‘Great State of Kansas’

Residents of Kansas City awoke to find themselves not just Super Bowl champions but also part of a different state today. It followed the altering of the border of the State of Kansas by President Trump using his trusty sharpie in the early morning hours.

Governor Kelly wasted no time welcoming the hundreds of thousands of new residents of her state. Anyone doubting the power of the President’s sharpie to make sweeping change at a stroke was reminded to brush up on their Presidential sharpie history.
at worst trumps mistake just shows the east and west coasters attitude and ignorance towards us fly over states
Maybe the rest of us

But why would a Stable Genius make such a mistake?
because its a simple mistake for coasters,,,he did spend most of his life in new york city,,,

So did I
But I knew KC teams are in Missouri since I was a child

Does that make me a Stable Genius?

The vast majority of us learned that when we were like 8 or 10 years old. That's the point where Rump just stopped developing. It's why he acts like a ten-year-old.
I was a sports fan, so was well aware KC was in Missouri.
Maybe an executive order can put KC in Kansas

Donald Trump deletes tweet after congratulating Kansas, not Missouri, for Chiefs' Super Bowl win

Trump congratulates Kansas, not Missouri, in tweet for Super Bowl win
There is a Kansas City Kansas, RW. You need to get away from your computer and out of the basement
a little more often

There's a town in Pennsylvania called California. The Angels don't play there.
The Chiefs play in Kansas City Missouri.

Why can’t just one Trump follower just once go “yeah, that was pretty funny/silly/dumb” when Trump does something like this?
Like when the dems yuked it up with Obama's 57 states?

Yes, just like that. Thank you once again for proving just how alike you wingnuts are, matters not which side of the bird you are on.
I don't know why you're trying to distance yourself, GG. You're right there in the middle of it all. :auiqs.jpg:

yes I am. I stand right in the middle of you wingnuts.
Yeah...probably....once you were a RINO and now you're a full blown liberal.

Yes, there are two states that sport a Kansas City.

Correct, and the one the Chiefs (and the Royals) play in is the one in Missouri.
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It surprises me that everything that Trump has done while president (not only for our country, but internationally),
goes unnoticed by the media and the TDS'ers. Yet, a little slip of something so unimportant regarding a sporting event garners
so much attention by the same media and TDS'ers, is truly astounding. It's like they finally have their smoking gun. :auiqs.jpg:

Once AGAIN --- the fact that he doesn't know where Kansas City is, in itself is immaterial. It's the fact that for the rest of recorded time he will never muster up the cojones to admit that he fucked up, that he didn't know that. ***THAT*** is why he deserves to be mocked, and will be as long as he takes that attitude.

Understand now?
The second kansas is our 57th state. Thats where the chiefs are from.
Ever notice that in the long parade if stupid shit Ttump has said, the only response is the 57 state thing from an Obama speech.

They done dropped that turd about a thousand times in this thread (that's a thousand nickels for Pogo's Law) --- but they seem to have amnesia about the time Rump claimed he watched the twin towers fall on "Seven Eleven".

Makes ya wonder about psychology.
The second kansas is our 57th state. Thats where the chiefs are from.
Ever notice that in the long parade if stupid shit Ttump has said, the only response is the 57 state thing from an Obama speech.
Cause it was funny!

it wasnt funny it was sad,,,
People mess up

Yep, people do mess up, we're all human.

Most humans though will admit they messed up. Not Rump.
We didn't elect Trump for careful, measured, calm speech and writing ----

We forgive him.

If Kansas City is in Missouri, it should be more clear about that. Sheeeesh. Talk about bad labeling. What do they expect.
like Illinois City, Indiana or California City, Arizona
If Bostonians Pronounce Worcester "Wooster," Do They Pronounce Rochester

There's no reason why Lake Forest can't be a town in the middle of a desert, especially if its founders came from Lake Forest, Illinois.

In England "Leicester" is pronounced "Lester". Here in Carolina it's pronounced "Lee-sess-ter".

In Kansas, by which I mean Missouri, there's a town called Versailles. They pronounce it "ver-sales".
Cue the idiotic "Obama thinks we have 57 states" thing. We know it`s coming.

Will this do instead?

Why can’t just one Trump follower just once go “yeah, that was pretty funny/silly/dumb” when Trump does something like this?

would it kill? Are you afraid of being kicked out of the club?

I'm not responding cause Im a trump supporter cause I'm not,,,

but beings I've lived in KC for 54 yrs trumps mistake is a common one more so from coasters that just fly over us,,(thank god for that)

and actually trumps only mistake was not including missouri cause the chiefs home town covers both states and several other citys around us,,,

Don't Kansans feel that they, too, just won the Super Bowl? Even downstate Illinois celebrates St. Louis victories more that they do Chicago victories.

Of course there's a spillover. That happens everywhere. But why single out a state they don't even play in and exclude the one they DO play in?
The second kansas is our 57th state. Thats where the chiefs are from.
Ever notice that in the long parade if stupid shit Ttump has said, the only response is the 57 state thing from an Obama speech.
Cause it was funny!

it wasnt funny it was sad,,,
People mess up

Yep, people do mess up, we're all human.

