Grandfather of Oklahoma teen killed by homeowner in burglary says AR15 made for ‘unfair’ fight

Meanwhile 3 thugs recently broke into the home of an elderly man and his wife in their 70's. They forced the wife to go withdraw money from an ATM, then beat the wife to death, thought they beat the husband to death, and set their home on fire to cover their tracks. The husband managed to crawl out of the house to a neighbors. THATS why you shoot first and ask questions later when someone breaks into your home.
Me, I would have shot them with my 12 gauge full of buck shot. To me, killing someone like that is no worse than stepping on a bug.

Then it would have never made the news except locally. The only reason it's going national is because the gun used was an AR. Had the victim used anything else, we wouldn't know anything about this story.

I missed that there were THREE OF THEM committing this crime... 3 on 1 in a home invasion....WTF DID THEY THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN....



“There’s got to be a limit to that law, I mean he shot all three of them — there was no need for that,” he told KTUL.
It's difficult to comprehend the stupidity of this asshole. The one good thing to come out of this is that all three of the perps paid with their lives. The homeowner should be a national hero: he permanently rid the nation of three Democrats.

In addition to Redfearn, 19-year old Maxwell Cook and 16-year old Jake Woodruff were also shot and killed in the home invasion.
Stupid is as stupid does.... and you can see where they got their stupid from... a social justice fool who thinks the criminals should have been armed like the home owner or the home owner made into a victim that they could prey on...WTF is up with that?

That seems to be one of the modern snowflake theories of justice: criminals should have an equal chance to rob you and kill you.
Otherwise it's not fair! Criminals have feelings too you know..
Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence


Would death be appropriate if the homeowner did nothing or much less, and the home invader killed them all?

Break into some's house, and death is reality. Glad he is dead. Hope it hurt.

Break into my house, and I will shoot you until you stop moving. I will make damn sure you are fucking dead. And, the State of Texas will back me up.

And that's the key right there: If the state will back you up.

I'm not familiar with Oklahoma laws, but I'm assuming they are pretty much pro-gun. If something like this happened in Mass, Cali, or New York, the victim better worry for a spell.
Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence


Would death be appropriate if the homeowner did nothing or much less, and the home invader killed them all?

Break into some's house, and death is reality. Glad he is dead. Hope it hurt.

Break into my house, and I will shoot you until you stop moving. I will make damn sure you are fucking dead. And, the State of Texas will back me up.

And that's the key right there: If the state will back you up.

I'm not familiar with Oklahoma laws, but I'm assuming they are pretty much pro-gun. If something like this happened in Mass, Cali, or New York, the victim better worry for a spell.
When we went to Virginia for a wedding, I did not realize I had to go on the Chesapeake bridge tunnel. I did not like that. I was going to drive up and around it until I realized I would have had to go through the fascist state of Maryland. Under water I went.
What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open, window not locked? Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
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What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?

I think that would depend on where you live. I mean.....if you leave your car door unlocked, that doesn't give a stranger the right to steal the car or sleep in it.
What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
Happened in my house. Unlocked door guy just walked right in. If I had wanted to kill someone I would surely have gotten away with it. Castle doctrine. I yelled GET OUT! and he stood in the doorway delivering his re-election speech. I did not feel threatened but had he taken another step....
Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence


Would death be appropriate if the homeowner did nothing or much less, and the home invader killed them all?

Break into some's house, and death is reality. Glad he is dead. Hope it hurt.

Break into my house, and I will shoot you until you stop moving. I will make damn sure you are fucking dead. And, the State of Texas will back me up.

And that's the key right there: If the state will back you up.

I'm not familiar with Oklahoma laws, but I'm assuming they are pretty much pro-gun. If something like this happened in Mass, Cali, or New York, the victim better worry for a spell.
When we went to Virginia for a wedding, I did not realize I had to go on the Chesapeake bridge tunnel. I did not like that. I was going to drive up and around it until I realized I would have had to go through the fascist state of Maryland. Under water I went.

I know, they keep talking about national reciprocity, but I would be afraid of using my gun for self-defense in a commie state. Here? Not a problem. Our gun laws were written for the victims--not the criminals. We tried it the other way around for many years. Didn't work out too well
I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation,.

I was in your shoes until someone broke into the remote farm house I was renting. No electricity. No phone. As I fumbled around in the dark trying to find my 12 gauge shotgun shells, I was still wondering what I was going to do if the idiot came up the stairs to the loft.

When I loaded my Winchester 1300 pump and racked in a shell, the idiot promptly left. There's nothing like that sound.

