GSA Tells Biden Transition Team to Pound Sand;There is NO President Elect

Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.
Children being children and a spoiled egomaniac not being able to handle a loss. He cam play his games... how days are numbered. Rather pathetic though

You have got to be kidding. Democrats are the epitomy of spoiled children. They have thrown a 4-year temper tantrum. They have looted and rioted. Republicans have said we want a legitimate election. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats have been immature children since the 60’s. Why do you think it is that the majority of young, naive folks vote for Democrats? Are they now the enlightened ones and us middle aged folks are the naive ones? Really? Think it through a bit. When a mature adult agrees with most children on policy, there should be some reflection from the adult...but alas, you “mature” Democrats are no more enlightened than them.
Haha, nice rant. But the facts of the matter don’t agree with what you’re saying. Trump is being a poor loser and tossing dirt instead of doing the respectable thing and move forward with the transition. This is the most pathetic reaction to losing an election that I’ve ever seen

Nice deflection. Democrats agree with children because they are children.

Trump is fighting rampant voter fraud. It is critical this is not allowed going forward. Our Democracy depends on it.
Trump is not fighting rampant voter fraud. They haven’t won any cases they’ve filed and are getting laughed out of court. I haven’t heard one AG or Sec of State that’s been in charge of these elections say they have seen an inkling of rampant fraud. In fact they have all said the opposite.

Those making these claims are not doing it based on facts, they are scrambling for excuses and it’s quite sad. Trump lost. Deal with it.

No cases have been adjudicated, please stop spreading falsehoods.
The SCOTUS told PA to go back to following the law that the Governor and state court told them to ignore.
A good football analogy is that Orange Jesus lost by 10 points and is now whining that he lost because of the refs.
Teams do steal other teams signals and illegally deflate footballs.

and put Stickum on their receivers hands

so cheating is a known fact in football and democrat party politics


But accusing teams of cheating and actually proving the cheating are two different things.

Thus far, there have been seven cases brought to state courts by the Trump campaign. They've lost all seven.

Yelling at the TV blaming the refs makes you the crazy uncle. That's what you guys sound like.
A sad bitter epitaph of a never proud administration.

LOMAO A very proud administration that should be proud for all they accomplished.

Sure hope Biden can do half of what Trumps administration did.
Gotta wake him up first

80,000,000 votes....he's awake and will be sworn in. Turns out the Biden Rally was at the ballot box.

:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

Or on the side of the DNC van outside the convention center..
A sad bitter epitaph of a never proud administration.
Biden and the lib news media are trying to put the bum’s rush on this election

they are like a football team that just made a questionable catch and want to run another play before the challenge flag comes out

Your football analogy is weak at best. Biden just completed a blow out of a game and Trump is complaining that his loss is "unfair".

It's been a WEEK already. Four years ago today, President Elect Donald Trump was meeting with Barrack Obama in the White House, so stop saying Trump is being given the "bum's rush".

Given that Trump has totally screwed the pooch throughout his four years, and done little but sign executive orders, undoing damage done will be relatively easy since most of it was done by executive order, and not legislation.

The "Muslim Ban" will be gone the first day. The internment camps on the border - gone on the first day. Attempts to end DACA - gone. All of the EPA regulations which Trump changed by EO - gone. The USA will be rejoining the WHO, and the Paris Accord.

The big job will be repairing the economic damage done: the 200,000 small businesses lost, and the millions of jobs that aren't coming back. Then there's infrastructure, education, and innovation - all of the things that Trump has either ignored or destroyed.

Trump only passed two bills in 4 years - the tax cut and the crime bill, so undoing his leag
Yet somehow they forgot to rig the machines for the Senate and House races.
Do democrats ever pay attention to anything besides what CNN and MSNBC is telling them?

John James refuses to concede in Michigan Senate race ...
Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.
Children being children and a spoiled egomaniac not being able to handle a loss. He cam play his games... how days are numbered. Rather pathetic though

You have got to be kidding. Democrats are the epitomy of spoiled children. They have thrown a 4-year temper tantrum. They have looted and rioted. Republicans have said we want a legitimate election. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats have been immature children since the 60’s. Why do you think it is that the majority of young, naive folks vote for Democrats? Are they now the enlightened ones and us middle aged folks are the naive ones? Really? Think it through a bit. When a mature adult agrees with most children on policy, there should be some reflection from the adult...but alas, you “mature” Democrats are no more enlightened than them.
Haha, nice rant. But the facts of the matter don’t agree with what you’re saying. Trump is being a poor loser and tossing dirt instead of doing the respectable thing and move forward with the transition. This is the most pathetic reaction to losing an election that I’ve ever seen

Nice deflection. Democrats agree with children because they are children.

Trump is fighting rampant voter fraud. It is critical this is not allowed going forward. Our Democracy depends on it.
Trump is not fighting rampant voter fraud. They haven’t won any cases they’ve filed and are getting laughed out of court. I haven’t heard one AG or Sec of State that’s been in charge of these elections say they have seen an inkling of rampant fraud. In fact they have all said the opposite.

Those making these claims are not doing it based on facts, they are scrambling for excuses and it’s quite sad. Trump lost. Deal with it.

