Green New Deal

Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar

unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

There is enough energy rained down on the Earth in the noon time hour to power the planet for a year.

I guess we should ignore it., Silly me.

Free energy. Who would bitch about free energy? Fossil fuel people? Do ya think? They dupe ignorant fucks like you & here you people are lying & having a freaking fit about the NGD.

How stupid are you people?
Try addressing what's written .no way in ten yrs to replace fossil fuels in either cars or power plants.......if you believed in would know that.
Try keeping up with the conversation.
notice how all the libs left the thread when facts overruled their foolish theories?
Like solar energy & AGW?

Notice how the Trumpettes ignore scientists & go for the Limbaughs, Mindwars, Breitbart & Trump?
Yes electric cars are coming…..but not everyone will have one in tens yrs,,,,not possible...……
now how are you going to charge them when she shuts off the electricity
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar

unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

There is enough energy rained down on the Earth in the noon time hour to power the planet for a year.

I guess we should ignore it., Silly me.

Free energy. Who would bitch about free energy? Fossil fuel people? Do ya think? They dupe ignorant fucks like you & here you people are lying & having a freaking fit about the NGD.

How stupid are you people?
Try addressing what's written .no way in ten yrs to replace fossil fuels in either cars or power plants.......if you believed in would know that.
Try keeping up with the conversation. us how all cars and power plants can be replaced in ten yrs.
LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans? the stupid person here is you.
The inter-continental, over-the-ocean Choo-Choos can be equipped with solar panels with 2 - 3 solar-energy battery energy collectors to store the excess energy not needed to run the trains...

B - E-UTIFUL Idea! :p

I still want to know how they are going to build a railroad bridge over 5000 feet of water. maybe it will be a floating bridge, LOL
Who said they were building bridges across the oceans?

The NGD talks about eliminating short trips by air with high speed rails & you assfucks run screaming through the streets waving your arms about screaming OMG OMG OMG Ocean bridges!!! Ocean Bridges"
Who said they were building bridges across the oceans?
I encourage you to go back and read AOC's Bill and listen to her interviews. I can understand WHY you want so much to deny what she said...because it is as stupid as hell.

So desperate are the snowflakes to make this bad dream, that was so horrific her own staff pulled of the web, but every snowflake is a 'lawyer' now, legalistically trying to nit-pick every word, every sentence in an attempt to deny the undeniable and to hold on to their alternate reality where this never happened.

Fear not, my Democratic party fellow Americans - there is a solution, help for you.

It's called THERAPY! You're going to need a lot of it with Libtards like Tlaib, Omar, and AOC the 'new face' of the DNC!:p
my friends, why do some images like whales trapped under the ice gasping for air startle us into immediate action and other images dont?

we need immediate action on climate change. the green big deal does that!
No one is shutting off the electricity.,

But there is wind & solar

unless you plan to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills, there is no way that those can generate enough electricity to power this country. Nuclear might work, but nuclear is evil, right?

There is enough energy rained down on the Earth in the noon time hour to power the planet for a year.

I guess we should ignore it., Silly me.

Free energy. Who would bitch about free energy? Fossil fuel people? Do ya think? They dupe ignorant fucks like you & here you people are lying & having a freaking fit about the NGD.

How stupid are you people?
Try addressing what's written .no way in ten yrs to replace fossil fuels in either cars or power plants.......if you believed in would know that.
Try keeping up with the conversation. us how all cars and power plants can be replaced in ten yrs.
Some manufacturers have already said they will be only producing EVs.
Who said they were building bridges across the oceans?
I encourage you to go back and read AOC's Bill and listen to her interviews. I can understand WHY you want so much to deny what she said...because it is as stupid as hell.

So desperate are the snowflakes to make this bad dream, that was so horrific her own staff pulled of the web, but every snowflake is a 'lawyer' now, legalistically trying to nit-pick every word, every sentence in an attempt to deny the undeniable and to hold on to their alternate reality where this never happened.

Fear not, my Democratic party fellow Americans - there is a solution, help for you.

It's called THERAPY! You're going to need a lot of it with Libtards like Tlaib, Omar, and AOC the 'new face' of the DNC!:p

I did.

All I see is a bunch of Trumpettes deciding what it says. No where does it talk about building bridges over the oceans.

China built high speed rails between Shanghai & Beijing that carries more passengers than Delta.

You [eople are just duymber rthasn dshit ^&will allow your oignoramce to doom futuire generations.
nothing we can do can have an effect on the global environment, my friends. its hopeless. i hope the green big deal proves me wrong

we are oblivious to the fragility of the earth's natural systems
there's an old saying in Tennessee, when you're in a hole, stop digging.

the green big deal stops digging that hole!
All I see is a bunch of Trumpettes deciding what it says. No where does it talk about building bridges over the oceans..

'No, no, no, no, no,,,that's not what it says! I don't
believe you! I don't care if it does say that! I still
won't believe you! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!'

She talks of eliminating the need for airplanes. Nice try to keep spinning, squirming, and being as legalistic as you can to avoid the truth that this was one, if not the, most horrific bill roll-outs ever, so bad her own office took it down of the web.

"what gets us into trouble is not what we dont know. its what we know that just aint so" - Yogi Berra

global warming just aint so!
LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans? the stupid person here is you.
The inter-continental, over-the-ocean Choo-Choos can be equipped with solar panels with 2 - 3 solar-energy battery energy collectors to store the excess energy not needed to run the trains...

B - E-UTIFUL Idea! :p

I still want to know how they are going to build a railroad bridge over 5000 feet of water. maybe it will be a floating bridge, LOL
Who said they were building bridges across the oceans?

Ocasio-Cortez did.

Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.
LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans? the stupid person here is you.
The inter-continental, over-the-ocean Choo-Choos can be equipped with solar panels with 2 - 3 solar-energy battery energy collectors to store the excess energy not needed to run the trains...

B - E-UTIFUL Idea! :p

I still want to know how they are going to build a railroad bridge over 5000 feet of water. maybe it will be a floating bridge, LOL
Who said they were building bridges across the oceans?

Ocasio-Cortez did.

Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.

The Latest Snowflake Tactic

Throwing oneself on the floor of USMB, screaming,
crying, and repeating, 'No, non, no, no, no...that's not
true....didn't happen...', even in the face of overwhelming

It's just...pathetic.
All I see is a bunch of Trumpettes deciding what it says. No where does it talk about building bridges over the oceans..

View attachment 245299
'No, no, no, no, no,,,that's not what it says! I don't
believe you! I don't care if it does say that! I still
won't believe you! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!'

She talks of eliminating the need for airplanes. Nice try to keep spinning, squirming, and being as legalistic as you can to avoid the truth that this was one, if not the, most horrific bill roll-outs ever, so bad her own office took it down of the web.

there may always be a need for the convenience of air travel; however, mass transit could be more efficient when combined with maglev in vacuum environments.

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