My plan was to wait for him to reach the top of the stairs where he would have been silhouetted against a window and warn him to get out. What would have played out after that would have been up to him.

^^^One of two situations in my life where the threat of using a firearm prevented escalation.
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What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
Happened in my house. Unlocked door guy just walked right in. If I had wanted to kill someone I would surely have gotten away with it. Castle doctrine. I yelled GET OUT! and he stood in the doorway delivering his re-election speech. I did not feel threatened but had he taken another step....

When I was a kid we lived in an apartment building and our neighbour, who we were close friends with, just walked into our apt one day unannounced. He would normally just knock and walk in when we said it was open. We had a little "it's me" knock since our families were so close.

He apologized profusely, said it was "just a habit". One of those mindless actions one makes as you do the same routine over and over. I imagine technically in some places you could just shoot him dead and say he "broke in".

It's food for thought actually. If there is a Castle Doctrine, which on the surface I support; there should also be a law to have ones door locked if you are at home? Am I being too restrictive of citizens to demand that?

I say this, as there was another story of a man who was drunk who accidentally opened the door of the wrong home, he was also shot dead. According to a witness next door, he actually slurred to the person "oh my, this is not my house" and he was shot dead anyways.

Another more weird story, I think posted on here though I'm not sure, a young man went to a Halloween costume party and came home with it on. Now this was his fault and it was vert odd (and maybe it was a son planning to murder his dad?), but his son entered his dad's room with the costume on AND a knife. No one knows if he was planning to just scare the hell out of his Old Man (not the brightest kid) or what, but he was shot dead.

I often wondered about that last situation, if the man had left the door unlocked or not. It could have made a difference, if it was all just a prank. A most unusual story for which the truth went to the grave with his dead kid.
What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
Happened in my house. Unlocked door guy just walked right in. If I had wanted to kill someone I would surely have gotten away with it. Castle doctrine. I yelled GET OUT! and he stood in the doorway delivering his re-election speech. I did not feel threatened but had he taken another step....

When I was a kid we lived in an apartment building and our neighbour, who we were close friends with, just walked into our apt one day unannounced. He would normally just knock and walk in when we said it was open. We had a little "it's me" knock since our families were so close.

He apologized profusely, said it was "just a habit". One of those mindless actions one makes as you do the same routine over and over. I imagine technically in some places you could just shoot him dead and say he "broke in".

It's food for thought actually. If there is a Castle Doctrine, which on the surface I support; there should also be a law to have ones door locked if you are at home? Am I being too restrictive of citizens to demand that?

I say this, as there was another story of a man who was drunk who accidentally opened the door of the wrong home, he was also shot dead. According to a witness next door, he actually slurred to the person "oh my, this is not my house" and he was shot dead anyways.

Another more weird story, I think posted on here though I'm not sure, a young man went to a Halloween costume party and came home with it on. Now this was his fault and it was vert odd (and maybe it was a son planning to murder his dad?), but his son entered his dad's room with the costume on AND a knife. No one knows if he was planning to just scare the hell out of his Old Man (not the brightest kid) or what, but he was shot dead.

I often wondered about that last situation, if the man had left the door unlocked or not. It could have made a difference, if it was all just a prank. A most unusual story for which the truth went to the grave with his dead kid.
You can tell a lot by how the person behaves upon entering your house. But no 'have to lock your door" bullcrap is acceptable.
What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
Happened in my house. Unlocked door guy just walked right in. If I had wanted to kill someone I would surely have gotten away with it. Castle doctrine. I yelled GET OUT! and he stood in the doorway delivering his re-election speech. I did not feel threatened but had he taken another step....

When I was a kid we lived in an apartment building and our neighbour, who we were close friends with, just walked into our apt one day unannounced. He would normally just knock and walk in when we said it was open. We had a little "it's me" knock since our families were so close.

He apologized profusely, said it was "just a habit". One of those mindless actions one makes as you do the same routine over and over. I imagine technically in some places you could just shoot him dead and say he "broke in".

It's food for thought actually. If there is a Castle Doctrine, which on the surface I support; there should also be a law to have ones door locked if you are at home? Am I being too restrictive of citizens to demand that?

I say this, as there was another story of a man who was drunk who accidentally opened the door of the wrong home, he was also shot dead. According to a witness next door, he actually slurred to the person "oh my, this is not my house" and he was shot dead anyways.

Another more weird story, I think posted on here though I'm not sure, a young man went to a Halloween costume party and came home with it on. Now this was his fault and it was vert odd (and maybe it was a son planning to murder his dad?), but his son entered his dad's room with the costume on AND a knife. No one knows if he was planning to just scare the hell out of his Old Man (not the brightest kid) or what, but he was shot dead.

