Gun control and firearms ban

...Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

* You are part of the Militia-at-large ( the entire pool of citizens capable of bearing arms in the event a national defense emergency )

* You are allowed to keep and bear arms

* The government has a right to regulate the nature and quantities of such arms

* Such regulation does not infringe on your macro-level right to keep and bear arms


If you do not yet live in a jurisdiction where you are "well-regulated", you soon will be. :laugh:
Nope you better get your education somewhere else
we are not part of the organized militia
I'm not allowed anything I have a right which precedes and allowance by any government
the government only legislates because the people granted them such right but as the Constitution is written it tells the government what they can not do
yes such regulation is an infringement
Post the entire amendment.

Well regulated....
well regulated in 18th century terminology meant "as to be expected in working order"
Even in the 18th century it meant much more.
but that was what it meant when the authors of the second amendment wrote it

they also thought they could own humans.
What if they were what of it? does that change the intent of the second amendment? Hell they freed slaves who helped fight against England

take that MAGA cap off - put yer critical thinking cap on ( if you even have one ) & CONnect the dots, dummy.
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this is the second time you injected a comment that wasn't directed to you
Stop it and read what was commented to dumbass
I am not one of those dumbass Democrats disrespecting the Marine Corps and the U.S. Constitution and grabbing guns from law-abiding citizens at every opportunity
I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
The cops just deny it.
2. register each firearm you own
The cops steal them and use them or plant them on a crime scene to frame the registered owner on a trumped-up murder charge.
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
What the fuck? Submit? What are you asking for? And cops aren't grabbing guns? What a liar!
So much lower lip from that damned Democrat police union it isn't even funny.
4. safely store each firearm
The cops don't need to know where or how I store my firearms. They don't need a SWAT team warrant to kick in my door just because firearms are “registered” in my name.
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
Those exams are proctored by Democrats who will fail conservatives out of the class arbitrarily even if they do everything right.
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous
Those aren't temporary. They are always permanent, lifelong, and without defense or appeal. A foolproof way for cops to grab guns.
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
If it becomes law then it is not illegal.

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED.

And there won't be diddly-squat that you will be able to do about it.
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
Your tiny little brain is incapable of dealing with the subject matter in a rational and mature and objective fashion.
your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given.
They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact. You just said
"If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
I prefer to wait to get drafted into the heavy weapons section.
...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.

Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED

show me where it says UNregulated.
shall not be infringe
Now show me the word need in the bill of rights?

do you have the right to own any type of firepower? are fully automatic machine guns allowed without strict regs? lol ... you seem to NEED them thar bang bangs, because well ...

View attachment 434287
I know your gay fucking queer
View attachment 434420

well since i am a heterosexual female married 35 yrs to a heterosexual (R) male, you failed bigley yet again with yer assessment of me.
like a dingy bitch you still can't get it right it's big league
this is the second time you injected a comment that wasn't directed to you
Stop it and read what was commented to dumbass
I am not one of those dumbass Democrats disrespecting the Marine Corps and the U.S. Constitution and grabbing guns from law-abiding citizens at every opportunity
I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
The cops just deny it.
2. register each firearm you own
The cops steal them and use them or plant them on a crime scene to frame the registered owner on a trumped-up murder charge.
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
What the fuck? Submit? What are you asking for? And cops aren't grabbing guns? What a liar!
So much lower lip from that damned Democrat police union it isn't even funny.
4. safely store each firearm
The cops don't need to know where or how I store my firearms. They don't need a SWAT team warrant to kick in my door just because firearms are “registered” in my name.
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
Those exams are proctored by Democrats who will fail conservatives out of the class arbitrarily even if they do everything right.
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous
Those aren't temporary. They are always permanent, lifelong, and without defense or appeal. A foolproof way for cops to grab guns.
I was pointing out you were posting irrelevant shit to me your issue was with play time
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
If it becomes law then it is not illegal.

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED.

And there won't be diddly-squat that you will be able to do about it.
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
Your tiny little brain is incapable of dealing with the subject matter in a rational and mature and objective fashion.
your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given.
They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact. You just said
"If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
I prefer to wait to get drafted into the heavy weapons section.
Dumbass if you are already in the military you don't get drafted into any section of the military
And FYI in America there is no draft
...your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given...
One must be presented WITH a Truth before one can 'handle' it.

