Group helps illegal aliens get tax refunds, even those with bogus SS#s


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
A Manhattan group is helping illegal immigrants recoup unclaimed state tax refunds - even if they used fake Social Security numbers to work.

The Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project got back thousands for a dozen undocumented New Yorkers who overpaid.

Thousands more could be due a windfall from the Department of Taxation and Finance.

Since 1996, a growing number of undocumented immigrants have filed taxes using a special ID number, without alerting immigration officials.

They usually get federal refunds, but state paybacks can be held up because the tax department flags documents that have mismatched ID information.

Read more: Advocacy group helps illegal immigrants get tax refunds, even those with bogus social security cards

Here's an idea. How about attaching a BILL for public services and education to their "refund"? What about a goodbye card?

Not only that, but the SCOTUS deemed it NOT a crime when using bogus SS numbers!! Claims that the person using these numbers did not know they were bogus - suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!!!
Granny says, "Now dey gonna be in trouble with the Feds...
Two Prisoners Responsible for $1.1 Billion in Fraudulent Tax Refunds, Report Finds
January 18, 2013 – The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) prevented $2.1 billion in fraudulent tax refunds filed by prisoners in 2012, largely thanks to stopping two inmates from attempting to collect $1.1 billion from Uncle Sam.
“Refund fraud committed by prisoners remains a significant problem for tax administration,” stated a report by the Treasury Inspector General for the Tax Administration. The report – made public on Thursday – states that in 2012 the IRS uncovered more than 170,000 fraudulent tax returns filed by prisoners. The Accounts Management Taxpayer Assurance Program reported that from Oct. 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, there were 173,106 fraudulent returns detected from inmates. Of those, 156,482 were stopped, preventing prisoners from receiving $2.1 billion in fraudulent payments. In a footnote to the report, however, it states that more than half of the fraud came from only two inmates: “The amount of refunds detected and stopped in Fiscal Year 2012 includes two prisoner tax returns that totaled $1.1 billion in refunds.”

The IRS said tax filing fraud among prisoners between 2004 and 2010 had increased by a staggering 405 percent. For full calendar year 2004, there were only 18,000 fraudulent returns, but by 2010, the number had risen to 91,000. Though the IRS prevented $722 million in fraudulent tax refunds to prisoners during calendar year 2010, the agency still released more than $35 million, the report said. “To combat this growing problem, the IRS compiles a list of prisoners (Prisoner File) from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and State Departments of Corrections,” the report states. However, the inspector general (IG) also found significant inaccuracies within the Prisoner File. For instance, the file includes prisoners that were reported under institutions that are closed; numerous prisons reported only one prisoner each; and “not all prisons on the Institution File reported prisoners.”

Furthermore, of the 2.8 million records in the 2012 Prisoner File, 240,000, or nine percent, did not match information provided by the Social Security Administration. “Most of these issues are beyond the control of the IRS,” the report explains. “The IRS has to rely on information provided by the prisons to identify prisoner-filed tax returns, and the IRS does not have the authority to disclose information to the prisons related to prisoner-filed fraudulent tax returns or prisoner identity issues.” The IG recommended that Congress pass legislation to permanently allow the IRS to share data with prisons in order to make the Prison File more accurate to prevent fraud.

There are workable solutions to these problems, but each side has an interest in continuing to stoke the fires of partisan hostility. AFTER securing the border and developing tamper-proof ID cards, we should allow those without criminal records to remain in the U.S., provided that they are self-supporting and pay taxes (without benefits) for ten years. After that, they should be afforded the same opportunity for citizenship as any other residents.

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