Green New Deal

All we have to do is read AOC's deal and listen to her interviews on the roll-out...the ravings of a socialist lunatic.

Not a single one of you have yet to explain why her ideas are wrong or why they won’t work.

All I hear is this defeatist bullshit that’s infected you Trumpies.

I can just imagine y’all standing around telling the wright brothers that contraption will never fly.

And that car Ford is building? Just a fad.

Turning matter into energy? Fake science.

Going faster than the speed of sound? There’s a wall they’re going to crash into.

Going to space? The monkey, much less a man.... will never make it.

Going to the moon? We already make cheese here on earth why do we need to go to the moon.

How pathetic the republican party has become.
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed

Let me explain it too you in GW Bush speak so you understand. :)

Rich billionaire makes 100 million a year doing whatever.

The little ole socialist in me comes along and snatches say 3/4 of it, i’ll make the math simple so as not confound you.

Billionaire is left with 25 million. Is he going to suffer?

I don’t think so.

Now I take that 75 million and start investing and or subsidizing, renewable energy and our electrical infrastructure, Fission energy development etc.

We start training Joe six-pack to work on this 21st century renewable energy infrastructure. Employment goes up, wages go up and as a result that people are making more money.... they’re spending more money.

Is this good for the economy? Yes it is.

Is this good for the billionaire? I don’t see how it’s not. If the economy is going up and people have more money to spend he can’t BUT HELP make money lest he’s an idiot like Trump.

We can build a green economy for the 21st century. It’s not socialism. It’s just common sense. We just move money we’re spending on old polluting technologies and move it to the green side.

A simple first step?

Institute a carbon tax.

And then raise taxes on the wealthy. They’re not going to miss it and they’ll get it back on the back side of our new economy.

People who make money are not solely in it for the money. Money is just a measure of success.

So you invest all your hard earned money, spend a lifetime creating your product or service, and now you make 10 million a year.

You say the federal government should take 7 million a year. Now what about state and local? That's easily another 15% So now you make 10 million a year, and you end up with 85% of your money confiscated by various governments. Out of that 10 million, you only get 1.5 million depending on your local and state tax rate.

So the question that comes to mind is, was it worth taking all those risks, working all those hours, traveling all over the country or even the world, only to have government take almost all of your money? Would you even go to work tomorrow if you knew you are only going to get 15% of what you earned?

The link I provided earlier explains it best. The wealthy cannot support this country and spending yet alone add trillions more in free college, global warming, and Medicare for all. Read it! The rich have no ability to support all that.

If the federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

What makes you think taxing them at 70% is going to make them a failure.... when they’re going to make the money back on the back side of a new green economy! AS I’VE ALREADY EXPLAINED!

Do you not think that would also be a measure of success? The wealthy are NOT GOING TO LOSE OUT ON THIS!

All I’m hearing from you Trumpies is rationalizing doing nothing.

And I’ve already told you.... doing nothing is not an option.


Global warming IS HAPPENING. It is the existential threat OF OUR TIME AND GENERATION. And we BY GOD have to meet this head on and DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to address this.

If it means throwing some billionaires and millionaires on the sacrificial TAX THEIR ASS ALTAR...... then SO BE IT!

If you have a better plan then spill it! Otherwise.... it’s AOC time.

But make no mistake....... one way or the other..... this is going to happen.

Your problem is you are brainwashed. You believe more in this climate change thing than God himself. You really think that a planet that's possibly hundreds of millions years old can rely on temperature changes that took place the past couple hundreds of years, and say that those changes are indicative of something.

Let me ask: how many factories were there at the end of the ice age? How many cars were around at that time?

If green anything were able to produce the jobs, the energy, the results you think, private industry would have capitalized on it decades ago. You wouldn't need government promoting or subsidizing it. But the facts are that we are not going to put our country in such a hole that it can't ever dig out because of you (and your ilk) beliefs.

So tell me, how many windmills do you have on your property? How many times a year do you use mass transit? How many times do you use your electric car? I would be willing to bet you don't participate in any of those things. Instead, you want government to force everybody else to.

Your problem is you are brainwashed. You believe more in this climate change thing than God himself. You really think that a planet that's possibly hundreds of millions years old can rely on temperature changes that took place the past couple hundreds of years, and say that those changes are indicative of something.

Let me ask: how many factories were there at the end of the ice age? How many cars were around at that time?