...They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact....
Then vote them out of office.

...You just said "If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
Whatever for?

I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.

What they DO want is for you to...

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
2. register each firearm you own
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
4. safely store each firearm
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous

In ALL jurisdictions... nationwide... according to future Federal standards... no exceptions.

THAT will satisfy most of your opposites that your use of firearms is "well regulated" .

Oh, mind you, some of your opposites want to eliminate M4s and AR15s and huge-capacity magazines and the like - to reduce mass-shooting incidents.

But none of that - if ever implemented - touches upon your right to own functioning, useful firearms for home and personal protection or for sporting.

The unrealistic fools who insist on actually TAKING your guns as actually few-and-far-between and need only be refuted from time to time.

As to personally leading the charge to take your guns... like I said... whatever for? I don't want them. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, keep your M4 or AR15.

But I'll be happy to send-in law enforcement to thump your skull if you ever fail to comply with 1-6 above and attempt to forcibly resist their enforcement.

Only little boys with big guns and tiny pee-pees cling to juvenile fantasies about modern-day Minuteman Militias overthrowing the big bad US Government. :cool:
but for four years you believed nothing but lies
Well snowflake I suggest you tell the ones who actually are pushing regulations for confiscation to back off we will not be playing
...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.

Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED

show me where it says UNregulated.
shall not be infringe
Now show me the word need in the bill of rights?

do you have the right to own any type of firepower? are fully automatic machine guns allowed without strict regs? lol ... you seem to NEED them thar bang bangs, because well ...

View attachment 434287
I know your gay fucking queer
View attachment 434420

well since i am a heterosexual female married 35 yrs to a heterosexual (R) male, you failed bigley yet again with yer assessment of me.
like a dingy bitch you still can't get it right it's big league

...but for four years you believed nothing but lies...
Incorrect. I never once believed a word coming out of your Orange Baboon-God's mouth. :cool:

...Well snowflake...
I'm not the one who's "triggered" here, cupcake.

...I suggest you tell the ones who actually are pushing regulations for confiscation to back off...
Wake me up when such legislation makes it past the mainstream and is up for a vote that actually threatens to confiscate anything beyond assault weapons.

...we will not be playing
You will comply with the laws of the United States and your own State... guaranteed.
Oh. You're dealing heroin.

...we will not be playing
You will comply with the laws of the United States and your own State... guaranteed
Guns are only guaranteed in the hands of criminals. We're not playing. And we law-abiding folks are going to have guns even against the wishes of federal, state, and local pimps, whether or not the pimp of the district in the jurisdiction of his desire wishes to allow us to possess or carry Firearms.
...Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

* You are part of the Militia-at-large ( the entire pool of citizens capable of bearing arms in the event a national defense emergency )

* You are allowed to keep and bear arms

* The government has a right to regulate the nature and quantities of such arms

* Such regulation does not infringe on your macro-level right to keep and bear arms


If you do not yet live in a jurisdiction where you are "well-regulated", you soon will be. :laugh:
Nope you better get your education somewhere else
we are not part of the organized militia
I'm not allowed anything I have a right which precedes and allowance by any government
the government only legislates because the people granted them such right but as the Constitution is written it tells the government what they can not do
yes such regulation is an infringement
Post the entire amendment.

Well regulated....
well regulated in 18th century terminology meant "as to be expected in working order"
Even in the 18th century it meant much more.
but that was what it meant when the authors of the second amendment wrote it

they also thought they could own humans.
What if they were what of it? does that change the intent of the second amendment? Hell they freed slaves who helped fight against England

take that MAGA cap off - put yer critical thinking cap on ( if you even have one ) & CONnect the dots, dummy.

No liberal could ever support gun control of any form.
Liberals are supposed to not only believe in and defend individual liberties, but are supposed to be aware that creeping corruption and fascism makes government the main constant treat to any democratic republic. Which means liberals should be supporting an armed population and not a mercenary military.
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
And if we can't hold our weapons in our arms and walk past the damned police station without being threatened with arrest, you are lying piece of scum same as all the other gun-stealing Republicrats.

