Grassley refers criminal charges against Kavanaugh accuser

Then give her what she wants...Attention. Send her to jail. She will get lots of attention there.
Let me see..

**Jane Doe- admits criminal defamation PLOY..
**Avenatti's bimbo also admits Criminal Defamation PLOY
**Two others are named in investigative reports as a PLOY and possibly committing criminal defamation...

And every one being pushed by left wing radical attorneys who are known activists..

Is it just me or is there a pattern of criminal misconduct going on here that needs a good RICO case opened up?
Now, to get Jeff off his dead ass and do something....ordo we have to wait after the midterms for Trump to fire his ass and get avREAL AG in that position!!!

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred another one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution after she admitted to Committee investigators that she made up allegations that Kavanaugh had raped her in a car:

Shannon Bream


BREAKING: This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. …

5:46 PM - Nov 2, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

This referral stems from an anonymous “Jane Doe” letter that the committee received in September that, in graphic detail, said Justice Kavanaugh had raped the letter writer and her friend “several times each” in the back of a car:

On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an
undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received
signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.1 The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car. In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any timeframe, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.

But the Committee took the letter seriously and even questioned Justice Kavanaugh under oath about the allegation:

They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.3 In response
to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “[T]he whole thing is
ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . [T]he whole thing is just a crock, farce,
wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee
publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full
text of the Jane Doe letter.5

The Committee then received an email from a one Judy Munro-Leighton who said she was “Jane Doe”:

Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton
with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped
me.”6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett
Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter
that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I
know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any
information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.

But, surprise! Munro-Leighton was a liar:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her
relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate
Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than
Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.
In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach
her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators
again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee
investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.

And then this genius admitted to the Committee investigators that she made the whole thing up:.......

Read so much more at HOLY S*IT: Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up
What a sickening thing to do to a man who is innocent of all the charges the DNC went into a frenzied bone digging just to throw dirt on a political rival who really isn't into politics, the man is into fairness and justice.

Shame on you, DNC. You knew better, but you did a heinous falsetto melodrama before the Senate Justice committee, every person in the Justice department, not to mention the Supreme Court Justices. How do you expect public respect in an election when you commit a footshoot that benefits nobody.
Now, to get Jeff off his dead ass and do something....ordo we have to wait after the midterms for Trump to fire his ass and get avREAL AG in that position!!!

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred another one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution after she admitted to Committee investigators that she made up allegations that Kavanaugh had raped her in a car:

Shannon Bream


BREAKING: This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. …

5:46 PM - Nov 2, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

This referral stems from an anonymous “Jane Doe” letter that the committee received in September that, in graphic detail, said Justice Kavanaugh had raped the letter writer and her friend “several times each” in the back of a car:

On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an
undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received
signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.1 The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car. In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any timeframe, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.

But the Committee took the letter seriously and even questioned Justice Kavanaugh under oath about the allegation:

They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.3 In response
to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “[T]he whole thing is
ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . [T]he whole thing is just a crock, farce,
wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee
publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full
text of the Jane Doe letter.5

The Committee then received an email from a one Judy Munro-Leighton who said she was “Jane Doe”:

Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton
with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped
me.”6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett
Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter
that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I
know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any
information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.

But, surprise! Munro-Leighton was a liar:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her
relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate
Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than
Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.
In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach
her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators
again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee
investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.

And then this genius admitted to the Committee investigators that she made the whole thing up:.......

Read so much more at HOLY S*IT: Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up
She is going to pull some time for making wild charges. The time and personnel spent on such stuff is chargeable.
Now, to get Jeff off his dead ass and do something....ordo we have to wait after the midterms for Trump to fire his ass and get avREAL AG in that position!!!

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred another one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution after she admitted to Committee investigators that she made up allegations that Kavanaugh had raped her in a car:

Shannon Bream


BREAKING: This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. …

5:46 PM - Nov 2, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

This referral stems from an anonymous “Jane Doe” letter that the committee received in September that, in graphic detail, said Justice Kavanaugh had raped the letter writer and her friend “several times each” in the back of a car:

On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an
undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received
signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.1 The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car. In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any timeframe, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.

But the Committee took the letter seriously and even questioned Justice Kavanaugh under oath about the allegation:

They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.3 In response
to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “[T]he whole thing is
ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . [T]he whole thing is just a crock, farce,
wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee
publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full
text of the Jane Doe letter.5

The Committee then received an email from a one Judy Munro-Leighton who said she was “Jane Doe”:

Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton
with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped
me.”6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett
Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter
that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I
know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any
information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.

But, surprise! Munro-Leighton was a liar:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her
relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate
Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than
Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.
In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach
her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators
again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee
investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.

And then this genius admitted to the Committee investigators that she made the whole thing up:.......

Read so much more at HOLY S*IT: Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up
What a sickening thing to do to a man who is innocent of all the charges the DNC went into a frenzied bone digging just to throw dirt on a political rival who really isn't into politics, the man is into fairness and justice.

Shame on you, DNC. You knew better, but you did a heinous falsetto melodrama before the Senate Justice committee, every person in the Justice department, not to mention the Supreme Court Justices. How do you expect public respect in an election when you commit a footshoot that benefits nobody.
With you on that..
Majority U.S. Women: Democrats Used Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusations for Political Gain

The majority of American women say Senate Democrats used sexual assault accusations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for political gain, a new poll reveals. The latest Harvard/Harris Poll finds that the majority of American women and men say Democrats were not genuinely concerned with the accusations of sexual assault made by Christine Blasey Ford, but instead were using the allegations and the accuser to score political points.

