Green New Deal

You moron, even the IPCC has given up on the term "global warming". It's now "climate change". You could at least keep up on your own propaganda.
And I completely agree that there is 'Climate Change'. It happens where I live 4 times a year. We call them 'SEASONS'. Sometimes they are harsher and sometimes they are milder...but they just keep changing.


You believe in global warming? :)
Along with minding your own business, you should try actually reading the post of the people you try to pester. I have already answered that question.
folks round here in Indiana think global warming is a HOAX!
climate change happens, regardless.

what is your opinion of upgrading some existing underground cities for modern times?
The total dupes of the GOP propaganda machine, anyway.... The only people in the world who don't believe in global warming at this point...
the Science of Astronomy, gainsays their opinion. Ice Ages are cyclial and related to Earth's tilt toward the sun.
If you are going to be rude enough to but into others conversations

Yes. This is a forum. Therefore I butt in. :)

Franco's exact words were that the GOP and conservatives are 'the only political party and people in the world who deny global warming at this point'.

I know what Franco said. You want to toss out white rabbits for others to chase.

I’m asking you, do you believe in global warming. Yes? No? :)

That is the root of this thread and conversation no? Why have a new green deal? Because of global warming.

Now you either believe in global warming or you don’t. Whether the GOP and conservatives are the ONLY ones to not believe in global warming is not germane to the central question, that being does global warming exist.

And I’m asking you does global warming exist? :)
You moron, even the IPCC has given up on the term "global warming". It's now "climate change". You could at least keep up on your own propaganda.
And I completely agree that there is 'Climate Change'. It happens where I live 4 times a year. We call them 'SEASONS'. Sometimes they are harsher and sometimes they are milder...but they just keep changing.


You believe in global warming? :)
Along with minding your own business, you should try actually reading the post of the people you try to pester. I have already answered that question.

No no. Climate change is not the same as global warming.

Is there global warming? :)
I know what Franco said.
Then you already know what franco said was wrong.

You don't like that.

Like you don't like my answers, so you keep changing up the questions slightly, attempting to get an answer you want.

Not my problem.

I'm going to do what Mueller has been doing to you snowflakes for 2+ years.....leave you frustrated.


Have a nice day, snowflake.
You moron, even the IPCC has given up on the term "global warming". It's now "climate change". You could at least keep up on your own propaganda.
And I completely agree that there is 'Climate Change'. It happens where I live 4 times a year. We call them 'SEASONS'. Sometimes they are harsher and sometimes they are milder...but they just keep changing.


You believe in global warming? :)
Every political party except the GOP and its silly dupes believe in global warming, also all scientists who are not owned by some right-wing idiocy or big oil... You are the stupidest most brainwashed voters in the modern world. Congratulations
You moron, even the IPCC has given up on the term "global warming". It's now "climate change". You could at least keep up on your own propaganda.
And I completely agree that there is 'Climate Change'. It happens where I live 4 times a year. We call them 'SEASONS'. Sometimes they are harsher and sometimes they are milder...but they just keep changing.


You believe in global warming? :)
Every political party except the GOP and its silly dupes believe in global warming, also all scientists who are not owned by some right-wing idiocy or big oil... You are the stupidest most brainwashed voters in the modern world. Congratulations
Nice rant, again, franco.....but not even an attempt to support your wild-assed rant earlier. No worries...both of us know it was a statement made in anger / emotional duress due to your frustration with not all people blindly accepting your beliefs and ideology.

My suggestion is that you just get used to it. :p
You set on it easy.

Let me know what Rush thinks.


If you are going to be rude enough to but into others conversations

Yes. This is a forum. Therefore I butt in. :)

Franco's exact words were that the GOP and conservatives are 'the only political party and people in the world who deny global warming at this point'.

I know what Franco said. You want to toss out white rabbits for others to chase.

I’m asking you, do you believe in global warming. Yes? No? :)

That is the root of this thread and conversation no? Why have a new green deal? Because of global warming.

Now you either believe in global warming or you don’t. Whether the GOP and conservatives are the ONLY ones to not believe in global warming is not germane to the central question, that being does global warming exist.

And I’m asking you does global warming exist? :)
i believe our climate does change.
i believe our continents drift and change
i believe at one time the arctic was green and pleasant.
> i don't believe we were there to make it freeze
i believe we should at all times keep our environment in mind for now and into the future.
i believe in clean water and air for everyone
i believe if we try to mess with shit we don't understand we WILL harm our environment by trying to fix it in a forced nature
i believe al gore is full of shit
i believe dicaprio needs to do more than tell others to do what he says. he should
i believe all environmentalists should. many do but the ones who flaunt it - live it
i believe our environment has been changing since it began
i believe our environment will keep changing long after we're gone
i believe we should clean up after ourselves and start in the oceans and quit using it for dumping grounds

i don't believe we have the impact over it that the fanatical left says we do
i don't believe keeping cows from farting will have a positive impact. least of all on the cow.
> i do believe it would be a comic effort watching the left try that would leave PETA at a loss for what to do
i don't believe we should try and alter an environment we don't fully understand
i don't believe we're going to get anywhere positive in yet another 10 years because the left keeps demanding panic type attention
i don't believe the right will respond positively to that. i know i don't.
i don't believe anyone who suggests 10 years is enough to get anything positive done knows what they are talking about.
You moron, even the IPCC has given up on the term "global warming". It's now "climate change". You could at least keep up on your own propaganda.
And I completely agree that there is 'Climate Change'. It happens where I live 4 times a year. We call them 'SEASONS'. Sometimes they are harsher and sometimes they are milder...but they just keep changing.


You believe in global warming? :)
Every political party except the GOP and its silly dupes believe in global warming, also all scientists who are not owned by some right-wing idiocy or big oil... You are the stupidest most brainwashed voters in the modern world. Congratulations
What nonsense. Scientists generally agree that CO2, methane and other gases are greenhouse gases. They agree that we are releasing said gases. They agree that our contributions must contribute SOME warming. There is no consensus that manmade GHGs are the predominant driver of climate change.
Is global warming real?

What are the proponents proposing we do about it?

In 10 years....


100% abandonment of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) and fossil fuel product

100% abandonment of nuclear energy

100% reliance on alternate energy forms that produces 11% of the energy we now use

High speed Rail / Inter-continental high speed rail

Dependence on Technology that does not exist yet

100% unionized workers building and doing all of this

:banana: :rock: :mm: :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
In 10 years....


100% abandonment of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas) and fossil fuel product

100% abandonment of nuclear energy

100% reliance on alternate energy forms that produces 11% of the energy we now use

High speed Rail / Inter-continental high speed rail

Dependence on Technology that does not exist yet

100% unionized workers building and doing all of this
No taxation or wealth redistribution schemes?

So, they gave up on that idea?

LOL, most of that so-called rained down energy falls on the oceans, do you want to float solar panels on the surface of all the oceans? the stupid person here is you.
The inter-continental, over-the-ocean Choo-Choos can be equipped with solar panels with 2 - 3 solar-energy battery energy collectors to store the excess energy not needed to run the trains...

B - E-UTIFUL Idea! :p

I still want to know how they are going to build a railroad bridge over 5000 feet of water. maybe it will be a floating bridge, LOL
Who said they were building bridges across the oceans?

Ocasio-Cortez did.

Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.

The Latest Snowflake Tactic

Throwing oneself on the floor of USMB, screaming,
crying, and repeating, 'No, non, no, no, no...that's not
true....didn't happen...', even in the face of overwhelming

It's just...pathetic.

Talking about using high speed rail between cities making air travel between them no longer necessary.

As for that photo, look closer that is Trump

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