Gun Control Has Only 1 Motive - Confiscation of All Guns from Law Abiding Citizens

So you support giving the Baths a brand new Saddam Statue paid for by the US because it was illegally torn down? I would quote the Constitution but since you have never read it, you would just claim it's fake news. I really want to see the version of the Constitution that you operate from. But the fact remains, the south ain't gonna' rise again. Get over it.
What was the law violated? Cite exact law.

To the Victors go the spoils. The Vanquished don't make the rules.
The Victor's also have all the guns. So tell me what guns do you have? LOL

You tell me. Do I own a gun or two or three or not? You are just going to take your chances, pinky.
Don't worry snowflake anti-gunners don't have guns

You and your buddies claim I am a anit-gunner. Are you sure I don't have any guns? When you do go for your roundup of all of us, you do at your own risk.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie

And the fact are that German Jews were also citizens, and claiming that only citizens could own guns is nonsense. Even before Hitler got in power, German interior minister ordered gun registration, and then he ordered those gun registration records be made secure to keep them from falling into the hands of radical elements.

Very next year, Hitler got in power and seized those records, then he stripped Jews of citizenship first, then their assets, including firearms. He also disarmed all his political opponents, regardless of being citizens.

Nazi Firearm Law by Stephen Halbrook
Jew source...not reliable nor trustworthy

Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.
Jews aren't humans, they were/are vermin. As I clearly stated he expanded gun laws for German Citizens. Not for parasites who destroyed the state.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
Actually like a good little Democrat he only took guns from certain citizens more less racist
OK cuck
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

No....he didn't.......he used the gun registration records created in the 1920s and 30s to disarm his enemies and Jews.........he allowed his supporters to have guns.....

You just don't know the history.
Lol. Jews are everyone's enemy as they should be. REGULAR German citizens had their gun rights expanded.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie
antisemitism and a racist
OK cuck
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie

And the fact are that German Jews were also citizens, and claiming that only citizens could own guns is nonsense. Even before Hitler got in power, German interior minister ordered gun registration, and then he ordered those gun registration records be made secure to keep them from falling into the hands of radical elements.

Very next year, Hitler got in power and seized those records, then he stripped Jews of citizenship first, then their assets, including firearms. He also disarmed all his political opponents, regardless of being citizens.

Nazi Firearm Law by Stephen Halbrook
Jew source...not reliable nor trustworthy

Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.
Jews aren't humans, they were/are vermin. As I clearly stated he expanded gun laws for German Citizens. Not for parasites who destroyed the state.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
Actually like a good little Democrat he only took guns from certain citizens more less racist
OK cuck
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

No....he didn't.......he used the gun registration records created in the 1920s and 30s to disarm his enemies and Jews.........he allowed his supporters to have guns.....

You just don't know the history.
Lol. Jews are everyone's enemy as they should be. REGULAR German citizens had their gun rights expanded.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie
antisemitism and a racist
OK cuck
Jew source...not reliable nor trustworthy

One thing all Democrats have in common - they’re all racists.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie

And the fact are that German Jews were also citizens, and claiming that only citizens could own guns is nonsense. Even before Hitler got in power, German interior minister ordered gun registration, and then he ordered those gun registration records be made secure to keep them from falling into the hands of radical elements.

Very next year, Hitler got in power and seized those records, then he stripped Jews of citizenship first, then their assets, including firearms. He also disarmed all his political opponents, regardless of being citizens.

Nazi Firearm Law by Stephen Halbrook
Jew source...not reliable nor trustworthy

Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.
Jews aren't humans, they were/are vermin. As I clearly stated he expanded gun laws for German Citizens. Not for parasites who destroyed the state.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
Actually like a good little Democrat he only took guns from certain citizens more less racist
OK cuck
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

No....he didn't.......he used the gun registration records created in the 1920s and 30s to disarm his enemies and Jews.........he allowed his supporters to have guns.....

You just don't know the history.
Lol. Jews are everyone's enemy as they should be. REGULAR German citizens had their gun rights expanded.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie
antisemitism and a racist
OK cuck
Jew source...not reliable nor trustworthy

One thing all Democrats have in common - they’re all racists.
I'm not a demonrat nor a republicunt
How did I know you couldn’t list a finite list of sensible gun laws?
How did I know you can't name a single proposal to confiscate guns.

