Grenfell report casts blame far and wide.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s report paints a horrifying picture of failures in the construction industry and officialdom – but justice is some way off

A sobering report. Undermined by taking 7 years to produce.

But there is a reason for that. The culture of buck passing in govt and industry has made this akin to a bowl of spsghetti in the unravelling.

Its created a society where the buck doesnt stop anywhere and thats suits the rulemakers fine.

72 people are dead and at the moment there has been no justice for them

Starmer has now blocked guillty corporations from picking up govt work but I was innocent enough to believe that had been done years ago.

The biggest failure in this disaster is the failure of regulation. The pursuit of profit led to the binning of "red tape" and the danger levels in our built environment.

America is about to go down that track with the appointment of musk specifically to cut "red tape".

The bonfire of red tape can be traced to David Cameron. He famously pledged not to pass a new regulation unless an old regulation was dumped.

That appealed to the building industry a lot but not so much to anyone else. I suspect that cameron had no idea the ramifications of his decisions. But that leads to another problem. He wasnt qualified to do that job.

He was a press officer for a TV company before getting into politics.He didnt know what he was doing.

That is a tough target to take down.

An easier target is the three corporations who made dangerous
flammable material and sold it to builders despite knowing it was dangerous.

The evidence is all there in their own documents. I would expect to see these people in court first.

And therafter the more minor players. It will take a couple of years but there must be a line drawn under corporate and capitalist corruption.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s report paints a horrifying picture of failures in the construction industry and officialdom – but justice is some way off

A sobering report. Undermined by taking 7 years to produce.

But there is a reason for that. The culture of buck passing in govt and industry has made this akin to a bowl of spsghetti in the unravelling.

Its created a society where the buck doesnt stop anywhere and thats suits the rulemakers fine.

72 people are dead and at the moment there has been no justice for them

Starmer has now blocked guillty corporations from picking up govt work but I was innocent enough to believe that had been done years ago.

The biggest failure in this disaster is the failure of regulation. The pursuit of profit led to the binning of "red tape" and the danger levels in our built environment.

America is about to go down that track with the appointment of musk specifically to cut "red tape".

The bonfire of red tape can be traced to David Cameron. He famously pledged not to pass a new regulation unless an old regulation was dumped.

That appealed to the building industry a lot but not so much to anyone else. I suspect that cameron had no idea the ramifications of his decisions. But that leads to another problem. He wasnt qualified to do that job.

He was a press officer for a TV company before getting into politics.He didnt know what he was doing.

That is a tough target to take down.

An easier target is the three corporations who made dangerous
flammable material and sold it to builders despite knowing it was dangerous.

The evidence is all there in their own documents. I would expect to see these people in court first.

And therafter the more minor players. It will take a couple of years but there must be a line drawn under corporate and capitalist corruption.
I am waiting for some jail time for these criminals.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick’s report paints a horrifying picture of failures in the construction industry and officialdom – but justice is some way off

A sobering report. Undermined by taking 7 years to produce.

But there is a reason for that. The culture of buck passing in govt and industry has made this akin to a bowl of spsghetti in the unravelling.

Its created a society where the buck doesnt stop anywhere and thats suits the rulemakers fine.

72 people are dead and at the moment there has been no justice for them

Starmer has now blocked guillty corporations from picking up govt work but I was innocent enough to believe that had been done years ago.

The biggest failure in this disaster is the failure of regulation. The pursuit of profit led to the binning of "red tape" and the danger levels in our built environment.

America is about to go down that track with the appointment of musk specifically to cut "red tape".

The bonfire of red tape can be traced to David Cameron. He famously pledged not to pass a new regulation unless an old regulation was dumped.

That appealed to the building industry a lot but not so much to anyone else. I suspect that cameron had no idea the ramifications of his decisions. But that leads to another problem. He wasnt qualified to do that job.

He was a press officer for a TV company before getting into politics.He didnt know what he was doing.

That is a tough target to take down.

An easier target is the three corporations who made dangerous
flammable material and sold it to builders despite knowing it was dangerous.

The evidence is all there in their own documents. I would expect to see these people in court first.

And therafter the more minor players. It will take a couple of years but there must be a line drawn under corporate and capitalist corruption.
To support the victims, I bought a candle to support their families -


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