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The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.

Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Facebook fundraiser peddling ‘fake news’ photo of crying Honduran girl raises insane amount of money

I dream of war with Mexico.
I'm sure you'd sign right up too.
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.

Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Facebook fundraiser peddling ‘fake news’ photo of crying Honduran girl raises insane amount of money

I dream of war with Mexico.

Well, little boy, put your name on the dotted line and join up and then you can call for such things.

All of you pussies that have never served dream about long as someone else is fighting it.
loser is good at holding the coats while his betters do the actual fighting...
The U.S. has been invaded by Mexico. Literally invaded (10 to 20 million is indisputably an invasion). That alone is grounds for military action. But now, a candidate for president in Mexico is openly calling for a larger invasion.

Please let them try this under President Trump. Please! Nothing would make me giggle more than watching bombs drop on the heads of these lawless thugs and animals.

Facebook fundraiser peddling ‘fake news’ photo of crying Honduran girl raises insane amount of money

I dream of war with Mexico.

Well, little boy, put your name on the dotted line and join up and then you can call for such things.

All of you pussies that have never served dream about long as someone else is fighting it.

Look wack-job...nobody here believes your never military man speaks like you do and shares your twisted views. NONE!
And this is what we get with trump and trumpanzees...faux support of vets, but under that thin veneer, a contempt of our military members to the point of wanting to use their blood and guts for their little man wars....while never volunteering themselves, of course.
...but under that thin veneer, a contempt of our military members to the point of wanting to use their blood and guts for their little man wars.
So let me get this straight. You’re complaining that the right wants to use the U.S. military for the exact purpose that they exist? :laugh:
And this is what we get with trump and trumpanzees...faux support of vets, but under that thin veneer, a contempt of our military members to the point of wanting to use their blood and guts for their little man wars....while never volunteering themselves, of course.

And what do we get with Demtards and libtwats?......worse.....MUCH worse....complete loss of nation.
Let me list the difference between morons like yourself and the triggered, racist, highly bigoted maniac, Maxine we go...........
One good build up of invaders at the border, and a large incursion as suggested by the Mexican candidate could play quite nicely into the hands of Trump. A bulletproof reason to declare martial law, suspend the house and senate, secure the border by any means necessary to defend our nation, and “viola”!
We get everything we ever wanted. And no Filthy traitorous Democrat Liberals to get in the way...
They pulled this trick the mid-1800s. And at the Polish border in 1939.
You know, I find it really interesting that those who have never served are generally the first ones to call for military action.

Going to war with Mexico over immigration is beyond stupid.

And yeah, I'm a retired military veteran, and I think that the OP is beyond idiotic.

Be honest. Tell everyone that you were a titless WAVE and the closest you ever got to any action was in the backseat of your old man's Buick.
Love it....WAVES......that old, are you?
...but under that thin veneer, a contempt of our military members to the point of wanting to use their blood and guts for their little man wars.
So let me get this straight. You’re complaining that the right wants to use the U.S. military for the exact purpose that they exist? :laugh:
The military is not for trumpanzee glory. It is only for real American needs, such as defense against those, like the alt right, who would assault American freedoms.
I dream of war with Mexico.
I thought of asking you why but it occurs to me you probably live in a place which is close to the Mexico/U.S. border and so you're exposed to a lot of border jumpers. Am I right?

I presently live in New Jersey but I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, where I've had almost zero contact with Mexicans and those I did come across seemed okay to me. My overall impression of Mexicans is they are Christians, most are either near-White or Azteca and for the most part I don't believe they harbor an innate hatred for White Americans. As for those who have migrated here illegally, I believe their only motive is to look for a better life. What I've seen of them is they are willing to work and jobs are really what they are looking for. So, for the reason's I've explained, I can't say I have any innate dislike for or fear of Mexican illegals.

Muslims, however, are another story. I harbor an intense, almost instinctual loathing for those worthless, obnoxious bastards. Not the children, some of whom are really cute, and not so much those Muslim women who appear docile and non-aggressive. But I especially despise the arrogant, the aggressive, and the bearded bastards whose hatred for White Christians is clearly revealed on their faces. I don't know if it's because of some deeply-rooted psychological disorder but those oily, miserable-looking bastards evoke a full-blown homicidal impulse in me. My feelings toward them are no different from what I would feel toward any menacing battlefield adversary. I wouldn't hesitate to kill them and I wouldn't think twice about it.

What these people are doing and have done in Europe and Scandinavia is infuriating. Anyone who doesn't appreciate that we have a President like Donald Trump who is dedicated to keeping those no-good bastards out of here is either simple-minded or masochistic, or both.

I live in Southern California. I own a number of residential properties in a region taken over by illegals. (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties)
Through the years I have leased properties to many illegals not knowing they were illegal only to have them ruin the property, squat for months rent free and leave me no legal recourse.
My family has been in auto accidents where illegals were at fault, uninsured or under insured and yet again, due to their illegal status I was left no recourse. It’s a bizarre situation with illegals out here...they are a protected class and basically above the law in Mexifornia.
Poke around on this board, my extreme hatred toward wetbacks will be very apparent.
DIdn't realize we had so many victims here in SoCal.
brokeloser and patriot are millennials, and the Hispanic kids keep stealing their girl friends.
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...but under that thin veneer, a contempt of our military members to the point of wanting to use their blood and guts for their little man wars.
So let me get this straight. You’re complaining that the right wants to use the U.S. military for the exact purpose that they exist? :laugh:

We do not exist for the purpose of invading countries that are not a threat to us, no matter how many times you party master tells you that is why we have a military.
We do not exist for the purpose of invading countries that are not a threat to us
A. Nobody said “invade” Mexico you ignorant little drama queen.

B. We have been invaded by 20 million Mexicans. If that is “not” a threat, then literally nothing is. Nothing. There is no point in having a military if we won’t even use them to defend us against an invasion of 20 million Mexicans.

C. Please stop posting. You’re embarrassing yourself by illustrating your ignorance.
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