Greed and Stupidity on the Right.

I have made a few suggestions on how to cut costs when you are financially strapped, which I learned from my own personal experience of 40+ years ago, when there was no SNAP but there was pride and self-respect.

Look at post #42, which was ignored by by people who could have learned from it, because, they must have thought that making your own baked beans is humiliating and it was also ignored by those who may agree with me politically and philosophically, but never experienced what I experienced.

I have come to terms with the sad fact that crybabies like ron4342 and Plasmaball and WryCatcher WILL resort to personal attacks and profanities when confronted with facts, so I really don't care.
If kids can work and want to work or have to work, then they should work. That really goes for all the poor out there. The poor really kill me, almost as much as the stupid, but they are one in the same. I miss the days when the GOP only had to fend off the liberal "greed" argument. It was so easy to combat, especially if you are like me and love greed. It is what makes the world go round. All you needed to do was put on a half smile and tell the people that it was good for them to make more money. Now we need to fight the stupidity argument too, and I just can't do it. It's hard when half your party lives in the south where being poor and stupid is just a sophomore level high school class. (If they even make it there)
What a stupid and greedy piece of shit you are. Fourty-seven percent of those on SNAP are less than 18 years of age and you want them to go to work. So tell me shit-for-brains, exactly what job do you want 5 year olds doing? How about 3 year olds? Got to be jobs for 3 year olds. What about 10 year olds? Maybe we can get them jobs carrying bricks at construction sites. That seems like the type of job you would approve of.

First, no matter how much I disagree with you, I would never call you the names you just used in your post, because my self-respect and dignity would prevent me from doing so.

Having said that, I was barely over 18 years of age when I got a job in a gold mine, shoveling about 5-8 tons of broken rock (called in mining terms: MUCKING) a day.

When the mine shut down, I used my savings from that job to support myself for ten months, while I enrolled in high school and got my diploma.

Never touched food stamp in my life.

You took it upon yourself to champion for those who got too comfortable in their lives at the expense of somebody else. Unless, of course, you, yourself are one of those free-loaders.
omg, people are going over a Hunger cliff?

first they wail Americans are obese fat slobs, now they are going to starve to death

the propaganda that some swallow and spread is embarrassing
It is not as embarrassing as witnessing your lack of knowledge.
Today SNAP money was cut back for millions of Americans. If they were having a tough time making ends meet in the past, it will be even tougher now. What is truly heartbreaking and being totally ignored is that this cutback will hit woman and children the hardest.
Now stephanie, before you once again choose to make an ass of yourself, take the time to read the links in the OP. I will even save you the time of going back to the OP and reprint the link for you. For the love of God, educate yourself and stop engaging your mouth before your mind.

The fight over food stamps explained
Above is the link that tells who is going to get hurt and why they will get hurt.

6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
Above is the link that debunks the lies about fraud in the SNAP program.
If I was really having a tough time, do you know what I'd do? work two jobs, pick up recyclable metals for cash, and yes I have done that for extra money, scrap copper is going for over 3.00 a pound. I'll do a remodel and tear out the old copper and can get as much as three to five thousand dollars on a big job.

so what you are basically saying is you would follow the principles that made America great in the first place
It is not as embarrassing as witnessing your lack of knowledge.
Today SNAP money was cut back for millions of Americans. If they were having a tough time making ends meet in the past, it will be even tougher now. What is truly heartbreaking and being totally ignored is that this cutback will hit woman and children the hardest.
Now stephanie, before you once again choose to make an ass of yourself, take the time to read the links in the OP. I will even save you the time of going back to the OP and reprint the link for you. For the love of God, educate yourself and stop engaging your mouth before your mind.

The fight over food stamps explained
Above is the link that tells who is going to get hurt and why they will get hurt.

6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
Above is the link that debunks the lies about fraud in the SNAP program.
If I was really having a tough time, do you know what I'd do? work two jobs, pick up recyclable metals for cash, and yes I have done that for extra money, scrap copper is going for over 3.00 a pound. I'll do a remodel and tear out the old copper and can get as much as three to five thousand dollars on a big job.

so what you are basically saying is you would follow the principles that made America great in the first place

pretty much.
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

Conservatives care nothing about the facts and evidence concerning public assistance, such as those receiving SNAP benefits are low income working Americans, and that the vast majority of those on public assistance receive benefits for only a short period of time, never to return.

