Gun Control Has Only 1 Motive - Confiscation of All Guns from Law Abiding Citizens

But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
It's all done incrementally.
Yep. Just in my lifetime it went from stay out of our bedrooms to now you’ll be fired from work for saying a convicted pedophile should not be allowed in the girls bathroom.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
It's all done incrementally.

Once you reach the common sense laws than the increments pretty well cease. We came to some stark conclusions after 3 major mass killings and wrote laws and worked with the community to make changes to how things are done. It's not just the laws, it's the education of the public at large. Our gun crimes went way down, the mass shooting stopped, and all done without any confiscation at all. Meanwhile, places like Texas seem to have more than their fair share of mass shootings and high gun crimes. So you way of thinking is way flawed. And after the Walmart Shooting where there were a number of armed "Citizens" the shooter was stopped by LAW not by any "Civilian" with a gun. "Civilians" with guns have zero affect on Mass Shootings. In one case the "Civilian" with the gun was killed by the LAW because they couldn't figure out who was the bad guy.

For those of you that think LAW will not respond, just mention that someone has a gun and is firing it when you make that 911 call. No more than 90 seconds later, the whole place is going to be filled with Blue and White cars and cops with wild looks in their eyes. If that isn't the case where you live I suggest you fire all your local representatives and the Police Chiefs and get replacements that will make it that way. If a town, city or neighborhood is failing, it's because the Population is allowing it to fail. And then it doesn't matter what the gun laws are.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.

But he didn't take any guns from German Citizens in good standings. Outside of certain groups that were IDd as less than human, the German Citizens were NEVER disarmed.
More and more you keep showing your anti-semitic and racist side

I didn't write the History. History and events wrote the history. I just pointed out why the Jews were disarmed. Not that I agreed with it. Please go play your "Gotcha" with someone else.
So if history is now relevant in your mind, can we have our statues back?

It's customary for the statues of the losing side of any war to have to get rid of their statues that keeps the conflict going. Next you are going to want to give Iraq their statues of Saddam back. Those statues should have never been put up in the first place since they were probably put up well after the Civil War ended. Newsflash: The South ain't going to rise again.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
It's all done incrementally.
Yep. Just in my lifetime it went from stay out of our bedrooms to now you’ll be fired from work for saying a convicted pedophile should not be allowed in the girls bathroom.

Your response is right up there with hiring a bunch of monkeys to bang away on keyboards. NO employer is forced to hire Pedos. And if a Pedo is hired and didn't let everyone know (including other workers) that's grounds for immediate termination. You need to fire those damned monkeys or at least get a better quality of bananas for them.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.

But he didn't take any guns from German Citizens in good standings. Outside of certain groups that were IDd as less than human, the German Citizens were NEVER disarmed.
More and more you keep showing your anti-semitic and racist side

I didn't write the History. History and events wrote the history. I just pointed out why the Jews were disarmed. Not that I agreed with it. Please go play your "Gotcha" with someone else.
So if history is now relevant in your mind, can we have our statues back?

It's customary for the statues of the losing side of any war to have to get rid of their statues that keeps the conflict going.
I don't remember reading that in the Constitution. Could you point it out, please?
But he didn't take any guns from German Citizens in good standings. Outside of certain groups that were IDd as less than human, the German Citizens were NEVER disarmed.
More and more you keep showing your anti-semitic and racist side

I didn't write the History. History and events wrote the history. I just pointed out why the Jews were disarmed. Not that I agreed with it. Please go play your "Gotcha" with someone else.
So if history is now relevant in your mind, can we have our statues back?

It's customary for the statues of the losing side of any war to have to get rid of their statues that keeps the conflict going.
I don't remember reading that in the Constitution. Could you point it out, please?

So you support giving the Baths a brand new Saddam Statue paid for by the US because it was illegally torn down? I would quote the Constitution but since you have never read it, you would just claim it's fake news. I really want to see the version of the Constitution that you operate from. But the fact remains, the south ain't gonna' rise again. Get over it.
All gun laws are unconstitutional. All means all.
The courts and the vast majority of Americans look at your statement and slap their foreheads in incredulity.

Funny how the Founding Fathers didn’t...
When can I get my cannons the Founding Fathers allowed citizens to own?

Common Citizens could not afford to own a cannon. It was way outside their pay grade so the Founding Fathers didn't think to include them. Only the Rich owned Cannons and they were used to protect the villages against various nasties. This is why each small town ended up with a cannon in the town square for display and ceremony even today. While some nutcases think the FFs were omnipotent when they wrote the 2nd A they weren't.
Common citizens could barely afford guns then. There were no mass producers of guns. Each gun was handmade. No interchangible parts, no catalogued various makes and models. Weapons for defense of the state were provided by the state.