1. you are appropriately licensed
2. your firearm is appropriately registered
3. your firearm meets federal or state or community standards with respect to type, magazine capacity, etc., then... will not be threatened with arrest.



As to the personal aspect of your response... please fell free to commence to blow-it-out-your-a$$ at your earliest convenience.

That is obviously foolish because there has never been any government that has not become corrupt over time and needed armed rebellion to destroy and restore liberties.
Anyone who does not get that simple fact has to either known ZERO about history, or want a feudal monarchy.

Licensing, registration, and various arbitrary restrictions are what gives a dictatorship the ability to commit a Holocaust any time its wants to.
None of those are legal or practical.
The general population in a democratic republic has to have access to the same weapons as the military.
There is no way the military could legally have those weapons otherwise.
In a democratic republic, the authority to have any weapons comes from the inherent rights of individuals, not the government.
The government is suppose to be inferior and subordinate to the people.
...your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given...
One must be presented WITH a Truth before one can 'handle' it.

...They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact....
Then vote them out of office.

...You just said "If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
Whatever for?

I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.

What they DO want is for you to...

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
2. register each firearm you own
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
4. safely store each firearm
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous

In ALL jurisdictions... nationwide... according to future Federal standards... no exceptions.

THAT will satisfy most of your opposites that your use of firearms is "well regulated" .

Oh, mind you, some of your opposites want to eliminate M4s and AR15s and huge-capacity magazines and the like - to reduce mass-shooting incidents.

But none of that - if ever implemented - touches upon your right to own functioning, useful firearms for home and personal protection or for sporting.

The unrealistic fools who insist on actually TAKING your guns as actually few-and-far-between and need only be refuted from time to time.

As to personally leading the charge to take your guns... like I said... whatever for? I don't want them. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, keep your M4 or AR15.

But I'll be happy to send-in law enforcement to thump your skull if you ever fail to comply with 1-6 above and attempt to forcibly resist their enforcement.

Only little boys with big guns and tiny pee-pees cling to juvenile fantasies about modern-day Minuteman Militias overthrowing the big bad US Government. :cool:

You can't vote dictators out of office because if they have an illegal monopoly on firearms, there won't be any more fair elections.
There is never any logical rational for any gun control, because if someone is too dangerous to have guns, then they are too dangerous to allow free on the street, driving, buying explosives components, capable of committing arson, deliberately causing a gas leak, poisoning a reservoir, etc.

Anyone who trusts government with weapons more than the average citizen, is already a dangerous dictator who should be locked up.
The founders wanted any federal weapons laws to be illegal, and there is no way to change the way they put that into law, short of a constitutional convention.
There has never been and never will be any form of government that does not always inherently go corrupt and need to be destroyed by armed rebellion, eventually.

Anyone who claims otherwise has never read any history, and is a danger to society.
No liberal could ever support gun control of any form.
Liberals are supposed to not only believe in and defend individual liberties, but are supposed to be aware that creeping corruption and fascism makes government the main constant treat to any democratic republic. Which means liberals should be supporting an armed population and not a mercenary military.
That is the true spirit of classical or Western liberalism, not the “liberalism” of this day and age as it is portrayed in the Mainstream Media.
Those who want federal gun control believe average people are more of a threat than government.
But it is our government that lied to us about Korea and installed the convicted criminal Syngman Rhee as the leader of South Korea, who then massacred tens of thousands of union representatives and workers.
It is our government who lied to us about Vietnam and murdered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese who wanted Ho Chi Minh as their leader, as a reward for liberating the country from the French.
It is our government who lied to us about WMD in Iraq and murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis with attack aimed at civilians, like Shock and Awe.
It is our government that is illegally putting US troops in Syria, illegally assassinating Iranians, Libyians, etc., and establishing dictatorships like Egypt, etc.
It is our government that is illegally conducting a federal War on Drugs, imprisoning millions over time, even though the federal government has ZERO drug jurisdiction.
It is our government that illegally incarcerates people for life, with 3 Strikes laws, even though that violates the 4th and 5th amendments to fair sentencing for what you actually do, not some arbitrary bureaucracy.

