Gun control and firearms ban

As for needing....I dont think poor people should have a TV any larger than a 22 inch.. I dont think a poor person should have a car newer than 10 years old. I dont think a poor person should be able to eat 3 times a day. I dont think a poor person should have free internet. I dont think a poor person should have any children... Want to continue on what people should or shouldnt have? This is the United States, where people used to be free to purchase anything they wanted "LEGALLY", but you prog assholes started banning shit, that only pissed people off.....But the, to piss people off, that is just your prog ways....


you let me know when they actually come for yer guns.

Why is it next to impossible to obtain a conceal-carry permit in leftist jurisdictions such as NY, LA, Chicago, etc.?

Your leftist masters would take our guns in a second if they could.
...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.
You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...
Oh i see, you dont need a weapon to protect yourself from governments foreign or domestic? So i dont need to pay taxes, so some lazy prog slave can take those taxes to eat from?

if the big bad gov'ment came down on its citizens, they have you outnumbered by the military industrial complex.

bigley. big BIG bigley.

Outnumbered? Certainly out armed, but not outnumbered by any stretch.
you let me know when they actually come for yer guns.

Why is it next to impossible to obtain a conceal-carry permit in leftist jurisdictions such as NY, LA, Chicago, etc.?

Your leftist masters would take our guns in a second if they could.

Exactly. I have family in NYC. Getting a permit there is all but impossible. I also have recently enlisted former Marine family members living in CA who can’t wait to get out due to their gun control regulations.
don'tcha you mean citizens that need phallyc symbols to compensate for their shortcomings?

Let me know when your leftist masters enforce the law and protect citizens from violent, leftist mobs.

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So what's your point? Open carry is legal there. Don't like it? Stay away. Leftists like you want to manage everyone's lives.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you nutters went all cray cray about a mask mandate.

you're all a bunch of closeted god damn snowflakes ....

ooooOOOOoooo ... ' we don't wanna protect our fellow 'mericans - we don't wanna be REAL patriots ... we don't wanna be constrained because deep down we are really just a bunch of babies acting out some rambo fantasy!!! '

'MERICA! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don'tcha you mean citizens that need phallyc symbols to compensate for their shortcomings?

Let me know when your leftist masters enforce the law and protect citizens from violent, leftist mobs.

View attachment 434007

View attachment 434008


So what's your point? Open carry is legal there. Don't like it? Stay away. Leftists like you want to manage everyone's lives.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you nutters went all cray cray about a mask mandate.

you're all a bunch of closeted god damn snowflakes ....

ooooOOOOoooo ... ' we don't wanna protect our fellow 'mericans - we don't wanna be REAL patriots ... we don't wanna be constrained because deep down we are really just a bunch of babies acting out some rambo fantasy!!! '

'MERICA! FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do the right thing and take your meds.
We love you and we dont want you to hurt yourself or someone else.:)
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch...

The Gun-Nuts Kiddie-Klub is at it again...

Somebody didn't get their Red Rider BB-Gun under the Christmas tree this year...
I see your fear

That's not "fear", it's hilarity. He's laughing at you and so am I.
no it's fear when facts are pointed out and whining is what the response is. gun control is about taking guns period

Once AGAIN for the illiterates --- I wrote nothing about "gun control".
Not here, not in any thread in any forum, at any time, anywhere.

So thanks for the demonstration of what "whining" is, whiner.
nice dodge but your firearms will be taken from you by the one you voted for

For the 189th time --- I have no firearms to "take away". If you do, that's your hangup.
you're now claiming you don't have a firearm? maybe you shouldn't have said you have one.


Beam me up, anybody. There's no intelligent life here.
to see in the NRA what it is: a terror organisation.

Where are you from? What is your first language?

WHAT'S YOURS, Dippy? After all you can't tell the difference between "individual" and 'collective".

Let's run just the latest example thereof. Roll tape.

More rightwing fearmongering, demagoguery, and lies.
There’s not going to be a ‘new’ AWB. Give this idiocy a rest, already.

