Greed and Stupidity on the Right.

The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Every company must pay at least minimum wage. So they are not "very low wages."
What min wage would you like to see? $50/hr? 100/hr? Would that solve our problems? Please show your work.
It is comical both how misinformed you are and how much you tell other people they are.

Actually, I am not misinformed at all. The fact is that productivity from American workers has risen dramatically over the past 30 years and wages have remained stagnant. The only people benefiting are the ones at the top. The ones on the bottom are having a harder time and so even if they are working a full-time job, they need assistance just to get by. The kicker is that you guys blame them for all our problems. It's comical.

So people who are working and collecting salaries and benefits are not benefitting at all?
Are you insane?
The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Which 'companies' might those be? For what types of jobs? Name the companies.
What are the wages you consider to be low?
Oh, newsflash....Living wage and minimum wage are mutually exclusive.
No business owner in their right mind is going to pay entry level labor that requires little if any education or training more than the job returns on the investment.
As Americans we all have the right to achieve to the best of our ability. This includes those doing menial entry level work. The solution is very simple. Training and education are key.
Min wage jobs were NEVER intended to be those on which one would support a family.
So that argument is bunk.
Yes, we read the sympathetic woe is me stories featuring single mothers who say they can't make ends meet because their 'job doesn't pay enough'.....Well, that is the LAST thing a worker would go to their boss with if they are asking for a wage increase.

Wages have been suppressed across the board. Because we have kept the minimum wage as low as possible, all other wages have suffered also. Of course anytime someone points this out, you guys come out with your stupid responses saying we want to raise the minimum wage to $50 per hour. The bottom line is pretty simple. The economy does not benefit from having a few extremely wealthy people and everyone else barely scraping by.

What country do you live in? Because here in the US most people do not work min wage jobs. Also their wages are not tied to the min wage. Note that we have had an increase in the min wage and I dont see wages any higher today than previously. The opposite actually. So your "theory"is simply wrong.
It isnt that liberals dont know anything. It's that so much of what they do know is wrong.
Why don't you plagiarise the entire book.?

She's not a Repub congressman, you know.

The Rs taking food away from children, vets, grandparents, the handicapped - its all part of the ruin of our nation. That's what the R wants and we see proof of that every single day.

The difference is, the Ds want to invest in the US. That means feeding and educating children. NOT putting them to work.

All children are entitled to a sound basic education. All public school students are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Are we clear?
Kids who work part time while in school learn valuable skills. In fact kids that do take part time jobs , once they finish their formal schooling, are more advanced that their non working counterparts....
Taxation and investment in the country are mutually exclusive.
Taxation removes investment dollars from the economy.

Idiot !!!! they just took them away whe4n are stupid greedy people like you going to learn
I have seen all kinds of personal attacks and opinions but what I haven't seen is anybody refute the facts in the OP. And that includes you, Stephanie. What I have seen from Stephanie is ignorance, laziness, and a willingness to spread lies.

you post a title that says, greed and stupidity on the right and then sit here and poo poo your diaper when you are called out for what you are

you are the ignorant, lazy pos and can go to hell
My! My! My! What a sweet and lovely person you are. Go ahead and call me some more names. A foul mouth and disposition seems to be all you have going for you.
Oh and by the way, you have not disproved a single fact I posted in the OP. Every post on this thread has been a personal attack against me while offering absolutely nothing.

that's all steph-foney knows how to do ... she has never once debated a issue ... she would know how ... all she good for is ??? what is she good for ???
I know ... making fun of...
the op is troll, who post nothing but hate and division for pot stirring

just look at the title for an Example

as steph-foney the board tea bagger, (she love the feeling of that tea bag bouncing on her head), has a problem too mant baggs bouncing on her forehead has caused her to be delusional ... at best
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

Um, get a job

Does a person have a right to be greedy?
How many middle class liberals are their that do not give?

Private charity and church giving do not count as generosity.

The only true generosity is advocating the government take money away from those that earned it and give it to those who didn't. And of course, the cutoff for the taking is always just a little bit more than the advocate makes.

This is so progressives can feel good about doing something to help their fellow man without actually having to do anything.
I have made a few suggestions on how to cut costs when you are financially strapped, which I learned from my own personal experience of 40+ years ago, when there was no SNAP but there was pride and self-respect.

You suggestions for eating on small incomes were EXCELLENT.

But news for you amigo, 40 years ago (1973) there were food stamps.