Face facts.
The government is awful, and vastly more corrupt and dangerous than the worst criminals out on the street.
If you want to make the world safer with gun control, fine, but then start with the known worst gun abusers, the government.
No liberal could ever support gun control of any form.
Liberals are supposed to not only believe in and defend individual liberties, but are supposed to be aware that creeping corruption and fascism makes government the main constant treat to any democratic republic. Which means liberals should be supporting an armed population and not a mercenary military.
That is the true spirit of classical or Western liberalism, not the “liberalism” of this day and age as it is portrayed in the Mainstream Media.

There is a split happening.
I am the kind of liberal who is so far left I would vote for Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, but never for a puppet of the bankers like Hillary.
It is like when LBJ was running the war in Vietnam.
I would never vote for someone like LBJ calling themselves a democrat.
...Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

* You are part of the Militia-at-large ( the entire pool of citizens capable of bearing arms in the event a national defense emergency )

* You are allowed to keep and bear arms

* The government has a right to regulate the nature and quantities of such arms

* Such regulation does not infringe on your macro-level right to keep and bear arms


If you do not yet live in a jurisdiction where you are "well-regulated", you soon will be. :laugh:
Nope you better get your education somewhere else
we are not part of the organized militia
I'm not allowed anything I have a right which precedes and allowance by any government
the government only legislates because the people granted them such right but as the Constitution is written it tells the government what they can not do
yes such regulation is an infringement
Post the entire amendment.

Well regulated....
well regulated in 18th century terminology meant "as to be expected in working order"
Even in the 18th century it meant much more.
but that was what it meant when the authors of the second amendment wrote it

they also thought they could own humans.
What if they were what of it? does that change the intent of the second amendment? Hell they freed slaves who helped fight against England

take that MAGA cap off - put yer critical thinking cap on ( if you even have one ) & CONnect the dots, dummy.

Federal gun control is not only inherently illegal, but any one who is against feudalism, fascism, or dictatorships can never accept any federal gun control at all, in any way.
It is totally and completely contradictory to any sort of democratic republic.

If people are too dangerous to be able to own guns, then clearly they have to be living under careful supervision, after a trial has proven they are a danger.

We already KNOW government is inherently dangerous, and is far more of a permanent threat than any one person on the street could ever be.
Those who want federal gun control believe average people are more of a threat than government.
I don't think we need federal gun control either, but if you are leaving a loophole for state and local gun control in place of federal, I am not with you there.
But it is our government that lied to us about Korea and installed the convicted criminal Syngman Rhee as the leader of South Korea, who then massacred tens of thousands of union representatives and workers.
It is our government who lied to us about Vietnam and murdered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese who wanted Ho Chi Minh as their leader, as a reward for liberating the country from the French.
You're a total commie. I don't do Communism. I stand for individual rights and individual liberties. You evidently do not.
It is our government who lied to us about WMD in Iraq and murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis with attack aimed at civilians, like Shock and Awe.
It is our government that is illegally putting US troops in Syria, illegally assassinating Iranians, Libyians, etc., and establishing dictatorships like Egypt, etc.
That is a dangerous and pernicious alliance between Islamic Shari`a Law and atheist Marxist or Catholic Communism. We have to fight that off at all costs in order to maintain our personal rights and liberties.
It is our government that is illegally conducting a federal War on Drugs, imprisoning millions over time, even though the federal government has ZERO drug jurisdiction.
It is our government that illegally incarcerates people for life, with 3 Strikes laws, even though that violates the 4th and 5th amendments to fair sentencing for what you actually do, not some arbitrary bureaucracy.
The crimes of heroin and marijuana dealers who cause traffic accidents and industrial accidents cannot truthfully be classified as “non-violent.” The druggers have to go to prison, the rest of us need to stay clean and sober and get our guns back from the drug-dealing commies.
Oh. You're dealing heroin.

...we will not be playing
You will comply with the laws of the United States and your own State... guaranteed
Guns are only guaranteed in the hands of criminals. We're not playing. And we law-abiding folks are going to have guns even against the wishes of federal, state, and local pimps, whether or not the pimp of the district in the jurisdiction of his desire wishes to allow us to possess or carry Firearms.

i'm dealing heroin?

for fuck's sake - can you EVER post something that's not cray cray?

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