Greta: A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years

My plans for the weekend include tinkering in my garage. I'm building a machine that uses fossil fuels to wipe out all the top climate change scientists over the next five years.

We are doomed now, anyway. No more activism needed.
Six years ago today.
View attachment 965562
So what’s your plans this weekend? Family BBQ? Yard work? Visit Auntie Elaine?

Anyone interested in mass extinctions?

Envirowhackos are 0-160 in their hysteria so far.

Six years ago today.
View attachment 965562
So what’s your plans this weekend? Family BBQ? Yard work? Visit Auntie Elaine?

Anyone interested in mass extinctions?

Envirowhackos are 0-160 in their hysteria so far.

Gurtrude Greta strikes out again!
Six years ago today.
View attachment 965562
So what’s your plans this weekend? Family BBQ? Yard work? Visit Auntie Elaine?

Anyone interested in mass extinctions?

Envirowhackos are 0-160 in their hysteria so far.

/——/ I’m going to fire up the old Mercedes diesel and burn two tanks of fuel.
It does smoke a lot due to worn rings.
Six years ago today.
View attachment 965562
So what’s your plans this weekend? Family BBQ? Yard work? Visit Auntie Elaine?

Anyone interested in mass extinctions?

Envirowhackos are 0-160 in their hysteria so far.

I just finished watching "Sharks under Paris" and in the movie is a hairbrain female, who reminded me of Greta...I applauded the show when they were all underground. Watch the movie, it will make you smile.
Six years ago today.
View attachment 965562
So what’s your plans this weekend? Family BBQ? Yard work? Visit Auntie Elaine?

Anyone interested in mass extinctions?

Envirowhackos are 0-160 in their hysteria so far.

Just what is a "Top Climate Scientist" ? Someone who can scream and yell, keep a straight face, and tow the party line....even though they know their colleagues have been wrong about everything for the last 50 years ?
But she did say that "climate change will wipe out ALL of humanity".
Stop use of "fossil fuels" within five years, as of a year plus ago, was the "qualifier".

We've heard this same mantra for about four plus decades now and every five or ten years comes and goes, but humanity continues to grow.

Some people need to repeat their science classes it would seem.

Repeat their science classes and stop parroting environment bullshit from an autistic elitist brat who has exhibits fetal alcohol syndrome.
Right. A real concern, if we pass a climate tipping point.

Go check. It's not something she is making up.
There is no "climate tipping point" in the near future, other than maybe plunge into another glaciation/ice age.
As this chart suggests; note that humans have been around for 1.5 to @3 million years (depending on whose genetic research you support);

Here's a longer scale;

This one shows that both Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and temperatures have been much higher than present, and both Earth and life upon it have survived. We are no where near any of the "tipping points" shown in this graph of climate history;

Activist Thunberg protests against Ukraine invasion outside Russian embassy in Stockholm​

". . . Now the puppet agenda is surfacing with India launching a Criminal Investigation into her handlers. Greta accidentally shared a message showing she was getting told what to write on Twitter about the ongoing violent farmer uprising in India. Greta quickly deleted the post that detailed a list of “suggested posts” about the ongoing protests. The list provided a series of tips on what to post and went as far as to request Greta to also repost and tag other celebrities tweeting about it, which included the pop star, Rihanna. The “toolkit” she shared also suggested highlighting planned demonstrations at Indian embassies. . . . "


Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb​


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