Greed and Stupidity on the Right.

Greed and Stupidity on the Right.

No one's ever been able to rationally explain this, ron. Maybe you could give it a shot.
Answer these questions: Read the links I posted and then answer the questions I have posed.

Exactly who is the "somebody" who is having money taken from them? (Here is a hint, it damn sure is not Thomas Sowell or the 1%)

Who exactly will benefit and who will suffer from the cutting of SNAP benefits? (Here is another hint: It is not the people who are in the middle or on the top who will suffer but the people on the bottom who will.)
Basically what you are saying is "Fuck them! Take their funds away. Let them die, I do not want to help my fellow Americans." And don't say that is not so because taking away their benefits when they are already stretched to the limit is exactly what you are calling for.

Isn't that what you are saying to people like me who are having to pay hundreds more a month for Health Insurance under Obama-care? Meanwhile you want to take even more out of my pocket in taxes to give to those who don't work.

No one's ever been able to rationally explain this, ron. Maybe you could give it a shot.
Answer these questions: Read the links I posted and then answer the questions I have posed.

Exactly who is the "somebody" who is having money taken from them? (Here is a hint, it damn sure is not Thomas Sowell or the 1%)

Who exactly will benefit and who will suffer from the cutting of SNAP benefits? (Here is another hint: It is not the people who are in the middle or on the top who will suffer but the people on the bottom who will.)
Basically what you are saying is "Fuck them! Take their funds away. Let them die, I do not want to help my fellow Americans." And don't say that is not so because taking away their benefits when they are already stretched to the limit is exactly what you are calling for.

Isn't that what you are saying to people like me who are having to pay hundreds more a month for Health Insurance under Obama-care? Meanwhile you want to take even more out of my pocket in taxes to give to those who don't work.

Libs have never met a government program they don't like, as a rule. The SNAP program has recently become bloated, and needs to be reduced. A lot of other programs should be reduced.
Answer these questions: Read the links I posted and then answer the questions I have posed.

Exactly who is the "somebody" who is having money taken from them? (Here is a hint, it damn sure is not Thomas Sowell or the 1%)

Who exactly will benefit and who will suffer from the cutting of SNAP benefits? (Here is another hint: It is not the people who are in the middle or on the top who will suffer but the people on the bottom who will.)
Basically what you are saying is "Fuck them! Take their funds away. Let them die, I do not want to help my fellow Americans." And don't say that is not so because taking away their benefits when they are already stretched to the limit is exactly what you are calling for.

Isn't that what you are saying to people like me who are having to pay hundreds more a month for Health Insurance under Obama-care? Meanwhile you want to take even more out of my pocket in taxes to give to those who don't work.

Libs have never met a government program they don't like, as a rule. The SNAP program has recently become bloated, and needs to be reduced. A lot of other programs should be reduced.

They don't care about any of that, nor do they care about these people, the poor, the children, seniors, vets, etc
If they did they wouldn't USE them in thread like this...

their only goal in life is to cause hate and division in this country to help their party (Democrats) agenda..It's some the saddest reality of people today
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Which 'companies' might those be? For what types of jobs? Name the companies.
What are the wages you consider to be low?
Oh, newsflash....Living wage and minimum wage are mutually exclusive.
No business owner in their right mind is going to pay entry level labor that requires little if any education or training more than the job returns on the investment.
As Americans we all have the right to achieve to the best of our ability. This includes those doing menial entry level work. The solution is very simple. Training and education are key.
Min wage jobs were NEVER intended to be those on which one would support a family.
So that argument is bunk.
Yes, we read the sympathetic woe is me stories featuring single mothers who say they can't make ends meet because their 'job doesn't pay enough'.....Well, that is the LAST thing a worker would go to their boss with if they are asking for a wage increase.
Conservatives care nothing about the facts and evidence concerning public assistance, such as those receiving SNAP benefits are low income working Americans, and that the vast majority of those on public assistance receive benefits for only a short period of time, never to return.

The notion of the ‘chronic welfare abuser’ is a rightist contrivance and myth.

Instead of facts and evidence concerning public assistance, conservatives instead adhere blindly to rightist dogma predicated on lies, having nothing to do with the facts regarding food stamps or public assistance in general.