So for all the good advise you gave, you shit the bed on your USMB personal credibility factor.

you post a title that says, greed and stupidity on the right and then sit here and poo poo your diaper when you are called out for what you are

you are the ignorant, lazy pos and can go to hell
My! My! My! What a sweet and lovely person you are. Go ahead and call me some more names. A foul mouth and disposition seems to be all you have going for you.
Oh and by the way, you have not disproved a single fact I posted in the OP. Every post on this thread has been a personal attack against me while offering absolutely nothing.

that's all steph-foney knows how to do ... she has never once debated a issue ... she would know how ... all she good for is ??? what is she good for ???
I know ... making fun of...

irony....but here's this for ya:eusa_boohoo:
you can grovel at the op's feet like he's the knower of everything, no one cares
For the love of God, EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!
The very LAST thing you want is for people to educate themselves.

No, you want them to unquestioningly and unthinkingly agree with and endorse progressive propaganda.

Just like you do.

[ame=]Santorum On Obama 'What A Snob' - YouTube[/ame]
How did Republicans singlehandedly decide to reduce funding on a bill?
Do you know anything?

And let's get rid of this food stamp crap. It is nothing but a sop to big food companies. Allow local orgs to figure out who is truly needy and let them do their work.
I know plenty. It is clear you know nothing!
Passing a bill requires both the House and the Senate to pass the bill. It then goes to the President where he can sign it into law or veto it.
But, once a bill is passed neither the President or the Senate has anything to do with the bill. However, the House handles the purse strings of the government and THEY have a voice in how bills are funded. They can choose to raise funding, keep it the same, or CUT FUNDING and the Senate and the President do not have a voice.
For the love of God, EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

What mechanism does the House have for reducing funding on a program? Be very specifc here. How exactly do they do this?
This should be good.

They use special fairy dust that magically allows them to by-pass the remainder of congress and the president.

If this were true, why would house republicans need bipartisan support to make the cuts they have talked about the last 5 years? The answer - because they need the senate and president to agree and sign off on the budgets proposed.

Only morons, like Boop and Ron here, dont have a fuckin' clue how the governmant works.

They are just brainwashed drones that moan and groan like zombies about repulicans.
The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Every company must pay at least minimum wage. So they are not "very low wages."
What min wage would you like to see? $50/hr? 100/hr? Would that solve our problems? Please show your work.
It is comical both how misinformed you are and how much you tell other people they are.

Actually, I am not misinformed at all. The fact is that productivity from American workers has risen dramatically over the past 30 years and wages have remained stagnant. The only people benefiting are the ones at the top. The ones on the bottom are having a harder time and so even if they are working a full-time job, they need assistance just to get by. The kicker is that you guys blame them for all our problems. It's comical.
The sole purpose of employment is for the business to realize a return on their investment.
Of course it is wise for employers to keep their best, most skilled and most productive employees happy.
People that fill low skill or entry level jobs are a dime per dozen. No business is going to invest in these people with higher than market rate wages because those jobs have the lowest return on investment. These people also happen to be the least educated and least reliable. They are more prone to tardiness and miss more work days than higher skilled workers.
There is no 'magic wand' that can be waived to simply "pay them more"...It doesn't work that way.
Answer these questions: Read the links I posted and then answer the questions I have posed.

Exactly who is the "somebody" who is having money taken from them? (Here is a hint, it damn sure is not Thomas Sowell or the 1%)

Who exactly will benefit and who will suffer from the cutting of SNAP benefits? (Here is another hint: It is not the people who are in the middle or on the top who will suffer but the people on the bottom who will.)
Basically what you are saying is "Fuck them! Take their funds away. Let them die, I do not want to help my fellow Americans." And don't say that is not so because taking away their benefits when they are already stretched to the limit is exactly what you are calling for.

Isn't that what you are saying to people like me who are having to pay hundreds more a month for Health Insurance under Obama-care? Meanwhile you want to take even more out of my pocket in taxes to give to those who don't work.

Libs have never met a government program they don't like, as a rule. The SNAP program has recently become bloated, and needs to be reduced. A lot of other programs should be reduced.

They never saw a tax they didn't like either.
The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Which 'companies' might those be? For what types of jobs? Name the companies.
What are the wages you consider to be low?
Oh, newsflash....Living wage and minimum wage are mutually exclusive.
No business owner in their right mind is going to pay entry level labor that requires little if any education or training more than the job returns on the investment.
As Americans we all have the right to achieve to the best of our ability. This includes those doing menial entry level work. The solution is very simple. Training and education are key.
Min wage jobs were NEVER intended to be those on which one would support a family.
So that argument is bunk.
Yes, we read the sympathetic woe is me stories featuring single mothers who say they can't make ends meet because their 'job doesn't pay enough'.....Well, that is the LAST thing a worker would go to their boss with if they are asking for a wage increase.

