Greece votes on whether to dump austerity, take on lenders

Another lib redefinition...fiscal sanity is austerity.....,.....
Fiscal sanity for a family can be austerity, for a nation it's a recipe for disaster.

This is one thing we agree on. Austerity is fucking retarded....

You build a nation by educating your children, building infrastructure, investing in science and r&d.

You certainly don't by skinning your country alive.
Greece needs higher taxes, more govt spending, more debt, and more civil servants on the dole to identify what the real needs are......
For growth ! Lol
Every EU country that helped try and bail those wastes out should bury them. No forgiveness of debt, restructuring, loans, trade, etc....

Let them sink for good
Another lib redefinition...fiscal sanity is austerity.....,.....
Fiscal sanity for a family can be austerity, for a nation it's a recipe for disaster.

This is one thing we agree on. Austerity is fucking retarded....

You build a nation by educating your children, building infrastructure, investing in science and r&d.

You certainly don't by skinning your country alive.

You build a nation by educating your children, building infrastructure, investing in science and r&d.

I'm sure the Germans will be more likely now to lend the Greeks the money they need to do those things. LOL!
As a Greek, Greece is pretty much fucked. there is little way that Syriza can undo the attempts made by New Democracy, unless they want to grind the rest of Greece into bankruptcy,
Part of the problem in Greece is that taxes are so high that corruption and evasion is rampant. The consequence of confiscatory taxes is that everyone evades them as much as possible. The result is very little in taxes actually paid.
Another lib redefinition...fiscal sanity is austerity.....,.....
Fiscal sanity for a family can be austerity, for a nation it's a recipe for disaster.

This is one thing we agree on. Austerity is fucking retarded....

You build a nation by educating your children, building infrastructure, investing in science and r&d.

You certainly don't by skinning your country alive.

I agree with you....but I don't know how much infrastructure Greece is building, or investment in science & R&D they are doing. From what I have read, the "Austerity" that was attempted in Greece has been a slight reduction in the social services area (ie: free money for no work).

Am I wrong??
Exactly what do YOU know about Greece?
Enough to be entertained by their implosion.
Hardly. If they leave the Euro they will be able to secure better credit and run their own economy. At the moment they are strangled at the neck by the IMF and European bureaucracy.

If they leave the Euro they will be able to secure better credit

How do you figure that?

and run their own economy (into the ground).

They already did.

At the moment they are strangled at the neck by the IMF and European bureaucracy.

They are strangled by their own bureaucracy, inefficiency and welfare state. The EU will
no longer be the source of their (over)spending.
They could secure credit from the open market, as opposed to being limited to a few institutions and being forced to follow EU debt guidelines.

Here is a run down on why Greece leaving the Euro isn't such a bad thing after all: Nine charts showing why Greece has to leave the euro - Telegraph

They could secure credit from the open market,

Why is the open market going to lend them money after they, probably, stop paying the EU for their lower interest loans?

Here is a run down on why Greece leaving the Euro isn't such a bad thing after all

Thanks for the charts. None showed the Greeks will benefit from defaulting, being unable to borrow and increasing government spending.
They will still have to keep paying the EU, though they will still default - whether they remain in the Euro or not.

Greece needs to figure out how to fix its own problems, not drag the rest of the EU into it - obviously it would be easier for them to do that if they have more control over their own finances, and aren't blindly leashed to budget constraints they can never possibly hope to meet for at least a decade.

I agree that the Greek economy is in difficult straights whether they remain with or leave the Euro, though the one possible advantage would be trade with Russia - as they would no longer be required to maintain the sanctions as much.
Any movement away from austerity is a good move, as it has done nothing to improve the economic condition of Greece, arguably, it deepened the depression and they still remain mired in it, though to a lesser degree. However, the new Prime Minister Tspiras of the "Syriza" party reminds me of an Obama like figure. A lot of hype and very little substance. They claim they will end austerity and renegotiate, yet they will stay in the EU and remain on the Euro. This doesn't seem tenable or realistic. Quite honestly, Syriza to me just seems to be PASOK(the old democrat socialist party which has now collapsed) in a new form. I don't think Tspiras will keep anything of his promises for "reform", and maintain the policies of the previous "conservative" New Democracy Government. He did spend the last weeks in London, Berlin, and the USA assuring western leaders he would be "moderate" so I don't think their will be as much "change" as the media is leading people to believe. They are being sensationalist in my view.
It will be interesting to see if they can even form a government though. I believe they are a couple votes from forming a government on their own? It will be interesting what party will join them because KKE(the communist party) has explicitly stated they won't.
Good for them.

And American taxpayers will wind up bailing them out.

Hope you enjoy your taxes going to Greece.

As long as it's American Rich People, I'm good with that. Let's be blunt what happened here. The rich tricked Greece into the Euro, and then fucked them, and they've said enough.

For the happy day AMericans get sick of the rich and their bullshit.
Good for them.

And American taxpayers will wind up bailing them out.

Hope you enjoy your taxes going to Greece.

As long as it's American Rich People, I'm good with that. Let's be blunt what happened here. The rich tricked Greece into the Euro, and then fucked them, and they've said enough.

For the happy day AMericans get sick of the rich and their bullshit.

Your version of the euro is retarded, as expected.

And no, rich people don't pay enough taxes, remember? Your taxes will be going to bail out the rich hedge fund managers who own Greek bonds. lol
Yep the Greeks were tricked and Rich Americans should bail them out .
Clueless schmuck and a douchebag...
It will be interesting to see if they can even form a government though. I believe they are a couple votes from forming a government on their own? It will be interesting what party will join them because KKE(the communist party) has explicitly stated they won't.
SYRIZA has formed a government with the Independent Greeks, a right-wing anti-austerity party. The government can expect precious little from its creditors as Europe is fed up, or soon will be. Bankruptcy and an exit from the Euro is inevitable if Tsipras even remotely tries to implement his rhetoric.

This notion that 17+ sovereign countries could keep their fiscal shit together enough to keep one currency alive and vibrant is one of the mysteries of the 21st century.

Politicians are nuts.


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