Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

It's called mission creep.

And Obama playing politics with foreign policy. Remember all those times you told me it wouldn't happen??????????????????????????


Just got the CNN alert below:

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS.

The deployment will bring the total number of U.S. troops there to about 2,900.

The White House said in a statement that it will also ask Congress for another $5.6 billion dollars to fund the fight against ISIS.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

lol, he's doing what you want him to do, and still you bitch about it.
NOW the RW's are bitching about MORE support in Iraq ... less than a week ago America wasn't doing enough in Iraq.

Not only do RW idiots forget what page they're on, they forget the name of the book they're reading ... you can't make their brand of BS up even if you try.

I have no idea who you are talking to, or about...and neither do you.

I have been absolutely consistent...Obumbler should have never, NEVER pulled the troops out of Iraq for political purposes.

He pulled them out because he promised you asshats he would...and now he is sending them right back to fight for the same ground they owned four years ago.

I said and Republicans said "If we announce a pull out date, the enemy will simply wait until we are gone and reverse everything our troops fought and died for over there.


Now the Fuckchop-in-Chief is sending troops right back...first it was 300, then 600 more, now 1500 more. And not a protests, no anti war rhetoric...just silence. And attack anyone who points out the monumental hypocrisy.

I'm talking to all the RW's who were shittin' bricks about Obama ignoring Iraq ... if that wasn't you then I wasn't talking to you .. see how that works. I know exactly who I'm talking to.

Another politically motivated decision by Obumbler. Three days after the election the announcement is made...didn't want to piss off the antiwar base before the election.
NOW the RW's are bitching about MORE support in Iraq ... less than a week ago America wasn't doing enough in Iraq.

Not only do RW idiots forget what page they're on, they forget the name of the book they're reading ... you can't make their brand of BS up even if you try.

I have no idea who you are talking to, or about...and neither do you.

I have been absolutely consistent...Obumbler should have never, NEVER pulled the troops out of Iraq for political purposes.

He pulled them out because he promised you asshats he would...and now he is sending them right back to fight for the same ground they owned four years ago.

I said and Republicans said "If we announce a pull out date, the enemy will simply wait until we are gone and reverse everything our troops fought and died for over there.


Now the Fuckchop-in-Chief is sending troops right back...first it was 300, then 600 more, now 1500 more. And not a protests, no anti war rhetoric...just silence. And attack anyone who points out the monumental hypocrisy.

I'm talking to all the RW's who were shittin' bricks about Obama ignoring Iraq ... if that wasn't you then I wasn't talking to you .. see how that works. I know exactly who I'm talking to.

Normally you just talk to yourself.
The rest of us just laugh at you.
We all knew this for some time. The role is advisory, we won't send combat units to Iraq.

"The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS."

STFU liar.

You haven't gotten one damn thing right about Iraq, Syria, ISIS, or the Middle East.

Any person with a shred of dignity would've shut up a long time ago.

In fact, it's pretty much an axiom now that whatever Fakey says....expect to be the opposite.
NOW the RW's are bitching about MORE support in Iraq ... less than a week ago America wasn't doing enough in Iraq.

Not only do RW idiots forget what page they're on, they forget the name of the book they're reading ... you can't make their brand of BS up even if you try.

I have no idea who you are talking to, or about...and neither do you.

I have been absolutely consistent...Obumbler should have never, NEVER pulled the troops out of Iraq for political purposes.

He pulled them out because he promised you asshats he would...and now he is sending them right back to fight for the same ground they owned four years ago.

I said and Republicans said "If we announce a pull out date, the enemy will simply wait until we are gone and reverse everything our troops fought and died for over there.


Now the Fuckchop-in-Chief is sending troops right back...first it was 300, then 600 more, now 1500 more. And not a protests, no anti war rhetoric...just silence. And attack anyone who points out the monumental hypocrisy.

I'm talking to all the RW's who were shittin' bricks about Obama ignoring Iraq ... if that wasn't you then I wasn't talking to you .. see how that works. I know exactly who I'm talking to.

Another politically motivated decision by Obumbler. Three days after the election the announcement is made...didn't want to piss off the antiwar base before the election.

I don't think so, I think he finally just could not say no to the General.
A senior military official says that American military advisory teams will now go to Iraq's western Anbar province where Islamic State militants have been gaining ground and slaying men, women and children.

The teams are part of President Barack Obama's new directive to expand the U.S. mission in Iraq by deploying another 1,500 U.S. troops to serve as advisers, trainers and security personnel."