The poor are consequently inadvertent victims of conservatives’ reckless adherence to their failed dogma.

you're a liar...many people are chronic welfare abusers..and are now abusing food stamps as well.......just because you spew they aren't doesn't make it so
he post a few links and that is suppose to be ALL THE FACTS...all it was was DNC talking points
everything is conservatives fault in you shallow world
I have posted facts fron non-partisan sources. YOU ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE POSTED OR PROVEN NOTHING. NOTHING!!!! All we have is your idiotic raving with nothing to back up what you are screaming about.
"many people are chronic welfare abusers." WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?
"they are now abusing food stamps as well." AGAIN, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF. Oh, and by the way, those food stamps you are raving about no longer exist. The SNAP program gets benefits to people by using EBT. That is "Electronic Benefit Transfer" which is basically a debit card. Educate yourself:
"Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows state
welfare departments to issue benefits via a magnetically encoded payment card, used in the United States and the United Kingdom.<SUP class="reference" id="cite_ref-1">[1]

Common benefits provided (in the United States) via EBT are typically of two general categories: food and cash benefits. Food benefits are federally authorized benefits that can be used only to purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages. Food benefits are distributed through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program. Cash benefits include state general assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits and refugee benefits."
You have to be one of the dumbest people on these boards. All you do is scream about what you believe while NEVER providing a single fact to prove what you are saying is true.
What a waste of live you are.

Craigslist makes turning food stamps into cash a SNAP | Fox News
Food Stamp Fraud: Craigslist, Other Sites Selling Cards Illegally
USDA targets food-stamp fraud with state effort - Washington Post

No fraud, huh?
BTW, there is no need for you to explain the benefits.
A few points...There is very little scrutiny of the income of recipients. There is no requirement to show ID when using an EBT or other debit card issued by the federal government.
Few people mind paying taxes for social safety nets for the truly needy.
The current system, however, is sheer lunacy.
Tens of thousands of federal worker's jobs depend on these programs. They depend on the expansion and ever increasing funding of these programs.
Politicians who must keep their seats in government depend on an ever expanding number of people living off the public dole.
The mentality of the recipients is that of entitlement. Then the mentality of the supporters of these programs smacks of extreme greed.
Greed for the earnings and assets of other people.
The liberal idea of compassion always begins with other people's money. Never their own.
No wonder why wealthy liberals are the highest users of every tax shelter under the sun.
Hummmmm ...." Even a child could earn $10 in a month." Hummmmm......
So you agree with newt gingrich when he called for the child-labor laws to be repealed. Oh, and here is something you might give a thought to; The phrase "...children under 18, ...." refers to childen under 1 year old, under 2 years old, under 3 years old, under 4 years old, ..., under 18 years old. Pray tell, what kind of a job should 3 year olds be looking for?

Nothing like the all or nothing straw man argument to bolster your point.
Hey dummy, THERE IS NO STRAW MAN HERE. For your information there are 1 year olds receiving SNAP benefits. There are 2 year olds receiving SNAP benefits. There are 3 year olds receiving SNAP benefits. And on and on, Here is a thought, why don't you go back to the OP and read the two links I have provided. I doubt if you will do that because there is an outside chance you might educate yourself. By GOD, we can't have that, can we?
Your argument regarding putting newborns , one ,two and three year olds to work is a straw man argument.
Now, if you want to lose a contest of insults, have at it.
I discuss issues here. If you want a bar room brawl, let me know.
You don't get to hurl insults just because someone has an opposing viewpoint.
And the children do not receive the benefits. The adult in charge does.
Why are you screaming....(all caps)....
Only republicans voted on this and it passed!?!?!

This does not have to do with new law and thus does not need a Senate vote or presidential signature. It has to do with the funding of a bill that has already been passed.
United States to Fall Off ‘Hunger Cliff’ Friday, Hitting Women and Families Hardest

by Emily Crockett, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

October 31, 2013 - 5:32 pm

Advocates are warning that the United States will go over a “
hunger cliff” Friday, when benefits to all food stamp recipients will decrease, with women and children particularly affected.

“This is the first time in the history of the program that an across-the-board reduction of benefits will take place,” Triada Stampas, director of governmental relations and public education at the Food Bank for New York City, told RH Reality Check.