All we have to do is read AOC's deal and listen to her interviews on the roll-out...the ravings of a socialist lunatic.

Not a single one of you have yet to explain why her ideas are wrong or why they won’t work.

All I hear is this defeatist bullshit that’s infected you Trumpies.

I can just imagine y’all standing around telling the wright brothers that contraption will never fly.

And that car Ford is building? Just a fad.

Turning matter into energy? Fake science.

Going faster than the speed of sound? There’s a wall they’re going to crash into.

Going to space? The monkey, much less a man.... will never make it.

Going to the moon? We already make cheese here on earth why do we need to go to the moon.

How pathetic the republican party has become.
She has nothing. She's basically saying, "we're going to create a whole new energy base". Great, using what? The unspoken answer seems to be "Oh we'll figure that out later". "We're going to create millions of high paying jobs." Great, how? "We'll figure that out later". "We're going to promote justice and equity". Really? How? What does that mean? "Upgrading all existing structures". Every structure? Really? And your going to get the raw materials, manpower, and where? "Oh, you'll see." "Guarantee a good job capable of supporting a family to everyone". Really how? "Oh you'll see".

The whole thing is a wish list, drawn up by people with no answers and no concept of how to pay for any of it. It sounds like the dreams of a teenager. Anyone that would vote for something that drastically changes everything in this country, costs many, many trillions of dollars with nothing but vague claims of "oh we'll figure it out later" is an idiot.
Black markets, hyperinflation, and shortages existed in Weimar Republic of the 20's. Under Hitler, Germany experience full employment without the inflation and shortages of the 20's. In fact, the economic success of Germany, primarily due to huge deficits was the envy of all Europe which still languished in the depression.

Germany's economy was improving under Hindenburg and with help of Dawes plan that lowered reparation cost and provided huge loans from US, long before Hitler got power. When US markets crashed, that effected Germany when Hindenburg dissolved the parliament and called for new elections.While campaigning, Hitler offered what every socialist always offers, things listed in party program.

The only characteristic that Nazism shared with socialism is government control but that is far from being unique to socialism. Private ownership, private industry, entrepreneurship, and a strong class structure all existed in Nazi Germany. Capitalism certain existed in Nazi Germany under the watchful eye of Reich. In the mid-1930s, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership to the private sector controlled by the cartels.

Yes. there was private ownership, private industry, who in large part financed Hitler. When National Socialst German Worker's Party got 18% of the vote in election, money started pouring to NSDAP from rich businesses who invested in Hitler in hope to get favors when he get in power, and that's exactly what he was promising to provide when he get in power. He failed to get majority three times in 1932, and Hindenburg refused to name him chancellor, even with those industrialists, bankers, and businessmen send petitions asking him to appoint him. Those petitions paid big for them later when Hitler became chancellor.

Karl Marx, recognized as the father of socialism would have turned over in his grave at hearing Nazism called socialism. In fact, in the 1930's teaching of classic socialism would likely have got you fired if not worse.

As usual, Marx was wrong, as he predicted that socialism will come with proletarian revolution against bourgeoisie, and in industrial countries. How many proletarian revolutions in industrial countries happened? Zero. Also, the Marxist "doctrine" has been claimed to be a democratic one. Only way socialism ever gained power is by using violence to gain control which is not the principle of a democratic doctrine.
Marx said the US would never be taken over from the outside, that it would happen from within. Marx was right, its happening already from the Left.
I don't think Marx said that. He considered the US a very progressive nation that would free the working class from the bondage of the upper class. Apparently he did not understand the American Revolution. He wrote a letter produced here to Lincoln expressing his admiration and support for his efforts to free the slaves.

Possible you were thinking of Lenin or Stalin. Stalin did say,
“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed
Yeah, with my tax rebate.

What happened to your tax rebate?
That's what I would I like to know. It was nearly $4,000 last and after using every legal loophole, credit, and deduction, I can't do any better than $1500. I'm one of those people that's looking for my tax cut.
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed

Let me explain it too you in GW Bush speak so you understand. :)

Rich billionaire makes 100 million a year doing whatever.

The little ole socialist in me comes along and snatches say 3/4 of it, i’ll make the math simple so as not confound you.

Billionaire is left with 25 million. Is he going to suffer?

I don’t think so.

Now I take that 75 million and start investing and or subsidizing, renewable energy and our electrical infrastructure, Fission energy development etc.