Contrary to Arming America's claims about probate inventories in seventeenth and eighteenth-century America, there were high numbers of guns, guns were much more common than swords or other edged weapons, women in 1774 owned guns at rates (18%) higher than Bellesiles claimed men did in 1765-1790 (14.7%), and 87-91% of gun-owning estates listed at least one gun that was not old or broken.r


Gun ownership is particularly high compared to other common items.


Guns appear to have been highly desired and an important part of the culture of the day. If guns were merely a luxury or a relatively useless tool, one would not expect to find roughly as many or more guns than chairs, but that is precisely what those of us who count items in probate inventories find. Further, if guns were not useful, one might expect to find most guns listed as old or in poor working condition, but fully 87-91% of gun estates in the three databases we examined at length here listed at least one gun that was not pejoratively described as old or broken.' 3

Thus, everywhere and in every time period from 1636 through 1810, we found high percentages of gun ownership in probate inventories. Approximately 50-79% of itemized male inventories contained guns in all eight databases we discuss here--
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.

No....he didn't.......he used the gun registration records created in the 1920s and 30s to disarm his enemies and Jews.........he allowed his supporters to have guns.....

You just don't know the history.
More and more you keep showing your anti-semitic and racist side

I didn't write the History. History and events wrote the history. I just pointed out why the Jews were disarmed. Not that I agreed with it. Please go play your "Gotcha" with someone else.
So if history is now relevant in your mind, can we have our statues back?

It's customary for the statues of the losing side of any war to have to get rid of their statues that keeps the conflict going.
I don't remember reading that in the Constitution. Could you point it out, please?

So you support giving the Baths a brand new Saddam Statue paid for by the US because it was illegally torn down? I would quote the Constitution but since you have never read it, you would just claim it's fake news. I really want to see the version of the Constitution that you operate from. But the fact remains, the south ain't gonna' rise again. Get over it.
What was the law violated? Cite exact law.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.
Right out of Hitler's playbook
Hitler, Stalin and Mao had that same motive.
Hitler didn't take the guns, he actually EXPANDED the gun laws for German Citizens.
BS. Hitler grabbed all guns from all Jews.
Guess what happened next.

But he didn't take any guns from German Citizens in good standings. Outside of certain groups that were IDd as less than human, the German Citizens were NEVER disarmed.
More and more you keep showing your anti-semitic and racist side

I didn't write the History. History and events wrote the history. I just pointed out why the Jews were disarmed. Not that I agreed with it. Please go play your "Gotcha" with someone else.
Gun control could be debated if there were a finite list someone says are ‘must haves’.

But the jig is up. Everything the Left does is incrementally ride the slippery slope towards tyranny on all of their agendas.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
This is paranoid delusion. Well, it would be, if you actually believed it. But you don't. You're just trolling for attention.
the one argument the left have never addressed, is answering how taking guns from law abiding citizens solves criminal use of guns? Please, open forum here, let's hear your answers.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
This is paranoid delusion. Well, it would be, if you actually believed it. But you don't. You're just trolling for attention.
the one argument the left have never addressed, is answering how taking guns from law abiding citizens solves criminal use of guns? Please, open forum here, let's hear your answers.

answer this then.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
This is paranoid delusion. Well, it would be, if you actually believed it. But you don't. You're just trolling for attention.
Hitler once made this claim
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
This is paranoid delusion. Well, it would be, if you actually believed it. But you don't. You're just trolling for attention.
the one argument the left have never addressed, is answering how taking guns from law abiding citizens solves criminal use of guns? Please, open forum here, let's hear your answers.

answer this then.
You're answering a question that will never be answered.
But Weatherman, we only want sensible gun laws passed!


List the ‘sensible’ gun laws that still need to pass and just ONE Democrat saying once these pass we’ve done all we can do, no more laws about guns will be pushed for.

There isn’t one Leftist. It’s all about riding the slippery slope and making sure felons are on the streets to create more violence to further their agenda of grabbing all guns from law abiding citizens.

Now the end game: Name one tyrannical government in modern history that didn’t grab guns from law abiding citizens.

There isn’t one. They all grabbed the guns first.
This is paranoid delusion. Well, it would be, if you actually believed it. But you don't. You're just trolling for attention.
Hitler once made this claim
he doesn't know who hitler was. no one who knew who he was would ever quote him.

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