Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?

6/8/12 by Raymond Ibrahim

Though ostensibly dealing with a building, a recent report demonstrates how Turkey’s populace—once deemed the most secular and liberal in the Muslim world—is reverting to its Islamic heritage, complete with animosity for the infidel West and dreams of Islam’s glory days of jihad and conquest. According to Reuters:

Thousands of devout Muslims prayed outside Turkey’s historic Hagia Sophia museum on Saturday [May 23] to protest a 1934 law that bars religious services at the former church and mosque. Worshippers shouted, “Break the chains, let Hagia Sophia Mosque open,” and “God is great” [the notorious “Allahu Akbar”] before kneeling in prayer as tourists looked on. Turkey’s secular laws prevent Muslims and Christians from formal worship within the 6th-century monument, the world’s greatest cathedral for almost a millennium before invading Ottomans converted it into a mosque in the 15th century.


Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque? | FrontPage Magazine
You kidding i'd take the commies over islamic fanatics any day, only thing that could possibly compare to islam is Hitlers germany except that even they had atleast one good faction.
You kidding i'd take the commies over islamic fanatics any day, only thing that could possibly compare to islam is Hitlers germany except that even they had atleast one good faction.
What was the "good faction"?

The poster made MANY typos I am sure. And I do not recall Christ's MEGA Church being mentioned, I must have missed Sunday school that day.
I am happy for them. If it pissess off right wing assess, that's even better.
I might have missed something, but it sounds like people are just protesting. It didn't sound like it was being converted anytime soon.
The secular president of Turkey at the time Ataturk; hated Islam and idolized the West.

For all of his effort Turkey has never been fully accepted by Europe and the West.

Now the citizens of that country have finally realized that they were much better off when the nation was guided by Islamic principles and laws.

To revert the museum back into a mosque is just one more step in the right direction for Turkey and it's people.
Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?

6/8/12 by Raymond Ibrahim

Though ostensibly dealing with a building, a recent report demonstrates how Turkey’s populace—once deemed the most secular and liberal in the Muslim world—is reverting to its Islamic heritage, complete with animosity for the infidel West and dreams of Islam’s glory days of jihad and conquest. According to Reuters:

Thousands of devout Muslims prayed outside Turkey’s historic Hagia Sophia museum on Saturday [May 23] to protest a 1934 law that bars religious services at the former church and mosque. Worshippers shouted, “Break the chains, let Hagia Sophia Mosque open,” and “God is great” [the notorious “Allahu Akbar”] before kneeling in prayer as tourists looked on. Turkey’s secular laws prevent Muslims and Christians from formal worship within the 6th-century monument, the world’s greatest cathedral for almost a millennium before invading Ottomans converted it into a mosque in the 15th century.


Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque? | FrontPage Magazine

Sounds like more 'haters'. Yeah we need more of that, heh?
If you photoshop away the Minaretts and pretend, that first Friday prayer in the mosque didn't happen 559 years ago then (just from the exterior view) it could pass-off as a Church.


Christendom’s Greatest Cathedral to Become a Mosque

Posted By Raymond Ibrahim On June 21, 2013 @ 12:25

While unrest in Turkey continues to capture attention, more subtle and more telling events concerning the Islamification of Turkey—and not just at the hands of Prime Minister Erdogan but majorities of Turks—are quietly transpiring. These include the fact that Turkey’s Hagia Sophia museum is on its way to becoming a mosque.

Why does the fate of an old building matter?

Because Hagia Sophia—Greek for “Holy Wisdom”—was for some thousand years Christianity’s greatest cathedral. Built in 537 in Constantinople, the heart of the Christian empire, it was also a stalwart symbol of defiance against an ever encroaching Islam from the east.

After parrying centuries of jihadi thrusts, Constantinople was finally sacked by Ottoman Turks in 1453. Its crosses desecrated and icons defaced, Hagia Sophia—as well as thousands of other churches—was immediately converted into a mosque, the tall minarets of Islam surrounding it in triumph.

Then, after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, as part of several reforms, secularist Ataturk transformed Hagia Sophia into a “neutral” museum in 1934—a gesture of goodwill to a then triumphant West from a then crestfallen Turkey.


Even lesser known is the fact that other historic churches are currently being transformed into mosques, such as a 13th century church building—portentously also named Hagia Sophia—in Trabzon. After the Islamic conquest, it was turned into a mosque. But because of its “great historical and cultural significance” for Christians, it too, during Turkey’s secular age, was turned into a museum and its frescoes restored. Yet local authorities recently decreed that its Christian frescoes would again be covered and the church/museum turned into a mosque.

Similarly, the 5th century Studios Monastery, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, is set to become an active mosque. And the existence of the oldest functioning Christian monastery in the world, 5th century Mor Gabriel Monastery is at risk.


Meanwhile, here are neighboring Turkey’s Muslims openly praising the same jihadi warlords who brutally conquered a portion of Europe centuries ago, converting thousands of churches into mosques, even as they openly prepare to finish the job—which may not even require force, as Europe actively sells its own soul.

Christendom?s Greatest Cathedral to Become a Mosque | FrontPage Magazine

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