I suggest you Google "Hunger cliff" for more stories like this.

ron you just banging you head agains the wall here when it comes to feeding children ... their beliefs is if a woman gets pregnant, she has to have that baby no matter what ... then after that baby is born its her problem to feed it not theirs ... as far as they are concerned, send it off to the coal mine to shove coal as soon as it pops out ...

Gee, why don't you mix in a few other non sequiturs...
What a stupid and greedy piece of shit you are. Fourty-seven percent of those on SNAP are less than 18 years of age and you want them to go to work. So tell me shit-for-brains, exactly what job do you want 5 year olds doing? How about 3 year olds? Got to be jobs for 3 year olds. What about 10 year olds? Maybe we can get them jobs carrying bricks at construction sites. That seems like the type of job you would approve of.

First, no matter how much I disagree with you, I would never call you the names you just used in your post, because my self-respect and dignity would prevent me from doing so.

Having said that, I was barely over 18 years of age when I got a job in a gold mine, shoveling about 5-8 tons of broken rock (called in mining terms: MUCKING) a day.

When the mine shut down, I used my savings from that job to support myself for ten months, while I enrolled in high school and got my diploma.

Never touched food stamp in my life.

You took it upon yourself to champion for those who got too comfortable in their lives at the expense of somebody else. Unless, of course, you, yourself are one of those free-loaders.

calling some one a free-loader isn't any worse then calling some one shit for brains ... its still degrading .... that fact that you feel the words free-loader is acceptable, or moocher is acceptable, or dead beat, or takers is ok its not is just as bad as calling some one a fuxsx head ... you may dress it up all you like by putting in your view of whats appropriate, its not ... its insulting and condescending ... as for you working in a goal mine you can't if under 18 years old ... not even barely under 18 or almost 18 would be violating all laws concerning these type of jobs ...being you have to be 18 years old to go into a gold mine to work so don't come here and give us your, I worked sob story... any way you looked at it you failed in high school so you went to work in a gold mine to get your GED ... tell the truth ... one person self-respect is degrading anothers person dignity ... mr/mrs to much self-respect and dignity

You people FEAR hard work. You want what you want and call upon government to get it for you.
The fact that you find the OP's story upsetting shows your total lack of work ethic.
You'd rather have had the OP go one the public dole because it's OWED to him, yes?
You people whine and complain about what you think others owe you. They owe you because you are less fortunate. On planet liberal, that's all it takes.....WAAAAH my life sucks, PAY ME.....Oh cry me a fucking river.
You're telling me people are going to starve because they recieve $10 less than they currently do?

Even a child could earn $10 in a month.

And yet, you call yourself a christian?

At what age do you think kids should be earning their own food? Grade school?

Hell, like that vile lump of dog crap Newt said, they should be scrubbing out toilets while still school age. They sure as hell don't need to study or learn because, after all, they're gonna be flipping burgers.

Avatar, most of the so-called "christians" on this board talk like they hate children but you are consistently the worst.
I repeat, this was not a new bill and thus did not need Senate approval and a presidential signature. It has to do with the funding of a bill that has already been passed and has been in operation for years. As the House handles the pocketbook they are able to lower the money allotted to the SNAP program without any other approval needed. You can cease being amazed.

How did Republicans singlehandedly decide to reduce funding on a bill?
Do you know anything?

And let's get rid of this food stamp crap. It is nothing but a sop to big food companies. Allow local orgs to figure out who is truly needy and let them do their work.
I know plenty. It is clear you know nothing!
Passing a bill requires both the House and the Senate to pass the bill. It then goes to the President where he can sign it into law or veto it.
But, once a bill is passed neither the President or the Senate has anything to do with the bill. However, the House handles the purse strings of the government and THEY have a voice in how bills are funded. They can choose to raise funding, keep it the same, or CUT FUNDING and the Senate and the President do not have a voice.
For the love of God, EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

