Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
The SCOTUS doesn't care about that.

They'll examine the law, and decide if subsidies from the federal government can be offered in states through the federal exchange.

That has nothing to do with whether or not they lied to get the law passed.

No, actually they do care about that.

The SC is not there to create law. That is the purpose of Congress.

They are there to INTERPRET the laws currently on the books and if the administration of those laws is within the intent of the legislation.

And it is not that lies were told to get the legislation passed. In the case of the subsidies, lies were not told. The language in the law is pretty damn clear.

What the problem is that, when faced with the fact that the carrot was not enough to entice states to join, the Administration decided that the term "state" meant "state or Federal government."

Gruber has said that the original intent was "state" as State. Not Feds.

So, yes, they will be interested.
he didn't vote on the bill. it's not his name on it, either.

He was paid by the Federal government to consult on the drafting and implementation of the legislation.

And then he capitalized on that effort by selling his services to states to help them game the system the way he did in MA.

Funny how he now can't even remember what he was paid. As if.

There are records. Media outlets have already FOIAed them.
The SCOTUS won't consider that.

They're deciding if federal exchanges can provide ACA plans with subsidies in states that do not have thier own exchanges.

Calling Americans idiots, which I agree is true, has nothing to do with that

The tape where Gruber admits that the subsidies were meant as a carrot might be evidence in legislative history they will consider.
Ya think?....I guess it might have to be considered, or at least they will decide to consider it, if the lawyers offer it.

If it's compelling, the GOP lawyer might do t, but if it isn't, they won't risk it.

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.
Ya think?....I guess it might have to be considered, or at least they will decide to consider it, if the lawyers offer it.

If it's compelling, the GOP lawyer might do t, but if it isn't, they won't risk it.

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?
The tape where Gruber admits that the subsidies were meant as a carrot might be evidence in legislative history they will consider.
Ya think?....I guess it might have to be considered, or at least they will decide to consider it, if the lawyers offer it.

If it's compelling, the GOP lawyer might do t, but if it isn't, they won't risk it.

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.

There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
Ya think?....I guess it might have to be considered, or at least they will decide to consider it, if the lawyers offer it.

If it's compelling, the GOP lawyer might do t, but if it isn't, they won't risk it.

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.

There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
they did stop teaching civics about 25 years ago....
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.
The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.

There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
they did stop teaching civics about 25 years ago....

It sure shows.

Not in Common Core, probably either.
The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.

No, no.

This Administration was the absolute worst I ever worked for and I worked for 7 Administrations.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.

There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
they did stop teaching civics about 25 years ago....

It sure shows.

Not in Common Core, probably either.
don't know about that. back in the 70's schools didn't teach civics till junior high.
The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.

Oh, missed the racist crack.

No, Obama is the worst. I don't care what color he is or his religion or his national origin or even whether he's closet gay.

He is awful at his job and he is ruining the country.

Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this bad. James Buchanan, however, might be closer.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.

No, no.

This Administration was the absolute worst I ever worked for and I worked for 7 Administrations.
you have the right to that opinion...
The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.

There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
they did stop teaching civics about 25 years ago....

It sure shows.

Not in Common Core, probably either.
don't know about that. back in the 70's schools didn't teach civics till junior high.

I went to grammar school, junior high school and high school in the 50s and 60s.

Back before teachers' unions ruined public education.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.

Oh, missed the racist crack.

No, Obama is the worst. I don't care what color he is or his religion or his national origin or even whether he's closet gay.

He is awful at his job and he is ruining the country.

Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this bad. James Buchanan, however, might be closer.
he's none of the things you're inferring.
The SCOTUS won't consider that.

They're deciding if federal exchanges can provide ACA plans with subsidies in states that do not have thier own exchanges.

Calling Americans idiots, which I agree is true, has nothing to do with that

The tape where Gruber admits that the subsidies were meant as a carrot might be evidence in legislative history they will consider.
Ya think?....I guess it might have to be considered, or at least they will decide to consider it, if the lawyers offer it.

If it's compelling, the GOP lawyer might do t, but if it isn't, they won't risk it.

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
why is that a concern? does a consultant's respect or disrespect for the american people change the law that's already been passed?
The idiots on the left are so stupid they don't even realize Gruber was talking about THEM. He sure as hell wasn't talking about those of us who opposed it. Amazing how the man repeatedly called them "stupid" and here they are defending him for insulting them. That sort of confirms what he was saying, doesn't it?
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
You can't even spell "too" and "to", and I'm the one who is stupid? You're TOO stupid TO be posting on this subject. :lol::lol::lol:
what disrespect? lots of Americans are stupid.
people can be an Einstein at one thing and totally clueless about everything else.

There's a lot of ignorance about the Federal government and the Constitution.

Some of it has been apparent on this page.

I call it ignorance (and probably the result of a bad secondary school education in most cases) not stupidity.
they did stop teaching civics about 25 years ago....

It sure shows.

Not in Common Core, probably either.
don't know about that. back in the 70's schools didn't teach civics till junior high.

I went to grammar school, junior high school and high school in the 50s and 60s.

Back before teachers' unions ruined public education.
I have lot's of friends who are educators they say just the opposite.
The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
Politicians in Washington respecting the American people?

Does that really happen?

Apparently not Democrats.
right and the republicans are angels. Just a little bias don't cha think?

Gruber and his ilk and those who hired him are not angels.

This Administration is certainly not full of angels.

I think Republicans have a better balance.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.
The last administration never promised "if you like your doctor you can ke your doctor."
They never waged war on businesses
They never engaged in the level of crony capitalism we see today
They never openly violated the law like this one.

The old "they all do it" just wont fly here.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.

What do you mean "got caught"? He was on a fucking panel with several other individuals speaking to an audience and KNEW he was being videotaped.
Jesus, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you idiots?

Well, considering no one in the media found those statements...even thought, as you say, they were out there, and it took a civilian to find and post them....what is meant by getting caught is he said those things expecting them to be ignored by the media....and he was right...he was caught by the regular person who had just been screwed by obamacare....

A "civilian"? " one in the media found those statements..."?
WTF? How did YOU hear about them? Smoke signals? Telegram?
I just found someone even dumber than RabbiT.
The tape where Gruber admits that the subsidies were meant as a carrot might be evidence in legislative history they will consider.
Ya think?....I guess it might have to be considered, or at least they will decide to consider it, if the lawyers offer it.

If it's compelling, the GOP lawyer might do t, but if it isn't, they won't risk it.

The guy was a paid consultant or contractor on the development of the legislation. Seems to me that the issue is the intent behind the words of the law, which presumably one of the key architects would know.
so then why is he getting grilled on whether or not he thinks people are stupid?

The Congress is not the Supreme Court.

Their concern is the other party's reliance on consultants who obviously don't respect the American people.
why is that a concern? does a consultant's respect or disrespect for the american people change the law that's already been passed?

It doesn't change the law.

However, given that he claims that the bill was developed as a bait and switch, it is information useful to those who would pass legislation to amend or repeal the law.

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