You leftists would disarm all law-abiding citizens in a heartbeat, if you could. The left has been trying for many years to do exactly that. You won't acknowledge it, of course, because you deny truth.

Here you've got CCJ being all "leftists" while ONE POST EARLIER it was me that was "all leftists" and if we looked around we'd find myriad others who were also "all leftists".

Are you retarded?

Beam me up, anybody. There's no intelligent life here.
Looks like talking about guns really gets you....TRIGGERED !!!:lastword1: :pinkygirly: :hyper:

"Guns"."triggered". I get it. Ha ha what a great pun. I'm gasping for breath. Really I am.
This is what happens when you're late to the fray and don't bother to catch up.

I've never, ANYWHERE, claimed to own any guns. I have in fact, repeatedly and specifically, stated that I DON'T.

Yet Dingoball here (the post you cut out so that there's no longer any context) is so GOD DAMNED STUPID that he can't discern his own preconceptions from what the words on the page are.

So no it's not guns that trigger me. it's INTENTIONAL GODDAM STUPIDITY. It's what I call "intellectual sloth" or as Asimov termed it the Cult of Ignorance. As if intentional goddam stupidity is some kind of "virtue".
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

More rightwing fearmongering, demagoguery, and lies.

There’s not going to be a ‘new’ AWB.

Give this idiocy a rest, already.

no, it's not fear mongering what stupidity thought makes you believe it is?
And no we are not giving it a rest you leftists have a long history of wanting to push gun confisaction
You fuckers wanted to ban hand guns in the 70's, for every gain in gun control get's you closer to your goddamn goal, every compromise that is made is a gain for you.
Here's a fucking suggestion you dumb son of a bitch
WHY DON'T YOU SON'S A BITCHES GIVE IT A REST????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's ... They will never stop

Hopefully. It was by the way the racist murderer Harlon Carter who made in the 1970ies the NRA to a criminal organisation fighting for the profits of the weapon industry and weapon dealers of the USA. I would suggest to see in the NRA what it is: a terror organisation. Alcohol, drugs and weapons destroy lifes and are an expression of destroyed lifes.

Racist go fuck yourself
fucking foreigners need to shut the fuck up second class human
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
i recently bought some green tip 5.56mm NATO rounds.....Since Russia isnt a threat to Europe anymore, i just figured i might need a few since XiBiden, might take over next year...
A handy chambering I use is .223 Wylde. It shoots both 5.56 and .223 without a problem. Whichever is cheaper.
One of the big things US citizens need to do, is when the 4am wake up call from the Feds at your neighbors house, everyone who is a Law Abiding Citizen needs to step up and stop the illegal search and seizure the Feds will attempt.

Sounds heroic, doesn't it? Trust me I'm on your side. However, let's just say I've been reading a whole lot about John Brown's fate lately. There's a real good and important lesson to learn in studying what happened in Harpers Ferry in 1859. Read between the lines and you must realize anyone who resists our federal government with armed force will be eradicated. Now, one could cite the eventual victory of Cliven Bundy and his son's—but—that's like finding a specific grain of sand on a very wide beach.

interesting antifa resisted the government and nothing was said let's create another chaz. Nevertheless, you'll be placed in a position to defend your rights if Biden does take office and the democrats take the senate. However I do recall a group of men that took a stand against a super power of the world and won

Think the French will help us again this time? I don't think so.

when was that Tory? oh that's right after Washington had the brits and the tories bottled up at Yorktown

At least you have your history right. Now, which country will help us defeat the Biden Imperial Forces like the French did at Yorktown?

be a good little tory

Still too stupid to answer any reasonable questions I see!

No I just say fuck you to tories

For about the 100th time, that has nothing to do with my username, you dumbass fucking racist redneck!

oh no but it does have a lot to do with what you are tory
you let me know when they actually come for yer guns.

Why is it next to impossible to obtain a conceal-carry permit in leftist jurisdictions such as NY, LA, Chicago, etc.?

Your leftist masters would take our guns in a second if they could.
Because gun lovers can't be trusted with their guns.

Insist our legislators do their Job!

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

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