We start training Joe six-pack to work on this 21st century renewable energy infrastructure. Employment goes up, wages go up and as a result that people are making more money.... they’re spending more money.

Is this good for the economy? Yes it is.

Is this good for the billionaire? I don’t see how it’s not. If the economy is going up and people have more money to spend he can’t BUT HELP make money lest he’s an idiot like Trump.

We can build a green economy for the 21st century. It’s not socialism. It’s just common sense. We just move money we’re spending on old polluting technologies and move it to the green side.

A simple first step?

Institute a carbon tax.

And then raise taxes on the wealthy. They’re not going to miss it and they’ll get it back on the back side of our new economy.

People who make money are not solely in it for the money. Money is just a measure of success.

So you invest all your hard earned money, spend a lifetime creating your product or service, and now you make 10 million a year.

You say the federal government should take 7 million a year. Now what about state and local? That's easily another 15% So now you make 10 million a year, and you end up with 85% of your money confiscated by various governments. Out of that 10 million, you only get 1.5 million depending on your local and state tax rate.

So the question that comes to mind is, was it worth taking all those risks, working all those hours, traveling all over the country or even the world, only to have government take almost all of your money? Would you even go to work tomorrow if you knew you are only going to get 15% of what you earned?

The link I provided earlier explains it best. The wealthy cannot support this country and spending yet alone add trillions more in free college, global warming, and Medicare for all. Read it! The rich have no ability to support all that.

If the federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

What makes you think taxing them at 70% is going to make them a failure.... when they’re going to make the money back on the back side of a new green economy! AS I’VE ALREADY EXPLAINED!

Do you not think that would also be a measure of success? The wealthy are NOT GOING TO LOSE OUT ON THIS!

All I’m hearing from you Trumpies is rationalizing doing nothing.

And I’ve already told you.... doing nothing is not an option.


Global warming IS HAPPENING. It is the existential threat OF OUR TIME AND GENERATION. And we BY GOD have to meet this head on and DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to address this.

If it means throwing some billionaires and millionaires on the sacrificial TAX THEIR ASS ALTAR...... then SO BE IT!

If you have a better plan then spill it! Otherwise.... it’s AOC time.

But make no mistake....... one way or the other..... this is going to happen.

Your problem is you are brainwashed. You believe more in this climate change thing than God himself. You really think that a planet that's possibly hundreds of millions years old can rely on temperature changes that took place the past couple hundreds of years, and say that those changes are indicative of something.

Let me ask: how many factories were there at the end of the ice age? How many cars were around at that time?

If green anything were able to produce the jobs, the energy, the results you think, private industry would have capitalized on it decades ago. You wouldn't need government promoting or subsidizing it. But the facts are that we are not going to put our country in such a hole that it can't ever dig out because of you (and your ilk) beliefs.

So tell me, how many windmills do you have on your property? How many times a year do you use mass transit? How many times do you use your electric car? I would be willing to bet you don't participate in any of those things. Instead, you want government to force everybody else to.

I think what you don't realize is that a very small change in the average temperature of the earth by only a few degrees Celsius can create major changes in the environment. It has risen only about 4 degrees in the last million years but .7 degree in less than a century. For example, just a few degrees average rise in the sea temperature would eradicate thousands of species including oysters, crab, and coral which in turn would disrupt the food supply for a host of small creatures which are the food source for many of fish that humans and other creatures depend on.

The huge cost of dealing with climate change is nothing compared to the cost of doing nothing.
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Great....the only thing they wanted and got was based off of lies and f*ed the country...

What ithey wanted was a program designed to fail, the 1st step towards single payer...that will cost between $34-35 TRILLION in new debt over 10 years.

Thank God for them NOT getting everything they wanted or want...

They wanted HLLARY, a corrupt, criminal, self-serving bitch who broke laws, compromised national security, & worked with / paid US-hating foreign spies and Russians to try to help her win in 2016.

They wanted to take down the President with the exposed Conspiracy that has gone for over 2 years...

They wanted to Destroy a good man and his entire life, preventing him from becoming a USSC Justice...

They wanted to pass bills that would allow them to murder infants AFTER THEY HAD BEEN BORN...

All lies, super duper. .

WTF? Franco...were you dropped on your head recently?