When asked, “Do you think Democrats were genuinely concerned about Dr. Christine Ford and her allegations towards Judge Kavanaugh, or were they just using the allegation for political purposes in order to block Kavanaugh’s nomination?” about 55 percent of all U.S. voters say the Democrats were “just using the allegations” to stop Kavanaugh from getting on the Supreme Court.

About 55 percent of American women and 56 percent of men say the same, that Democrats were using the Kavanaugh allegations for political purposes. A minority of 45 percent of voters say the Democrats were “genuinely concerned” about Blasey Ford.

Despite the establishment media and Hollywood’s “Believe Women” campaign, the vast majority of American voters — including 84 percent of women and 85 percent of men — say when it comes to sexual harassment allegations, the standards of the legal due process should be applied. Only 15 percent of voters say the legal due process should be “relaxed.”

Read more at ...
Now, to get Jeff off his dead ass and do something....ordo we have to wait after the midterms for Trump to fire his ass and get avREAL AG in that position!!!

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred another one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution after she admitted to Committee investigators that she made up allegations that Kavanaugh had raped her in a car:

Shannon Bream


BREAKING: This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. …

5:46 PM - Nov 2, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

This referral stems from an anonymous “Jane Doe” letter that the committee received in September that, in graphic detail, said Justice Kavanaugh had raped the letter writer and her friend “several times each” in the back of a car:

On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an
undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received
signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.1 The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car. In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any timeframe, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.

But the Committee took the letter seriously and even questioned Justice Kavanaugh under oath about the allegation:

They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.3 In response
to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “[T]he whole thing is
ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . [T]he whole thing is just a crock, farce,
wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee
publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full
text of the Jane Doe letter.5

The Committee then received an email from a one Judy Munro-Leighton who said she was “Jane Doe”:

Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton
with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped
me.”6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett
Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter
that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I
know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any
information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.

But, surprise! Munro-Leighton was a liar:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her
relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate
Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than
Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.
In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach
her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators
again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee
investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.

And then this genius admitted to the Committee investigators that she made the whole thing up:.......

Read so much more at HOLY S*IT: Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up

Ohhhhhh i'm so shocked . ( Nooooot)))) . lol

I"m not they got the letters (fake) during the Kav hearings and she is probably a Republican, whoever sent the letters out. They should of brought it out then, but they didn't need to, he got voted in.

He is still and accused sexual attempted rapist, and lied un oath. Changes nothing.
Anyone surprised by this? Hope she really gets slammed for it.

In his referral to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) elaborates:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.

In short, during the Committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted Committee resources. When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a “ploy,” and a “tactic.” She was opposed to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

More @ Brett Kavanaugh Rape Accuser Admits She Made Up Her Story | Breitbart
Anyone surprised by this? Hope she really gets slammed for it.

In his referral to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) elaborates:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.

In short, during the Committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted Committee resources. When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a “ploy,” and a “tactic.” She was opposed to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

More @ Brett Kavanaugh Rape Accuser Admits She Made Up Her Story | Breitbart
Never heard of her. Not once. Did she send them a letter or something?
Now, to get Jeff off his dead ass and do something....ordo we have to wait after the midterms for Trump to fire his ass and get avREAL AG in that position!!!

Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has referred another one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution after she admitted to Committee investigators that she made up allegations that Kavanaugh had raped her in a car:

Shannon Bream


BREAKING: This is quite a read. Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. …

5:46 PM - Nov 2, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

This referral stems from an anonymous “Jane Doe” letter that the committee received in September that, in graphic detail, said Justice Kavanaugh had raped the letter writer and her friend “several times each” in the back of a car:

On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an
undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received
signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.1 The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car. In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any timeframe, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.

But the Committee took the letter seriously and even questioned Justice Kavanaugh under oath about the allegation:

They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.3 In response
to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “[T]he whole thing is
ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . [T]he whole thing is just a crock, farce,
wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee
publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full
text of the Jane Doe letter.5

The Committee then received an email from a one Judy Munro-Leighton who said she was “Jane Doe”:

Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton
with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped
me.”6 Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett
Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter
that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I
know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any
information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.

But, surprise! Munro-Leighton was a liar:

Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her
relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate
Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than
Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky.
In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach
her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators
again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee
investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.

And then this genius admitted to the Committee investigators that she made the whole thing up:.......

Read so much more at HOLY S*IT: Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up

Ohhhhhh i'm so shocked . ( Nooooot)))) . lol

I"m not they got the letters (fake) during the Kav hearings and she is probably a Republican, whoever sent the letters out. They should of brought it out then, but they didn't need to, he got voted in.

He is still and accused sexual attempted rapist, and lied un oath. Changes nothing.
And what about ALL THE SEXUAL ABUSE AND RAPE CHARGES about Blow Job you even deny he got multiple BJ's in the Oval office....Penny is such excellent entertainment!...ROTFLMFAO!
One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Another Kavanaugh Accuser Admits to Fabricating Rape Story

Oh fry these lying pos worthless bottom feeders....... If anybody else would have lied like this they would face twenty years in prison for much less.

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