145 CEOs Call On Senate To Pass 'Common-sense, Bipartisan' Gun Laws
145 CEOs Call On Senate To Pass 'Common-sense, Bipartisan' Gun Laws

Commonsense Solutions Toolkits
Commonsense Solutions Toolkits | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Three common-sense gun policies that would save lives

The most promising option is a national permit-to-purchase, or PTP, policy requiring people to obtain a permit, contingent on passing a background check, before buying a firearm. In their recent review of dozens of scientific studies analyzing gun laws, Daniel W. Webster of Johns Hopkins University and Garen J. Wintemute of the University of California at Davis, concluded: “The type of firearm policy most consistently associated with curtailing the diversion of guns to criminals and for which some evidence indicates protective effects against gun violence is PTP for handguns.”

In Missouri, the 2007 repeal of a PTP law was associated with a 14 percent increase in the murder rate and an increase of 16 percent in the firearm-related suicide rate. Studies that examined Connecticut’s 1995 PTP law found that it was associated with a 40 percent reduction in the state’s firearm homicide rate and a 15 percent reduction in firearm suicides. Further, no “substitution effect” was observed in either Missouri or Connecticut, meaning criminals didn’t switch to other weapons when they failed to obtain firearms.

Additionally, a number of states have passed laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of perpetrators of domestic violence. Some states bar firearms from those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence; others restrict people with domestic-violence restraining orders. A 2006 study by Duke University’s Elizabeth Richardson Vigdor and James A. Mercy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at data from 1982 through 2002 covering 46 states and found that policies that prohibited people with a domestic-violence restraining order from owning a gun are associated with a 7 percent reduction in intimate-partner homicides. Another study, by Webster and Michigan State’s April M. Zeoli, analyzed a similar set of policies but used more fine-grain city-level data and a more robust set of controls. It concluded that such policies were associated with a 19 percent reduction in intimate-partner homicides.

National permit to purchase....

Criminals ignore it, use straw buyers....mass shooters get the permit do mass shootings...

That Missouri study was a lie....

Comment on Webster Et Al. (2014) Study of the Impact of the Repeal of Missouri's Handgun Permit Law on Homicide by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

Daniel Webster and his colleagues (2014) tried to estimate the effect of Missouri (MO) repealing its handgun permit-to-purchase (PTP) law in 2007, using an unsuitable research design, misspecified statistical models, and a biased sample of states. They also examined simple trends in homicide rates in MO and in comparison states. They concluded that the repeal caused an immediate (and astounding) increase of 25% in the firearm homicide rate. They attributed this result at least partially to increased “illegal gun diversion” (a term they never defined). Their results cannot be relied upon to indicate whether the repeal actually caused any homicide increase, or increased movement of guns into criminals’ possession. This comment explains why.

=============Does Gun Control Work? Part III | The American Conservative

Enter Lott. In his book, he does spend some time going over the Missouri and Connecticut cases. (His assessment of Connecticut is the same as mine, but he reads the Missouri trends much differently than I do.) But far more importantly, he notes that numerous other states have enacted various background-check laws too, and he conducts analyses on all of the states at once, using data that run from 2000 to the most recent (2013 to 2015, depending on the variable). This approach avoids cherry-picking, and he helpfully provides these laws’ enactment dates in an appendix for anyone who would like to explore the data themselves.

As Lott notes, he actually studied the effects of background-check laws on the murder rate years ago, finding no significant impact. In his new book, he looks at a variety of other outcomes, including suicide rates, killings of women, and mass shootings, again finding no effect. His models control for things like guns coming in from other states (which liberals say undermine state-level background-check laws), demographics, and divorce rates. He also runs separate analyses for background checks on “at least some private transfers” vs. “universal background checks.”

This isn’t the final answer on this question. There’s always a different way to perform these kinds of studies, often leading to different results. (I would have liked to see earlier data included, for example, because most of the states with these laws enacted them before 2000.) But this is a good step toward building a real literature about the effects of state background-check laws, one where researchers refrain from cherry-picking states that fit—or can be made to fit—their preferred narrative. This is especially important because several states have enacted these laws just in the past few years, and a steady flow of new data can enhance our understanding if analyzed properly.

Gun violence and negativity bias in the Information Age

One way around the negativity bias is to remember that, as the saying goes, the plural of anecdote isn’t data. Fluctuations in data are also not automatically a trend. An illustration of this is the claim made about homicide rates in Missouri after repeal in 2007 of the requirement to have a license to purchase when buying a handgun. The murder rate in that state has moved about between 8.1 and 5.0 per hundred thousand over the last twenty years, but coming for the most part at a rate between six and seven. Incautious reporting took a temporary rise from 2007 to 2008 as evidence that loosening gun laws is a bad thing to do, but the average of homicide rates from 2008 to 2014 is the same as that of the years 1996 to 2007, reminding us that we have to look at lots of data over time to reach supportable conclusions.
How did I know you couldn’t list a finite list of sensible gun laws?
How did I know you can't name a single proposal to confiscate guns.