Are you trying to say you DIDN'T want Hillary to win, that you DIDN'T want Single Payer, that you DIDN'T want Kavanaugh to be stopped, that you DIDN'T want Trump to be stopped...


Hillary was not a criminal, just total garbage propaganda. You need three doctors to say the baby is unviable or will kill the mother ....duh. everything you know is wrong

I like your passion but for what it is worth... you need to stop chasing those white rabbits they toss out and stick to the green economy. They’re distracting you with bullshit because they have nothing to refute the green deal beyond platitudes and whatever crap they dig out of Rush’s ass.
Platitudes? Have you read the bill? It's basically a list of platitudes.
and you don't believe in global warming so your opinion, actually brainwashed garbage, makes your opinion worthless.

Let me explain it too you in GW Bush speak so you understand. :)

Rich billionaire makes 100 million a year doing whatever.

The little ole socialist in me comes along and snatches say 3/4 of it, i’ll make the math simple so as not confound you.

Billionaire is left with 25 million. Is he going to suffer?

I don’t think so.

Now I take that 75 million and start investing and or subsidizing, renewable energy and our electrical infrastructure, Fission energy development etc.

We start training Joe six-pack to work on this 21st century renewable energy infrastructure. Employment goes up, wages go up and as a result that people are making more money.... they’re spending more money.

Is this good for the economy? Yes it is.

Is this good for the billionaire? I don’t see how it’s not. If the economy is going up and people have more money to spend he can’t BUT HELP make money lest he’s an idiot like Trump.

We can build a green economy for the 21st century. It’s not socialism. It’s just common sense. We just move money we’re spending on old polluting technologies and move it to the green side.

A simple first step?

Institute a carbon tax.

And then raise taxes on the wealthy. They’re not going to miss it and they’ll get it back on the back side of our new economy.

People who make money are not solely in it for the money. Money is just a measure of success.

So you invest all your hard earned money, spend a lifetime creating your product or service, and now you make 10 million a year.

You say the federal government should take 7 million a year. Now what about state and local? That's easily another 15% So now you make 10 million a year, and you end up with 85% of your money confiscated by various governments. Out of that 10 million, you only get 1.5 million depending on your local and state tax rate.

So the question that comes to mind is, was it worth taking all those risks, working all those hours, traveling all over the country or even the world, only to have government take almost all of your money? Would you even go to work tomorrow if you knew you are only going to get 15% of what you earned?

The link I provided earlier explains it best. The wealthy cannot support this country and spending yet alone add trillions more in free college, global warming, and Medicare for all. Read it! The rich have no ability to support all that.

If the federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

What makes you think taxing them at 70% is going to make them a failure.... when they’re going to make the money back on the back side of a new green economy! AS I’VE ALREADY EXPLAINED!

Do you not think that would also be a measure of success? The wealthy are NOT GOING TO LOSE OUT ON THIS!

All I’m hearing from you Trumpies is rationalizing doing nothing.

And I’ve already told you.... doing nothing is not an option.


Global warming IS HAPPENING. It is the existential threat OF OUR TIME AND GENERATION. And we BY GOD have to meet this head on and DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to address this.

If it means throwing some billionaires and millionaires on the sacrificial TAX THEIR ASS ALTAR...... then SO BE IT!

If you have a better plan then spill it! Otherwise.... it’s AOC time.

But make no mistake....... one way or the other..... this is going to happen.

Your problem is you are brainwashed. You believe more in this climate change thing than God himself. You really think that a planet that's possibly hundreds of millions years old can rely on temperature changes that took place the past couple hundreds of years, and say that those changes are indicative of something.

Let me ask: how many factories were there at the end of the ice age? How many cars were around at that time?

If green anything were able to produce the jobs, the energy, the results you think, private industry would have capitalized on it decades ago. You wouldn't need government promoting or subsidizing it. But the facts are that we are not going to put our country in such a hole that it can't ever dig out because of you (and your ilk) beliefs.

So tell me, how many windmills do you have on your property? How many times a year do you use mass transit? How many times do you use your electric car? I would be willing to bet you don't participate in any of those things. Instead, you want government to force everybody else to.

I think what you don't realize is that a very small change in the average temperature of the earth by only a few degrees Celsius can create major changes in the environment. It has risen only about 4 degrees in the last million years but .7 degree in less than a century. For example, just a few degrees average rise in the sea temperature would eradicate thousands of species including oysters, crab, and coral which in turn would disrupt the food supply for a host of small creatures which are the food source for many of fish that humans and other creatures depend on.

