Gun control and firearms ban

It is the courts, courts read the law and says what is acceptable...
So you’re claiming a total Marxist dictatorship of the proletariat through the court system, and letting all the judicial and executive officers off from their oath to support the Constitution because the judges say it’s okay to enforce unconstitutional laws?
First of all, there was a vote and law makers were put in place by the will of the people.

Then there is the supreme court, laws passed are subject to review by the Supreme Court, they are the people who say if a law is constitutional or not. They are the ultimate decision makers on what is constitutional or not.

That what decides if something is constitutional or not. Not everyone gets there own version of what is constitutional.

This is basic civics.

No its not.
The Declaration of Independence is pretty clear in saying that since government constantly tend towards corruption, that the people will periodically have to over rule corrupt government and start over on a regular basis.
The Declaration of Independence is pretty clear at saying that individual rights are supreme, above the elected or appointed representatives, legislative, executive, and judicial.

Even if the majority were to want something that abused even a single individual's rights, like slavery, it still could never be legal. If the legislators, executive, and judicial all want to do something that is illegal, it is still illegal and wrong if it violates basic rights. And that actually happens very often. The military draft is an example. The Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, etc., likely were all illegal since the US was not at risk of invasion in any of them. They were all based on lies and propaganda.
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....

Those were NOT concentration camps. They were internment camps.

Moron....they were concentration camps.......they try to hide the democrat party President, FDR, using concentration camps on Japanese, German and Italian citizens to hold law abiding citizens by calling them internment doofus....

The real difference is between concentration camps and death camps.......

Webster's New World Fourth College Edition. It defines a concentration camp as, "A prison camp in which political dissidents, members of minority ethnic groups, etc. are confined." Somewhat surprisingly, "internment camp" is not listed in the dictionary.

Sorry! NPR is not a good source on any topic. Just admit that you were being over the top and talking out of your ass.

Wrong, dumb ass.......FDR put ethnic minorities in concentration camps and the left has been trying to hide that fact by renaming them internment camps........

You are a dupe, and will continue to be a dupe.

Really? How many Hispanics did he lock up?

Isn't it odd that Japanese Americans served in Europe during WWII?

Isn't it odd that very few Germans were "interned"?

I have great respect for your posts on the 2nd Amendment. Why have you chosen this topic to rival liberals in their misconceptions?

They were concentration camp.......get over it. FDR was a left wing socialist....they like to put people in camps.

The difference is between concentration camps and death camps.

I agree the FDR camps were bad.
But why did FDR want WWII, and help make WWII happen?
It is because we wanted the increase in production, in order to boost profits and the economy.
Which then makes him a right wing capitalist, and not a left wing socialist.
FDR did almost nothing for individuals.
All the war profits went to capitalist industries, like Alcoa Aluminum.
About the only socialist things he did was to build the means of electrification, like Hoover Dam and TVA.
But I agree with you that National Socialists are NOT at all socialists.
They were centralists though, and many people mistakenly believe socialism and centralism are the same or related, when they are not. Socialism really implies decentralization.
Why do you believe that and why do right wingers not believe they are more socialist than capitalist?
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....

Those were NOT concentration camps. They were internment camps.

Moron....they were concentration camps.......they try to hide the democrat party President, FDR, using concentration camps on Japanese, German and Italian citizens to hold law abiding citizens by calling them internment doofus....

The real difference is between concentration camps and death camps.......

Webster's New World Fourth College Edition. It defines a concentration camp as, "A prison camp in which political dissidents, members of minority ethnic groups, etc. are confined." Somewhat surprisingly, "internment camp" is not listed in the dictionary.

Sorry! NPR is not a good source on any topic. Just admit that you were being over the top and talking out of your ass.

Wrong, dumb ass.......FDR put ethnic minorities in concentration camps and the left has been trying to hide that fact by renaming them internment camps........

You are a dupe, and will continue to be a dupe.

Really? How many Hispanics did he lock up?

Isn't it odd that Japanese Americans served in Europe during WWII?

Isn't it odd that very few Germans were "interned"?

I have great respect for your posts on the 2nd Amendment. Why have you chosen this topic to rival liberals in their misconceptions?

They were concentration camp.......get over it. FDR was a left wing socialist....they like to put people in camps.

The difference is between concentration camps and death camps.
Right wing, black codes and that form of socialism on a national basis existed back then.
...Those were NOT concentration camps. They were internment camps.
Hmmmmm... I tend to disagree... they were, indeed, 'concentration camps'... designed to 'concentrate' and control a demographic.

It seems justifiable to label them as 'concentration camps' operating under another label...

But they were not 'death camps', which is what many people associate the label 'concentration camp' in the common parlance (and thinking).
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....

Those were NOT concentration camps. They were internment camps.

Moron....they were concentration camps.......they try to hide the democrat party President, FDR, using concentration camps on Japanese, German and Italian citizens to hold law abiding citizens by calling them internment doofus....