145 CEOs Call On Senate To Pass 'Common-sense, Bipartisan' Gun Laws
145 CEOs Call On Senate To Pass 'Common-sense, Bipartisan' Gun Laws

Commonsense Solutions Toolkits
Commonsense Solutions Toolkits | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

Three common-sense gun policies that would save lives

The most promising option is a national permit-to-purchase, or PTP, policy requiring people to obtain a permit, contingent on passing a background check, before buying a firearm. In their recent review of dozens of scientific studies analyzing gun laws, Daniel W. Webster of Johns Hopkins University and Garen J. Wintemute of the University of California at Davis, concluded: “The type of firearm policy most consistently associated with curtailing the diversion of guns to criminals and for which some evidence indicates protective effects against gun violence is PTP for handguns.”

In Missouri, the 2007 repeal of a PTP law was associated with a 14 percent increase in the murder rate and an increase of 16 percent in the firearm-related suicide rate. Studies that examined Connecticut’s 1995 PTP law found that it was associated with a 40 percent reduction in the state’s firearm homicide rate and a 15 percent reduction in firearm suicides. Further, no “substitution effect” was observed in either Missouri or Connecticut, meaning criminals didn’t switch to other weapons when they failed to obtain firearms.

Additionally, a number of states have passed laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of perpetrators of domestic violence. Some states bar firearms from those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence; others restrict people with domestic-violence restraining orders. A 2006 study by Duke University’s Elizabeth Richardson Vigdor and James A. Mercy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at data from 1982 through 2002 covering 46 states and found that policies that prohibited people with a domestic-violence restraining order from owning a gun are associated with a 7 percent reduction in intimate-partner homicides. Another study, by Webster and Michigan State’s April M. Zeoli, analyzed a similar set of policies but used more fine-grain city-level data and a more robust set of controls. It concluded that such policies were associated with a 19 percent reduction in intimate-partner homicides.

Intimate partner Homicides?

It doesn't take a gun to murder a wife.........and we already bar these people from getting guns.....then, they get illegal guns ....and murder their wives anyway....
What was the law violated? Cite exact law.

To the Victors go the spoils. The Vanquished don't make the rules.
The Victor's also have all the guns. So tell me what guns do you have? LOL

You tell me. Do I own a gun or two or three or not? You are just going to take your chances, pinky.
Don't worry snowflake anti-gunners don't have guns

You and your buddies claim I am a anit-gunner. Are you sure I don't have any guns? When you do go for your roundup of all of us, you do at your own risk.
You are anti gun you fail to comprehend what it means.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie

And the fact are that German Jews were also citizens, and claiming that only citizens could own guns is nonsense. Even before Hitler got in power, German interior minister ordered gun registration, and then he ordered those gun registration records be made secure to keep them from falling into the hands of radical elements.

Very next year, Hitler got in power and seized those records, then he stripped Jews of citizenship first, then their assets, including firearms. He also disarmed all his political opponents, regardless of being citizens.

Nazi Firearm Law by Stephen Halbrook
Jew source...not reliable nor trustworthy

Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.
Jews aren't humans, they were/are vermin. As I clearly stated he expanded gun laws for German Citizens. Not for parasites who destroyed the state.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
Actually like a good little Democrat he only took guns from certain citizens more less racist
OK cuck
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

No....he didn't.......he used the gun registration records created in the 1920s and 30s to disarm his enemies and Jews.........he allowed his supporters to have guns.....

You just don't know the history.
Lol. Jews are everyone's enemy as they should be. REGULAR German citizens had their gun rights expanded.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

Lol. Facts don't lie
antisemitism and a racist
OK cuck
If that is the best you can do go elsewhere.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.

The face of the NRA


and here are the folks who would stand up to them

You don't know what the woman is the picture was convicted of? tRump let one of Putin's spies go lightly.
Do enumerated rights also depend on technology? All gun laws are unconstitutional. Every last one of them. We don’t need gun control, we need criminal control.
Are the regulations concerning fully automatic weapons effective where public safety is concerned? Where's your RPG? Your mortar? Your 20mm? The constitution is not a suicide pact.

All gun laws are unconstitutional. All means all.
The courts and the vast majority of Americans look at your statement and slap their foreheads in incredulity.