The huge cost of dealing with climate change is nothing compared to the cost of doing nothing.

I guess that depends on who you ask.

What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed
Yeah, with my tax rebate.

What happened to your tax rebate?
That's what I would I like to know. It was nearly $4,000 last and after using every legal loophole, credit, and deduction, I can't do any better than $1500. I'm one of those people that's looking for my tax cut.

I would suggest going to a tax professional. They can explain what might be going on. My preparer told me last year I was in for a windfall this year. Taxable income was lowered under this plan.
All we have to do is read AOC's deal and listen to her interviews on the roll-out...the ravings of a socialist lunatic.

Not a single one of you have yet to explain why her ideas are wrong or why they won’t work.

All I hear is this defeatist bullshit that’s infected you Trumpies.

I can just imagine y’all standing around telling the wright brothers that contraption will never fly.

And that car Ford is building? Just a fad.

Turning matter into energy? Fake science.

Going faster than the speed of sound? There’s a wall they’re going to crash into.

Going to space? The monkey, much less a man.... will never make it.

Going to the moon? We already make cheese here on earth why do we need to go to the moon.

How pathetic the republican party has become.

ok, just one example that even you may be able to understand. She wants a railroad from New York to London. How do you build a bridge across the atlantic? What would power the train? solar and wind?
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed
Yeah, with my tax rebate.

What happened to your tax rebate?
That's what I would I like to know. It was nearly $4,000 last and after using every legal loophole, credit, and deduction, I can't do any better than $1500. I'm one of those people that's looking for my tax cut.

I would suggest going to a tax professional. They can explain what might be going on. My preparer told me last year I was in for a windfall this year. Taxable income was lowered under this plan.

the tax RATE was lowered, actual taxable income was increased due to the elimination of the personal exemptions. In my case my tax bill went up by a few hundred dollars on roughly the same income.

Let me explain it too you in GW Bush speak so you understand. :)

Rich billionaire makes 100 million a year doing whatever.

The little ole socialist in me comes along and snatches say 3/4 of it, i’ll make the math simple so as not confound you.

Billionaire is left with 25 million. Is he going to suffer?

I don’t think so.

Now I take that 75 million and start investing and or subsidizing, renewable energy and our electrical infrastructure, Fission energy development etc.

We start training Joe six-pack to work on this 21st century renewable energy infrastructure. Employment goes up, wages go up and as a result that people are making more money.... they’re spending more money.

Is this good for the economy? Yes it is.

Is this good for the billionaire? I don’t see how it’s not. If the economy is going up and people have more money to spend he can’t BUT HELP make money lest he’s an idiot like Trump.

We can build a green economy for the 21st century. It’s not socialism. It’s just common sense. We just move money we’re spending on old polluting technologies and move it to the green side.

A simple first step?

Institute a carbon tax.

And then raise taxes on the wealthy. They’re not going to miss it and they’ll get it back on the back side of our new economy.

People who make money are not solely in it for the money. Money is just a measure of success.

So you invest all your hard earned money, spend a lifetime creating your product or service, and now you make 10 million a year.

You say the federal government should take 7 million a year. Now what about state and local? That's easily another 15% So now you make 10 million a year, and you end up with 85% of your money confiscated by various governments. Out of that 10 million, you only get 1.5 million depending on your local and state tax rate.

So the question that comes to mind is, was it worth taking all those risks, working all those hours, traveling all over the country or even the world, only to have government take almost all of your money? Would you even go to work tomorrow if you knew you are only going to get 15% of what you earned?

The link I provided earlier explains it best. The wealthy cannot support this country and spending yet alone add trillions more in free college, global warming, and Medicare for all. Read it! The rich have no ability to support all that.

If the federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

What makes you think taxing them at 70% is going to make them a failure.... when they’re going to make the money back on the back side of a new green economy! AS I’VE ALREADY EXPLAINED!

Do you not think that would also be a measure of success? The wealthy are NOT GOING TO LOSE OUT ON THIS!

All I’m hearing from you Trumpies is rationalizing doing nothing.

And I’ve already told you.... doing nothing is not an option.


Global warming IS HAPPENING. It is the existential threat OF OUR TIME AND GENERATION. And we BY GOD have to meet this head on and DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to address this.

