GSA Tells Biden Transition Team to Pound Sand;There is NO President Elect

Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.
Children being children and a spoiled egomaniac not being able to handle a loss. He cam play his games... how days are numbered. Rather pathetic though

You have got to be kidding. Democrats are the epitomy of spoiled children. They have thrown a 4-year temper tantrum. They have looted and rioted. Republicans have said we want a legitimate election. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats have been immature children since the 60’s. Why do you think it is that the majority of young, naive folks vote for Democrats? Are they now the enlightened ones and us middle aged folks are the naive ones? Really? Think it through a bit. When a mature adult agrees with most children on policy, there should be some reflection from the adult...but alas, you “mature” Democrats are no more enlightened than them.
Haha, nice rant. But the facts of the matter don’t agree with what you’re saying. Trump is being a poor loser and tossing dirt instead of doing the respectable thing and move forward with the transition. This is the most pathetic reaction to losing an election that I’ve ever seen

Nice deflection. Democrats agree with children because they are children.

Trump is fighting rampant voter fraud. It is critical this is not allowed going forward. Our Democracy depends on it.
Haha. What exactly did you think I deflected?

You said “children being children”. I pointed out just how ridiculous that statement is coming from anyone that supports the party of the children. The actual biological youngest folks in the country vote for Democrats. Let me give you a hint, it isn’t because they are smarter or wiser than the rest of us.
Young people are more idealistic and more left wing and older people are more conservative and right wing. No mystery there. A smart person would know that I wasn’t talking about ideology and age demographics. I was referring to the immature response to losing an election that Trump and many of his followers are displaying. Sad that I had to explain that
You said “children being children”. I pointed out just how ridiculous that statement is coming from anyone that supports the party of the children. The actual biological youngest folks in the country vote for Democrats. Let me give you a hint, it isn’t because they are smarter or wiser than the rest of us.
Age does not equal wisdom.
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
Find a bunch hidden somewhere? Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? Just pulling shit out of your butt? Or did some conspiracy website feed you a line? How about you get some evidence to back up these crazy accusations. Seems to be the common factor here. All bark no bite
One thing is for sure, Biden won't be chasing around the world looking for evidence against Democrats, like Trump did.
Here are the Trumpian Toddlers pulling off their diapers and smearing their shit on the walls.

Again, 18 year olds overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. If you agree with them, you are likely just as adolescent minded and naive.

Too bad there are so many liars out there who put their love of Trump ahead of love of Country

Democrats have zero love for the country. Everybody knows that. It is your party that kneels for the national anthem, burning our flag, doesn’t support the military, is constantly bashing our founding fathers and continually touting Europe as some bastion of greatness. Sorry, but no, Democrats have no love for the US.

Your post is pure idiocy.

Yeah, 18 year olds are the ones we should be following. Gotcha.
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
You could drop it off before Election Day but not after. The only votes taken after Election Day were votes received by mail. Ballots are not magically being found.

Please don’t spread falsehoods. There’s more than enough of that going around and is detrimental to the country.
You said “children being children”. I pointed out just how ridiculous that statement is coming from anyone that supports the party of the children. The actual biological youngest folks in the country vote for Democrats. Let me give you a hint, it isn’t because they are smarter or wiser than the rest of us.
Age does not equal wisdom.

So 18-21 year olds are wise now? Boy, we really have been dumbed down.
Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.
Children being children and a spoiled egomaniac not being able to handle a loss. He cam play his games... how days are numbered. Rather pathetic though

You have got to be kidding. Democrats are the epitomy of spoiled children. They have thrown a 4-year temper tantrum. They have looted and rioted. Republicans have said we want a legitimate election. Republicans are the adults in the room. Democrats have been immature children since the 60’s. Why do you think it is that the majority of young, naive folks vote for Democrats? Are they now the enlightened ones and us middle aged folks are the naive ones? Really? Think it through a bit. When a mature adult agrees with most children on policy, there should be some reflection from the adult...but alas, you “mature” Democrats are no more enlightened than them.

They do not do the "compare and contrast" thing
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
You could drop it off before Election Day but not after. The only votes taken after Election Day were votes received by mail. Ballots are not magically being found.

Please don’t spread falsehoods. There’s more than enough of that going around and is detrimental to the country.

I agree that it is not macic.
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
You could drop it off before Election Day but not after. The only votes taken after Election Day were votes received by mail. Ballots are not magically being found.

Please don’t spread falsehoods. There’s more than enough of that going around and is detrimental to the country.

Yeah, that is what you were told.

Forgive me if I don’t trust Democratic districts. I mean, if the FBI can flat out lie to get a FISA warrant to investigate a sitting President, I don’t think it is beyond reason they would attempt to steal an election.

Again, Democrats are not moral in general. They have no reason to be moral as many have no guiding principles. Science is not a guiding principle.
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
You could drop it off before Election Day but not after. The only votes taken after Election Day were votes received by mail. Ballots are not magically being found.

