Gucci pulls $890 "blackface" sweater


So it goes
Gold Supporting Member
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
Even disregarding any "blackface" angle to the product, the designer should be slapped silly. The marketer that set its price at $890 also, just for good measure.



Gucci removes turtleneck sweater from stores after blackface criticism | My Connection from Cox

Can’t afford or don’t want to shell out $900 for a sweater no one’s gonna make you buy one and ditto anyone who’s already purchased one. Personal choice.

Other than that we’ve got a great example of a slippery slope of the day. The problem with the Gucci garment is that it’s, supposedly, reminiscent of blackface? Covers no higher than the nose and the mouth outline is in red, but because part of it is black it’s racist if someone decides to make an idiotic allegation in looney lefty land.
WTF! I'm more shocked someone would pay that much for a sweater that looks like that.

I'm shocked someone would pay that much for a sweater that looks like anything. That's capitalism for ya.

But then they didn't say anyone paid for it, they just said that was the asking price. Still funneh though.
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I am more offended that someone would $890 for a sweater. Does it come with a washer and dryer?
WTF! I'm more shocked someone would pay that much for a sweater that looks like that.

I'm shocked someone would pay that much for a sweater that looks like anything.

But then they didn't say anyone paid for it, they just said that was the asking price. Still funneh though.
Hey, you have to have your sweater game intact. The right sweater might get me to pay some good money but I'm with you. Never seen a sweater worth $800.
Whomever decided to put that pretty girl in those dreadful glasses should be fired as well. Horrible specs.
Say, if they pulled their stock off the shelves, shouldn't that mean anybody who bought one gets a refund?
Racism sells. We're in Obama's "Post-Racial" America now, so we can all laugh about it.

And make money off it.
I just hope Black people are not wasting time looking for these things. I can see putting it out there once you've seen it but your time is better spent doing other things unless someone is paying you to find examples of racism.

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