Green New Deal

LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans? the stupid person here is you.
The inter-continental, over-the-ocean Choo-Choos can be equipped with solar panels with 2 - 3 solar-energy battery energy collectors to store the excess energy not needed to run the trains...

B - E-UTIFUL Idea! :p

I still want to know how they are going to build a railroad bridge over 5000 feet of water. maybe it will be a floating bridge, LOL
Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar

One half of one percent of world energy come from wind and solar. It took 20 years to reach that.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.

Again, you have a masters in history the same way Che Guevara Barbie has a BA in Economics. Someone handed you a meaningless degree without you having proficiency
in the subject.

Any time history comes up, you prove yourself utterly ignorant. You don't even know the basics. Do you even know who the first president of the United States was? What year was the Magna Carta signed? What country was it signed in? Yes, you'll google them, but as we have ALL seen over and over, you have utterly no clue. You are a complete and total buffoon.

It is funnier than shit to see an uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash those with an education & call their degrees worthless.

"I can't refute you, so I'll just pretend I'm smarter than you. And mention TTTTRRRRRUUUUMMPPPP, because that means I automatically win!!"
LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans? the stupid person here is you.
The inter-continental, over-the-ocean Choo-Choos can be equipped with solar panels with 2 - 3 solar-energy battery energy collectors to store the excess energy not needed to run the trains...

B - E-UTIFUL Idea! :p

And wheels of the choo-choos can be connected to generators that will create even more energy. :D
One half of one percent of world energy come from wind and solar. It took 20 years to reach that.
...perhaps if we erected HUGE towers into space and unfurled / flew giant sails to catch both solar winds and more solar energy....the only danger to that would be meteors....and comets....and space junk...satellites...and the occasional massive gusts of solar winds that could catch in the sails and speed up the rotation of the earth....imagine all the people getting motion sick and throwing up around the world....

One half of one percent of world energy come from wind and solar. It took 20 years to reach that.
...perhaps if we erected HUGE towers into space and unfurled / flew giant sails to catch both solar winds and more solar energy....the only danger to that would be meteors....and comets....and space junk...satellites...and the occasional massive gusts of solar winds that could catch in the sails and speed up the rotation of the earth....imagine all the people getting motion sick and throwing up around the world....

heh - we'd be spinning around like a pinwheel.
One half of one percent of world energy come from wind and solar. It took 20 years to reach that.
...perhaps if we erected HUGE towers into space and unfurled / flew giant sails to catch both solar winds and more solar energy....the only danger to that would be meteors....and comets....and space junk...satellites...and the occasional massive gusts of solar winds that could catch in the sails and speed up the rotation of the earth....imagine all the people getting motion sick and throwing up around the world....

Fusion (an energy with a future) is what we need!
Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar

unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

There is enough energy rained down on the Earth in the noon time hour to power the planet for a year.

I guess we should ignore it., Silly me.

Free energy. Who would bitch about free energy? Fossil fuel people? Do ya think? They dupe ignorant fucks like you & here you people are lying & having a freaking fit about the NGD.

How stupid are you people?
Try addressing what's written .no way in ten yrs to replace fossil fuels in either cars or power plants.......if you believed in would know that.
Oh I agree that it's all subsidized but let's face it, the plans being put forth are hardly simple subsidies. Not to mention the silly notion of carbon free by 2030. In addition the current slate of renewables just won't do it. Wind and solar aren't going to keep my house livable when it's 10 deg outside and I haven't seen the sun in a month. It's a nice thought just not realistic. Not only the energy itself but the infrastructure is mind boggling. I keep hearing people compare this plan to the lunar mission or the interstate highway, those were minute projects compared to these proposals. I like bold audacious plans but this is just silly, I much prefer realistic.
There is no requirement for subsidies in bill, although there probably will be.
There is no requirement for carbon free by 2030

Global temperature (increase) must be kept below 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrialized levels to avoid the most severe impacts of a changing climate, which will require—

  • (A) global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from human sources of 40 to 60 percent from 2010 levels by 2030; and
(B) net-zero global emissions by 2050​

In many ways this bill lays out lofty goals but like the Paris Accord is short on details as to what is to be done and how it is to be done.

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
There is no requirement for subsidies in bill, although there probably will be.
There is no requirement for carbon free by 2030

OK, 40 - 60% reduction by 2030, 0 by 2050(global? Now that's truly absurd). That's better, still ain't gonna happen. I know it's not mandated but it's an absurd target.

Global temperature (increase) must be kept below 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrialized levels to avoid the most severe impacts of a changing climate, which will require—

This is where I call shenanigans. Must be kept below 1.5deg, based on what? I've listened to this argument ad infinitum and I still have never heard one shred of evidence that supports that doom and gloom. It's an entirely arbitrary number based on models that have proven to be way off and have been issued by bureaucrats at the UN.

In many ways this bill lays out lofty goals but like the Paris Accord is short on details as to what is to be done and how it is to be done.

Short on details is an understatement.

The rest of the bill sounds like it should be called the "We're going to create utopia and right all past wrongs and all the children will be above average bill" I like dreaming too, but for heaven's sake.

I do think they left some things out, here's my short list...

All the girls will be pretty
All the boys will be handsome
We're going to colonize Mars
No one will ever be sad
No more disease
Everyone's favorite ball team will win the World Series every year
Everyone gets a flying car
No one has to work more 12 minutes a week
All humanity will live in peace and sing kumbaya
No more war
No more crime
Birds will sing louder and more beautifully
Cats and dogs will get along
Mosquitos will ask permission before biting
Pizza and ice cream won't be fattening
Recreational drugs will plentiful and not harmful
Sex will better than ever

What the heck? There will be boys and girls? What happened to gender neutral.
I forgot to add that everyone will be smart, so that nonsense will go away.
Well college would be cheap enough so people would be more intelligent, rubes.

Yup, then maybe you could attend.

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