Please don’t spread falsehoods. There’s more than enough of that going around and is detrimental to the country.

Yeah, that is what you were told.

Forgive me if I don’t trust Democratic districts. I mean, if the FBI can flat out lie to get a FISA warrant to investigate a sitting President, I don’t think it is beyond reason they would attempt to steal an election.

Again, Democrats are not moral in general. They have no reason to be moral as many have no guiding principles. Science is not a guiding principle.

Especially when their "science" is not bound by fact.
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.

LOL..This little lecture on morality coming from a poster who supports a guy who perpetuated a scam called Trump university, was barred from ever operating a charitable foundation because of his fraud, has and is being sued for rape, has told over 20,000 lies since being elected and even his own family says is amoral.

Thanks for the good laugh.
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
You could drop it off before Election Day but not after. The only votes taken after Election Day were votes received by mail. Ballots are not magically being found.

Please don’t spread falsehoods. There’s more than enough of that going around and is detrimental to the country.

Yeah, that is what you were told.

Forgive me if I don’t trust Democratic districts. I mean, if the FBI can flat out lie to get a FISA warrant to investigate a sitting President, I don’t think it is beyond reason they would attempt to steal an election.

Again, Democrats are not moral in general. They have no reason to be moral as many have no guiding principles. Science is not a guiding principle.
We got Republican AGs and SOSs saying your claims of rampant fraud are full of shit. Honestly, who do you think you’re fooling with this nonsense??
The stats were - President Trump ahead by a (legally) insurmountable margin.

SCOTUS has already instructed PA to go back and follow he law, which will turn PA red.
Several states are automatically going into a recount.
Arizona back in play -
There was nothing insurmountable about Trump’s lead on election night. Not when there were millions of votes to be counted still.

SCOTUS has not instructed PA to do anything they weren’t already doing. Automatic recounts never change the vote for more than a few hundred and Trump is down by thousands.

Maybe Republicans should just start mailing in ballots now by the hundred of thousands? Evidently the 3rd is not really the deadline. It is kind of a soft deadline. The SC said PA could count ballots not postmarked as arriving on time. Republicans should just drop their ballots off and they should be considered “on time”. Seems crazy, right? Yeah, same thing the Democrats did.

The law in PA stated that ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, until the state Supreme Court changed it just before this election. That is not something the court should have been able to change. That should have been legislated.
Well, you could try I guess but if you try to drop it off, they won’t accept it. If you try to put it in the mail, it’ll be postmarked as the current date and not accepted.

Any idea how many votes came in after the deadline without a postmark?

Yeah, you could just drop it off. Heck, maybe they could just magically find a bunch hidden somewhere. I mean, this is exactly what Democrats would do and they would claim that there is no way to prove they didn’t come in on election night.

You see the thing is, most Democrats are immoral. Only 50% even make the claim to be religious. There are no boundaries. They will do anything to win. To our detriment at times like this, Republicans are more inclined to do the right thing.
You could drop it off before Election Day but not after. The only votes taken after Election Day were votes received by mail. Ballots are not magically being found.

Please don’t spread falsehoods. There’s more than enough of that going around and is detrimental to the country.

Yeah, that is what you were told.

Forgive me if I don’t trust Democratic districts. I mean, if the FBI can flat out lie to get a FISA warrant to investigate a sitting President, I don’t think it is beyond reason they would attempt to steal an election.

Again, Democrats are not moral in general. They have no reason to be moral as many have no guiding principles. Science is not a guiding principle.
No, it’s what happened. I don’t think you truly understand what you’re accusing people of or how difficult would be to pull off. It would seem your suspicion stems from the fact that you lost and you don’t like it.

Would you consider a desire to know the truth as a guiding principle?
Lol, I love it when audacious presumptive posturing frauds get the door slammed in their faces, dont you?

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.
“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.
The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”
“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.
“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”
A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.

The trouble is that Biden is the President-elect. Worth noting that the Obama Administration nor Hillary acted this way. Trump is showing his lack of class.
One thing is for sure, Biden won't be chasing around the world looking for evidence against Democrats, like Trump did.
Here are the Trumpian Toddlers pulling off their diapers and smearing their shit on the walls.

Again, 18 year olds overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. If you agree with them, you are likely just as adolescent minded and naive.

Too bad there are so many liars out there who put their love of Trump ahead of love of Country

Democrats have zero love for the country. Everybody knows that. It is your party that kneels for the national anthem, burning our flag, doesn’t support the military, is constantly bashing our founding fathers and continually touting Europe as some bastion of greatness. Sorry, but no, Democrats have no love for the US.

Your post is pure idiocy.

Yeah, 18 year olds are the ones we should be following. Gotcha.
You have no evidence of voter fraud so your deflection is just babble. Trump lost. Get over it and move on.

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