Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

The idiots on the left are so stupid they don't even realize Gruber was talking about THEM. He sure as hell wasn't talking about those of us who opposed it. Amazing how the man repeatedly called them "stupid" and here they are defending him for insulting them. That sort of confirms what he was saying, doesn't it?
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal points higher than yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
The idiots on the left are so stupid they don't even realize Gruber was talking about THEM. He sure as hell wasn't talking about those of us who opposed it. Amazing how the man repeatedly called them "stupid" and here they are defending him for insulting them. That sort of confirms what he was saying, doesn't it?
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal points higher than yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
If you knew anything about USAJobs and the way it has corrupted the merit system, you wouldn't make that comment,

It has not made the system fairer, easier, or more meritorious.

It has made it less of all of those.
how so?

Let me suggest a little exercise to you.

Post your resume on USAJobs and see how far you get.

Then get back to me.
The government doesnt hire high school sophomores.
yes they do ever hear of congressional page?
Gawd, even when you try to be snarky you fuck up. You are not the biggest fuck up on this board only because competition is keen.
United States House of Representatives Page Program was a program run by the United States House of Representatives, under the office of the Clerk of the House, in which appointed high school juniors acted as non-partisan federal employees in the House of Representatives, providing supplemental administrative support to House operations in a variety of capacities in Washington, D.C. at the United States Capitol.[1]]
don't you wish !
I made my point .

Let me suggest a little exercise to you.

Post your resume on USAJobs and see how far you get.

Then get back to me.
The government doesnt hire high school sophomores.
yes they do ever hear of congressional page?
Gawd, even when you try to be snarky you fuck up. You are not the biggest fuck up on this board only because competition is keen.
United States House of Representatives Page Program was a program run by the United States House of Representatives, under the office of the Clerk of the House, in which appointed high school juniors acted as non-partisan federal employees in the House of Representatives, providing supplemental administrative support to House operations in a variety of capacities in Washington, D.C. at the United States Capitol.[1]]
don't you wish !
I made my point .
If your point was that you an ill-informed moron who is way out of his depth on this board then I would agree.
Watching Jonathan Gruber's ass get hauled before a House Committee, I think it was the first time where I saw someone sitting alone on an friends. The Republicans and Democrats ripped him.
This you praise? The whole Democrat party lied about Obamacare and gruber was their MVP. Now he's persona non grata because they need a whipping boy. They all lied and depended on the stupidity of the American voter. Hypocrites!
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal points higher than yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

Watching Jonathan Gruber's ass get hauled before a House Committee, I think it was the first time where I saw someone sitting alone on an friends. The Republicans and Democrats ripped him.
This you praise? The whole Democrat party lied about Obamacare and gruber was their MVP. Now he's persona non grata because they need a whipping boy. They all lied and depended on the stupidity of the American voter. Hypocrites!
I dont think it was praise. I think Left was getting some schadenfreude out of it.
Let me suggest a little exercise to you.

Post your resume on USAJobs and see how far you get.