The notion of the ‘chronic welfare abuser’ is a rightist contrivance and myth.

Instead of facts and evidence concerning public assistance, conservatives instead adhere blindly to rightist dogma predicated on lies, having nothing to do with the facts regarding food stamps or public assistance in general.

The poor are consequently inadvertent victims of conservatives’ reckless adherence to their failed dogma.

you're a liar...many people are chronic welfare abusers..and are now abusing food stamps as well.......just because you spew they aren't doesn't make it so
he post a few links and that is suppose to be ALL THE FACTS...all it was was DNC talking points
everything is conservatives fault in you shallow world
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Greed and Stupidity on the Right.

No one's ever been able to rationally explain this, ron. Maybe you could give it a shot.
Answer these questions: Read the links I posted and then answer the questions I have posed.

Exactly who is the "somebody" who is having money taken from them? (Here is a hint, it damn sure is not Thomas Sowell or the 1%)

Who exactly will benefit and who will suffer from the cutting of SNAP benefits? (Here is another hint: It is not the people who are in the middle or on the top who will suffer but the people on the bottom who will.)
Basically what you are saying is "Fuck them! Take their funds away. Let them die, I do not want to help my fellow Americans." And don't say that is not so because taking away their benefits when they are already stretched to the limit is exactly what you are calling for.
The search for a rational answer to Dr. Sowell's puzzle continues.
Only republicans voted on this and it passed!?!?!


"Thick as a Brick House"

It's a thick as a brick House,
It's mighty righty
And lettin' it all hang out
and It's a thick as a brick House

And like the deck is stacked and that's a fact
Ain't holdin' nothin' back, it's a thick as a brick House
We're here together everybody knows
This is how the story goes

But they think they know they got everything
That Issa needs to get their man
How can they lose with the majority
they use
233- 201, what a winning hand

It's a thick as a brick House,
it's mighty righty
And it's lettin' it all hang out ,
and it's a thick as a brick
And the deck's stacked
and that's the fact
Ain't holding nothing back
it's a thick as a brick House

Yeah it's the one, the only one with the likes of
Barton, Ghomert, and Stockman,
Givin' Texas extra weight
In the race to the bottom

Make an old man wish for younger days
No more great debate,
just the politics of hate
But it knows what it's built for
and knows how to please
All the finest Teas
And always ready to knock
a strong man to his knees

'Cause it's a thick as a brick House
yeah it's mighty righty
Just lettin' it all hang out
A thick as a brick House
And likes decks stacked
and that's the fact
Ain't holding nothing back, it's the only one built like a mastodon

Thick brick House yeah it's mighty righty
And just lettin' it all hang out
Thick brick House yeah it's the one the only one
Built like a Mastodon, yeah

Shake it down, shake it down, shake it down
Oh well thick brick House
Oh, just stop this bullshit about hunger cliff. People earning 400%or even 200% poverty level are absolutely able to feed themselves - children or no children. [A family of 4 having 60k per year is not poor - and they are eligible for the SNAP program
As I said above - the ones at or below powerty level should have been left on it. Everyone else should have been cut off

You have been wildly misinformed, VOX

we are not talking about 2011 here - but about 2013 or 2012 - and the amount of food stamps skyrocketed to 47 million in late 2012 because the strict guidelines were relaxed by Obama administration and by majority of states - those include the able-bodied adults without dependent, which originally had requirements of time limits, and now don't have any.

Otherwise we won't have that staggering number of 47 million people



the number of food stamps receivers increases after any natural disaster the move which was first started after katrina and now follows ANY natural occurence without following any rules from the original site

so your link is useless as it has guidelines for a standard enrollment and that is not the one which led to ballooning of the foodstamps rolls
omg, people are going over a Hunger cliff?

first they wail Americans are obese fat slobs, now they are going to starve to death

the propaganda that some swallow and spread is embarrassing
It is not as embarrassing as witnessing your lack of knowledge.
Today SNAP money was cut back for millions of Americans. If they were having a tough time making ends meet in the past, it will be even tougher now. What is truly heartbreaking and being totally ignored is that this cutback will hit woman and children the hardest.
Now stephanie, before you once again choose to make an ass of yourself, take the time to read the links in the OP. I will even save you the time of going back to the OP and reprint the link for you. For the love of God, educate yourself and stop engaging your mouth before your mind.