Screaming ( all caps) does not validate your point.
So you say the House has the final say on spending....Oh...Ok so the fact that the Senate and the POTUS objected to and scuttled every proposal the House sent to them during the sequester, the debt ceiling event and the CR to keep the government fully funded, means nothing. As far as you are concerned the House rules the beltway...That's the way you see it.
Ya know what genius. If that were so, there would be no Obamacare now.
Obviously you are considering some other government. Not the US...
The Budget Cycle. The President is required to submit to Congress a proposed
budget by the first Monday in February. Although this budget does not have the force of
law, it is a comprehensive examination of federal revenues and spending, including any
initiatives recommended by the President, and is the start of extensive interaction with
Within six weeks of the President’s budget submission, congressional committees
are required to submit their “views and estimates” of spending and revenues within their
respective jurisdictions to the House and Senate Budget Committees. These views and
estimates, along with information from other sources, is then used by each Budget
Committee in drafting and reporting a concurrent resolution on the budget to its respective
house. Other information is gathered by the Budget Committees in reports and hearing
testimony. That information includes budget and economic projections, programmatic
information, and budget priorities, and comes from a variety of sources, such as CBO,
OMB, the Federal Reserve, executive branch agencies, and congressional leadership.
Although it also does not have the force of law, the budget resolution is a central part
of the budget process in Congress. As a concurrent resolution, it represents an agreement
between the House and Senate that establishes budget priorities, and defines the
parameters for all subsequent budgetary actions. The spending, revenue, and public debt
laws necessary to implement decisions agreed to in the budget resolution are subsequently
enacted separately

The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

We just can't allow something as important as this to be in the hands of incompetent Republicans. Something has to happen, someone sane needs to step in.

Would you care to expound upon that.....
Who is "we"?
Who is "we" to allow or disallow?
You are a very emotional superficial and dishonest person. You have little if any knowledge of systems and procedures.
Why you even bother to post here is a mystery.
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Willful ignorance combined with cognitive dissonance equals the Republican party platform, which they will defend to the bitter death.

Why don't you plagiarise the entire book.?
I have seen all kinds of personal attacks and opinions but what I haven't seen is anybody refute the facts in the OP. And that includes you, Stephanie. What I have seen from Stephanie is ignorance, laziness, and a willingness to spread lies.

You mean the fact that $10 less a month isn't going to starve anyone? Do you seriously think people are so incompetant that they can't find an extra $10 a month? How is that a personal attack? How is that unreasonable? And why do you have such a low opinion of your fellow man?
Ten dollars a month can have a huge affect on someone who is barely making ends me. But, let us turn this around, IS GIVING AN EXTRA 25 CENTS A WEEK GOING TO BREAK YOU IF IT MEANS IT WILL PUT FOOD ON THE PLATE OF SOMEONE WHO IS STARVING. What you are arguing for is greed. YOUR ARE ARGUING FOR TAKING MONEY AWAY FROM THE POOREST PEOPLE IN AMERICA AND TRYING TO JUSTIFY DOING SO.
"Let them starve. Let them die. I don't give a shit. I believe the lies I have been told because I WANT TO BELIEVE THEM AND I AM TO LAZY TO RESEARCH THE TRUTH."

No lets not turn this around.
Ten dollars per month. That's two fewer packs of cigarettes. Three fewer bags of potato chips.
Here's a little newsflash for you. There are NO starving people in this country. If there are, they are not doing a thing to help themselves.
The issue here is not those truly in need. They should be the ONLY people receiving social benefits.
The glaring problem is a lack of enforcement and the lack of rules to prevent people from gaming the system.
Stop those things from occurring and we'll talk about funding.
The rest of your posts are whining.
The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Willful ignorance combined with cognitive dissonance equals the Republican party platform, which they will defend to the bitter death.

Why don't you plagiarise the entire book.?

She's not a Repub congressman, you know.

The Rs taking food away from children, vets, grandparents, the handicapped - its all part of the ruin of our nation. That's what the R wants and we see proof of that every single day.

The difference is, the Ds want to invest in the US. That means feeding and educating children. NOT putting them to work.
I repeat, this was not a new bill and thus did not need Senate approval and a presidential signature. It has to do with the funding of a bill that has already been passed and has been in operation for years. As the House handles the pocketbook they are able to lower the money allotted to the SNAP program without any other approval needed. You can cease being amazed.

How did Republicans singlehandedly decide to reduce funding on a bill?
Do you know anything?

