Gun control and firearms ban

...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.

Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED

show me where it says UNregulated.
shall not be infringe
Now show me the word need in the bill of rights?
...Biden said you will not and that foid makes it easy to track you. Or do you plan on resisting what you voted for?
Sleepy Old Uncle Joe hasn't said any such thing, my little right-wing Internet troll...

Here is the Biden campaign's official position on the subject...

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

His agenda is well within acceptable parameters for (a) protecting Second Amendment rights while (b) eliminating a variety of public safety threats.

You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...

And, with any luck, you won't be allowed to keep that kind of insane arsenal in the future.
You don't need 2500 AR-15s and M-4s nor 750-round magazines nor 150,000 rounds of .40 and 9mm ammo...
Oh i see, you dont need a weapon to protect yourself from governments foreign or domestic? So i dont need to pay taxes, so some lazy prog slave can take those taxes to eat from?

if the big bad gov'ment came down on its citizens, they have you outnumbered by the military industrial complex.

bigley. big BIG bigley.
how many gun owners do you believe there are versus law enforcement and the military combined?
And it was big league
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
i recently bought some green tip 5.56mm NATO rounds.....Since Russia isnt a threat to Europe anymore, i just figured i might need a few since XiBiden, might take over next year...
A handy chambering I use is .223 Wylde. It shoots both 5.56 and .223 without a problem. Whichever is cheaper.
One of the big things US citizens need to do, is when the 4am wake up call from the Feds at your neighbors house, everyone who is a Law Abiding Citizen needs to step up and stop the illegal search and seizure the Feds will attempt.

Sounds heroic, doesn't it? Trust me I'm on your side. However, let's just say I've been reading a whole lot about John Brown's fate lately. There's a real good and important lesson to learn in studying what happened in Harpers Ferry in 1859. Read between the lines and you must realize anyone who resists our federal government with armed force will be eradicated. Now, one could cite the eventual victory of Cliven Bundy and his son's—but—that's like finding a specific grain of sand on a very wide beach.

Anyone who resists our federal government with armed force is labeled a domestic terrorist and villified in the media 24/7 to the point that nobody would dare publicly defend them.

tru,p supporters are already vilified so what difference does it make might as well take out a few leftists

^ 'tru,p supporters are already vilified '

View attachment 433996

' might as well take out a few leftists '


View attachment 433999

more nashvilles are coming and yes it will be those Trump supporters you mocked
That's bullshit. The whole disaster started in the 60ies/70ies. And I'm sure the brutal crimes in the USA have a lot to do with your weapon fetishism, which is a similar problem like drug addicts.

I sense that you don't like Americans much. Why is that?

Because "you" are weapon fetishists, who kill US-Americans, or because "you" are intrigant mind-manipulating idiots?
That's bullshit. The whole disaster started in the 60ies/70ies. And I'm sure the brutal crimes in the USA have a lot to do with your weapon fetishism, which is a similar problem like drug addicts.

I sense that you don't like Americans much. Why is that?

Because "you" are weapon fetishists, who kill US-Americans, or because "you" are intrigant mind-manipulating idiots?
well junior stay in your fucking country and shut the fuck up
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's ... They will never stop

Hopefully. It was by the way the racist murderer Harlon Carter who made in the 1970ies the NRA to a criminal organisation fighting for the profits of the weapon industry and weapon dealers of the USA. I would suggest to see in the NRA what it is: a terror organisation. Alcohol, drugs and weapons destroy lifes and are an expression of destroyed lifes.

Racist go fuck yourself

Aha -you are someone, who knows what is self-control and truth so he supports free weapons for babies like himselve.

fucking foreigners need to shut the fuck up second class human

Nice mucking Nazi slang.
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the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's ... They will never stop

Hopefully. It was by the way the racist murderer Harlon Carter who made in the 1970ies the NRA to a criminal organisation fighting for the profits of the weapon industry and weapon dealers of the USA. I would suggest to see in the NRA what it is: a terror organisation. Alcohol, drugs and weapons destroy lifes and are an expression of destroyed lifes.