News from The Associated Press

First let me say I support this.

But how many times did he say this was NOT going to happen?

now it is 3000

getting a lot further away from

the no boots on the ground

every troop he sends back in there

is one more witness to the wrongheadedness

of his original policy
We all knew this for some time. The role is advisory, we won't send combat units to Iraq.

"The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS."
There is no combat in Iraq...just ISIS killing the slobs while obabble stands there with his dick in his hand.
i'm confused, are you for iraq standing on its own two feet or for blaming everything on the president?


Let us teach you libs something. Again.


Get it?

Got it?

Leaving US Troops in non-combat roles to support the ISF, just like Bush planned.

That Obama is a genius!
well that's bullshit, because if that's what bush planned that would have been in the sofa bush negotiated.

I can't believe these nuts want to lose this argument again.

This is like watching you libtards go for 20 pages claiming Dems won the 2014 election and Repubs lost.


By all means....keep showing voters how stupid you are.
NOW the RW's are bitching about MORE support in Iraq ... less than a week ago America wasn't doing enough in Iraq.

Not only do RW idiots forget what page they're on, they forget the name of the book they're reading ... you can't make their brand of BS up even if you try.

I have no idea who you are talking to, or about...and neither do you.

I have been absolutely consistent...Obumbler should have never, NEVER pulled the troops out of Iraq for political purposes.

He pulled them out because he promised you asshats he would...and now he is sending them right back to fight for the same ground they owned four years ago.

I said and Republicans said "If we announce a pull out date, the enemy will simply wait until we are gone and reverse everything our troops fought and died for over there.


Now the Fuckchop-in-Chief is sending troops right back...first it was 300, then 600 more, now 1500 more. And not a protests, no anti war rhetoric...just silence. And attack anyone who points out the monumental hypocrisy.

I'm talking to all the RW's who were shittin' bricks about Obama ignoring Iraq ... if that wasn't you then I wasn't talking to you .. see how that works. I know exactly who I'm talking to.

Normally you just talk to yourself.
The rest of us just laugh at you.

well, everyone shakes with fear when you play internet tough guy ..

Internet tough guy ..

Leaving US Troops in non-combat roles to support the ISF, just like Bush planned.

That Obama is a genius!
well that's bullshit, because if that's what bush planned that would have been in the sofa bush negotiated.

I can't believe these nuts want to lose this argument again.

You mean the way we lost the election?

Your words have no meaning.


You want us sucked back into needless war in Iraq. Obama is giving you what you want. You should show some character and praise him for it.

Give your anti-Obama derangement a rest for a minute.
We all knew this for some time. The role is advisory, we won't send combat units to Iraq.

"The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS."
There is no combat in Iraq...just ISIS killing the slobs while obabble stands there with his dick in his hand.
i'm confused, are you for iraq standing on its own two feet or for blaming everything on the president?

Obviously, everything is secondary to blaming Obama.

You should be able to find Iraq on a map before being allowed in these serious threads.

You should have passed the third grade before being allowed in these serious threads.

You should..... :)
Leaving US Troops in non-combat roles to support the ISF, just like Bush planned.

That Obama is a genius!
well that's bullshit, because if that's what bush planned that would have been in the sofa bush negotiated.

I can't believe these nuts want to lose this argument again.

This is like watching you libtards go for 20 pages claiming Dems won the 2014 election and Repubs lost.


By all means....keep showing voters how stupid you are.

We're a little on edge waiting for the stock market to collapse as you confidently insisted it would after QE3 ended,

you imbecile.
Just remember, ex-neocons,

you can't both oppose the war and support the troops!

lol, rightwing Rule #1 of war.
Leaving US Troops in non-combat roles to support the ISF, just like Bush planned.

That Obama is a genius!
well that's bullshit, because if that's what bush planned that would have been in the sofa bush negotiated.

I can't believe these nuts want to lose this argument again.

You mean the way we lost the election?

Your words have no meaning.


You want us sucked back into needless war in Iraq. Obama is giving you what you want. You should show some character and praise him for it.

Give your anti-Obama derangement a rest for a minute.

You're too stupid to understand what I'm saying.....

....on any topic.

Your record on predictions about the Middle East is just as bad as Fakeys.

You wouldn't know honor or character if someone paid you a million bucks to demonstrate it.

It must suck to constantly lose in a tete a tete with a chick. LOL

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