Gun control and firearms ban

...your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given...
One must be presented WITH a Truth before one can 'handle' it.

...They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact....
Then vote them out of office.

...You just said "If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
Whatever for?

I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.

What they DO want is for you to...

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
2. register each firearm you own
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
4. safely store each firearm
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous

In ALL jurisdictions... nationwide... according to future Federal standards... no exceptions.

THAT will satisfy most of your opposites that your use of firearms is "well regulated" .

Oh, mind you, some of your opposites want to eliminate M4s and AR15s and huge-capacity magazines and the like - to reduce mass-shooting incidents.

But none of that - if ever implemented - touches upon your right to own functioning, useful firearms for home and personal protection or for sporting.

The unrealistic fools who insist on actually TAKING your guns as actually few-and-far-between and need only be refuted from time to time.

As to personally leading the charge to take your guns... like I said... whatever for? I don't want them. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, keep your M4 or AR15.

But I'll be happy to send-in law enforcement to thump your skull if you ever fail to comply with 1-6 above and attempt to forcibly resist their enforcement.

Only little boys with big guns and tiny pee-pees cling to juvenile fantasies about modern-day Minuteman Militias overthrowing the big bad US Government. :cool:
but for four years you believed nothing but lies
Well snowflake I suggest you tell the ones who actually are pushing regulations for confiscation to back off we will not be playing
This is a lie – no one advocates for ‘confiscation.’

No one believes your ridiculous lies, demagoguery, and fearmongering.

You are truly the typical conservative – dishonest, reprehensible, and wrong.
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
what's the purpose of a gun registration and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms? And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law? will the government not come and try and take my guns?
Gun registration is not a ‘prelude’ to ‘confiscation’ – that fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

If one doesn’t follow a necessary, proper, and Constitutional law he’ll be subject to the penalties authorized by that law; a measure is not ‘illegal’ until invalidated by the courts.
...your tiny little brain can't handle the truth it was given...
One must be presented WITH a Truth before one can 'handle' it.

...They create the laws that give the ability to come and take our guns plain simple fact....
Then vote them out of office.

...You just said "If you are not in compliance with laws regulating firearms, the, yes, absolutely, they will come and take your guns."
why don't you lead the charge to take our guns?
Whatever for?

I don't want your guns.

THEY don't want your guns, either.

What they DO want is for you to...

1. hold a license in order to possess firearms
2. register each firearm you own
3. submit each weapon sale or transfer to scrutiny by and subject to approval by law enforcement
4. safely store each firearm
5. complete appropriate training on the use of your firearms
6. comply with temporary seizure warrants in the event that you are adjudicated as unstable or dangerous

In ALL jurisdictions... nationwide... according to future Federal standards... no exceptions.

THAT will satisfy most of your opposites that your use of firearms is "well regulated" .

Oh, mind you, some of your opposites want to eliminate M4s and AR15s and huge-capacity magazines and the like - to reduce mass-shooting incidents.

But none of that - if ever implemented - touches upon your right to own functioning, useful firearms for home and personal protection or for sporting.

The unrealistic fools who insist on actually TAKING your guns as actually few-and-far-between and need only be refuted from time to time.

As to personally leading the charge to take your guns... like I said... whatever for? I don't want them. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, keep your M4 or AR15.

But I'll be happy to send-in law enforcement to thump your skull if you ever fail to comply with 1-6 above and attempt to forcibly resist their enforcement.

Only little boys with big guns and tiny pee-pees cling to juvenile fantasies about modern-day Minuteman Militias overthrowing the big bad US Government. :cool:
but for four years you believed nothing but lies
Well snowflake I suggest you tell the ones who actually are pushing regulations for confiscation to back off we will not be playing
This is a lie – no one advocates for ‘confiscation.’

No one believes your ridiculous lies, demagoguery, and fearmongering.

You are truly the typical conservative – dishonest, reprehensible, and wrong.
You are lying you truly are a pathetic lying sack of dog shit
FYI any attempt to confiscate any firearms will get you and every leftists gun down
My, my, my... all this teenage angst and juvenile adrenalin over nothing... nobody is taking away your Second Amendment rights, little Right-Wing Klowns.
what's the purpose of a gun registration and imposing a tax on semiautomatic firearms? And what if I do not submit to such an illegal law? will the government not come and try and take my guns?
Gun registration is not a ‘prelude’ to ‘confiscation’ – that fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

If one doesn’t follow a necessary, proper, and Constitutional law he’ll be subject to the penalties authorized by that law; a measure is not ‘illegal’ until invalidated by the courts.
Shall not be infringed trumps any unconstitutional restrictive law

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