Gun control and firearms ban

What if they were what of it? does that change the intent of the second amendment? Hell they freed slaves who helped fight against England
You ever had a job in the private sector? The corporation owns you, body and soul, for interstate commerce. You are listed on their books as “human resources.”
ok and what does that have to do with my posting response to dumbasses post about our founders being slave owners? maybe you should have directed your response to his.
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
what's the purpose of a gun registration and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms? And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law? will the government not come and try and take my guns?
ok and what does that have to do with my posting response to dumbasses post about our founders being slave owners? maybe you should have directed your response to his.
Our own bodies and souls sit on some corporation's books as assets to this day, while financial advisors calculate our “net worth” to the corporation.
ok again what does that have to do with what I said? I believe you should be addressing your concern with playtime
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
And if we can't hold our weapons in our arms and walk past the damned police station without being threatened with arrest, you are lying piece of scum same as all the other gun-stealing Republicrats.

1. you are appropriately licensed
2. your firearm is appropriately registered
3. your firearm meets federal or state or community standards with respect to type, magazine capacity, etc., then... will not be threatened with arrest.



As to the personal aspect of your response... please fell free to commence to blow-it-out-your-a$$ at your earliest convenience.
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
If it becomes law then it is not illegal.

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED.

And there won't be diddly-squat that you will be able to do about it.
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
And if we can't hold our weapons in our arms and walk past the damned police station without being threatened with arrest, you are lying piece of scum same as all the other gun-stealing Republicrats.

1. you are appropriately licensed
2. your firearm is appropriately registered
3. your firearm meets federal or state or community standards with respect to type, magazine capacity, etc., then... will not be threatened with arrest.



As to the personal aspect of your response... please fell free to commence to blow-it-out-your-a$$ at your earliest convenience.
Simple maybe but untrue. We have been threatened with all sorts of unconstitutional acts for many years now and some of those threats have been implemented by oppressive governments.
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
If it becomes law then it is not illegal.

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED.

And there won't be diddly-squat that you will be able to do about it.
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
First of all, not everyone from a communist or socialist country is a communist or a socialist. If they were, one might assume that they would be happy with the systems of comunism and socialism in their countries, and not be trying to immigrate to a country of free markets, capitalism, freedom, and individual choice.
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
You've never been in the Southwestern United States, have you? The brownshirts are the first ones to call the cops on whiteys / gringos, and they even take down the freeway signs hoping to trick patriotic Americans into crossing the border to Mexico unawares and being caught with their “illegal” guns in Mexico. Nor are your U.S. Democrat Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Military Officers all that keen on bailing their subordinate infantry forces out of Mexican jails.
Suckered on a whole slew of false charges by a cop-calling whore, or it was her daddy who coerced her into pressing sex charges.
IF he's 22 and has a girlfriend of 16 --- honestly that isn't a crime or all that uncommon or outside the bounds of propriety and age of consent. Obviously the guy did nothing wrong -- it doesn't sound like he even had sex with the girl at all -- just a social date and a host of patently false criminal charges.

This all goes to show that los cárteles -- the Mexican drug cartels -- are firmly in control of the U.S. courts and prison systems.
...Simple maybe but untrue. We have been threatened with all sorts of unconstitutional acts for many years now and some of those threats have been implemented by oppressive governments.
If an act withstands a challenge in the court system then it is not unconstitutional.
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
If it becomes law then it is not illegal.

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED.

And there won't be diddly-squat that you will be able to do about it.
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
Your tiny little brain is incapable of dealing with the subject matter in a rational and mature and objective fashion.
If an act withstands a challenge in the court system then it is not unconstitutional.
The constitution says we have the right to keep and bear arms, but if the courts deny that there is nothing we can do.
Your tiny little brain is incapable of dealing with the subject matter in a rational and mature and objective fashion.
Let's take that step by step here:
You are promoting an atheist agenda.
You've got a movie rating in mind, or explicit sexual content, which you have recorded without your victim's consent or knowledge.
Your only objective is to take our guns away.
...The constitution says we have the right to keep and bear arms...

...but if the courts deny that there is nothing we can do...
No court has denied you that right.

...You are promoting an atheist agenda...
Nonsense. Advocating for owner-licensure, firearms registration and sale-transfer vetting and tracking has nothing to do with religion one way or another.

...You've got a movie rating in mind, or explicit sexual content, which you have recorded without your victim's consent or knowledge...
Nonsense. Apparently you do not understand the word's meaning in such a context. Common amongst rednecks.

...Your only objective is to take our guns away.
Nonsense. Apparently you do not understand the word's meaning in such a context. Common amongst rednecks.

My objective is to ensure that only sane, rational, socially responsible citizens are allowed to keep firearms suitable for home or personal defense.

If you are sane, rational and socially responsible, then you need not be worried.
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?
So that police know what guns you have, and where.
Under what authority and why? We should let potential thieves know where we keep our valuable property?

Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?
UnConstitutional. And they also provide food, and recreation for your family as well as being a good investment and are highly collectable. Also those are exactly the weapons the Constitution intended to give law abiding citizens access to.

Any "law" that is unConstitutional is illegal and can ruled so by the USSC or by consensus of the People.

"If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED."

If that were true there would be no USA. The British thought the same thing. Some folks will only push so far. And more than a few LEOs have stated that they would not obey orders to try. Very wise.
...Simple maybe but untrue. We have been threatened with all sorts of unconstitutional acts for many years now and some of those threats have been implemented by oppressive governments.
If an act withstands a challenge in the court system then it is not unconstitutional.

Sez who? Only the USSC can make final Constitutional rulings and even it is a part of government and therefore subject to corruption. The 2nd Amendment ensures the People can provide a check against a government that becomes tyrannical. Just as they have in the past.
Advocating for owner-licensure, firearms registration and sale-transfer vetting and tracking has nothing to do with religion one way or another.
Professional killers and murderers for hire are hunting and tracking law-abiding gun owners by fingerprints, DNA, and serial numbers.
Common amongst rednecks.
If you are sane, rational and socially responsible, then you need not be worried.
You aren't going to live long with that attitude.
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
First of all, not everyone from a communist or socialist country is a communist or a socialist. If they were, one might assume that they would be happy with the systems of comunism and socialism in their countries, and not be trying to immigrate to a country of free markets, capitalism, freedom, and individual choice.
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
You've never been in the Southwestern United States, have you? The brownshirts are the first ones to call the cops on whiteys / gringos, and they even take down the freeway signs hoping to trick patriotic Americans into crossing the border to Mexico unawares and being caught with their “illegal” guns in Mexico. Nor are your U.S. Democrat Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Military Officers all that keen on bailing their subordinate infantry forces out of Mexican jails.
Suckered on a whole slew of false charges by a cop-calling whore, or it was her daddy who coerced her into pressing sex charges.
IF he's 22 and has a girlfriend of 16 --- honestly that isn't a crime or all that uncommon or outside the bounds of propriety and age of consent. Obviously the guy did nothing wrong -- it doesn't sound like he even had sex with the girl at all -- just a social date and a host of patently false criminal charges.

This all goes to show that los cárteles -- the Mexican drug cartels -- are firmly in control of the U.S. courts and prison systems.
this is the second time you injected a comment that wasn't directed to you
Stop it and read what was commented to dumbass
...what's the purpose of a gun registration...
So that police know what guns you have, and where.

...and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms?...
Well, ya got me there; I dunno; making it harder to hang onto weapons that let you kill multiple people more quickly?

...And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law?...
If it becomes law then it is not illegal.

...will the government not come and try and take my guns?
If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns. Not TRY. They will SUCCEED.

And there won't be diddly-squat that you will be able to do about it.
Your first response happens in communist and socialist countries
Your second response tells me you are anti poor
So they are coming for our guns?thanks liar
Who would have guessed the defund the police brownshirts would all of a sudden be pro police
And yes I can stop their threat by killing as many thugs as I can
Your tiny little brain is incapable of dealing with the subject matter in a rational and mature and objective fashion.
your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given.
They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact. You just said
"If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
...your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given...
One must be presented WITH a Truth before one can 'handle' it.

...They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact....
Then vote them out of office.

...You just said "If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
Whatever for?

I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.

What they DO want is for you to...

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
2. register each firearm you own
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
4. safely store each firearm
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous

In ALL jurisdictions... nationwide... according to future Federal standards... no exceptions.

THAT will satisfy most of your opposites that your use of firearms is "well regulated" .

Oh, mind you, some of your opposites want to eliminate M4s and AR15s and huge-capacity magazines and the like - to reduce mass-shooting incidents.

But none of that - if ever implemented - touches upon your right to own functioning, useful firearms for home and personal protection or for sporting.

The unrealistic fools who insist on actually TAKING your guns as actually few-and-far-between and need only be refuted from time to time.

As to personally leading the charge to take your guns... like I said... whatever for? I don't want them. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, keep your M4 or AR15.

But I'll be happy to send-in law enforcement to thump your skull if you ever fail to comply with 1-6 above and attempt to forcibly resist their enforcement.

Only little boys with big guns and tiny pee-pees cling to juvenile fantasies about modern-day Minuteman Militias overthrowing the big bad US Government. :cool:
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...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.

Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED

show me where it says UNregulated.
shall not be infringe
Now show me the word need in the bill of rights?

do you have the right to own any type of firepower? are fully automatic machine guns allowed without strict regs? lol ... you seem to NEED them thar bang bangs, because well ...

View attachment 434287
I know your gay fucking queer
View attachment 434420

well since i am a heterosexual female married 35 yrs to a heterosexual (R) male, you failed bigley yet again with yer assessment of me.

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