Wages have been suppressed across the board. Because we have kept the minimum wage as low as possible, all other wages have suffered also. Of course anytime someone points this out, you guys come out with your stupid responses saying we want to raise the minimum wage to $50 per hour. The bottom line is pretty simple. The economy does not benefit from having a few extremely wealthy people and everyone else barely scraping by.

I asked for examples. Short of that, your post is simply more liberal whiny rhetoric.
Oh, unionists just LOVE when the min wage is increased because most union contract rates are indexed to the min wage. Nice try.
The min wage has zero to do with the pay rates of non min wage jobs.
Everyone else is NOT 'just scraping by"...
And but for Obama's failed economic policies, the recovery would be in effect now. As we have seen, in the 18 quarters since Obama took office no one quarter has shown annualized GDP growth of greater than 1.7%. That is in most financial circles, a flat economy.
While Obama is out campaigning for jobs, he is on policy doing everything he can to scuttle the economy. Obamacare is the biggest job killer of them all.
You sit your computer and theorize where the blame for the slow economy belongs, why wages have not increased for lower skilled workers, etc. Meanwhile it is the Obama admin which is the cause.
Which 'companies' might those be? For what types of jobs? Name the companies.
What are the wages you consider to be low?
Oh, newsflash....Living wage and minimum wage are mutually exclusive.
No business owner in their right mind is going to pay entry level labor that requires little if any education or training more than the job returns on the investment.
As Americans we all have the right to achieve to the best of our ability. This includes those doing menial entry level work. The solution is very simple. Training and education are key.
Min wage jobs were NEVER intended to be those on which one would support a family.
So that argument is bunk.
Yes, we read the sympathetic woe is me stories featuring single mothers who say they can't make ends meet because their 'job doesn't pay enough'.....Well, that is the LAST thing a worker would go to their boss with if they are asking for a wage increase.

Wages have been suppressed across the board. Because we have kept the minimum wage as low as possible, all other wages have suffered also. Of course anytime someone points this out, you guys come out with your stupid responses saying we want to raise the minimum wage to $50 per hour. The bottom line is pretty simple. The economy does not benefit from having a few extremely wealthy people and everyone else barely scraping by.

What country do you live in? Because here in the US most people do not work min wage jobs. Also their wages are not tied to the min wage. Note that we have had an increase in the min wage and I dont see wages any higher today than previously. The opposite actually. So your "theory"is simply wrong.
It isnt that liberals dont know anything. It's that so much of what they do know is wrong.
Liberals....They don't even know enough to know that they don't know.
She's not a Repub congressman, you know.

The Rs taking food away from children, vets, grandparents, the handicapped - its all part of the ruin of our nation. That's what the R wants and we see proof of that every single day.

The difference is, the Ds want to invest in the US. That means feeding and educating children. NOT putting them to work.

All children are entitled to a sound basic education. All public school students are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Are we clear?
Kids who work part time while in school learn valuable skills. In fact kids that do take part time jobs , once they finish their formal schooling, are more advanced that their non working counterparts....
Taxation and investment in the country are mutually exclusive.
Taxation removes investment dollars from the economy.

Idiot !!!! they just took them away whe4n are stupid greedy people like you going to learn

Hey moron...How about you learn to use complete sentences. Perhaps then you could engage in debate.

I will help you...
Who is "they"? What or whom is "them"?
Learn WHAT?....
Greed? A perfect example of greed is when people such as yourself demand the earnings and assets of others be transferred to you or to those who you feel are 'deserving'...
Of course you don't quite see it that way. Your contention is, "oh, they have enough"..."They can afford to have some of their earnings or assets taken from them."..
Hey billy, that is NOT your call. You do not get to decide who has what, who gets to keep what...Until you are willing to make those sacrifices yourself, you have no say in the matter.
the op is troll, who post nothing but hate and division for pot stirring

just look at the title for an Example

as steph-foney the board tea bagger, (she love the feeling of that tea bag bouncing on her head), has a problem too mant baggs bouncing on her forehead has caused her to be delusional ... at best

That's the best you can do in this discussion? Roll out some filthy sexual innuendo?
You've got nothing, dummy. You barely have a right to an opinion....
Oh, can you please change your avatar picture from something other than a guy with the 1989's hair cut standing in front of the 1960's manufactured home.
The 1,300 square foot ranch with no garage and the laundry room outside the living area?

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