Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

The IRS thought it was some kind of biomedicine charity.

WASHINGTON -- The anti-abortion group that released an undercover "sting" video of a Planned Parenthood doctor this week appears to be a dummy nonprofit that may have deceived the Internal Revenue Service and the public about its mission.

The two-year-old Center for Medical Progress, which claims to be in the business of reporting on biomedical research, released undercover footage Tuesday of a Planned Parenthood doctor allegedly discussing the sale of fetal body parts after abortions. The video, which Planned Parenthood has denounced as misleading and heavily edited, was circulated widely and prompted House Republicans to launch an investigation into the family planning provider.

But as Slate reports, the Center for Medical Progress appears to be nothing more than a front organization for the anti-abortion group Live Action. That is not how the IRS understood it when considering the group's application for tax-exempt status, and not how the group originally presented itself to the public in soliciting donations.

If the Center for Medical Progress deliberately misled the IRS and donors about the nature of its nonprofit work, it could be subject to civil and criminal fraud penalties. IRS forms are signed under penalty of perjury, and a nonprofit misleading its donors about the nature of its work is "up there with all other kinds of fraud," according to Bruce Hopkins, an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law.

"The authorities have the right to shut down the charity, and the individuals behind the fraud can go to prison or pay a substantial fine," Hopkins said.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards apologized in a video on Thursday for Nucatola's tone and statements in the video, but she maintained that the allegations about selling fetal body parts were "not true." Richards said that women seeking abortions sometimes choose to donate fetal tissue for scientific and medical research, and that Planned Parenthood follows "all laws and ethical guidelines" in doing so and makes no profit from the donations.

More: Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Video May Have Tricked IRS, Donors

The anti-choice zealots have no shame.

Dear Lakhota
RE: The anti-choice zealots have no shame
What about the shooting of abortion doctors or attacks on clinics?
When people are willing to break the law, even shoot a doctor in church,
to make a public statement, what does that tell you?

To be fair to prolife advocates who are lawabiding, and don't seek to violate laws or rights of others,
if you can imagine what it's like to BELIEVE and count all those unborn babies
as "murdered children" you might be able to sympathize with prolife believers.

If you can understand the outrage of people arguing "Black Lives Matter"
while watching Black people killed as if they don't count, but are just random numbers and not people,
THAT might be similar to how prolife people feel who grieve for aborted babies, and take
on the horror and emotions of the experiences of abortion, that other people seem to deny as nonexistent.

Of if you can understand people protesting the killing of innocent civilians in war,
while surrounded by others who treat these "numbers" as random "collateral damage"
and don't have any sense that a person was lost, who had a life, and relations with others
that are now gone, leaving behind a hole in the world where that person is now missing.

Maybe THAT might relate to how prolife people feel "horrified"
that nobody is considering the life of the child and the loss and suffering.

From THAT perspective, Lakhota, don't you think the
"prochoice" people appear to have "no shame" either?
Don't ask that peyote smoking bone smuggler to think.

If klilling babies to market their parts is OK then why is it not OK to market the body parts of slain abortion doctors. Is not dead dead regardless of cause? Does the cause of death reduce the value of the pieces?

If klilling babies to market their parts is OK then why is it not OK to market the body parts of slain abortion doctors. Is not dead dead regardless of cause? Does the cause of death reduce the value of the pieces?

The woman seeking the abortion has the choice of donating fetus parts for medical research. What's wrong with that? It's her choice!
Why would PP need the body parts of non babies to sell on the black market?

If klilling babies to market their parts is OK then why is it not OK to market the body parts of slain abortion doctors. Is not dead dead regardless of cause? Does the cause of death reduce the value of the pieces?

I thought it was because the tender flesh of babies makes for more exotic hors d'oeuvres,
much more impressive when entertaining guests. And makes nice chunky salsa for the chips.

If klilling babies to market their parts is OK then why is it not OK to market the body parts of slain abortion doctors. Is not dead dead regardless of cause? Does the cause of death reduce the value of the pieces?

I thought it was because the tender flesh of babies makes for more exotic hors d'oeuvres,
much more impressive when entertaining guests. And makes nice chunky salsa for the chips.

That must be it
They spent years creating a front so they could infiltrate the upper echelons of pp. They did what the it's wouldn't do to find out what this NON PROFIT really does to generate the untold millions that they don't pay taxes on. Brilliant, true investigative journalism.
They did what the I.r.s. Wouldn't do, that is. Or any of the leftist propaganda machines that pass as media these days.
They spent years creating a front so they could infiltrate the upper echelons of pp. They did what the it's wouldn't do to find out what this NON PROFIT really does to generate the untold millions that they don't pay taxes on. Brilliant, true investigative journalism.

Prove it.
I don't need to. They're already interrogating your butchers. Where will you ppl do your harvesting and abusing when the abbatoirs close???
... and all this mitigates the revolting actions of Planned Parenthood just how again?

Another liberal attempt at deflection ...

If klilling babies to market their parts is OK then why is it not OK to market the body parts of slain abortion doctors. Is not dead dead regardless of cause? Does the cause of death reduce the value of the pieces?

I thought it was because the tender flesh of babies makes for more exotic hors d'oeuvres,
much more impressive when entertaining guests. And makes nice chunky salsa for the chips.

OK--I get it
You are pro-life emily

The truth of the issue is that there are researchers looking for fetal parts. it has nothing do with exotic dietary habits.

Also, it is illegal to pay a woman to have an abortion so you can use the fetus for research.

Next, due to the fact that the Good Doctor was filmed without permission, that video can not be used in a criminal case. But that is known fact, which underlines the point of using a hidden camera and editting the footage.

Finally, Recognize there are some fanatical and self sacrificing pro-lifers. Felonies and fines will not deter them from their mission. In fact, those are badges of honor or merit in the holy war they actively fight.

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