Funny how the Founding Fathers didn’t...
When can I get my cannons the Founding Fathers allowed citizens to own?
Amazon? Legally, a black powder cannon isn't a gun.
Do enumerated rights also depend on technology? All gun laws are unconstitutional. Every last one of them. We don’t need gun control, we need criminal control.
Are the regulations concerning fully automatic weapons effective where public safety is concerned? Where's your RPG? Your mortar? Your 20mm? The constitution is not a suicide pact.

No, they're not. Bad guys get all the unregistered machineguns they want. Not one has ever had the slightest problem getting one.

Here is a test question for you, Pinky. When was the last time that fully auto weapons were using in a crime in the United States? Be specific. I would accept one or two in the last 40 years but the way you run your fingers, it must be a common place thing.

Look up "record number of machine gun kits seized by CBP"

You stated that ANYONE can get them. Obviously not. Those were the seized kits. They never made it into circulation. If it were as bad as you originally claimed, the Bad Guys would be using them while committing crimes. They aren't. Nice "Hey, look over there". Now, how many crimes have been recorded where full auto weapons have been used in the US in the last 40 years? And don't try and change the subject to cover the fact that your original statement was full of crap.

C'mon daryl, you can't be that stupid. Just like with illegal drugs for every pound we catch, hundreds of pounds get through the barriers. There are THOUSANDS of illegal machineguns out there. Like i said, bad guys have no problem getting them. Shit the Democrat Senator for San Fran was involved in the illegal gun trade!

California Senate’s Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot
California Senate's Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot | HuffPost

California Senator Arrested On Gun Trafficking Charges
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
It's all done incrementally.

Once you reach the common sense laws than the increments pretty well cease. We came to some stark conclusions after 3 major mass killings and wrote laws and worked with the community to make changes to how things are done. It's not just the laws, it's the education of the public at large. Our gun crimes went way down, the mass shooting stopped, and all done without any confiscation at all. Meanwhile, places like Texas seem to have more than their fair share of mass shootings and high gun crimes. So you way of thinking is way flawed. And after the Walmart Shooting where there were a number of armed "Citizens" the shooter was stopped by LAW not by any "Civilian" with a gun. "Civilians" with guns have zero affect on Mass Shootings. In one case the "Civilian" with the gun was killed by the LAW because they couldn't figure out who was the bad guy.

For those of you that think LAW will not respond, just mention that someone has a gun and is firing it when you make that 911 call. No more than 90 seconds later, the whole place is going to be filled with Blue and White cars and cops with wild looks in their eyes. If that isn't the case where you live I suggest you fire all your local representatives and the Police Chiefs and get replacements that will make it that way. If a town, city or neighborhood is failing, it's because the Population is allowing it to fail. And then it doesn't matter what the gun laws are.
You are so full of shit that it is bubbling out your ears.
Are the regulations concerning fully automatic weapons effective where public safety is concerned? Where's your RPG? Your mortar? Your 20mm? The constitution is not a suicide pact.

No, they're not. Bad guys get all the unregistered machineguns they want. Not one has ever had the slightest problem getting one.

Here is a test question for you, Pinky. When was the last time that fully auto weapons were using in a crime in the United States? Be specific. I would accept one or two in the last 40 years but the way you run your fingers, it must be a common place thing.

Look up "record number of machine gun kits seized by CBP"

You stated that ANYONE can get them. Obviously not. Those were the seized kits. They never made it into circulation. If it were as bad as you originally claimed, the Bad Guys would be using them while committing crimes. They aren't. Nice "Hey, look over there". Now, how many crimes have been recorded where full auto weapons have been used in the US in the last 40 years? And don't try and change the subject to cover the fact that your original statement was full of crap.

C'mon daryl, you can't be that stupid. Just like with illegal drugs for every pound we catch, hundreds of pounds get through the barriers. There are THOUSANDS of illegal machineguns out there. Like i said, bad guys have no problem getting them./ Shit the Democrat Senator for San Fran was involved in the illegal gun trade!

California Senate’s Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot
California Senate's Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot | HuffPost

California Senator Arrested On Gun Trafficking Charges
C'mon daryl, you can't be that stupid.
Oh yes he can, look at his choices for DemonCrap Candidate for 2020.

Joe "the Groper" Joe (sleepy)
Bernie "the Commie" Sanders

Both of them are idiots, and it takes idiots to want to vote for them...
What was the law violated? Cite exact law.