If it means throwing some billionaires and millionaires on the sacrificial TAX THEIR ASS ALTAR...... then SO BE IT!

If you have a better plan then spill it! Otherwise.... it’s AOC time.

But make no mistake....... one way or the other..... this is going to happen.

Your problem is you are brainwashed. You believe more in this climate change thing than God himself. You really think that a planet that's possibly hundreds of millions years old can rely on temperature changes that took place the past couple hundreds of years, and say that those changes are indicative of something.

Let me ask: how many factories were there at the end of the ice age? How many cars were around at that time?

If green anything were able to produce the jobs, the energy, the results you think, private industry would have capitalized on it decades ago. You wouldn't need government promoting or subsidizing it. But the facts are that we are not going to put our country in such a hole that it can't ever dig out because of you (and your ilk) beliefs.

So tell me, how many windmills do you have on your property? How many times a year do you use mass transit? How many times do you use your electric car? I would be willing to bet you don't participate in any of those things. Instead, you want government to force everybody else to.

I think what you don't realize is that a very small change in the average temperature of the earth by only a few degrees Celsius can create major changes in the environment. It has risen only about 4 degrees in the last million years but .7 degree in less than a century. For example, just a few degrees average rise in the sea temperature would eradicate thousands of species including oysters, crab, and coral which in turn would disrupt the food supply for a host of small creatures which are the food source for many of fish that humans and other creatures depend on.

The huge cost of dealing with climate change is nothing compared to the cost of doing nothing.

What you say would be true if man was causing climate change, or could do anything to stop or reverse it. the climate of planet earth was changing long before humans arrived and will be changing long after the last human dies. We are not causing it and cannot do anything about it.

NOW, if you want a real issue that can be dealt with, why not crusade against pollution. You can do that without the fake unproven link between pollution and climate.
What’s been economically destructive is laissez faire capitalism. That trickle down bullshit has never worked.

List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed
Yeah, with my tax rebate.

What happened to your tax rebate?
That's what I would I like to know. It was nearly $4,000 last and after using every legal loophole, credit, and deduction, I can't do any better than $1500. I'm one of those people that's looking for my tax cut.

me too

Let me explain it too you in GW Bush speak so you understand. :)

Rich billionaire makes 100 million a year doing whatever.

The little ole socialist in me comes along and snatches say 3/4 of it, i’ll make the math simple so as not confound you.

Billionaire is left with 25 million. Is he going to suffer?

I don’t think so.

Now I take that 75 million and start investing and or subsidizing, renewable energy and our electrical infrastructure, Fission energy development etc.

We start training Joe six-pack to work on this 21st century renewable energy infrastructure. Employment goes up, wages go up and as a result that people are making more money.... they’re spending more money.

Is this good for the economy? Yes it is.

Is this good for the billionaire? I don’t see how it’s not. If the economy is going up and people have more money to spend he can’t BUT HELP make money lest he’s an idiot like Trump.

We can build a green economy for the 21st century. It’s not socialism. It’s just common sense. We just move money we’re spending on old polluting technologies and move it to the green side.

A simple first step?

Institute a carbon tax.

And then raise taxes on the wealthy. They’re not going to miss it and they’ll get it back on the back side of our new economy.

People who make money are not solely in it for the money. Money is just a measure of success.

So you invest all your hard earned money, spend a lifetime creating your product or service, and now you make 10 million a year.

You say the federal government should take 7 million a year. Now what about state and local? That's easily another 15% So now you make 10 million a year, and you end up with 85% of your money confiscated by various governments. Out of that 10 million, you only get 1.5 million depending on your local and state tax rate.

So the question that comes to mind is, was it worth taking all those risks, working all those hours, traveling all over the country or even the world, only to have government take almost all of your money? Would you even go to work tomorrow if you knew you are only going to get 15% of what you earned?

The link I provided earlier explains it best. The wealthy cannot support this country and spending yet alone add trillions more in free college, global warming, and Medicare for all. Read it! The rich have no ability to support all that.

If the federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

"Just how much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

What makes you think taxing them at 70% is going to make them a failure.... when they’re going to make the money back on the back side of a new green economy! AS I’VE ALREADY EXPLAINED!

Do you not think that would also be a measure of success? The wealthy are NOT GOING TO LOSE OUT ON THIS!

All I’m hearing from you Trumpies is rationalizing doing nothing.