I often wondered about that last situation, if the man had left the door unlocked or not. It could have made a difference, if it was all just a prank. A most unusual story for which the truth went to the grave with his dead kid.
You can tell a lot by how the person behaves upon entering your house. But no 'have to lock your door" bullcrap is acceptable.

Of course you should be able to tell, what if someone doesn't care to know? What if they are just "shoot first ask questions later" or of the mindset, "if some son of a bitch enters my home, I'm gonna protect my place!". I would think to be alert and ready, but also logical enough to know the difference between a real threat and one that isn't in at least some if not most cases. Again, I have the luxury of not being in that situation, and sometimes maybe I have a false sense of my own confidence to survive in life, just been that way after a lifetime of always making it through tough times.

I don't know if it's true or not, but someone told me that in some states you can shoot and kill someone if they walk across your grass outside your home. They had suggested a man shot a kid for this and was cleared. It was at a poker table and another guy who owns a place in Florida disagreed with him and told him "you had better have a good reason to shoot someone in that situation", to which the original man said "he has a reason, they stepped on his front lawn".

Again, I can't confirm this, but surely we have to think, some kid with a backpack crossing your front lawn on the way to or from school, might be very bad, but shouldn't be a killable offense.
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That teenager got exactly what he deserved. It's hard to comprehend the stupidity of someone who thinks that thugs breaking into a home are supposed to have an even chance in a confrontation with the home's owner. I gaurantee you all the gun grabbers in this forum agree with this numskull. In fact, in Canada they have a law that says the force used in defending yourself must be "proportional" to the force used by your attacker.

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson’s death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner’s AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.

Speaking to KTUL, Schumacher acknowledged that breaking into a house was “stupid,” but death was not the appropriate consequence.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” Schumacher said. “They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die.”

This should be a deterrent to all youts of America...... if you rob or assault someone, there is a risk they have a gun and they will shoot you. The fact we have to talk like this in 2018 shows just how bad the level of lack of accountability is among the youths.
The grandfather was giving a White man's version of "mybabydidnunutin".
What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
Happened in my house. Unlocked door guy just walked right in. If I had wanted to kill someone I would surely have gotten away with it. Castle doctrine. I yelled GET OUT! and he stood in the doorway delivering his re-election speech. I did not feel threatened but had he taken another step....

When I was a kid we lived in an apartment building and our neighbour, who we were close friends with, just walked into our apt one day unannounced. He would normally just knock and walk in when we said it was open. We had a little "it's me" knock since our families were so close.

He apologized profusely, said it was "just a habit". One of those mindless actions one makes as you do the same routine over and over. I imagine technically in some places you could just shoot him dead and say he "broke in".

It's food for thought actually. If there is a Castle Doctrine, which on the surface I support; there should also be a law to have ones door locked if you are at home? Am I being too restrictive of citizens to demand that?

I say this, as there was another story of a man who was drunk who accidentally opened the door of the wrong home, he was also shot dead. According to a witness next door, he actually slurred to the person "oh my, this is not my house" and he was shot dead anyways.

Another more weird story, I think posted on here though I'm not sure, a young man went to a Halloween costume party and came home with it on. Now this was his fault and it was vert odd (and maybe it was a son planning to murder his dad?), but his son entered his dad's room with the costume on AND a knife. No one knows if he was planning to just scare the hell out of his Old Man (not the brightest kid) or what, but he was shot dead.

I often wondered about that last situation, if the man had left the door unlocked or not. It could have made a difference, if it was all just a prank. A most unusual story for which the truth went to the grave with his dead kid.
You can tell a lot by how the person behaves upon entering your house. But no 'have to lock your door" bullcrap is acceptable.

Of course you should be able to tell, what if someone doesn't care to know? What if they are just "shoot first ask questions later" or of the mindset, "if some son of a bitch enters my home, I'm gonna protect my place!". I would think to be alert and ready, but also logical enough to know the difference between a real threat and one that isn't in at least some if not most cases. Again, I have the luxury of not being in that situation, and sometimes maybe I have a false sense of my own confidence to survive in life, just been that way after a lifetime of always making it through tough times.

I don't know if it's true or not, but someone told me that in some states you can shoot and kill someone if they walk across your grass outside your home. They had suggested a man shot a kid for this and was cleared. It was at a poker table and another guy who owns a place in Florida disagreed with him and told him "you had better have a good reason to shoot someone in that situation", to which the original man said "he has a reason, they stepped on his front lawn".