No cases have been adjudicated, please stop spreading falsehoods.
The SCOTUS told PA to go back to following the law that the Governor and state court told them to ignore.
I’m not spreading falsehoods. Perhaps you haven’t been following the news. Here

Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.
Children being children and a spoiled egomaniac not being able to handle a loss. He cam play his games... how days are numbered. Rather pathetic though

You have got to be kidding. Democrats are the epitomy of spoiled children. They have thrown a 4-year temper tantrum. They have looted and rioted. Republicans have said we want a legitimate election. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats have been immature children since the 60’s. Why do you think it is that the majority of young, naive folks vote for Democrats? Are they now the enlightened ones and us middle aged folks are the naive ones? Really? Think it through a bit. When a mature adult agrees with most children on policy, there should be some reflection from the adult...but alas, you “mature” Democrats are no more enlightened than them.
Haha, nice rant. But the facts of the matter don’t agree with what you’re saying. Trump is being a poor loser and tossing dirt instead of doing the respectable thing and move forward with the transition. This is the most pathetic reaction to losing an election that I’ve ever seen

Nice deflection. Democrats agree with children because they are children.

Trump is fighting rampant voter fraud. It is critical this is not allowed going forward. Our Democracy depends on it.
Trump is not fighting rampant voter fraud. They haven’t won any cases they’ve filed and are getting laughed out of court. I haven’t heard one AG or Sec of State that’s been in charge of these elections say they have seen an inkling of rampant fraud. In fact they have all said the opposite.

Those making these claims are not doing it based on facts, they are scrambling for excuses and it’s quite sad. Trump lost. Deal with it.

No cases have been adjudicated, please stop spreading falsehoods.
The SCOTUS told PA to go back to following the law that the Governor and state court told them to ignore.
I’m not spreading falsehoods. Perhaps you haven’t been following the news. Here

I laugh
Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.
Children being children and a spoiled egomaniac not being able to handle a loss. He cam play his games... how days are numbered. Rather pathetic though

You have got to be kidding. Democrats are the epitomy of spoiled children. They have thrown a 4-year temper tantrum. They have looted and rioted. Republicans have said we want a legitimate election. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats have been immature children since the 60’s. Why do you think it is that the majority of young, naive folks vote for Democrats? Are they now the enlightened ones and us middle aged folks are the naive ones? Really? Think it through a bit. When a mature adult agrees with most children on policy, there should be some reflection from the adult...but alas, you “mature” Democrats are no more enlightened than them.
Haha, nice rant. But the facts of the matter don’t agree with what you’re saying. Trump is being a poor loser and tossing dirt instead of doing the respectable thing and move forward with the transition. This is the most pathetic reaction to losing an election that I’ve ever seen

Nice deflection. Democrats agree with children because they are children.

Trump is fighting rampant voter fraud. It is critical this is not allowed going forward. Our Democracy depends on it.
Trump is not fighting rampant voter fraud. They haven’t won any cases they’ve filed and are getting laughed out of court. I haven’t heard one AG or Sec of State that’s been in charge of these elections say they have seen an inkling of rampant fraud. In fact they have all said the opposite.

Those making these claims are not doing it based on facts, they are scrambling for excuses and it’s quite sad. Trump lost. Deal with it.

No cases have been adjudicated, please stop spreading falsehoods.
The SCOTUS told PA to go back to following the law that the Governor and state court told them to ignore.
I’m not spreading falsehoods. Perhaps you haven’t been following the news. Here

I laugh
You’re welcome
Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.

The trouble is that Biden is the President-elect. Worth noting that the Obama Administration nor Hillary acted this way. Trump is showing his lack of class.
Except he's not, though.
You’re welcome
It’s impossible. Their media broadcasts loudly the allegations. They never mention when they fall apart due to lack of merit.
They aired some of the interactions between Trump lawyers and judges last week. Is was comedy. I honestly can’t understand what they were thinking with many of these cases. It’s like Senile Rudy is running the show from the 4 seasons ally.
Yet somehow they forgot to rig the machines for the Senate and House races.
Do democrats ever pay attention to anything besides what CNN and MSNBC is telling them?

John James refuses to concede in Michigan Senate race ...
... RACE FLIPPED BECAUSE OF FRAUD&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=senate race flipped because of fraud&sc=0-36&sk=&cvid=C7224DB01BFF4E979D6760C5271D2CE0#

They exist entirely in the CultoftheBubble.
They aired some of the interactions between Trump lawyers and judges last week. Is was comedy. I honestly can’t understand what they were thinking with many of these cases. It’s like Senile Rudy is running the show from the 4 seasons ally.
It’s the Corey Lewandowski method. They are under no obligation to be truthful with the media so they will exaggerate and play up their allegations. Once they get before a judge in legal matters, it’s an entirely different story.
Do democrats ever pay attention to anything besides what CNN and MSNBC is telling them?
Someone refusing to concede is hardly evidence of anything. And if you want us to take you seriously, perhaps you could provide more than a link to a web search. And using Bing? Cmon man!
Do democrats ever pay attention to anything besides what CNN and MSNBC is telling them?
Someone refusing to concede is hardly evidence of anything. And if you want us to take you seriously, perhaps you could provide more than a link to a web search. And using Bing? Cmon man!
why would someone concede if they havent lost yet???
A sad bitter epitaph of a never proud administration.

LOMAO A very proud administration that should be proud for all they accomplished.

Sure hope Biden can do half of what Trumps administration did.

You mean inherit Biden’s economy, and then wreck it with 300,000 dead Americans in his wake?

I don’t see Biden doing that.

Well if the Dems take the Senate it won't be much of an economy. I can fully see Biden doing that.

Oh and once the Chinese virus, which China released on the world, hit our shores nothing could stop it. Bout time you got that through your thick skull

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