Growing support for same sex marriages from all religions. (bar evangelicals)

God burnt cities to the ground for such acts and yet so many have been "brainwashed" by satan himself to accept which god hates.

How can you accept something that god considers to be one of the gravest of sins and act like you're a believer?
God burnt cities to the ground for such acts and yet so many have been "brainwashed" by satan himself to accept which god hates.

How can you accept something that god considers to be one of the gravest of sins and act like you're a believer?
God put homosexuality throughout nature, as plants, animals and humans all have homosexuals among their ranks. And it's possible that Jesus was gay.
Of course, the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments apply solely to the relationship between government and those governed, their jurisprudence doesn’t apply to private religious entities, which are at liberty to refuse to afford religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples.

Unfortunately, far too many religious entities attempt to codify their unwarranted animus toward gay Americans by seeking to enact measures to disadvantage homosexuals through force of law.

Thankfully we have the First Amendment to prevent the religious right from violating the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, prohibiting them from infusing religious dogma into secular law.
How many times do I have to tell you that the establishment clause of the first amendment was written to prevent the federal government from establishing a national religion and interfering with state established religions of which half the states had at the time the constitution was ratified?

Understanding the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses
God burnt cities to the ground for such acts and yet so many have been "brainwashed" by satan himself to accept which god hates.

How can you accept something that god considers to be one of the gravest of sins and act like you're a believer?
God put homosexuality throughout nature, as plants, animals and humans all have homosexuals among their ranks. And it's possible that Jesus was gay.
Taz, I want to commend you on a sensible and well balanced response. Well done.
Growing support for same sex marriages from all religions. (bar evangelicals)

TRANSLATE TO PLAIN ENGLISH: Keep pushing the gay agenda with increasing legal consequences until the mass populace has been herded by fear and threat into generally accepting, tolerating and going along with a hateful, activist gay strong-arm of our society that once they gain a majority power can't wait to unleash their wrath of hate and retribution against the Church and all that opposed them as an immoral way of life and crush them like a bug under their tyrannical wheels.

The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset as evinced by the poll in the OP. Your insistence on being the victim in all of this is risible and beyond laughable.Meanwhile the rest of us are just getting on with our lives without the need to hate Gods children. .

Sure it is Tommy. Just like Democratic election polls, people are just telling you what you want to hear for now, keeping their real opinions to themselves, and the only thing dwindling in this country ITMT is the family structure and wholesome environments upon which to raise healthy children, and the only victims as always are the butthurt double-speaking gaybos like you and all the poor people upon which you unleash your vengeful avalanche of gay activism in protest. People will put up with it only for a while until they see where it's really going, figure it out as an anti-straight agenda, see the harm, then all you creeps are in for a big surprise once the world has had enough to change their minds and fight back. We've been through al-Quada, ISIS, the Black Panther movement, and now you.
The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset.

Even as I speak, things are not so rosy and approving for gays everywhere as Tommy would have others (and himself) think:

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Oops! Sorry Tommy. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is still a deviant sexual perversion.
And it will get kicked out as well.
Your time is over and all the squealing and screeching of backward bigots cant hold back progress.
The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset.

Even as I speak, things are not so rosy and approving for gays everywhere as Tommy would have others (and himself) think:

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Oops! Sorry Tommy. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is still a deviant sexual perversion.
And it will get kicked out as well.
Your time is over and all the squealing and screeching of backward bigots cant hold back progress.

And yet you knuckle-dragging Welsh supported Brexit. You clearly demonstrate something far removed from progress.

And it will get kicked out as well.
Your time is over and all the squealing and screeching of backward bigots cant hold back progress.

So people are bigots just because they disagree with a certain activity, lifestyle, and practices for religious, or other personal reasons? Gays make up maybe 1% of the population.
And it will get kicked out as well.
Your time is over and all the squealing and screeching of backward bigots cant hold back progress.

So people are bigots just because they disagree with a certain activity, lifestyle, and practices for religious, or other personal reasons? Gays make up maybe 1% of the population.
The issue has nothing to do with ‘agreeing’ with anything.

Bigotry is the unwarranted animus toward a class of persons for no other reason than who they are, and to seek to disadvantage that class of persons through force of law or social interaction.

And that gay Americans make up a small percentage of the general population is not ‘justification’ for bigotry.
And it will get kicked out as well.
Your time is over and all the squealing and screeching of backward bigots cant hold back progress.

So people are bigots just because they disagree with a certain activity, lifestyle, and practices for religious, or other personal reasons? Gays make up maybe 1% of the population.
The issue has nothing to do with ‘agreeing’ with anything.

Bigotry is the unwarranted animus toward a class of persons for no other reason than who they are, and to seek to disadvantage that class of persons through force of law or social interaction.

And that gay Americans make up a small percentage of the general population is not ‘justification’ for bigotry.
You and your clan seem to overlook your obvious bigotry towards evangelical Christians that believe their Bible. Funny how that works.
The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset.

Even as I speak, things are not so rosy and approving for gays everywhere as Tommy would have others (and himself) think:

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Oops! Sorry Tommy. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is still a deviant sexual perversion.
Obsessing about how other people have sex and who they love is a perversion
The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset.

Even as I speak, things are not so rosy and approving for gays everywhere as Tommy would have others (and himself) think:

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Oops! Sorry Tommy. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is still a deviant sexual perversion.
Obsessing about how other people have sex and who they love is a perversion
It's also authoritarian.
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.
A bs poll put out by a pole smoker no doubt
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.

Sure, Tom! Just get your foot in the door with legitimizing homosexual perversion one place, then another, soon, everyone gets used to hearing about it and before you know it just get USED to the idea of fags and queers being equated as no different than a real marriage between man and woman sanctioned by the church under god for the sake of raising a family. Used to be that kids were raised that way and were taught strict moral and ethical upbringing, but now that anything goes, we are getting our first taste of the "new generation" of kids who bring rifles to school to shoot everybody because the fucking world doesn't make sense to them anymore.
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Progress = Gay?

How so?
The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset.

Even as I speak, things are not so rosy and approving for gays everywhere as Tommy would have others (and himself) think:

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Oops! Sorry Tommy. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is still a deviant sexual perversion.
Obsessing about how other people have sex and who they love is a perversion
I don't believe that is the problem.
The language you use,the viewpoint , are all part of a dwindling mindset.

Even as I speak, things are not so rosy and approving for gays everywhere as Tommy would have others (and himself) think:

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Oops! Sorry Tommy. No matter how you paint it, homosexuality is still a deviant sexual perversion.
Obsessing about how other people have sex and who they love is a perversion
I don't believe that is the problem.
What is the problem then?

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