The real difference is between concentration camps and death camps.......

Webster's New World Fourth College Edition. It defines a concentration camp as, "A prison camp in which political dissidents, members of minority ethnic groups, etc. are confined." Somewhat surprisingly, "internment camp" is not listed in the dictionary.

Sorry! NPR is not a good source on any topic. Just admit that you were being over the top and talking out of your ass.

Wrong, dumb ass.......FDR put ethnic minorities in concentration camps and the left has been trying to hide that fact by renaming them internment camps........

You are a dupe, and will continue to be a dupe.

Really? How many Hispanics did he lock up?

Isn't it odd that Japanese Americans served in Europe during WWII?

Isn't it odd that very few Germans were "interned"?

I have great respect for your posts on the 2nd Amendment. Why have you chosen this topic to rival liberals in their misconceptions?

They were concentration camp.......get over it. FDR was a left wing socialist....they like to put people in camps.

The difference is between concentration camps and death camps.

I agree the FDR camps were bad.
But why did FDR want WWII, and help make WWII happen?
It is because we wanted the increase in production, in order to boost profits and the economy.
Which then makes him a right wing capitalist, and not a left wing socialist.
FDR did almost nothing for individuals.
All the war profits went to capitalist industries, like Alcoa Aluminum.
About the only socialist things he did was to build the means of electrification, like Hoover Dam and TVA.

Have to disagree.....he did everything he could to direct the economy by government. That is socialist, not capitalist.
...Those were NOT concentration camps. They were internment camps.
Hmmmmm... I tend to disagree... they were, indeed, 'concentration camps'... designed to 'concentrate' and control a demographic.

It seems justifiable to label them as 'concentration camps' operating under another label...

But they were not 'death camps', which is what many people associate the label 'concentration camp' in the common parlance (and thinking).

My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
i recently bought some green tip 5.56mm NATO rounds.....Since Russia isnt a threat to Europe anymore, i just figured i might need a few since XiBiden, might take over next year...
A handy chambering I use is .223 Wylde. It shoots both 5.56 and .223 without a problem. Whichever is cheaper.
One of the big things US citizens need to do, is when the 4am wake up call from the Feds at your neighbors house, everyone who is a Law Abiding Citizen needs to step up and stop the illegal search and seizure the Feds will attempt.

Sounds heroic, doesn't it? Trust me I'm on your side. However, let's just say I've been reading a whole lot about John Brown's fate lately. There's a real good and important lesson to learn in studying what happened in Harpers Ferry in 1859. Read between the lines and you must realize anyone who resists our federal government with armed force will be eradicated. Now, one could cite the eventual victory of Cliven Bundy and his son's—but—that's like finding a specific grain of sand on a very wide beach.

Anyone who resists our federal government with armed force is labeled a domestic terrorist and villified in the media 24/7 to the point that nobody would dare publicly defend them.

The federal government (actually all levels of government ) has a duty to uphold the the law... If you find a law unconstitutional then sue the Government in court, if you loose then you want to break the law after it was deemed constitutional... You actually want to kill police officers because you don't like a particular constitutional law (as deemed by the courts)...

How would that make you different from any other criminal?

Hitlers brownshirts were working within the laws they created
Stalin's People's Commissariat for Internal Affairswas also working within the laws they had
Hell all dictators thugs wok within laws created
When an unjust law is created and the government does not change that law we change the people who created that law by execution and the thugs that try to enforce those unjust laws become fodder
...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.

Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED

show me where it says UNregulated.
shall not be infringe
Now show me the word need in the bill of rights?

do you have the right to own any type of firepower? are fully automatic machine guns allowed without strict regs? lol ... you seem to NEED them thar bang bangs, because well ...

View attachment 434287
I know your gay fucking queer
It is the courts, courts read the law and says what is acceptable...
So you’re claiming a total Marxist dictatorship of the proletariat through the court system, and letting all the judicial and executive officers off from their oath to support the Constitution because the judges say it’s okay to enforce unconstitutional laws?
First of all, there was a vote and law makers were put in place by the will of the people.

Then there is the supreme court, laws passed are subject to review by the Supreme Court, they are the people who say if a law is constitutional or not. They are the ultimate decision makers on what is constitutional or not.

That what decides if something is constitutional or not. Not everyone gets there own version of what is constitutional.

This is basic civics.

No its not.
The Declaration of Independence is pretty clear in saying that since government constantly tend towards corruption, that the people will periodically have to over rule corrupt government and start over on a regular basis.
The Declaration of Independence is pretty clear at saying that individual rights are supreme, above the elected or appointed representatives, legislative, executive, and judicial.

