Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

Can you imagine paying the tuition at MIT for your kid and that kid was taught by this jackass? You should demand your money back because the kid got cheated out of learning anything of value.

Liberals never get economics right.

He was dumb enough to think that taking money from some people and giving it away to others was somehow good economics.

He was dumb enough to think that Obamacare was going to work.

He was so stupid as to publicly expose the lies about a program where he was the chief designer.

The only thing he was smart at was getting the money out of the government.

He looked and acted like a first rate moron today in front of the committiee. Gowdy reamed him a new asshole and it was well deserved.
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!

Obama deserves to have it "stuck to him" because he is the most corrupt and incompetent President we ever had and he needs to be held accountable.

Obamacare was disaster and the more the American people learn about the lies that were made to sell the stupid program the better. Gruber is just one of many idiots that got it wrong.

The real stupid people are the morons that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. You have to be one hellva an idiot to think that jackass was going to do a good job as President.
You pathetic little dweeb. This is why the hearings are underway. Gruber claimed that they had manipulated language to keep the tax from being scored as a tax (and then the Obama admin went before the SCOTUS and defended the non-tax as a tax).

Condolences. It must be incredibly difficult for you to navigate through life being so Incredibly Uninformed.
so where's the fraud?
at best you can say they wrote the law in a way that gave them political cover - but that's not fraud, is it?

and the supreme court felt differently.
what's your point?

Try looking up the definition of fraud. Obama sold Obamacare to the American people saying that the individual mandate was not a tax, then when it came time to defend obamacare in front of the supreme court his lawyers argued that it was a tax. When a saleman lies about his product to sell it, is it not fraud?

i guess i'm just of the opinion that the facts on the individual mandate were known, and that calling it a tax or my aunt ruby doesn't change what it was. and as for the mandate not being a tax, it would seem that the cbo agreed, and the supreme court disagreed.

but all of that aside, what gruber's opinion is or is not of the american voter doesn't make a lick of difference as far as fraud is concerned.

Gruber's opinion that the American voter is stupid is not what makes it a fraud. The lies that Obama and the democrates told to help pass the law is what makes it a fraud. Gruber simply confirmed the fraud in his statements.
so where's the fraud?
at best you can say they wrote the law in a way that gave them political cover - but that's not fraud, is it?

and the supreme court felt differently.
what's your point?

Try looking up the definition of fraud. Obama sold Obamacare to the American people saying that the individual mandate was not a tax, then when it came time to defend obamacare in front of the supreme court his lawyers argued that it was a tax. When a saleman lies about his product to sell it, is it not fraud?

i guess i'm just of the opinion that the facts on the individual mandate were known, and that calling it a tax or my aunt ruby doesn't change what it was. and as for the mandate not being a tax, it would seem that the cbo agreed, and the supreme court disagreed.

but all of that aside, what gruber's opinion is or is not of the american voter doesn't make a lick of difference as far as fraud is concerned.

Gruber's opinion that the American voter is stupid is not what makes it a fraud. The lies that Obama and the democrates told to help pass the law is what makes it a fraud. Gruber simply confirmed the fraud in his statements.

so that explains why goudy only wanted to talk about those statements then, right?

and i disagree on it being fraud. tough to be fraud when all the information was available.

and the supreme court felt differently.
what's your point?

Try looking up the definition of fraud. Obama sold Obamacare to the American people saying that the individual mandate was not a tax, then when it came time to defend obamacare in front of the supreme court his lawyers argued that it was a tax. When a saleman lies about his product to sell it, is it not fraud?

i guess i'm just of the opinion that the facts on the individual mandate were known, and that calling it a tax or my aunt ruby doesn't change what it was. and as for the mandate not being a tax, it would seem that the cbo agreed, and the supreme court disagreed.

but all of that aside, what gruber's opinion is or is not of the american voter doesn't make a lick of difference as far as fraud is concerned.

Gruber's opinion that the American voter is stupid is not what makes it a fraud. The lies that Obama and the democrates told to help pass the law is what makes it a fraud. Gruber simply confirmed the fraud in his statements.

so that explains why goudy only wanted to talk about those statements then, right?

and i disagree on it being fraud. tough to be fraud when all the information was available.

Was all the information available? Perhaps it was, technically. However, the bill was rushed through congress before almost all of the members of congress could read and understand the bill. Remember Nancy Ps famous statement that we have to pass the bill to find out what is in the bill. At the time of the passage of the bill into law the American public had the choice of either believing the democratic talking points about the bill or the republican talking points about the bill or try to read and understand a bill that was thousands of pages long. In 2009, Obama was still credible to most Americans, so when he said things like if you like you plan you can keep your plan and that the mandate is not a tax, Many people believed him. From a practical standpoint, the information was not available, at least not in an understandable form.
The GOP doesn't even want to repeal the ACA at this point, that's the beauty of this.
The GOP seems to be in the same spot the 49ers are in.

They've won some recent victories, but the competition is on to them.

The DNC has set up traps all over if the GOP pursues scandals, tries to repeal Obamacare, or tries to shut down the government.

And by the way Fox News righties, and GOP politicians talk...they don't even realize it!...or more likely, they can't do anything about it.
The DNC will be leading hte charge to repeal Obamacare. Look how many elections it's cost them.
Sure, that'll happen.......uh boyeee....