And let's get rid of this food stamp crap. It is nothing but a sop to big food companies. Allow local orgs to figure out who is truly needy and let them do their work.
I know plenty. It is clear you know nothing!
Passing a bill requires both the House and the Senate to pass the bill. It then goes to the President where he can sign it into law or veto it.
But, once a bill is passed neither the President or the Senate has anything to do with the bill. However, the House handles the purse strings of the government and THEY have a voice in how bills are funded. They can choose to raise funding, keep it the same, or CUT FUNDING and the Senate and the President do not have a voice.
For the love of God, EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

There are NO cuts. Just reductions in increases. In fact the easy solution to smaller budgets is not to reduce benefits. The reductions should affect the thousands of non essential do nothing jobs in administrative areas of the programs.
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Every company must pay at least minimum wage. So they are not "very low wages."
What min wage would you like to see? $50/hr? 100/hr? Would that solve our problems? Please show your work.
It is comical both how misinformed you are and how much you tell other people they are.

All the OP has done so far here is demonstrate emotional rantings.
Willful ignorance combined with cognitive dissonance equals the Republican party platform, which they will defend to the bitter death.

Why don't you plagiarise the entire book.?

She's not a Repub congressman, you know.

The Rs taking food away from children, vets, grandparents, the handicapped - its all part of the ruin of our nation. That's what the R wants and we see proof of that every single day.

The difference is, the Ds want to invest in the US. That means feeding and educating children. NOT putting them to work.

All children are entitled to a sound basic education. All public school students are eligible for free or reduced price meals.
Are we clear?
Kids who work part time while in school learn valuable skills. In fact kids that do take part time jobs , once they finish their formal schooling, are more advanced that their non working counterparts....
Taxation and investment in the country are mutually exclusive.
Taxation removes investment dollars from the economy.
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Every company must pay at least minimum wage. So they are not "very low wages."
What min wage would you like to see? $50/hr? 100/hr? Would that solve our problems? Please show your work.
It is comical both how misinformed you are and how much you tell other people they are.

Actually, I am not misinformed at all. The fact is that productivity from American workers has risen dramatically over the past 30 years and wages have remained stagnant. The only people benefiting are the ones at the top. The ones on the bottom are having a harder time and so even if they are working a full-time job, they need assistance just to get by. The kicker is that you guys blame them for all our problems. It's comical.
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

The biggest problem we have right now is that so many companies are getting away with paying extremely low wages. These companies are counting on the fact that these people will receive things like food stamps to help them get buy. We are subsidizing all these companies that pay very low wages, while those at the top are getting richer and richer. And then everyone blames those collecting food stamps as being lazy. It's comical how misinformed these people are.

Which 'companies' might those be? For what types of jobs? Name the companies.
What are the wages you consider to be low?
Oh, newsflash....Living wage and minimum wage are mutually exclusive.
No business owner in their right mind is going to pay entry level labor that requires little if any education or training more than the job returns on the investment.
As Americans we all have the right to achieve to the best of our ability. This includes those doing menial entry level work. The solution is very simple. Training and education are key.
Min wage jobs were NEVER intended to be those on which one would support a family.
So that argument is bunk.
Yes, we read the sympathetic woe is me stories featuring single mothers who say they can't make ends meet because their 'job doesn't pay enough'.....Well, that is the LAST thing a worker would go to their boss with if they are asking for a wage increase.

Wages have been suppressed across the board. Because we have kept the minimum wage as low as possible, all other wages have suffered also. Of course anytime someone points this out, you guys come out with your stupid responses saying we want to raise the minimum wage to $50 per hour. The bottom line is pretty simple. The economy does not benefit from having a few extremely wealthy people and everyone else barely scraping by.
It was just a temporary increase because of stimulus. The money ran out and we're only talking about $34 a month that they were getting.

I remember when the left got all mad because people said taxes were being increased and the left said it wasn't an increase, just that the Bush tax cuts were expiring. Same deal here.

Only a liberal will get pissed about $34 less in food stamps a month, but be perfectly okay with all the people having their health insurance premiums doubling or tripling.

It's the left that is greedy. They hate people who keep more of what they earn and they like people who get more of what other people earn.

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