sure learn from it, and maybe some kids will learn from this.”

Sounds to me like it's not just the kids that should learn from this. Did he ever consider what his grandson might have done to the unarmed victim after he addressed them?
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation, nor have I used a gun before. My instinct tells me on the surface, I probably not cut out for wasting a human life without fair warning. Call me stupid, but unless I see a gun, I'm not going to go Rambo on another human being. I am also a victim of robbery, more than once, never faced a gun but have faced a knife and multiple attackers. That's life in a tough neighborhood.

If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.
You're equating two totally different scenarios.

I understand that. Without knowing how the event went down, it's impossible to know how the response went. I can imagine the man was in fear for his life, so I can't specifically state he was wrong, and of course, it was his home. Entering someones home, I presume at night, even for a young person has to scream "this is a dangerous situation for all involved". Even a dumb, young kid should understand this.

Again, it depends on the situation, as the Grandfather said, did he have to kill all three? I can't imagine they were all rushing at him once he fired at one of them. Were they shot in the back while fleeing? I think there are important details.

I can use another unrelated example, but I think it explains how I think. I'm a fairly strong minded guy, but I do believe I am a critical thinker also. There was a cop who was a former soldier. He answered a call with his partner, there was a man with a gun who said he was going to kill himself. The officer basically calmed him down, and the situation ended without anyone being shot.

He was fired from the force because the police force said he risked his partners life as well by not shooting the guy. The former soldier explained that he had been in many dangerous situations and he knows the difference between a real threat and one who isn't. He also correctly surmised (based on the interview of the man arrested) that he felt the man wanted to "suicide by cop" and he didn't feel it was necessary.

Now, to me you can argue, he should have killed the man. The former soldier though is content with his decision, and it was the right one ultimately. He was suing the police department for his job back, I didn't hear anything more of it.

Essentially my point is that such young people have been getting into getting into trouble, engaging in criminal activity since the dawn of time. As one older woman told me some time ago while we were on a long bus ride sitting side by side "don't believe the older generation when they tell you they were angels, the youth in my time got into plenty of trouble, we were just lucky not to get caught". She told me some of the stories, and yes, she told me of kids breaking into barns, tipping cows, stealing cars and doing crazy stuff that COULD get them killed, but thankfully for them it didn't.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation, nor have I used a gun before. My instinct tells me on the surface, I probably not cut out for wasting a human life without fair warning. Call me stupid, but unless I see a gun, I'm not going to go Rambo on another human being. I am also a victim of robbery, more than once, never faced a gun but have faced a knife and multiple attackers. That's life in a tough neighborhood.

If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.
You would be dead if your home were invaded by American thugs.

Shoot to kill the bastards and worry about your conscience later so you still have it.
If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

Okay, so when you shoot at a window and one of them pulls out a gun and shoots you, would you think you made the right move?

IMO, if somebody is breaking into my occupied home, they are well prepared for a challenge. I like to gamble like anybody else, but not with my life.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

Which is one of the reasons our state adopted the Castle Doctrine. Prior to that law, if an intruder broke into your home, you were obligated to leave your very own house if possible. If you hurt or killed somebody, they charged you with manslaughter even though I'm sure no victim was ever convicted of it.

If you shot and injured the intruder, he could sue you in court for the medical damages and more. If you killed him, his family could sue you as well.

The Castle Doctrine stopped all that. If you break into somebody's home, they can seek you out and kill you legally. No charges, no lawsuits. Your home (by our law) is your castle and you have every right to protect it and your family.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Maybe, but how do you know how many times this guy was robbed in the past?

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.

I would. Any lowlife that's so criminal to break into an occupied home is a criminal enough to take an innocent life. I would rather they do it to me instead of a harmless unarmed senior citizen or woman afraid to shoot a gun. At least I stand a chance.
I actually only have a S&W .357 magnum for home defense. I am considering a S&W Governor. You could actually take out 2 intruders with just one of those shotgun shells depending on how close there are when they invade a home.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation, nor have I used a gun before. My instinct tells me on the surface, I probably not cut out for wasting a human life without fair warning. Call me stupid, but unless I see a gun, I'm not going to go Rambo on another human being. I am also a victim of robbery, more than once, never faced a gun but have faced a knife and multiple attackers. That's life in a tough neighborhood.

If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.
You're equating two totally different scenarios.

I understand that. Without knowing how the event went down, it's impossible to know how the response went. I can imagine the man was in fear for his life, so I can't specifically state he was wrong, and of course, it was his home. Entering someones home, I presume at night, even for a young person has to scream "this is a dangerous situation for all involved". Even a dumb, young kid should understand this.

Again, it depends on the situation, as the Grandfather said, did he have to kill all three? I can't imagine they were all rushing at him once he fired at one of them. Were they shot in the back while fleeing? I think there are important details.

I can use another unrelated example, but I think it explains how I think. I'm a fairly strong minded guy, but I do believe I am a critical thinker also. There was a cop who was a former soldier. He answered a call with his partner, there was a man with a gun who said he was going to kill himself. The officer basically calmed him down, and the situation ended without anyone being shot.