What some of the purple states Democrats might do is support some changes, like removing the medical device tax.
Simply watching this and seeing how Gruber and the DemocRATS squirm is worthwhile!

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?

Oh what a great question.

According to HIM... he set up deceptive methods used in part, to pass policy which effects everyone in the country. Meaning that, specifically, he defrauded us all.
Can you imagine paying the tuition at MIT for your kid and that kid was taught by this jackass? You should demand your money back because the kid got cheated out of learning anything of value.

Liberals never get economics right.

He was dumb enough to think that taking money from some people and giving it away to others was somehow good economics.

He was dumb enough to think that Obamacare was going to work.

He was so stupid as to publicly expose the lies about a program where he was the chief designer.

The only thing he was smart at was getting the money out of the government.

He looked and acted like a first rate moron today in front of the committiee. Gowdy reamed him a new asshole and it was well deserved.

Good post, Flash! Welcome!
The GOP doesn't even want to repeal the ACA at this point, that's the beauty of this.
The GOP seems to be in the same spot the 49ers are in.

They've won some recent victories, but the competition is on to them.

The DNC has set up traps all over if the GOP pursues scandals, tries to repeal Obamacare, or tries to shut down the government.

And by the way Fox News righties, and GOP politicians talk...they don't even realize it!...or more likely, they can't do anything about it.
The DNC will be leading hte charge to repeal Obamacare. Look how many elections it's cost them.
Sure, that'll happen.......uh boyeee....

What some of the purple states Democrats might do is support some changes, like removing the medical device tax.
Look at the comments by Schumer and Harkin on how supporting Obamacare was a mistake. Look at the losses the Democrats have sustained from this debacle. Half of the 60 who voted for it are gone. The rest are running scared.
Yeah, they'll vote to repeal, replace, or anything else to run away.
Can you imagine paying the tuition at MIT for your kid and that kid was taught by this jackass? You should demand your money back because the kid got cheated out of learning anything of value.

Liberals never get economics right.

He was dumb enough to think that taking money from some people and giving it away to others was somehow good economics.

He was dumb enough to think that Obamacare was going to work.

He was so stupid as to publicly expose the lies about a program where he was the chief designer.

The only thing he was smart at was getting the money out of the government.

He looked and acted like a first rate moron today in front of the committiee. Gowdy reamed him a new asshole and it was well deserved.

Good post, Flash! Welcome!

Exposing the corruption and incompetence of Obama is always very easy. You really don't have to do anything. He does it all himself. I wonder how many more Grubers there are in his administration?

What is sad is the idiots that voted for Obama thinking he was going to somehow do a good job when all the indications were that he was dipshit. Maybe next time when we conservatives tell the Libtards that they voting for the wrong person they will listen but i wouldn't hold my breath. After all, if you are so idiotic as to have voted for Obama then you will probably never get it right.
The idiots on the left are so stupid they don't even realize Gruber was talking about THEM. He sure as hell wasn't talking about those of us who opposed it. Amazing how the man repeatedly called them "stupid" and here they are defending him for insulting them. That sort of confirms what he was saying, doesn't it?
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal points higher than yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
they did stop teaching civics about 25 years ago....

It sure shows.

Not in Common Core, probably either.
don't know about that. back in the 70's schools didn't teach civics till junior high.

I went to grammar school, junior high school and high school in the 50s and 60s.

Back before teachers' unions ruined public education.
I have lot's of friends who are educators they say just the opposite.
Is that who educated you? :badgrin:
The idiots on the left are so stupid they don't even realize Gruber was talking about THEM. He sure as hell wasn't talking about those of us who opposed it. Amazing how the man repeatedly called them "stupid" and here they are defending him for insulting them. That sort of confirms what he was saying, doesn't it?
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal point higher then yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:

Thanks for posting this, LL. I see daws, the moron, went back and corrected it in an effort to save face. Probably secretly pissed at you for this post. :lol:
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The GOP doesn't even want to repeal the ACA at this point, that's the beauty of this.
The GOP seems to be in the same spot the 49ers are in.

They've won some recent victories, but the competition is on to them.

The DNC has set up traps all over if the GOP pursues scandals, tries to repeal Obamacare, or tries to shut down the government.

And by the way Fox News righties, and GOP politicians talk...they don't even realize it!...or more likely, they can't do anything about it.
The DNC will be leading hte charge to repeal Obamacare. Look how many elections it's cost them.
Sure, that'll happen.......uh boyeee....

What some of the purple states Democrats might do is support some changes, like removing the medical device tax.
Look at the comments by Schumer and Harkin on how supporting Obamacare was a mistake. Look at the losses the Democrats have sustained from this debacle. Half of the 60 who voted for it are gone. The rest are running scared.
Yeah, they'll vote to repeal, replace, or anything else to run away.
They will if they value their political career.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

It's about the American people being scammed and those who are guilty of doing it. They should pay.

The only people they fooled with their lies were liberals. So, when Gruber talks about the stupid people that they tricked into believing them, he's talking about Democrat supporters.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

It's about the American people being scammed and those who are guilty of doing it. They should pay.

The only people they fooled with their lies were liberals. So, when Gruber talks about the stupid people that they tricked into believing them, he's talking about Democrat supporters.
He's not talking about the ones who said it was a scam all along. That only leaves the stupid ass liberals, they're the only ones who bought it.

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