Even if the majority were to want something that abused even a single individual's rights, like slavery, it still could never be legal. If the legislators, executive, and judicial all want to do something that is illegal, it is still illegal and wrong if it violates basic rights. And that actually happens very often. The military draft is an example. The Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, etc., likely were all illegal since the US was not at risk of invasion in any of them. They were all based on lies and propaganda.
Seems to me you have "wrong" and "legal" confused. Overruling what the government claims to be "law" requires a high percentage of the American people and is a very painful process so people tend to ignore wrongs unless too many feel too strongly on the matter. Nothing especially noble about that but basic human nature.
Seems to me you have "wrong" and "legal" confused. Overruling what the government claims to be "law" requires a high percentage of the American people
You have absolutely no ideals of right or wrong, ethics, morality or law but the Mob Rule of the Democratic Party.

and is a very painful process so people tend to ignore wrongs unless too many feel too strongly on the matter. Nothing especially noble about that but basic human nature.
And the highest law you are capable of understanding is that of a lot of people bullying and beating the shit out of a lot of other people at will because by law they're the majority and they have the right to single out individuals or minorities they don't like and have them murdered or tortured to please the crowd.
...Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

* You are part of the Militia-at-large ( the entire pool of citizens capable of bearing arms in the event a national defense emergency )

* You are allowed to keep and bear arms

* The government has a right to regulate the nature and quantities of such arms

* Such regulation does not infringe on your macro-level right to keep and bear arms


If you do not yet live in a jurisdiction where you are "well-regulated", you soon will be. :laugh:
Nope you better get your education somewhere else
we are not part of the organized militia
I'm not allowed anything I have a right which precedes and allowance by any government
the government only legislates because the people granted them such right but as the Constitution is written it tells the government what they can not do
yes such regulation is an infringement
Post the entire amendment.

Well regulated....
well regulated in 18th century terminology meant "as to be expected in working order"
Even in the 18th century it meant much more.
but that was what it meant when the authors of the second amendment wrote it

they also thought they could own humans.
What if they were what of it? does that change the intent of the second amendment? Hell they freed slaves who helped fight against England
...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.
You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...
Oh i see, you dont need a weapon to protect yourself from governments foreign or domestic? So i dont need to pay taxes, so some lazy prog slave can take those taxes to eat from?

if the big bad gov'ment came down on its citizens, they have you outnumbered by the military industrial complex.

bigley. big BIG bigley.
how many gun owners do you believe there are versus law enforcement and the military combined?
And it was big league

how many gun owners have tanks?
when tanks become used on Americans you'll be dead by then so it really doesn't matter about your question get on the cattle car sheeple.
The Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, etc., likely were all illegal since the US was not at risk of invasion in any of them. They were all based on lies and propaganda.
True. The distinctions between slavery and employment were too fine, and “human resources” counted as assets on corporate books. The San Fransisco Flu of 1918 (just like the AIDS epidemic years later) and Pearl Harbor were set-ups. Korea and Vietnam were traps for kids with patriotic ideals of resisting communism.

The invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan etc. were all unnecessary because in the U.S. we have plenty of our own oil in Alaska, North Dakota, Texas etc. and we shouldn't have to buy anything from OPEC at all.
What if they were what of it? does that change the intent of the second amendment? Hell they freed slaves who helped fight against England
You ever had a job in the private sector? The corporation owns you, body and soul, for interstate commerce. You are listed on their books as “human resources.”
Seems to me you have "wrong" and "legal" confused. Overruling what the government claims to be "law" requires a high percentage of the American people
You have absolutely no ideals of right or wrong, ethics, morality or law but the Mob Rule of the Democratic Party.

and is a very painful process so people tend to ignore wrongs unless too many feel too strongly on the matter. Nothing especially noble about that but basic human nature.
And the highest law you are capable of understanding is that of a lot of people bullying and beating the shit out of a lot of other people at will because by law they're the majority and they have the right to single out individuals or minorities they don't like and have them murdered or tortured to please the crowd.
WTF tripped your trigger? Call me a democrap and I'll have to point out that you are a scum-sucking son a diseased lady of ill repute. You have no idea what my ideals or views are. I'll compare mine with yours any day.
WTF tripped your trigger? Call me a democrap and I'll have to point out that you are a scum-sucking son a diseased lady of ill repute. You have no idea what my ideals or views are. I'll compare mine with yours any day.
That Establishment RINO shit is up in arms right alongside the Democrats when it comes to taking our guns away from us. You fuckers just don't quit, do you?
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
And if we can't hold our weapons in our arms and walk past the damned police station without being threatened with arrest, you are lying piece of scum same as all the other gun-stealing Republicrats.
WTF tripped your trigger? Call me a democrap and I'll have to point out that you are a scum-sucking son a diseased lady of ill repute. You have no idea what my ideals or views are. I'll compare mine with yours any day.
That Establishment RINO shit is up in arms right alongside the Democrats when it comes to taking our guns away from us. You fuckers just don't quit, do you?
I was an NRA member long before you were born if you are acting your age and have always been a firm supporter of the 2nd Amendment. And FYI I am no bigger fan of RINOs than you are. Maybe less. You have simply proved you are subject to shooting your mouth without having the slightest clue what you are talking about including (and especially) what is legal or what is moral.

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