He was fired from the force because the police force said he risked his partners life as well by not shooting the guy. The former soldier explained that he had been in many dangerous situations and he knows the difference between a real threat and one who isn't. He also correctly surmised (based on the interview of the man arrested) that he felt the man wanted to "suicide by cop" and he didn't feel it was necessary.

Now, to me you can argue, he should have killed the man. The former soldier though is content with his decision, and it was the right one ultimately. He was suing the police department for his job back, I didn't hear anything more of it.

Essentially my point is that such young people have been getting into getting into trouble, engaging in criminal activity since the dawn of time. As one older woman told me some time ago while we were on a long bus ride sitting side by side "don't believe the older generation when they tell you they were angels, the youth in my time got into plenty of trouble, we were just lucky not to get caught". She told me some of the stories, and yes, she told me of kids breaking into barns, tipping cows, stealing cars and doing crazy stuff that COULD get them killed, but thankfully for them it didn't.
Once the shooting starts, all quibling about excessive use of force is irrelevant. If you want to argue that he should have shot this perp, but not that perp, you're simply being ridiculus. If I was in that situation I would keep firing until I ran out of bullets or everyone stopped moving.

There was recently a police shooting in Chicago where the cops pumped 14 bullets into the perp. That's how cops react to a hot situation, so it's absurd to expect homeowners to respond with greater reserve.
I actually only have a S&W .357 magnum for home defense. I am considering a S&W Governor. You could actually take out 2 intruders with one shot.

I have a 357 revolver (with hollow points) in the headboard compartment of my bed and a 9mm on the dresser five feet from where I'm sleeping. If somebody breaks in and I have the time, I'll go for the 9mm semi automatic. If I'm tardy after the intrusion, my 357 will do.
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

Leftists are furious! Justice won, when obviously this hard working white dude's property should have been taken and wife raped. How dare he defend himself?
I just love happy endings.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence


Would death be appropriate if the homeowner did nothing or much less, and the home invader killed them all?

Break into some's house, and death is reality. Glad he is dead. Hope it hurt.

Break into my house, and I will shoot you until you stop moving. I will make damn sure you are fucking dead. And, the State of Texas will back me up.
What the owner should have done first is offer milk and cookies to those nice boys paying a visit to him.

Then he should have sat with them and explained what they did was wrong but ask them for forgiveness for having something they wanted to steal.

Now if those boys had gotten violent the home owner should have told them to wait while he called the police so that the police could come by at their convenient time which could be minutes to days, but still wait for the police to help with this misunderstanding.

Now if the three wonderful boys had killed the home owner then society failed because had we just given them more and told them how special they were, well they would have grown up special and wonderful and would have never been killed by that evil land owner that should ben tjhe poster child why the Second Amendment should be abolished!!!

So I feel for the grandparent and the landowner should be sent to prison and be taught robbers should have a fair fight, and should have had three extra AR-15's for the robbers!!!

Ban the Second Amendment and give criminals a fighting chance!!!

( As you finish my poorly written response please note I am being an ass and the Grandfather is full of shit and his grandchild got what was coming because if those punks broke into my dwelling, well Buck shot or Slug would have greeted them )
That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation, nor have I used a gun before. My instinct tells me on the surface, I probably not cut out for wasting a human life without fair warning. Call me stupid, but unless I see a gun, I'm not going to go Rambo on another human being. I am also a victim of robbery, more than once, never faced a gun but have faced a knife and multiple attackers. That's life in a tough neighborhood.

If they are unarmed, I think I would try and shoot at a nearby window, or scream that I am heavily armed, and the next step into my home means I use lethal force. Again, that's just how I feel I would act, and maybe it gives away some of my advantage.

I saw and heard a man on video who killed two Black kids who broke into his home, I believe they were unarmed (the video was a still of an area of the home, so it was all audio). However, he was charged with some crime, excessive force or manslaughter or something. The reason being, they broke into his home through his basement and I think they were hiding there and he came down and basically told them he was going to kill them, and he did as he promised. Shot them both dead.

He laughed at one of them as he did the deed, and it was all recorded. He was quite proud, seeming to relish the opportunity as if he was waiting his whole life to be able to "defend his castle" . Was one of the most eerie audios I have ever heard, his voice sounded maniacal, possessed, even as I forget what all he said before he let out round after round.

Now, we all say, "that's his right". Yes, I assume it is, though the courts disagreed, however, my point is I'm not cut out for that kind of one sided cold blooded murder and I pray I never have to make such a decision. I certainly wouldn't take any pleasure in the process.
You would be dead if your home were invaded by American thugs.

Shoot to kill the bastards and worry about your conscience later so you still have it.
As the victim you shouldn't even have to consider the consequences of defending you and yours.
Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence


Would death be appropriate if the homeowner did nothing or much less, and the home invader killed them all?

Break into some's house, and death is reality. Glad he is dead. Hope it hurt.

Break into my house, and I will shoot you until you stop moving. I will make damn sure you are fucking dead. And, the State of Texas will back me up.
------------------------------------------------- and looks like some more good advice !!
The dead deserved just what they got. I hope it was a painful, slow death

Give the shooter a key to the city and thank you!
Fuck the hood rats.
Me, I would have shot them with my 12 gauge full of buck shot. To me, killing someone like that is no worse than stepping on a bug.

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