The fight over food stamps explained
Above is the link that tells who is going to get hurt and why they will get hurt.

6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
Above is the link that debunks the lies about fraud in the SNAP program.

Ignorance.. followed by links to blogs and winger links.. typical for an ignorant lib
First, no matter how much I disagree with you, I would never call you the names you just used in your post, because my self-respect and dignity would prevent me from doing so.

Having said that, I was barely over 18 years of age when I got a job in a gold mine, shoveling about 5-8 tons of broken rock (called in mining terms: MUCKING) a day.

When the mine shut down, I used my savings from that job to support myself for ten months, while I enrolled in high school and got my diploma.

Never touched food stamp in my life.

You took it upon yourself to champion for those who got too comfortable in their lives at the expense of somebody else. Unless, of course, you, yourself are one of those free-loaders.

^^^ Taking the high road ... commendable!


Other posters would do well to follow your example.
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the op is troll, who post nothing but hate and division for pot stirring
I have seen all kinds of personal attacks and opinions but what I haven't seen is anybody refute the facts in the OP. And that includes you, Stephanie. What I have seen from Stephanie is ignorance, laziness, and a willingness to spread lies.

You mean the fact that $10 less a month isn't going to starve anyone? Do you seriously think people are so incompetant that they can't find an extra $10 a month? How is that a personal attack? How is that unreasonable? And why do you have such a low opinion of your fellow man?
You're telling me people are going to starve because they recieve $10 less than they currently do?

Even a child could earn $10 in a month.

That's the plan, isn't it. Get rid of those damn Federal Regulations on Child Labor, starve the poor so they work for peanuts, and eliminate the death tax so children born with a silver spoon in their mouth can go to Harvard, graduate without debt and get $1,000,000,000 from Daddy as a graduation present.

Callous Conservatism, a new way backwards.

You really don't know how to reach conclusions. I suggest doing so without being paranoid and seeing conspiracies that don't exist.
You're telling me people are going to starve because they recieve $10 less than they currently do?

Even a child could earn $10 in a month.

That's the plan, isn't it. Get rid of those damn Federal Regulations on Child Labor, starve the poor so they work for peanuts, and eliminate the death tax so children born with a silver spoon in their mouth can go to Harvard, graduate without debt and get $1,000,000,000 from Daddy as a graduation present.

Callous Conservatism, a new way backwards.

You really don't know how to reach conclusions. I suggest doing so without being paranoid and seeing conspiracies that don't exist.

Yeah, it's what happens when your hero turns out to be the villain.
That's the plan, isn't it. Get rid of those damn Federal Regulations on Child Labor, starve the poor so they work for peanuts, and eliminate the death tax so children born with a silver spoon in their mouth can go to Harvard, graduate without debt and get $1,000,000,000 from Daddy as a graduation present.

Callous Conservatism, a new way backwards.

You really don't know how to reach conclusions. I suggest doing so without being paranoid and seeing conspiracies that don't exist.

Yeah, it's what happens when your hero turns out to be the villain.
And still try to blame the other side for your heros' inadequacies...It borders upon desperation at this point. Maybe this side of sheer lunacy?
You're telling me people are going to starve because they recieve $10 less than they currently do?

Even a child could earn $10 in a month.

That's the plan, isn't it. Get rid of those damn Federal Regulations on Child Labor, starve the poor so they work for peanuts, and eliminate the death tax so children born with a silver spoon in their mouth can go to Harvard, graduate without debt and get $1,000,000,000 from Daddy as a graduation present.

Callous Conservatism, a new way backwards.
YOU seriously need a checkup from the neck up.
You're telling me people are going to starve because they recieve $10 less than they currently do?

Even a child could earn $10 in a month.
Hummmmm ...." Even a child could earn $10 in a month." Hummmmm......
So you agree with newt gingrich when he called for the child-labor laws to be repealed. Oh, and here is something you might give a thought to; The phrase "...children under 18, ...." refers to childen under 1 year old, under 2 years old, under 3 years old, under 4 years old, ..., under 18 years old. Pray tell, what kind of a job should 3 year olds be looking for?