Again, I can't confirm this, but surely we have to think, some kid with a backpack crossing your front lawn on the way to or from school, might be very bad, but shouldn't be a killable offense.

I would say that's an absolute lie. If anybody makes that claim about our country, ask them to provide the evidence.

However in Texas, you are allowed to use deadly force to protect your property from what I understand. If somebody is stealing the lawnmower out of your garage or trying to steal your car, you have the right to use deadly force to stop them. But that's the only state I'm aware of and only few times that I'm aware of that happening. You can Google Joe Horn of Texas and read what he did.
What signs of forced entry? Had a key or owner left door open. Owner hears them and blows them away? Is the HomeOwner safe from Govt?
Happened in my house. Unlocked door guy just walked right in. If I had wanted to kill someone I would surely have gotten away with it. Castle doctrine. I yelled GET OUT! and he stood in the doorway delivering his re-election speech. I did not feel threatened but had he taken another step....

When I was a kid we lived in an apartment building and our neighbour, who we were close friends with, just walked into our apt one day unannounced. He would normally just knock and walk in when we said it was open. We had a little "it's me" knock since our families were so close.

He apologized profusely, said it was "just a habit". One of those mindless actions one makes as you do the same routine over and over. I imagine technically in some places you could just shoot him dead and say he "broke in".

It's food for thought actually. If there is a Castle Doctrine, which on the surface I support; there should also be a law to have ones door locked if you are at home? Am I being too restrictive of citizens to demand that?

I say this, as there was another story of a man who was drunk who accidentally opened the door of the wrong home, he was also shot dead. According to a witness next door, he actually slurred to the person "oh my, this is not my house" and he was shot dead anyways.

Another more weird story, I think posted on here though I'm not sure, a young man went to a Halloween costume party and came home with it on. Now this was his fault and it was vert odd (and maybe it was a son planning to murder his dad?), but his son entered his dad's room with the costume on AND a knife. No one knows if he was planning to just scare the hell out of his Old Man (not the brightest kid) or what, but he was shot dead.

I often wondered about that last situation, if the man had left the door unlocked or not. It could have made a difference, if it was all just a prank. A most unusual story for which the truth went to the grave with his dead kid.
You can tell a lot by how the person behaves upon entering your house. But no 'have to lock your door" bullcrap is acceptable.

Of course you should be able to tell, what if someone doesn't care to know? What if they are just "shoot first ask questions later" or of the mindset, "if some son of a bitch enters my home, I'm gonna protect my place!". I would think to be alert and ready, but also logical enough to know the difference between a real threat and one that isn't in at least some if not most cases. Again, I have the luxury of not being in that situation, and sometimes maybe I have a false sense of my own confidence to survive in life, just been that way after a lifetime of always making it through tough times.

I don't know if it's true or not, but someone told me that in some states you can shoot and kill someone if they walk across your grass outside your home. They had suggested a man shot a kid for this and was cleared. It was at a poker table and another guy who owns a place in Florida disagreed with him and told him "you had better have a good reason to shoot someone in that situation", to which the original man said "he has a reason, they stepped on his front lawn".

Again, I can't confirm this, but surely we have to think, some kid with a backpack crossing your front lawn on the way to or from school, might be very bad, but shouldn't be a killable offense.
Then they will have to live with that. Not my problem. However for the person in the house where he does not belong in, it's his problem. I am glad I do not lust for killing like liberals do.

However, I would think shooting some kid with a back pack crossing your lawn would be murder, if that is all they did.
I don't know how I would act as I've never been in the situation,.

I was in your shoes until someone broke into the remote farm house I was renting. No electricity. No phone. As I fumbled around in the dark trying to find my 12 gauge shotgun shells, I was still wondering what I was going to do if the idiot came up the stairs to the loft.

When I loaded my Winchester 1300 pump and racked in a shell, the idiot promptly left. There's nothing like that sound.

My plan was to wait for him to reach the top of the stairs where he would have been silhouetted against a window and warn him to get out. What would have played out after that would have been up to him.

^^^One of two situations in my life where the threat of using a firearm prevented escalation.

Until my apartment was robbed, I had no use or interest in guns. But I knew the people who broke into my apartment and these were drug addicts and very dangerous people to boot. Prior to that, I never even heard a gun go off in my life.

So I got the gun, and played stupid to the people that broke in acting as if I didn't have a clue. I told them how I was anxiously awaiting the return of the thieves so I can paint my walls red. I told them I had a friend come over now and then to pick my car up and drive it off the lot to make it look like I wasn't home to be more inviting to the returning intruders.

That was the last I ever seen or heard of those people.
Not hard to figure out where his grandson inherited his stupid gene from

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