Racist go fuck yourself

Aha -you are someone, who know what is self control and truth so he supports free weapons for babies like himselve.

fucking foreigners need to shut the fuck up second class human

Nice mucking Nazi slang.

an irrelevant opinion of a shit stain fascist foreigner
That's bullshit. The whole disaster started in the 60ies/70ies. And I'm sure the brutal crimes in the USA have a lot to do with your weapon fetishism, which is a similar problem like drug addicts.

I sense that you don't like Americans much. Why is that?

Because "you" are weapon fetishists, who kill US-Americans, or because "you" are intrigant mind-manipulating idiots?
well junior stay in your fucking country and shut the fuck up
Did you ever try to think about since when and why you have your "fuck" problem?
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's ... They will never stop

Hopefully. It was by the way the racist murderer Harlon Carter who made in the 1970ies the NRA to a criminal organisation fighting for the profits of the weapon industry and weapon dealers of the USA. I would suggest to see in the NRA what it is: a terror organisation. Alcohol, drugs and weapons destroy lifes and are an expression of destroyed lifes.

Racist go fuck yourself

Aha -you are someone, who know what is self control and truth so he supports free weapons for babies like himselve.

fucking foreigners need to shut the fuck up second class human

Nice mucking Nazi slang.

an irrelevant opinion of a shit stain fascist foreigner

Very clear: Your language is the language of a racist Nazi.
...Oh i see, you dont need a weapon to protect yourself from governments foreign...
No. I don't need a weapon to protect myself from foreign governments. That's what the US Military is for.

...or domestic?...
No. I don't need a weapon to protect myself from my own government. And neither do you.

...So i dont need to pay taxes...
You will pay your share of taxes just like the rest of us. Nothing to do with guns. some lazy prog slave can take those taxes to eat from?
Your taxes go for the common defense and infrastructure and research and subsidizing agriculture and industry, as well. Nothing to do with guns.


I have a FOID card myself and intend to maintain my own inventory.

I do not, however, need an AR-15 or similar, nor a large stockpile of same, to defend my home and family.

And neither do you.
obama didn't forget he just didn't have the political support in Congress to do anything after the 2010 election
But what does that have to do with the first push for a gun ban was against revolvers? You gun grabber couldn't get your way with them and have forgotten that was your first target to go after


The democrats lost control of the House of Representatives in the 1990s due, in part to their gun control push with the Assault weapon ban. To protect obamacare, obama didn't want to lose seats in congress to another gun control he settled on putting anti-gun extremists on the bench and let local and state gun grabbers make gun control laws....which were then deemed Constitutional by his federal judges who ignored the Supreme Court rulings in Heller, MacDonald and the other rulings on gun rights.

He also started Fast and Furious to put guns in the hands of drug cartels in Mexico to restart the push for gun control....
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

Every gun owner should have guns registered and pay annual fees for the violence caused by guns.

Insist our elected Representatives to Government do their Job!

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
...Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

* You are part of the Militia-at-large ( the entire pool of citizens capable of bearing arms in the event a national defense emergency )

* You are allowed to keep and bear arms

* The government has a right to regulate the nature and quantities of such arms

* Such regulation does not infringe on your macro-level right to keep and bear arms


If you do not yet live in a jurisdiction where you are "well-regulated", you soon will be. :laugh:
...Show me in the bill of rights the word NEED
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

* You are part of the Militia-at-large ( the entire pool of citizens capable of bearing arms in the event a national defense emergency )

* You are allowed to keep and bear arms

* The government has a right to regulate the nature and quantities of such arms

* Such regulation does not infringe on your macro-level right to keep and bear arms


If you do not yet live in a jurisdiction where you are "well-regulated", you soon will be. :laugh:
Only the unorganized militia whines about gun control laws.
...I hope your store or whatever is looted and burned by honest upstanding patriotic Americans...
Oh, I think my modest little Sig will take care of most such problems.

...That’s not a decision you get to make for others.
Yes, it is, if I am a lawmaker elected by The People; one who is more interested in public safety than allowing RWNJs to maintain vast arsenals.

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