Guilty Of Treason By Way Of Entrapment

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Tried and convicted in the court of Liberalism for agreeing to meet with people who misrepresented who they were and why they wanted to meet with you.

"Hey, I was just funnin' ya about having some information that may help your campaign, we were wondering if your father gets elected we would like him to reconsider American sanctions regarding adopting Russian children."

"Have you reached a verdict, Mr. Foreman?

"Guilty of TREASON! We are the moral authority."

"Did she send and receive classified information on her private server? Yes, but she was too stupid to know it was inappropriate"

"OK, innocent of all charges. Jury dismissed."

"Did you pay foreign nationals to compile a dossier on Mr. Trump?"

"Innocent, they were just funnin' with Mr. Trump."

There ya have it folks, moral authority defining moral equivalency.
there ya have it folks, ricky retardo attempting to define something about something... derrrp
there ya have it folks, ricky retardo attempting to define something about something... derrrp

Here you go, petunia.

Lying corrupt libtardos spent thousands of dollars to dig up information on Trump but if some dingbat with nothing shows up at Trump tower you wet your pants.

She shared this information with then-DNC communications director Luis Miranda as well as DNC research director Lauren Dillon.

According to Chalupa, Ukrainian government officials helped inform her opposition research against Manafort.

She met with “Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S., Valeriy Chaly, and one of his top aides, Oksana Shulyar, during a March 2016 meeting at the Ukrainian Embassy,” Politico reports, citing her own testimony.

Report: Ukraine Attempted to Help Hillary Win by Sabotaging Trump and Colluding with the DNC
poor little licky retardo ... wonder if they have listed him missing down at the asylum yet ..

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