
Таня, there are quite a few Russians here besides me (I'm a Russian trapped in Nazi Ukraine though) ...
The majority of us supports and respects Putin and thus makes quite a few of others (like PK1) mad. They call us "Putin's agents" ...
BTW, who are your favorite leaders?
Gee, it did not take long for you to appear & try gathering additional intelligence on a suspected Russian expatriate!
Of course, the first thing you want to know is if Таня (Татьяна to you; you don't know her yet) likes Putin!
If not, you will expand on her FSB (formerly KGB) file, no?

You are "trapped" (LOL!) in eastern Ukraine? Are you now calling the Russian separatists/terrorists "Nazis" now? Or, are you now saying you don't live in a Donbas oblast?
Maybe you actually live in St. Petersburg ...
Sounds like PK1 makes a good case.
I was going to ask her when she first showed up what she thought of Putin, but refrained since this is an intro thread.'s not a strange question to ask. I don't run across Russians often unless they flat out state they are, and that is the first thing that pops in my head.
Sounds like PK1 makes a good case.
I was going to ask her when she first showed up what she thought of Putin, but refrained since this is an intro thread.'s not a strange question to ask. I don't run across Russians often unless they flat out state they are, and that is the first thing that pops in my head.
The reality is that Russia's FSB is good at spying (aka "gathering intelligence") just like CIA & MI6.
And it was our NSA spying on our European friends (e.g., Merkel), like FSB did/does if they are competent, and they are!

The difference is that the Kremlin takes a harsher view on its opponents, just like KGB did. The USA takes its 1st Amendment seriously. Try criticizing Putin effectively and you will get killed.
BIG difference.

I have many Russian friends, and most live outside Russia for a reason.
Sounds like PK1 makes a good case.
I was going to ask her when she first showed up what she thought of Putin, but refrained since this is an intro thread.'s not a strange question to ask. I don't run across Russians often unless they flat out state they are, and that is the first thing that pops in my head.

Skye already did that, and started bombarding her with questions about antisemitism and O'bama and all kinds of freaky shit she didn't even understand. The poor girl just wanted some exercise in English that it looks like has evaded her. She's prolly given up on this place after the way she was treated.

Sometimes this place is just fuckin' disgusting. The post before this one -- another example. It's all about "me me me".
Yeah, skye was all over her. But skye was schnockered as usual, too. What else is new?
who's right

you lost me here
Pogo's right. I shouldn't have asked her if she loves Israel. It was a spontaneous question of sorts. Sorry.

Why not

I would have asked that question

what is wrong asking if the person likes or not Israel.

Putin likes Israel I like Putin

We want to know if a new Russian here likes or not Israel.

Pogo has spoken. :night:

Nice to know what people are made of.... disappointing in your case

Sure then

Don't be that way now, Skye.... Give me a chance to explain myself. After reading Pogo's comment I realized - he's right - we're shooting ourselves in the foot here! How many of us have tweeted USMB links on Twitter for people to read and invited them over here to join a discussion? Some have posted hundreds of links per day!

What do you want to bet that this woman found the USMB link on Twitter? Gracie tweets articles to Twitter a great deal. So do others. So why invite them here and then drive them away in the intro forum? It makes no sense. The intro forum should shine like a brand new penny - and make the newcomer feel right at home.

Therein my decision and apology to Pogo. Still friends? Hope so!

(((( Of course still friends Jerry )))) :huddle:

You know I like you very much!
who's right

you lost me here
Pogo's right. I shouldn't have asked her if she loves Israel. It was a spontaneous question of sorts. Sorry.

Why not

I would have asked that question

what is wrong asking if the person likes or not Israel.

Putin likes Israel I like Putin

We want to know if a new Russian here likes or not Israel.

Pogo has spoken. :night:

Nice to know what people are made of.... disappointing in your case

Sure then

Don't be that way now, Skye.... Give me a chance to explain myself. After reading Pogo's comment I realized - he's right - we're shooting ourselves in the foot here! How many of us have tweeted USMB links on Twitter for people to read and invited them over here to join a discussion? Some have posted hundreds of links per day!

What do you want to bet that this woman found the USMB link on Twitter? Gracie tweets articles to Twitter a great deal. So do others. So why invite them here and then drive them away in the intro forum? It makes no sense. The intro forum should shine like a brand new penny - and make the newcomer feel right at home.

Therein my decision and apology to Pogo. Still friends? Hope so!

Thank you Jeri. I did not see this post until now but very well said. I know we've had disagreements on this or that but through it all I always knew you have a good heart. :thup:
Добро пожаловать в USMB дискуссии! Вы можете использовать Интернет перевод сайтов таких как Вавилон для перевод с русского на английский!

Thank you. I try to not be cheat use translate from internet.
Добро пожаловать в USMB дискуссии! Вы можете использовать Интернет перевод сайтов таких как Вавилон для перевод с русского на английский!

Thank you. I try to not be cheat use translate from internet.

Hello and welcome! :bye1: Don't worry, there are others here that don't speak perfect English. Practice makes perfect! :)
Добро пожаловать в USMB дискуссии! Вы можете использовать Интернет перевод сайтов таких как Вавилон для перевод с русского на английский!

Thank you. I try to not be cheat use translate from internet.

Hello and welcome! :bye1: Don't worry, there are others here that don't speak perfect English. Practice makes perfect! :)

This one ^^ is a good heart, Tatyana. One of those I told you about. :eusa_angel:
Добро пожаловать в USMB дискуссии! Вы можете использовать Интернет перевод сайтов таких как Вавилон для перевод с русского на английский!
Thank you. I try to not be cheat use translate from internet.
Please don't think that using the Babylon internet translator is "cheating"!
Russian to English Translation

I know a little Russian (& travelled to Moscow), but i need a translator to improve my writing. I speak Russian much better than i write it.

I understand you want to improve your English writing skills, and i suspect that you may not want to discuss politics for personal security reasons, so my advice is to ignore the questions that may reveal too much about yourself, since TMI (too much information) may be used against you, especially if you are from Russia!
Добро пожаловать в USMB дискуссии! Вы можете использовать Интернет перевод сайтов таких как Вавилон для перевод с русского на английский!

Thank you. I try to not be cheat use translate from internet.

Hello and welcome! :bye1: Don't worry, there are others here that don't speak perfect English. Practice makes perfect! :)

This one ^^ is a good heart, Tatyana. One of those I told you about. :eusa_angel:

Awww. :smiliehug: That is so nice of you to say, Pogo!
Добро пожаловать в USMB дискуссии! Вы можете использовать Интернет перевод сайтов таких как Вавилон для перевод с русского на английский!

Thank you. I try to not be cheat use translate from internet.

Hello and welcome! :bye1: Don't worry, there are others here that don't speak perfect English. Practice makes perfect! :)

This one ^^ is a good heart, Tatyana. One of those I told you about. :eusa_angel:

Awww. :smiliehug: That is so nice of you to say, Pogo!

I try above all to be honest. Hearts are very important. Some got 'em, some don't. You definitely do. :)

The OP got beset with the other kind last night (after the bars closed of course) and she was discouraged. I tried to tell her not everyone is quite that bad. But what some of them were doing is why she still doesn't speak English. It drives people into isolation, and it's mean, and it needs to stop.

Rant off.

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