Then get back to me.
The government doesnt hire high school sophomores.
yes they do ever hear of congressional page?
Gawd, even when you try to be snarky you fuck up. You are not the biggest fuck up on this board only because competition is keen.
United States House of Representatives Page Program was a program run by the United States House of Representatives, under the office of the Clerk of the House, in which appointed high school juniors acted as non-partisan federal employees in the House of Representatives, providing supplemental administrative support to House operations in a variety of capacities in Washington, D.C. at the United States Capitol.[1]]
don't you wish !
I made my point .
If your point was that you an ill-informed moron who is way out of his depth on this board then I would agree.
once again you're proving my point for me .
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal points higher than yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
Watching Jonathan Gruber's ass get hauled before a House Committee, I think it was the first time where I saw someone sitting alone on an friends. The Republicans and Democrats ripped him.
This you praise? The whole Democrat party lied about Obamacare and gruber was their MVP. Now he's persona non grata because they need a whipping boy. They all lied and depended on the stupidity of the American voter. Hypocrites!
I dont think it was praise. I think Left was getting some schadenfreude out of it.
He put Democrats on the same level as Republicans. They're not. Republicans didn't lie about Obamacare and Republicans appealed to the INTELLIGENCE of the American people in exposing Obamacare for what it was. And lastly Republicans voted against it to a man. Obamacare was 100% a Democrat lie.
spell Nazi a typo! how fucking desperate of you.
and yes you're still stupid, I could have been born brain dead and still have an IQ many decimal points higher than yours .:ahole-1::anj_stfu::lmao::rofl:
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
oh no not the you're deflecting ploy...!
the last time I saw this much rationalizing and tantrum throwing was at the republican national convention...
btw the ACA will not be repealed it will however be fine tuned.
besides being just plain stupid you have a very short memory, almost exactly the same shit happened with Medicare.
if you really want to see riots and protests just try to repeal the ACA
it would be fun to watch 10million people rip you apart.
Typo, my ass. A typo is when you accidentally hit the wrong key. What you did (twice) was no accident. You don't understand basic spelling and vocabulary. That kind of stuff is taught in elementary school. If you're not smart enough to know the difference between "to" and "two", and when to use them, you are indeed STUPID.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
oh no not the you're deflecting ploy...!
the last time I saw this much rationalizing and tantrum throwing was at the republican national convention...
btw the ACA will not be repealed it will however be fine tuned.
besides being just plain stupid you have a very short memory, almost exactly the same shit happened with Medicare.
if you really want to see riots and protests just try to repeal the ACA
it would be fun to watch 10million people rip you apart.
You saw nothing of the sort.
Anyway, with the string of electoral successes Democrats have enjoyed since this crap passed we will see them rushing to put out a real bipartisan bill to "fine tune" Obamacare into oblivion. Obamacare is the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st centiury.
wow the desperation is thick. Another sure sign of stupidity
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
oh no not the you're deflecting ploy...!
the last time I saw this much rationalizing and tantrum throwing was at the republican national convention...
btw the ACA will not be repealed it will however be fine tuned.
besides being just plain stupid you have a very short memory, almost exactly the same shit happened with Medicare.
if you really want to see riots and protests just try to repeal the ACA
it would be fun to watch 10million people rip you apart.
You saw nothing of the sort.
Anyway, with the string of electoral successes Democrats have enjoyed since this crap passed we will see them rushing to put out a real bipartisan bill to "fine tune" Obamacare into oblivion. Obamacare is the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st centiury.
not only stupid, but pretentious too.
in your rabid madness have you now become psychic?
if you mean this last election it was no landslide with only about 20% of eligible voters voting it hardly counts, beside in two years the repubs will lose again.
winning midterms in reality changes nothing.
You can't tell the difference between "two" and "too" and you accuse others of stupidity?
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
oh no not the you're deflecting ploy...!
the last time I saw this much rationalizing and tantrum throwing was at the republican national convention...
btw the ACA will not be repealed it will however be fine tuned.
besides being just plain stupid you have a very short memory, almost exactly the same shit happened with Medicare.
if you really want to see riots and protests just try to repeal the ACA
it would be fun to watch 10million people rip you apart.
You saw nothing of the sort.
Anyway, with the string of electoral successes Democrats have enjoyed since this crap passed we will see them rushing to put out a real bipartisan bill to "fine tune" Obamacare into oblivion. Obamacare is the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st centiury.
not only stupid, but pretentious too.
in your rabid madness have you now become psychic?
if you mean this last election it was no landslide with only about 20% of eligible voters voting it hardly counts, beside in two years the repubs will lose again.
winning midterms in reality changes nothing.
You might be the most tiresome poster here. And soon to go on Ignore.
right ! you guys are so desperate to appear more intelligent than you actually are, you pounce on irrelevancies.
funny thing is you and all the other cons are doing a fine job of playing ignorant uneducated villagers to the hilt.