Nothing like the all or nothing straw man argument to bolster your point.
A child should be free to work at anything they can handle.

You act like work is a bad thing. Work is one of the greatest things a man can have.

A couple weeks ago I was playing golf and while crossing a street to the next hole there were these two little girls selling lemonade balls..This is considered work....
These kids were polite. Even though I did not need golf balls, I bought a half dozen and a cup of lemonade. the couple dollars was nothing compared to the smiles on their faces.
The amount of SNAP benefits a person receives are about to be lowered thanks to republicans voting to lower money going to the SNAP program. The republicans are defending this reduction by saying that there are to many freeloaders in the program. Saying such a thing speaks to the stupidity and ignorance of republicans in the legislature. Here are the facts that are being ignored:
Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers.
6 SNAP (Food Stamp) Myths | Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger

The bottom line here is that republicans will take food out of the mouths of 97 people because 3 people are committing fraud.
Adding to this stupidity is the fact that the republicans think that most of the people on the SNAP program could be out earning a living by getting a job. That sounds wonderful if you haven't got a brain but here are some unpleasant facts that flush that nonsense down the drain.

"More than 47 million people in the United States now rely on food stamps. That’s about 15 percent of the population, or one in seven Americans. Of those, 47 percent are children under 18, and 8 percent are seniors, according to the USDA."
The fight over food stamps explained

In other words, over 50% of the people on the SNAP program are either to young to get a job or to old to hold a job.
And as for the 53% that are of working age, most of them do have jobs. However the jobs they have (McDonald,s,Wal Mart, etc) do not pay a living wage thanks to republicans refusal to raise the minimum wage.
And republicans still argue they are not at war with the poor. How they can do so with a straight face is beyond me.

Conservatives care nothing about the facts and evidence concerning public assistance, such as those receiving SNAP benefits are low income working Americans, and that the vast majority of those on public assistance receive benefits for only a short period of time, never to return.

The notion of the ‘chronic welfare abuser’ is a rightist contrivance and myth.

Instead of facts and evidence concerning public assistance, conservatives instead adhere blindly to rightist dogma predicated on lies, having nothing to do with the facts regarding food stamps or public assistance in general.

The poor are consequently inadvertent victims of conservatives’ reckless adherence to their failed dogma.

you're a liar...many people are chronic welfare abusers..and are now abusing food stamps as well.......just because you spew they aren't doesn't make it so
he post a few links and that is suppose to be ALL THE FACTS...all it was was DNC talking points
everything is conservatives fault in you shallow world
I have posted facts fron non-partisan sources. YOU ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE POSTED OR PROVEN NOTHING. NOTHING!!!! All we have is your idiotic raving with nothing to back up what you are screaming about.
"many people are chronic welfare abusers." WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?
"they are now abusing food stamps as well." AGAIN, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF. Oh, and by the way, those food stamps you are raving about no longer exist. The SNAP program gets benefits to people by using EBT. That is "Electronic Benefit Transfer" which is basically a debit card. Educate yourself:
"Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows state
welfare departments to issue benefits via a magnetically encoded payment card, used in the United States and the United Kingdom.<SUP class="reference" id="cite_ref-1">[1]

Common benefits provided (in the United States) via EBT are typically of two general categories: food and cash benefits. Food benefits are federally authorized benefits that can be used only to purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages. Food benefits are distributed through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program. Cash benefits include state general assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits and refugee benefits."
You have to be one of the dumbest people on these boards. All you do is scream about what you believe while NEVER providing a single fact to prove what you are saying is true.
What a waste of live you are.
A child should be free to work at anything they can handle.

You act like work is a bad thing. Work is one of the greatest things a man can have.

A couple weeks ago I was playing golf and while crossing a street to the next hole there were these two little girls selling lemonade balls..This is considered work....
These kids were polite. Even though I did not need golf balls, I bought a half dozen and a cup of lemonade. the couple dollars was nothing compared to the smiles on their faces.
All very well and good. But what about new borns? What about 1 year olds? What about 2 year olds? What about 3 year olds? What about a woman working two jobs who does not make enough to feed her family? What do you suggest for them?
"Greed and stupidity"? Greed is good. We all want whatever we can get. The radical left apparently thinks "stupidity" is a political advantage so they made it the key defense of the Obama 2nd term.

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