GRENELL: Biden CIA Nominee Bill Burns Had My Support Until Troubling Revelations of His Connections with China Surfaced


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden CIA Nominee Bill Burns Had My Support Until Troubling Revelations of His Connections with China Surfaced

GRENELL: Biden CIA Nominee Bill Burns Had My Support Until Troubling Revelations of His Connections with China Surfaced | American Center for Law and Justice (
12 Feb 2021 ~~ By Richard Grenell
I originally applauded the decision by President Biden to nominate Ambassador Bill Burns to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The idea that an outsider would bring a new perspective to the agency is definitely a goal worthy of support. Burns, a 33-year career foreign service officer, has been a consumer of the CIA’s products long enough to know what is useful for policymakers. His status as someone who hasn’t spent their career inside the intelligence agencies should be the model for Intelligence Community (IC) nominees. But the new revelations about Ambassador Burns' post-diplomatic career are too troubling to ignore. His recent dealings with China, at a time when the Biden Administration has been downplaying the threat from China, are extremely concerning. He isn’t the right person to lead the Central Intelligence Agency at this time.
The recent revelations about Burns' post-diplomatic tenure and ties to China should prompt the Senate to reject his nomination. We need an outsider like Bill Burns, but someone who isn’t intertwined with Communist China working in an Administration that has already demonstrated it is vulnerable to Chinese leverage.

I trust the reasoning of Mr. Grenell.
You uppity proles and your patriotic beliefs are interfering with 'free trade' and shareholder dividends, so you're destined for camps or death soon.
The entire Traitor Joe©™ Administration is shot through with ChiComm sympathizers from Joe on down.
Biden CIA Nominee Bill Burns Had My Support Until Troubling Revelations of His Connections with China Surfaced

GRENELL: Biden CIA Nominee Bill Burns Had My Support Until Troubling Revelations of His Connections with China Surfaced | American Center for Law and Justice (
12 Feb 2021 ~~ By Richard Grenell
I originally applauded the decision by President Biden to nominate Ambassador Bill Burns to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The idea that an outsider would bring a new perspective to the agency is definitely a goal worthy of support. Burns, a 33-year career foreign service officer, has been a consumer of the CIA’s products long enough to know what is useful for policymakers. His status as someone who hasn’t spent their career inside the intelligence agencies should be the model for Intelligence Community (IC) nominees. But the new revelations about Ambassador Burns' post-diplomatic career are too troubling to ignore. His recent dealings with China, at a time when the Biden Administration has been downplaying the threat from China, are extremely concerning. He isn’t the right person to lead the Central Intelligence Agency at this time.
The recent revelations about Burns' post-diplomatic tenure and ties to China should prompt the Senate to reject his nomination. We need an outsider like Bill Burns, but someone who isn’t intertwined with Communist China working in an Administration that has already demonstrated it is vulnerable to Chinese leverage.

I trust the reasoning of Mr. Grenell.
How could any logical human support anyone Creepy Joe selected. be anything but an enemy of freedom. A criminal that brags on using the threat of withholding American money unless the prosecutor investigating his son is fired? Or flies on Air Force 2 into China and flies out of China with his shady son a deal worth over a billion dollars. Finally oil independence and Joe took care of that his first day. As he locks us down because of a VIRUS while he opens our Southern border to illegal immigrants from every country on Earth with the Virus. While costing thousands of American jobs Yea how could anyone with such gray matter foresight and love of America done anything different. He probably had the idea Burn Burns was a medal of Honor Recipient and didn't think twices of the China Communist Flag tattooed on his chest and it the same flag Joe has tattooed on his penis and lower lip.
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If Joe cared as much about the American people as he does about the Chinese or Central Americans, he would have a chance to be a really good President.

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