To the Victors go the spoils. The Vanquished don't make the rules.
The Victor's also have all the guns. So tell me what guns do you have? LOL

You tell me. Do I own a gun or two or three or not? You are just going to take your chances, pinky.
Don't worry snowflake anti-gunners don't have guns

You and your buddies claim I am a anit-gunner. Are you sure I don't have any guns? When you do go for your roundup of all of us, you do at your own risk.
Do you keep your ammo and guns separate like all good little liberals do? Do you have a trigger on the lock, so you cant accidentally shoot your head off, like the liberal elites tell you to do?
If I ran the nation, everyone who is mentally competent could buy any six round revolver, bolt action rifle, pump action shotgun they want. But nothing else. So that title you slapped on this thread is just good old fashioned fear mongering. Not all guns, but some of them for sure.
And you would ban semi-auto.

If you can rid our military, and every other military anywhere in the world, of all full-autos and semi-autos, then I may consider your position reasonable and not a pretext for ban and confiscation.

Actually it is our business. Thats why you cant have a nuclear weapon as your weapon of choice you dimwitted fool.
That's a bullshit excuse and red harring.

Whole fuck countries can't get nukes. It is a practical impossibility.

But, look at it this way. If you want our government to stop inventing and buying more powerful and destructive weapons, LET CITIZENS HAVE ANYTHING THE MILITARY GETS. You can bet your sweet ass they will be VERY careful about weapons advancement.

Are the regulations concerning fully automatic weapons effective where public safety is concerned? Where's your RPG? Your mortar? Your 20mm? The constitution is not a suicide pact.

No, they're not. Bad guys get all the unregistered machineguns they want. Not one has ever had the slightest problem getting one.

Here is a test question for you, Pinky. When was the last time that fully auto weapons were using in a crime in the United States? Be specific. I would accept one or two in the last 40 years but the way you run your fingers, it must be a common place thing.

Look up "record number of machine gun kits seized by CBP"

You stated that ANYONE can get them. Obviously not. Those were the seized kits. They never made it into circulation. If it were as bad as you originally claimed, the Bad Guys would be using them while committing crimes. They aren't. Nice "Hey, look over there". Now, how many crimes have been recorded where full auto weapons have been used in the US in the last 40 years? And don't try and change the subject to cover the fact that your original statement was full of crap.

C'mon daryl, you can't be that stupid. Just like with illegal drugs for every pound we catch, hundreds of pounds get through the barriers. There are THOUSANDS of illegal machineguns out there. Like i said, bad guys have no problem getting them. Shit the Democrat Senator for San Fran was involved in the illegal gun trade!

California Senate’s Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot
California Senate's Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot | HuffPost

California Senator Arrested On Gun Trafficking Charges

Weapons trafficking isn't getting the full guns into the criminals hands so they can commit crimes with them. Until you can prove that the criminals in the US are using full auto weapons committing crimes then you are just full of crap. And it doesn't matter how bad you do the "Hey, look over there" routine.
To the Victors go the spoils. The Vanquished don't make the rules.
The Victor's also have all the guns. So tell me what guns do you have? LOL

You tell me. Do I own a gun or two or three or not? You are just going to take your chances, pinky.
Don't worry snowflake anti-gunners don't have guns

You and your buddies claim I am a anit-gunner. Are you sure I don't have any guns? When you do go for your roundup of all of us, you do at your own risk.
Do you keep your ammo and guns separate like all good little liberals do? Do you have a trigger on the lock, so you cant accidentally shoot your head off, like the liberal elites tell you to do?

You certainly do hope so when you come to take it from me or send me to one of those interment camps you want to send all those that don't think in the same cookie cutter way you do. But you are welcome to try. The question you keep asking, does he own a gun, is it loaded, is the ammo kept separate, does it have a trigger guard, can be answered.
The Victor's also have all the guns. So tell me what guns do you have? LOL

You tell me. Do I own a gun or two or three or not? You are just going to take your chances, pinky.
Don't worry snowflake anti-gunners don't have guns

You and your buddies claim I am a anit-gunner. Are you sure I don't have any guns? When you do go for your roundup of all of us, you do at your own risk.
Do you keep your ammo and guns separate like all good little liberals do? Do you have a trigger on the lock, so you cant accidentally shoot your head off, like the liberal elites tell you to do?

You certainly do hope so when you come to take it from me or send me to one of those interment camps you want to send all those that don't think in the same cookie cutter way you do. But you are welcome to try. The question you keep asking, does he own a gun, is it loaded, is the ammo kept separate, does it have a trigger guard, can be answered.
Listen up son you can blow smoke up someone else's ass those who are pro gun want nothing to do with "COMMON SENSE" gun control.

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