You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
oh no not the you're deflecting ploy...!
the last time I saw this much rationalizing and tantrum throwing was at the republican national convention...
btw the ACA will not be repealed it will however be fine tuned.
besides being just plain stupid you have a very short memory, almost exactly the same shit happened with Medicare.
if you really want to see riots and protests just try to repeal the ACA
it would be fun to watch 10million people rip you apart.
You saw nothing of the sort.
Anyway, with the string of electoral successes Democrats have enjoyed since this crap passed we will see them rushing to put out a real bipartisan bill to "fine tune" Obamacare into oblivion. Obamacare is the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st centiury.
not only stupid, but pretentious too.
in your rabid madness have you now become psychic?
if you mean this last election it was no landslide with only about 20% of eligible voters voting it hardly counts, beside in two years the repubs will lose again.
winning midterms in reality changes nothing.
You might be the most tiresome poster here. And soon to go on Ignore.
why do you asshats always say silly shit like that when getting your ass handed to you.
btw this :
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act

'The Tariff Act of 1930 (codified at 19 U.S.C. ch. 4), otherwise known as the Smoot–Hawley Tariff or Hawley–Smoot Tariff, was an act sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley and signed into law on June 17, 1930, that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels."

is the falsest of false comparisons, your desperation is epic!
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.

Do you understand what a fact is?


Fact: Right-Wing Benghazi Fever was fake.
Fact: IRS 'scandal' was fake.
Fact: Fast & Furious was Bush program.
Fact: Eboloa has not become an epidemic in America (thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!) )
Fact: ISIL is not a threat to America.

The IRS scandal is a scandal.
Employees were told to do things outside of regulations. Someone should be spending a long time in a little box.

False. To paraphrase Bill Maher, "If your group is called "Fuck The IRS" don't be surprised if you get a little extra scrutiny from the IRS". Remember, TEA supposedly stands for 'Taxed Enough Already'.
You are a tool and a half. You desperation to deflect from the topic, Gruber's craven appearance before Congress, is noted.
oh no not the you're deflecting ploy...!
the last time I saw this much rationalizing and tantrum throwing was at the republican national convention...
btw the ACA will not be repealed it will however be fine tuned.
besides being just plain stupid you have a very short memory, almost exactly the same shit happened with Medicare.
if you really want to see riots and protests just try to repeal the ACA
it would be fun to watch 10million people rip you apart.
You saw nothing of the sort.
Anyway, with the string of electoral successes Democrats have enjoyed since this crap passed we will see them rushing to put out a real bipartisan bill to "fine tune" Obamacare into oblivion. Obamacare is the Smoot-Hawley of the 21st centiury.
not only stupid, but pretentious too.
in your rabid madness have you now become psychic?
if you mean this last election it was no landslide with only about 20% of eligible voters voting it hardly counts, beside in two years the repubs will lose again.
winning midterms in reality changes nothing.
You might be the most tiresome poster here. And soon to go on Ignore.
why do you asshats always say silly shit like that when getting your ass handed to you.
btw this :
Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act

'The Tariff Act of 1930 (codified at 19 U.S.C. ch. 4), otherwise known as the Smoot–Hawley Tariff or Hawley–Smoot Tariff, was an act sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley and signed into law on June 17, 1930, that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels."

is the falsest of false comparisons, your desperation is epic!
Yeah, dude. You are just one clueless fucker. Not even worth engaging.
What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.
Do you understand what a fact is?

Fact: Right-Wing Benghazi Fever was fake.
Fact: IRS 'scandal' was fake.
Fact: Fast & Furious was Bush program.
Fact: Eboloa has not become an epidemic in America (thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!) )
Fact: ISIL is not a threat to America.

The IRS scandal is a scandal.
Employees were told to do things outside of regulations. Someone should be spending a long time in a little box.
False. To paraphrase Bill Maher, "If your group is called "Fuck The IRS" don't be surprised if you get a little extra scrutiny from the IRS". Remember, TEA supposedly stands for 'Taxed Enough Already'.
That's the stupidest thing you've ever posted.
A new first!

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