Most humans though will admit they messed up. Not Rump.

he did correct it,,,maybe its you that cant let a simple mistake go thats made by many people 100s of times a yr ???

most likely its the TDS thats the driver of this new major scandal worthy of impeachment,,,
It surprises me that everything that Trump has done while president (not only for our country, but internationally),
goes unnoticed by the media and the TDS'ers. Yet, a little slip of something so unimportant regarding a sporting event garners
so much attention by the same media and TDS'ers, is truly astounding. It's like they finally have their smoking gun. :auiqs.jpg:

Once AGAIN --- the fact that he doesn't know where Kansas City is, in itself is immaterial. It's the fact that for the rest of recorded time he will never muster up the cojones to admit that he fucked up, that he didn't know that. ***THAT*** is why he deserves to be mocked, and will be as long as he takes that attitude.

Understand now?
No, could you clarify?
It surprises me that everything that Trump has done while president (not only for our country, but internationally),
goes unnoticed by the media and the TDS'ers. Yet, a little slip of something so unimportant regarding a sporting event garners
so much attention by the same media and TDS'ers, is truly astounding. It's like they finally have their smoking gun. :auiqs.jpg:

Once AGAIN --- the fact that he doesn't know where Kansas City is, in itself is immaterial. It's the fact that for the rest of recorded time he will never muster up the cojones to admit that he fucked up, that he didn't know that. ***THAT*** is why he deserves to be mocked, and will be as long as he takes that attitude.

Understand now?
No, could you clarify?

You're complaining that I overexplained? :uhh:
Ever notice that in the long parade if stupid shit Ttump has said, the only response is the 57 state thing from an Obama speech.
Cause it was funny!

it wasnt funny it was sad,,,
People mess up

Yep, people do mess up, we're all human.

Most humans though will admit they messed up. Not Rump.

he did correct it,,,maybe its you that cant let a simple mistake go thats made by many people 100s of times a yr ???

most likely its the TDS thats the driver of this new major scandal worthy of impeachment,,,

He DELETED it. But did he ever ADMIT TO it?

Covfefe much?
After the Kansas City Chiefs beat out the San Francisco 49ers for their first Super Bowl title in 50 years, President Trump took to Twitter to congratulate the team for proudly representing “the Great State of Kansas.”

One small hitch: Kansas City is in Missouri.

Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game and a fantastic comeback under immense pressure. We are proud of you and the Great State of Missouri. You are true Champions!


10:27 PM - Feb 2, 2020

This should be fun listening to the Trump Humpers trying to clean this up.

Winning, MAWA.
I saw that, good for a laugh.

I live in Kansas btw.

The part of Kansas that's in Missouri or in Kansas?

Yanno, there are parts of Louisiana that are in Mississippi, and vice versa.....
Maybe an executive order can put KC in Kansas

Donald Trump deletes tweet after congratulating Kansas, not Missouri, for Chiefs' Super Bowl win

Trump congratulates Kansas, not Missouri, in tweet for Super Bowl win

I was in Kansas City for the first time a couple weeks ago. I was in an office lobby talking to some locals and asked them how close were we to Kansas. They politely smiled and said that if I crossed the street behind the building I would be in Kansas.

Trolling trump on congratulating Kansas for the Chiefs is bullshit. Kansas City is both Kansas and Missouri. The Chiefs play in Missouri side but represent the region. This is like the NY Giants and Jets playing in NJ or the Washington Redskins playing in Maryland.

Uh nnnno, it isn't. The Chiefs play, and are based in, Missouri. That's the major city. They certainly could play in Kansas if conditions make it practical, but they don't.

No, this is more like if the St. Louis Cardinals win a world series and the POTUS congratulates the state of Illinois because that's where East St. Louis is.

Ever been to Kansas City?

Driven through it, didn't stop. I was driving east.

I've been everywhere, man.

Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, part is in Missouri. As noted, the Chiefs play their home games on the Missouri side while the team bears the name “Kansas” while the brand extends to all of Kansas, Western Missouri, and Nebraska. Trump was right to acknowledge the fans from Kansas but he left some people out that he should have acknowledged as well.
Maybe an executive order can put KC in Kansas

Donald Trump deletes tweet after congratulating Kansas, not Missouri, for Chiefs' Super Bowl win

Trump congratulates Kansas, not Missouri, in tweet for Super Bowl win

I was in Kansas City for the first time a couple weeks ago. I was in an office lobby talking to some locals and asked them how close were we to Kansas. They politely smiled and said that if I crossed the street behind the building I would be in Kansas.

Trolling trump on congratulating Kansas for the Chiefs is bullshit. Kansas City is both Kansas and Missouri. The Chiefs play in Missouri side but represent the region. This is like the NY Giants and Jets playing in NJ or the Washington Redskins playing in Maryland.

Uh nnnno, it isn't. The Chiefs play, and are based in, Missouri. That's the major city. They certainly could play in Kansas if conditions make it practical, but they don't.

No, this is more like if the St. Louis Cardinals win a world series and the POTUS congratulates the state of Illinois because that's where East St. Louis is.

Ever been to Kansas City?

Driven through it, didn't stop. I was driving east.

I've been everywhere, man.

Part of Kansas City is in Kansas, part is in Missouri. As noted, the Chiefs play their home games on the Missouri side while the team bears the name “Kansas” while the brand extends to all of Kansas, Western Missouri, and Nebraska. Trump was right to acknowledge the fans from Kansas but he left some people out that he should have acknowledged as well.
Wow, that's a serious stretch there kiddo.

When are you gonna get tired of having to do that to excuse him over and over?

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