And I’ve already told you.... doing nothing is not an option.


Global warming IS HAPPENING. It is the existential threat OF OUR TIME AND GENERATION. And we BY GOD have to meet this head on and DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to address this.

If it means throwing some billionaires and millionaires on the sacrificial TAX THEIR ASS ALTAR...... then SO BE IT!

If you have a better plan then spill it! Otherwise.... it’s AOC time.

But make no mistake....... one way or the other..... this is going to happen.

Your problem is you are brainwashed. You believe more in this climate change thing than God himself. You really think that a planet that's possibly hundreds of millions years old can rely on temperature changes that took place the past couple hundreds of years, and say that those changes are indicative of something.

Let me ask: how many factories were there at the end of the ice age? How many cars were around at that time?

If green anything were able to produce the jobs, the energy, the results you think, private industry would have capitalized on it decades ago. You wouldn't need government promoting or subsidizing it. But the facts are that we are not going to put our country in such a hole that it can't ever dig out because of you (and your ilk) beliefs.

So tell me, how many windmills do you have on your property? How many times a year do you use mass transit? How many times do you use your electric car? I would be willing to bet you don't participate in any of those things. Instead, you want government to force everybody else to.

I think what you don't realize is that a very small change in the average temperature of the earth by only a few degrees Celsius can create major changes in the environment. It has risen only about 4 degrees in the last million years but .7 degree in less than a century. For example, just a few degrees average rise in the sea temperature would eradicate thousands of species including oysters, crab, and coral which in turn would disrupt the food supply for a host of small creatures which are the food source for many of fish that humans and other creatures depend on.

The huge cost of dealing with climate change is nothing compared to the cost of doing nothing.

When you have been lied to your whole life you do not believe the hucksters.The 21st century version of carpetbaggers and scalawags. If you do not think that Pelosi and the rest of the swamp are not that then you are the fool. I know that Trump has his personality. But Pelosi is macabre in her ways because her soul was removed many years a go. Her family is gangster. And she came from that. Remember when that Repub congressman shouted "you lie" at a SOTU with Obama speaking? She was so upset. How dare he! But she showed her true colors with Trump because he does that to people. So she goes to a demonic awards show while talking God and her own Bible passages as she screws over Christians and Jews while Trump the one less religious backs up Christians and Jews. There could be climate change or whatever you will call it in another few years. Its just we do not believe it is caused by humans.
Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar
How long would it take for a high speed train to get to Honolulu from Boston? Would it be a non stop, or would we need to stop several times on the trip?

If you had a 300 unit apartment building, would we see hundreds of extension cords out the windows of the units to the cars? If there are several hundred cars in the lot, would there be several hundred chargers somewhere on the lot? Or would everyone wait in line?

Rebuild every building in the US? I own a house. What does this mean? Do I have to pay for it? If I have to rebuild my 1950s home to meet an ambitious green plan, I met as well hand the keys over to the bank and move on.

and they never tell us how the electricity to recharge all those electric cars will be generated. or how the toxic batteries will be disposed of when worn out.

I recently heard how those batteries lose a lot of power in the winter time in single digit temperatures or below. You'd be charging those things 24/7.

As a Truck driver, you should know cold can reduce your MPGs especially on short trips. AN EV can lose 25% of its range.

No it does not. I get the same milage in winter or summer. We have computers in our trucks today that tell us MPG. I get on average 6.5 MPG depending on the weight of the loads I take. Idle, I use one gallon an hour.
bull crap.
All we have to do is read AOC's deal and listen to her interviews on the roll-out...the ravings of a socialist lunatic.

Not a single one of you have yet to explain why her ideas are wrong or why they won’t work.

All I hear is this defeatist bullshit that’s infected you Trumpies.

I can just imagine y’all standing around telling the wright brothers that contraption will never fly.

And that car Ford is building? Just a fad.

Turning matter into energy? Fake science.

Going faster than the speed of sound? There’s a wall they’re going to crash into.

Going to space? The monkey, much less a man.... will never make it.

Going to the moon? We already make cheese here on earth why do we need to go to the moon.

How pathetic the republican party has become.
so - i'm actually supposed to debate or explain what is wrong with "rebuild every building in america in 10 years"? eliminating cows and making people find another source of food? taking our airlines out and building a train over the ocean?

nope. not gonna happen.
Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar

unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

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